Aarmau AU ♡Revive♡ (Sequel of...

By InnocentTragedy

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•Sequel To Aarmau AU (A Stranger)• ♡Completed♡ I watched as the heart meter started beating again. It went fa... More

▪1▪ Revive
▪2▪ The Letter
▪3▪ Mothers Wish
▪4▪ Too Many Dreams
▪5▪ Lilac
▪6▪ Memory
▪7▪ Lies
▪8▪ Abuse
▪9▪ His Dad
▪10▪ Village Surprises
▪11▪ The Plan To Escape
▪12▪ A Surpise Visit
▪13▪ The Truth
▪14▪ Hes Back
▪15▪ Who Do I Love
▪16▪ Does She Love Him
▪18▪ Rings
▪19▪ Feelings
▪20▪ Eyes
▪21▪ To Go Back

▪17▪ Marriage

579 18 42
By InnocentTragedy

There was a knock at the door and I turned around.

"Come in." I sighed.

The door opened and Diana walked in. She was wearing a maids outfit and I smirked. She closed the door behind her. She held a dress in her hands and walked over to the bed. She placed them down and turned to me. She bowed and walked over to the door.

"Em aren't you suspose to help me?" I asked her as she held onto the door handle.

She turned over to look at me and rolled her eyes.

"What do you need?" She asked.

"Oh nothing." I replied.

She rolled her eyes once again and turned towards the door. Opening the door she left. I sighed and walked over to the bed. I picked up the dress and walked over to the washroom. I walked inside and closed the door behind me. I began to strip my clothes off and threw them to the floor. I held out the dress infront of me and began to put it on. I looked in the mirror and spun around. The dress was pretty nice. It was a red dress showing my belly. I began to brush my hair and made sure it was out. I opened up the washroom door and walked out. I still had so much time left. I walked over to the window and looked out again. I ran back to the washroom and grabbed the needle. I walked around the room and looked for rope. I took a rope off the blinds and sat down on the bed. I lifted up my dress a bit and put the needle down on my knee. I tied the rope around it and smirked. Getting off the bed I walked over to the window. I looked back out the window and sighed. Opening up the window I sat down on the ledge. I dangled my legs and looked down.

I could escape now but would I even be able too. Even if I did leave Id probably get caught. Plus who knows if Id even find him. I may know where I was but last time Aaron found me. He may not even find me again. I could get lost and never been seen. Then if Aaron did decide to look for me I wouldn't even be here and they would probably trick him into thinking I was here. I took in a deep breath and heard a knock at the door. I got up off the window and closed it.

"Come in." I replied.

The door opened and I turned around. Ein walked in with a suit and everything. He closed the door behind him and approched me. His face was red and he held me in his arms.

"Your beautiful." He smiled.

I smiled at him and hid my face.

"Thanks.." I mumbled.

He rubbed my head and let go of me. He walked towards the door and turned back to me. He held out a hand for me and I walked over to him. I giggled and took his hand. He held my hand and walked out the door he walked down the hallway and approched a room. He stopped infront of it and opened it slowly. I looked around in awe.

The room was beautiful. There was a candle lit dinner with steak and salad.  The candles were on the table with a red table cloth. He guided me over to a chair and pulled it out. I sat down and he pushed me in. He walked over to the other side of the table and sat down. We began to eat and he looked at me. I felt my face heat up and I looked down at the table.


After a dinner date Ein got up out of his chair. I got up as well and he approched me. Ein got down infront of me on one knee and my eyes went huge. He pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it up.

No way.

"Look I know we only started dating and I know we just got together and Im willing to give you time to think but will you marry me?"

Tears began to fall from my eyes.

"I need time to think." I replied.

He nodded his head and closed the box. He gave me the box and closed my hand.

"When you are ready let me know." He replied.

I nodded my head again and looked back at Ein. He held out his hand and I took it. He left the room and walked me back to mine.

"This shall be your room from now on. If you need me im just down the hall." He said smiling.

He kissed my forehead and walked away. I grabbed his arm and he turned around. I kissed his check and he smirked. He walked out the door and closed it behind him. I walked over to the bed and sat down. I took the needle from under my thigh and untied the rope. I put the needle under my bed and sat back up. I laided down on my bed and felt myself falling asleep.




I quickly jumped up and looked around me.

"Whats going on?" I asked confused.

I looked around me and noticed I wasn't in my bed anymore. I was on a couch in another room. I looked beside me. A girl with white hair stood sitting beside another girl.

"Hyria? Zoey?" I asked confused.

"Whats going on?"

"Aphmau you need to destory that ring. Never put it on!" Hyria yelled.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Ein is dead." Zoey announced.

"Then how is he back?" I growled.

"Aphmau he is only back because of that ring. He proposes to girls and once they put on the ring he sucks the life out of them. He only gets a certian amount of time. But if he were to get you he would get immortality!" Hyria yelled.

"Wake up now!" Zoey screamed.

I looked at them both confused and they disappeared.


I quickly jumped up out of my bed and turned beside me. My eyes went huge. A boy was standing over my bed and held the ring out. I quickly grabbed the needle from under the bed and stabbed them. Stabbing it into them they fell to the ground.

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