INNOCENCE (Completed)

By PbxMarieEstelle

34.3K 1.5K 172

For the past 20 years of her life, Evelyn Faye Brookes was a normal girl until the summer when she was going... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note: FREEDOM WALL
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
BOOK 2 Epilogue

Chapter 21

613 36 0
By PbxMarieEstelle

Chapter 21

"I still can't believe you accepted their invitation." my dad grumbled before he took a bite of his toast.

"What was I supposed to do? Decline?" my mom asked, raising her voice.

"Yes. That would've been better."

"I would but it's too late. I already agreed to accept their invitation."

"You could have but you didn't."

"Because I didn't have a choice!"

"You do! You could've chosen to reject their offer."

"Please understand that I did it because we owe the Whitlocks. I couldn't decline Eleanor's request. We have to go."

"Helen, we are not going." my dad firmly stated.

"John, we are going. This is also a big order for the shop. The least we can do is take the privilege." she calmly said, trying to ease my father.

"Am I the only one here that sees the inevitable outcome this will lead to?" he said with an exasperated sigh. "Look, I know that we both don't want this to lead to that. And I am positive that this will end badly if we don't put a stop to it now and avoid the worst scenario that might happen from actually happening. "

"Don't you think I, of all people, know that?" she said, hurt in her voice. "John, I- I know. I know this will be hard but I want to stop running. I am done. It has to stop."

I walked in the kitchen and my parents fell silent. They didn't know I was eavesdropping on their entire conversation and I don't intend for them to find out.

"Good morning." I said, as normal as I possibly could. I went straight towards the fridge to grab the orange juice and took a glass from the rack.

"Good morning." both my parents greeted me in return, acting like they weren't in an argument just then.

"So, why were you two so loud this morning?" I asked, acting like I didn't know what had happened.

"Nothing sprout. It's just that your mother and I have a certain. . . disagreement about something. Don't worry. It's nothing big." my dad stated sounding a bit unsure as he put his arm around my mother's shoulder.

"It's nothing we can't resolve sweetie." my mom added with a forced smile that I could clearly see through.

I nodded my head and settled for their answers. I didn't want to probe further into their discussion. I understood that it was about the Whitlocks' ball invitation but it was like they were talking about something beyond that. It seemed to really bother my dad and emotionally conflict my mom. If it was enough for them to argue over it, then it was a serious problem. I wanted to ask but I think they'll just brush it off and talk about something else that is very unrelated to it.

I was half-way through my toast when they decided to join me at the table. My dad took a sip of his coffee and my mom drank tea before she cleared her throat and caught my attention.

"Eve, since we will be attending the ball," my mom started as my dad gave her a "we're still going to talk about this later glance" from across the table. "You will stop working at the orchard until the ball."

"Why? It has nothing to do with the ball."

"Well, Madam Eleanor insisted, so today will be your last day of work."

I looked at her, frowning, saddened by the thought of not being with Zia, Katie, Aunt Martha and Uncle Francisco. I won't be able to see Daniel either.

"Don't worry sweetie. You'll still be at the orchard for the rest of the days before the ball." my mom hurriedly continued.

Now I was confused.

"Madam Eleanor insisted that you do five paintings that they will display at the ball. So instead of picking fruits, they're paying you to paint what the orchard inspires you to paint." she explained with a genuine smile on her face.

My dad lightens up and smiles at me too. "It's a good opportunity sprout. Best if you take it."

I was baffled. They were fighting about the invitation but they both agree that I take this job.

I've always loved painting. I love how the colors when brushed along a clear canvass brightens up and creates a wonderful, beautiful picture. A single picture can convey a thousand messages- a thousand untold words, actions and emotions that just seem impossible to say, to do or to express. It's magic. At least that's what I've come close to believe.

I haven't been painting for the past year. I have been too busy with schoolwork that I haven't been able to make time for it. It's been so long but I know that it'll be fine.

"Okay. I'll do it." I said smiling. I get to do another thing that I love so it's a win-win situation.

"Great. Madam Eleanor said that they will provide anything that you need and that you can use their art studio to work in." my mom said, contented.

"Okay. I'm gonna head out first." I said as I stood up and excused myself then walked towards the front door.

"Oh, and sweetie, we'll be having the fitting this Saturday in the morning at the manor." my mom added, making my dad groan.

I giggled at his reaction. "Noted mom!"


"Eve, I heard you won't be here tomorrow. Is that true?" Katie asked with a sad look on her face. Katie is like a little sister to me. I don't like seeing her so sad like this.

"No, that's not true. It's just that I won't be picking fruits with you for a while."

Katie started looking like she's about to cry so I put my basket of strawberries down and lightly placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Hey, you'll still be able to see me around. I'll just be inside the manor painting or maybe I'll be walking around here looking for a perfect picture and you." I said, cheering her up.

"Okay." she said, giving me a small smile.

"Don't worry. It's just until before the ball."

"Are you going too, Eve? We get to wear pretty dresses and eat expensive food and dance. It's gonna be amazing! Tell me you're going too." she said, giggling from her excitement.

I giggled with her. "Yes, of course! I wouldn't miss it. Save me a dance, okay?"

"I'll dance with you any day!" she said, grinning happily.

"Save me one too girls!"

We turned around and saw Uncle Francisco with a smile. Katie and I glanced at each other before turning back to him, replying, "Sure!"

"Good. Now, Katie, Martha wants you to go home and help her prepare for lunch."

Katie then ran pass him, headed home.

"And as for you." He turned and pointed at me. "You are joining us whether you like it or not." he added, smiling at me.

I giggled, kidding. "Do I have a choice?"

He chuckled. "See you later. Don't be late!" he reminded.

"I won't!" I hollered as he walked away.

I picked up Katie's and my basket then gave it to our co-worker who was checking a list of the crops harvested and were ready for storage and packaging. Before I left, she called out to me and told me that Zia was looking for me at the manor.

When I passed through the maze as I walked towards the manor, somebody grabbed my hand and pulled me towards another passageway, cornering me against one of its tall bushy walls.

"I thought I told you to stay away from him." he said in a low voice, reprimanding me with discretion.

It was Jonathan. He looked more casual than formal with his jeans and maroon button-up shirt. He was staring at me with those concerned sharp green eyes that remind me of his cat-like stealth.

"Why should I? You never gave me a proper reason to avoid him." I asked, demanding real answers.

"I told you. You don't know my brother like I do. He will end up hurting you, Eve; and I don't want that to happen." he said, frustrated. It was like he was desperately trying to make me understand something I wouldn't comprehend.

"I know enough. And how can you say that about your own brother? He is a good person. How can he possibly hurt me?" I asked, raising my voice. I was so confused.

'Why does he keep telling me to stay away from Daniel? Does he really look like a bad person to Jonathan? Is that the reason why he wants me to stay away from him? What is going on?'

"It's what he can't do to you that you should be concerned about. You'd do yourself a great favor if you don't find out." he answered, darkly. His green eyes look sharper and more intense than before. It made everything seem so. . . vexing.

"What do you mean?"

"What are you two doing here?"

We turned around and saw Daniel standing with a hand in his jean pocket as he looked at us curiously. His voice had a certain tone to it that made him sound as if he's on edge about seeing me and Jonathan together in a closed space. He looked calm and laid back but I could tell from his eyes that he didn't like it one bit.

"Ah! I was just talking to Eve about the ball next week." he lied, smoothly. Jonathan then looked back at me. "You are going, right?"

I glanced at Daniel then looked back at Jonathan who was expecting me to answer.

"Yes, I'm going."

"Good, because I'm looking forward to a dance with you." he said as he plastered a genuine smile on his face.

I smiled back nervously.

We noticed that Daniel slowly walked towards us and cleared his throat.

"Father wants to see you in the study." he said, bluntly implying that he wanted Jonathan to leave.

"I can go after after a few spare minutes. I have something else to discuss with this lovely maiden." Jonathan replied without taking his eyes off me.

"He won't be too happy about that."

"I'm sure he won't mind." Jonathan shrugged.

"He wants to see you," Daniel stated, with a hint of aggressiveness in his voice, his cool demeanor slowly slipping away. "Now."

It was clear that the tension was growing between them. Daniel now looked pissed meanwhile Jonathan was smiling calmly.

I was surprised. Daniel was usually able to handle situations like this with ease, but somehow he'd loose his cool around his brother.

Jonathan finally turned his head and looked at Daniel. His eyes were sharp like before but a bit darker. He smirked at him as he calmly replied, "I see."

Jonathan turned to me and smiled. "I'm very sorry Eve. I'm sure that you understand. I hope that our next conversation will go on without being interrupted."

He slowly kissed my hand and winked at me before he walked away. I blush bright red having caught surprised by his sudden change of attitude. Jonathan wasn't as bold and smug as Daniel. It was like he changed his facade when Daniel arrived. This was a first. He gave Daniel a smug smile as he passed by him. I could feel Daniel silently glare at him as Jonathan walked away towards the manor.

When he was out of sight, Daniel turned to me and sighed with a look of worry and relief on his face instead of anger. "Hi."

"Hi." I meekly greeted back. "What was that all about?"

"I should be asking you that question." he said giving me this look on his face as he smirked.

"I asked you first." I retorted.

"Just don't think about it." he said, dismissing the question.

I just nodded and smiled at him awkwardly. "I-I'm gonna go now. Zia's probably looking for me." I said meekly as I played with my fingers.

"Oh, of course." he replied, rubbing the back of his head before smiling at me.

I begin to walk away when he suddenly called out my name making me turn back to look at him.

"See you this afternoon?" he asked, his face eager and hopeful.

I couldn't help but smile about his constant worry about me. "Yeah."

He smiled back, relieved and watched me as I left.

I couldn't help but keep smiling about Daniel. I can't get him out of my head, especially since that weird dream I had last night. It kept replaying on my mind. His name was Xander but he looked and sounded so much like Daniel.

He called me Olivia.

Why did they keep calling me that?

I look different but I felt the same. It felt like me but in a whole new different time in the universe.

This was very weird.

I can think but my body won't follow anything I wanted to say or do. It was like I was my own conscience but I couldn't hear my inner voice. Does that make sense? Of course it doesn't.

All I can describe about that weird dream was that it felt like I was living someone else's life; experiencing her own memories. But I knew something like that couldn't happen. That's impossible. Besides, if I was living her memories, why would she look like me and why would "Xander" be "Daniel"?

'It's just a dream.' I convinced myself though I knew that something is definitely out of place.


I took the liberty of being early at our meeting place. It was difficult at first but managed not to get lost on the way to the old mansion. I couldn't leave Orion behind so I took him with me. It was a bit tricky because the way there was narrow so I had to pull and guide Orion instead of riding on him.

When we reached the place, I found Daniel sitting by the doorstep of the mansion holding a bottle of wine and two glasses. He looked up and as his eyes met mine, he smiled.

"You made it."

"I did."

"But you're late." he pointed out, smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

"I'm not late. You're just too early." I reasoned out with a smile.

"If you say so." he said in a playful tone of surrender.

"What's with the wine?"

He looked at the bottle then back at me. "I wanted to teach you something which requires this."

"Is it another surprise?"

He gave me a shrug but his mischievous smile only teased me to guess.

"I'm not a fan of surprises." I stated, playfully.

"We know that's not the case when it comes to me." he said, winking at me and smirked at me. His usual cocky and mischievous self was coming out to play.

I only scoffed and turned around to hide my flushed face. I blushed red and decided not to say anything about that statement. I would only give myself away because it was true.

I tied Orion somewhere nearby. And walked back towards Daniel.


I sighed. "Yes."


Hey guys!

Long time no update? Yeah, I know. Sorry about the long delay. I was, as I explained in my A/N, occupied with my first priority which is my studies so I really did hope that you understand my current situation ; and I thank those who understood and still keeps on updating. :)

*whispers*: I love yah! xD


Okay, I'm done with that so I'm gonna give a spoiler about the next chapter. *evil laugh*

I'm just kidding!

But seriously, I'm just gonna give you an idea or clue or "key words" so I don't ruin the rest of the story and so that you gonna keep on reading this story of mine.

Here is what goes down:

Eve and Daniel will hit it off well in the "footwork" department. From that moment on, her dreams at night becomes "visions" which confuses her a lot more.

WHAT will those visions be? Update and Find out!

Also, the next chapter will contain her painting scenes and one MAJOR EVENT will happen(not the ball) but with an unexpected person who will approach our heroine, Eve.

WHO will that person be? Update and Find out!

So, I'm gonna log out. Who knows when my next update will be but I will love you guys if u give me your patience since patience is a... virtue?... so please understand 'coz "Good things come to those who wait." (credits to the person who made that great quote up)

PS. the song playlist is still not up because I'm still listing the good stuff up and it would be faster and it would'nt hurt if you help me out here, you know. I could use some.

And please continue supporting my other story: MASQUERADE.


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