Eddsworld body swap

By LuciferDevilDemon

71.4K 1.5K 1.4K

How would the end have been if Matt bought a magic amulet? And what would have happened if this amulet had th... More

A magic amulet
A different body
The junk shop
The neighbours
Are you serious?!
Come on!
What the...?!
Monster secret
It's hard to hide a secret
We need to talk
This isn't any better
How not to steal the amulet back
This situation is about to...
A lot of meanwhiles...
I just saw this...
Secrets can't be hidden anymore
The last swaps
I got tagged
The end
Body swap comic no. 1
Body swap comic no.2
Body swap comic no. 2 and pictures
Eddsworld body swap pictures (all with Tom)
Sneak peek
Creating an Ask Blog

Making a plan

3.9K 62 79
By LuciferDevilDemon

Edd's Pov:

When Matt and Tom came back to us I was surprised. Tom didn't really get on with Matt so I had no idea how he made him smile again.

Matt walked behind me and looked me over. It felt weird. "Matt...what are you doing...?", I asked nervous.

"I always wondered how I look like from a different perspective.", Matt told us. I felt uncomfortable that he stared at me. I know this was his body but I didn't like this feeling.

"I think I know what caused our body swap.", Tord said and looked at something he had in his hand. It didn't feel right that he was in my body.

All of us went to him. He showed us what he had in his hand: it was the amulet Matt showed us.

"I told you it is a magic amulet!", Matt cheered.

"So Matt's junk is the reason why I am in the commie's body?", Tom wanted to know. "Lame."

"Hey!", Matt shouted. "It isn't junk!" We ignored him. I didn't want another fight especially after we swapped bodies and it seemed like the others felt the same.

"You remember when the light filled the whole room, don't you? I am sure it came out of the amulet.", Tord explained.

"Yes, I saw it coming out of the crystal on the amulet while you two fought and Edd tried to stop you from doing it.", Matt remembered. Tord glared at him.

"Why didn't you mention it before?! You already know the amulet is the reason why you aren't in your body!", Tord yelled. I didn't know why but he hated to be in a different body more than everybody else, even more than Matt did it.

Matt answered sheepishly: "I didn't know that the amulet was the reason why I am in Tim's body-"

"Tom.", Tom corrected.

"-and I wanted to tell you that the amulet glow but you didn't listen to you. After I woke up in this awkward body I forgot to tell you.", Matt mumbled.

"My body is what?!", Tom asked.

"It was clear he couldn't put two and two together. He has the intelligence of a kitchen shelf.", I said and took a cola can which was standing on the table. When I wanted to drink some of it Matt suddenly grabbed it and throw it in the dustbin.

"Matt?! What the hell are you doing?!" I clamoured. Why did he do that? I just wanted to drink cola! He never did anything like that before so I wondered why he did something horrible like this.

"You won't drink any cola in my body! It isn't good for my teeth!", Matt clarified and crossed his arms. I groaned.

"Deal with it, Edd. As long as you are in my body you won't drink it." I couldn't even drink cola! This was enough: I wanted my body back right now no matter what.

I turned away in anger and glowered at Tord. "How can we swap back? I don't want to be in this body forever!"

He sighed. "Well, that is the problem. I don't know how this amulet works so it could be that we are...like this forever."

Matt's Pov:

"NOOOOO!", I shouted. I would be in this body forever? And Edd would have my beautiful face now?

"Maybe we can ask the person who sold it to you if he knows something about it.", Tom proposed. All eyes were focused on him now. "What? This was obvious.", he said.

I smiled happily. "I can show you the shop where I bought it. I can't wait to see my beautiful face in the mirror."

"It's best to leave the amulet here. It caused enough chaos.", Tord suggested. "Who knows what happens when there are people everywhere." I imagined to be in the body of a random person I didn't know. A horrible imagination.

"I don't think that's a good idea.", Tom answered when Tord put the amulet on the kitchen table.

"Do you think it runs away?", Tord asked amused. "Classic stupid Tom!" Tom growled and looked like he wanted to hit Tord. At least neither Tom nor Tord was in my body.

Edd sighed. "Can we go to the shop now? I don't want to be in this body longer than I have to."

"Me neither.", Tom responded. "This body is worse than hell." I could see that Tord wanted to hurt Tom but he pulled himself together. I knew why: He didn't want to hurt his body even if Tom was in it right now.

"We can ask the neighbours if they will help us!", I submitted. I thought that would be a great idea.

"No way!", Edd yelled. "When our house was possessed they didn't help us to fight the ghost!" He looked pretty angry. I hoped he wouldn't do something silly now. This was MY body and if anything happens to my face I would kill him.

"What neighbours?", Tord wanted to know.

"After you left us Eduardo, Mark and Jon moved in the house next to us. You know them. They were in our class in primary school.", Tom explained. He looked bored.

"I remember. Eduardo was the guy who always wanted to be better than Edd, no matter what he had to do.", Tord said slowly. He was silent for a moment.

"I won't ask them for help. They will only laugh at us. This thing is too embarrassing.", Edd responded. I sighed. A little help would have been good but Edd didn't like to ask for help.

When we left the house I had a bad feeling like something bad would happen and I felt like someone spied on us but I kept it myself. I knew they would say that I am stupid and there was nothing if I would tell them so I pushed it to the back of my mind. Maybe I should have told them.

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