(Editing)The Light And The Da...

By Levi_is_da_wae

82.9K 1.8K 576

Hello. My name is Kayana Shiona.I am neither vampire nor human Welcome to my world. Twisted,cruel,disgusting... More

💥Chapter 1 -The Fire💥
Chapter 2 What am I?
Chapter 3 Training and Crowley
Chapter 4 More Crowley
Chapter 5 My demon
Character Info and Wiki and picture
Chapter 6- Mistake
Chapter 7- Bye Crowley. hello Lacus and Rene
Chapter 8- The Virus
Chapter 9 - Yuu and Mika
Vampire Rules + Extra special
Chapter 10 - A suprise for me?
Chapter 11- Crashing Planes.
Chapter 12- Cooking with the Hyakuyas
Truth or dare
Chapter 14 - Ferid's mischief
Chapter 15 - To Germany and Russia and the Tradegy
Chapter 16 - To Germany and Russia and the tragedy Part 2
Chapter 17- To Germany and Russia and The Tragedy
Chapter 18 - To Germany and Russia and The Tragedy part 4
Chapter 19 - Sanguinem
Chapter 20 - Escape
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
Happy Birthday Lacus -Special
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Ferid oneshot
👑Chapter 28~👑
Chapter ?Recap
Hi! A/n

Chapter 13- Ferid Bathory

1.7K 45 17
By Levi_is_da_wae

Kayana pov

I walked throughout the streets of Saguinem with my purple locks flowing in the wind as I did so. My cape flapped behind me as my shoes clicked against the floor.

I made my way towards Ferid's mansion and entered. The day was just like any other. The kids were all gloomy and scrambled away from any vampires near them. The usual.

I looked for him for a while and happened to find him in the dining room.

There sat with a little boy on his lap.

I noticed the boy


I was strolling casually. Going my merry way deep in my thoughts when I encountered a few kids playing ball. Well how intriguing.

'Where'd they find that?' I wondered but dissmissed the thought.

Suddenly as you may have guessed the ball came flying in my direction. Because of my reflexes I detected it so it was an easy catch.

My eyes turned towards the children almost instantly and they cowered at my scowl which I sometimes keep on my face when thinking deeply.
Their eyes widened in fear and they began shaking.
Some children screamed in fear and ran away.
I stared at them blankly but maybe a small fake smile made a way onto my face.

How cute. Their scared expressions are adorable.

They looked even more frightened but all I did was roll the ball to them.

"I believe this is yours." I said softly.

They still seemed a bit unsettled.

"Isn't that Lord Ferid's fiance?" One whispered in total fear and shock.

On the inside I was actually taken aback by this


"T-thank y-you." A little boy with brown eyes and hair stuttered out cutely.

I nodded and patted his hair gently.

I was about to leave when he tugged on my dress.

(My original design)
"Miss Bathory would y-you like t-to play?" He asked.

Miss Bathory!?

"Um. I'm Kayana Shiona not Bathory." I corrected.

He made a small 'o' with his mouth.

"Oh. I'm John." He said.

I nodded.

"Okay. Well then of course we can play." I replied
His eyes lit up.

"Thank you!"

Children are too naive. But sure. I'm no threat.

Few days

"Kayana-chan do you donate blood to Lord Bathory and get those fancy clothes?" A little girl asked excitedly.

I stared at her curiously.

"Donate blood to Ferid?" I asked.

One girl blushed.

"I knew it. She calls him Ferid. Not even Lord Ferid."

I looked at her with a puzzled expression adorning my features

"We're just aquanted. I am a noble you know." I replied. She stared at me with disbelieving eyes.

"A noble?but your eyes!" Another joined in.

"Aha. Well I guess I'm just different." I said .

"Kayana-chan. Isn't Lord Bathory wonderful. He said I have beautiful eyes like no other he's seen." A boy said.

I smiled falsely with slight pity.

The boy has plain brown eyes. Almost every kid has the same colour here.....Even if you try from another angle they just don't stand out...that much

Hm. How dirty of him. Using flattery for them to keep donating blood. Shame on him.

The girl joined in.

"Me too! He said he likes my hair!" She added.

I looked at her now. She is cute . But so are all the other kids. Her hair is also brown like the boy and the other boy and the other girl annddd the other girl.

I forced out another smile.

"That's sweet . Am. Anyway. I must be on my way." I said quikly as I saw Lacus heading this way.

They pouted.

"I'll be back..." I said hugging them.

They smiled.

I gave one last wave and walked off.

Ferid is such a bastard geez. Poor kids. I bet he doesn't even remember their names....

"Kayana-chan!" Lacus called out happily.

I nodded in aknowledgememt and headed towards his direction.

"Lacus!How are you?" I asked . He hugged me.

"I feel so horrible Kayana-chan. But a kiss would make me feel much much better." He teased.
I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. Two can play that game.


He grinned. I placed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Almost on his lips.

"There. Better?" I asked sarcastically

"Mhm...I'd love some blood." He added but I rolled my eyed.

"Shut up Lacus.You on duty?"
He nodded eagerly with a blush painted along his cheeks.

"Lovely. Where's Rene?" I asked.

"Oh. He's leading a patrolling group...without me..." he said pouting.

I patted his head lightly.

"I see. Well then I'll accompany you. " I offered.

He beamed and hugged me again.

"You're the best!"


Flashback end

"Lord Bathory are you okay?" The boy asked innocently, noticing the unusual silence between them. That stupid child, don't you notice signs.

Ferid hummed tossing aside the question with the response

"I am~"

"Well now let's get this done so you can head to your friends~" he sang and grinned..with an evil glint in his eyes. One I know far too well

He literaly means his friends in da grave.....

The boy nodded and smiled at M'lord

He's gonna suck him dry.

He licked his lips hungrily making his fangs more noticable as he opened his moth and neared the boy's neck.
Ferid bit into his neck almost teasingly and the boy cried in pain. And before I could even blink his lifeless body was dropped on the ground without a pity or care.

"Hm? But I didn't even get that much~" Ferid whined disappointedly as he kicked it aside.

I rolled my eyes and now made my presence known to him .

I looked at the body on the floor with a blank expression and sighed.
Ferid just smiled innocently at me.

"Oh here comes my fiance!!"

"Was it really necessary to kill him?" I asked wiping blood off his mouth and allowing him to lick it off my finger.

He shrugged at my question.

"He was delicious. But the poor thing hardly even had any to offer." He replied resting his head on his hand which he propped up on the table after

"Well you still should have at least saved just a little." I argued.

He sighed at me.

"Yeah and do what with it?You're too soft Kayana-chan. His life was worthless anyway. What porpose would he have served?" Ferid asked.

I grew annoyed at him.

"Ferid. Let's not go there." I growled.

In one flash of an eye. I was pinned to the table harshly. Sadistic intentions reflected in his eyes but he doesn't know does he? I am just as bad.

"You growled at me Kayana. How naughty of you~" he chided.

I think he forgets I am stronger than him sometimes.

I flipped the position and almost decapitated him.

"Know your place Ferid. I am stronger than you now. " I warned.

He scoffed

"As if you'd harm me~You love me too much~" he said as if challenging me.

I grew annoyed at him and made a scratch on his left cheek causing blood to ooze out.

"Don't get too cocky bastard. " I started.

He hissed as I bit him harshly.

"Cause love hurts. Literally."

He faked offense but then smiled..

"And how is that so?" He replied.

Now behind him , I wrapped my arms around his neck and shoulder and I harshly pulled his head back.

If only I knew how aroused he was getting. Much to my dismay,this lowlife fabulous shit never knows when to cry .

"You evil bastard. You lied to the poor little kids. And they spoke so highly of you. And to think you actually had a soft spot in that cold non-beating heart of yours." I said joking at the end.

He leaned back a little more and tilted his head up to look at me with his blood-red pupils .His ponytail swayed with the movement and his bangs also exposing his heavenly features. (Because I am a Ferid fangirl even though he is a horrible being)

"Well~I had to make them want to come back~So what better way than to flatter them. Little kids are so naive~" he responded mockingly with a sly smirk crawling its was to his lips

"And I do have a spot in my heart~for you~"

"Tis a shame. I bet you say that to Krul all the time good-for-nothing flirt."

"Me~oh my~ I have been mistaken love~ I'd never cheat on you~"

"Really now?"

"If you want~I can take you to my room and I can show you just how much I love you~And guess what!You don't even need clothes~"

Refraining myself from whacking him upside down
I patted his head and hair instead. After a while. You'd get accustomed to his...teasing and extremely inappropriate jokes. Even though sometimes it's an honest pain to put up with.I just want to ask

"Hey?Do you mind if I ask Sebastian to eat your shitty soul?"-

"Ah ~Ferid. Honestly you are one of the most eccentric vampires I have ever met ." I muttered releasing my tight grip on him making him sigh in relief.

He smiled with a little blush on his pale cheeks.

He then held my hands and dragged them down to about his chest while my chin rested on the top of his head.

"But at least I'm fun right."he joked.

I chuckled slightly.

"You have a very....interesting ...view on the theme of fun." I said blunty.

He laughed.

"Really~ " he answered.

"Yes. " I replied.

This dude kills kids and toys with people for fun..
He's quite different yet. Why can't I hate him?

Anyway. I need to get some info outta him so...

The thing that works on most people.

"So...you're older than me. By a whole lot right?" I started.

He nodded and pulled me to sit on his lap where the boy previously sat.

"Doesn't that make you my senpai?"

Senpai. Are you fucking kiddimg me.He'll catch on. Even the world's biggest moron won't fall for that.

Yes. I am serious and he won't catch on.

He stared intently at me.

"Hm~what's this. My little Kayana-chan wants me to be her senpai~how unusual."

Told yah.

It's not over yet,Kazu

I smiled shyly at him.

"I-it was just a question." I stuttered out faking a blush

He smirked at me.

"No. I feel like you're digging for something." He bluntly said. We both kept curious gazes on each other. Trying my best to not give in.

"I would use the same approach. Great minds think alike . So don't try to fool me." He said giving me a sharp glare a smile that looked too innocent for my liking

"As the 4th progenitor of Japan. I order you . To tell me about the seraph of the End." I finally said with a monotone voice. I'm done with the games now.

Ferid gave me a knowing look.

"Hm~ and what makes you think I know~" he teased.

I sighed.

"Ferid. I know you know. You must know. I'm very sure that you ,as a progenitor will know these important things and also..."

I passed my hand through one of his .

"It's a threat to vampire kind. Sounds fun. Doesn't it?" I said with a silly smile.

He had a semi-shocked expression but I could tell only because his eyes widened slightly. But he smirked instead.

I saw right through him...and even got his character right.

"And you keep getting smarter every day~" he murmered but smiled never the less.

I smiled at him and hugged him.

He pecked my fore-head.

"Come to my room after. We can't discuss this in the open." He said.

I nodded.

"I'll be sleeping over tonight." I informed.


I ruffled his fabulous hair one last time before getting up.

"I'll see you later." I said before leaving.

Mission half accomplished

Ferid's pov

Hm. So she has finally been able to read my thoughts huh. Interesting. Luckily I have to worry not about that because she's forever loyal to me. I wouldn't even mind her knowing my plans.

Moving on~I better have someone remove that body. I wouldn't want it to smell.


Kayana's pov

"Anyway. I'll be borrowing your clothes." I informed entering his enormous room.

As soon as I stepped in. I couldn't help but notice shining gems. So being curious I turned towards it.

"Wow. " I said in awe.

On his wall was a large portrait.

Omg. With him and I.

It was kinda cute....
We were sitting on a bench when I was younger. I was asleep with my head on his lap and he was playing with my hair.

When did he even get this.
And it's framed with diamonds.

This man really is something else. He maybe heartless and merciless. But... how could I hate him. He has me wrapped around his manipulative fingers.

I mean. I recently found out that well.... he had my brother put for ....death because of something about experimentation....

I was really mad and I honestly wanted to kill Ferid when I found out.

But. I couldn't and I didn't know why.

It was as if I couldn't even be bothered.

The damage was already done and crying was the only solution.

It was the worst year I had in Sanguinem. Before the Virus. Then one month and he was said to be in alot of pain so he put him out of his misery.

I went through a depression and Kazu wasn't any help at all...

He is one damned demon.

But anyway.

I have to accept it.

"F-ferid." I mumbled softly.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

I don't know what he is up to but....

I glomped onto him snuggled him like a kitten would.

" Do you like it?" He asked again.

"I do." I replied.

"I'm glad you do." He answered back softly.

Wow. You got this evil,sadistic vampire to show true emotions to you. Incredible.

Kazu. You should not underestimte me

"You're honestly...so. so.unpredictable." I said.

"I don't care what anyone says. As evil as you are Ferid...you're just so a lovely vampire. Thank you. You really don't know. How happy that made me." I added.

He got me

He chuckled.

"To be honest. At first I was going to use you as my bloodbag. But you were so intruiging. No one ever referred to me as a king. Then you did the impossible. You melted a spot in my cold heart. My loyal Kayana-chan. Ah~you are honestly most interesting.~"

I grinned.

"I will pretend you never said thosey5
first few lines. Simply because I live off of your blood." I said.

"Now about the seraph. Let's chat." I said now getting serious.

"Well. You know the way." He said.knuckles is that you. We gotta go to da queen.

I went to sit on his extremely luxurious couch.

he sat next to me.

"Spill." I ordered.

And because I could kill him he didn't oppose...

... (not ready to reveal this convo yet. )

After I got my info he seemed to have still had his smile on his face.

"So the queen is basically a traitor..." I said.
He nodded in clariffication.


He grinned.

"Not to worry my sweet little Kayana. Everything will take place when the time is right. Now. Let's watch you movie. Was it?"

I nodded.

"We humans watched it for entertainment. I happened to find it. One of my favourites actually."

I put it in a player I made. I have a lab for a reason.

And well he had a tv so...

I lay down on the couch next to him. He lay behind me and I wrapped his arms around me playing with his fingers and hair strands that managed to fall off his shoulder due to his hair being out. And we watched Jurassic Park.


"So. How'd you like it?" I asked.

"Imagine having one of those dinosour things. That's be a fun game. Wouldn't it?"

I sighed at him.

"They'd probally gobble you up Ferid~" I teased.

He smirked.

"I bet you'd like that too . Wouldn't you naughty little girl~You want to eat me whole don't yah.~" he purred.

I looked at him in disgust.

"No. I don't."



If anyone else has an obsession with this extremely attractive male. Welcome to the club. My classmates lost faith in me😂I wasn't strong enough to handle him😂😂. Anyways enjoy

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