What Life Holds

By LifeCreatorsx3

21.8K 1.6K 27.6K

Alice is a girl full of positive energy, who awaits to experience college life and ready to kick down any obs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 53

196 10 332
By LifeCreatorsx3


Additional cast:

Keiynan Lonsdale as Vincent Brown

Valorie Curry as Anna Matthews

Grey Damon as Ashton Sanders

Sophie Turner as Ashley

Vanessa's POV

"Good morning everybody!" I raise my voice as I step in the paper's office. I've missed this place, I haven't been here for almost three weeks.

"Good morning , Vanessa." Vincent greets me. "How are you?"

"Good and so relieved the exams are finally over! Here, take one. I brought cookies!" I open the big box I got from the coffee shop. They had so many christmas inspired cookies in different shapes and flavors I couldn't help but buy a bunch of those.

"Wow, thank you." He takes a Christmas tree-like cookie. "Mmm, that's good, really good." He says as he takes a bite and I giggle.

"How did your exams go?" I ask him with concern. Vincent is a freshman like me and we share a lot of common classes.

"Pretty good I would say. Well, except Introduction in Journalism. That last question came out of nowhere!"

"Yeah. It was a tricky one but Professor Walsh had explained the exact difference during his last lecture."

"Really? Damn it. I missed the last lecture, I was sick." He licks the sugar from his fingers and I give him an encouraging nod to take another cookie.

"Oh, I haven't noticed you weren't at class. I could have sent you my notes. Next time, let me know." I offer smiling.

"Thank you, Vanessa." Vincent tells me before he takes a bite from his second cookie but Anna comes from behind and takes it from his hand.

"Hey! That was brutal." He crosses his arms pouting.

"You should be careful with your cookies, little boy." Anna raises an eyebrow at him. "Mmm, this is delicious, V!"

"There is plenty for everyone. Here." I point inside the box I am holding and both Vincent and Anna go for another cookie as well.

"You are the best, Vanessa" Anna says with closed eyes as she enjoys a Rudolph-like cookie.

"I am glad you like it. Where is Ashton?" I ask after taking a glare in the room.

"Mr Loverboy is at his office. I am sure he will be more than happy to see you." Anna raises an eyebrow at me and Vincent laughs.

"That's enough." I scold them both closing the box with the cookies and head to the end of the hallway. Ashton's door is open and I get in. He is talking on the phone but he smiles at me the second he sees me. He raises his finger in the air to show his phone call won't take long and gestures to me to sit on the sofa. He is wearing a green sweater along with a jean shirt on the inside. It points out perfectly his eyes colour. If my eyes are considered special because they are green, Ashton's eyes are ten times more special. They are captivating and always accompany his smile.

"Sorry for that." He apologizes putting the phone down. "How are you, Vanessa?" Here he is, smiling to me with his eyes as well smiling from his cheeks.

"There is nothing to feel sorry about." I smile back at him. "I am fine and happy to be back."

"I am happy you are back, too." He smirks and I giggle.

"Um, cookie?" I put the box on his office so he can consider properly his options.

"You're bringing the Christmas mood, huh?" He observes the cookies and takes one of a snowman.

"That's my favorite!" I congratulate him for his choice.

"Seems we have the same taste." He takes a bite and I put my hair behind my ear. "So how did your exams go? Tell me all about it. I mean, I know you did well, that's undoubted, but how did you find the whole exams process? It wasn't that bad, right?" He rests his head back on his chair.

"Yeah, you were right once again." He is always right, how does he do that? "It went pretty well, I am really satisfied. I was a bit anxious since I didn't know how it would be, being a freshman and all, but my studying plan proved to be lifesaving. I guess next time I won't be so stressed out."

Ashton asks me about every single class of mine since he had taken them as a freshman too. He is listening to me carefully, giving me his complete attention, asking questions, commenting on the professors and giving me advice. I ask him about his exams as well. He reassures me he did well even if he had to combine studying and being the number one responsible for the paper. He never complains really. If I were in his shoes, I would totally freak out.

"So enough about the exams. Let the bygones be bygones." He raises an eyebrow and I giggle. "You are coming to my place tomorrow night." He says and rests his hands on the desk.

"I..." I pause and blink multiple times. What does he mean by this?

"No negotiations." He points his index finger showing me he won't take no as an answer.

"Um... I have to go to a surprise party for my friend Sophie." I shrug. What was that for though? A proposition or a demand?

"I am sure you can find time for the both of us. Plus, I can't be missing my favorite journalist at the Christmas paper event." He winks at me.

"Oh, we are having an event for Christmas?" Now it makes sense.

"Yes, I think it is a good idea for all of us to gather and do some bonding. Everyone has his own program so we barely see each other." He stares at me giving me the impression that he is not talking about the staff but just for the two of us. No, I don't think so... I must have misunderstood. "Being a member at the paper for the last 2 years, it surprised me in a bad way that the previous editor didn't take any chance at all to bring everyone together." He says in disapproval. "I think this should be paper's number one goal. For us to be united." He speaks so logically and passionately. I can't help but admire his way of thinking. "So my place, 9 o'clock. You can pass by any time after the surprise takes place but you will pass." He gives me a warning look.

"Yes, sure. I wouldn't miss it." I smile at him to reassure him I will make it.

"Great. Do you want me to come and pick you up maybe?" He proposes. He is always so polite and thoughtful.

"No, Alice can give me a ride. Besides, you are going to have guests at home." I point out.

"Nobody I care about more than you." He smirks and I can feel my cheeks burning.

"Knock, knock." Anna says as she actually knocks the door dramatically. "Sorry to interrupt but I brought you the Christmas cards to sign them, boss. We have to send them later."

"Yes, I forgot about that. Thanks, Anna." He takes them from her hands and I stand up.

"I am going to treat the rest of the staff some cookies." I take the box from Aston's desk.

"I am going to need one more." Anna picks a star shaped cookie.

"Ashton?" I point the box at him.

"No, thank you. I am good. I'll see you tomorrow night." He raises his eyebrows waiting for reassurance.

"Yes. Tomorrow night." I nod in confirmation and walk out of his office after taking a quick glare behind me.

Joseph's POV

Exams are finally over! Another semester passed so fast without realizing it. I think I nailed in all classes, so that's a great excuse to celebrate. Plus, my dad won't be able to tell me off and that satisfies me even more. I had my last exam today in the morning, and I am so excited. I went with Matt and Grant at the cafeteria after it, where I ran into Nathan, and we decided to go to Claire's bar, aka 'Checkpoint', to drink a beer and have a proper celebration. Unfortunately, Grant will leave in the evening to go back to his hometown, while Matt said he might pass later with Nina. Later, I received a text from Ashley, who told me she is going to 'Checkpoint' as well, with one friend and she was thrilled, when I told her that I am going too. I guess, I can set her friend up with Nathan, as I will be busy with Ashley. I hope her friend is hot like her. Thankfully, she didn't badger me a lot during the exams period. She texted me a couple of times, but I cut her off, telling her I had to study, but she keeps on coming back. Thank God, she's like a Victoria Secret model and a wildcat in bed. Honestly, I didn't go out a lot these past 2 weeks, because I had one exam after another, and Mr.Roberts' project. The only time I did, was with Alice at the mall and I didn't regret it. I had a great time.

When I arrive outside of 'Checkpoint', I meet Nathan right away.

"Hello dude! What's up?" We fist bump.

"Hey Joseph, man thank God the exams are over! I couldn't take it anymore!" Nathan eyerolls.

"Me too. It was the most tiring exam period I had in my college life. Anyway, it's time to forget about it, and relax in the best way." I wink at him and he chuckles.When we get into the bar,I scan the whole place until I spot Ashley's red hair.

"Dude, look over there. The one with the red hair is Ashley." I point to her direction.

"So the other one is Sky." He scans her from head to toe. "She is better looking in person than in the photos, so I have no objection to make." He smirks playfully, since I showed him her Facebook profile. Well, we couldn't come without knowing if it was worth it. 

The moment Ashley sees me, a huge smile spreads over her face.

"Hey Joss! You made it!" she exclaims and she grabs me for a kiss. After it, I point at Nathan.

"That was a warm welcome!" Nathan raises his eyebrows at us.

"This is my friend Nathan!"

"I am Ashley and this is my friend Sky!"

"Nice to meet you, beautiful. How come I haven't seen you around?" Nathan rests his hand on Sky's shoulder.

"I have no idea, but that was such a shame really!" Sky chortles. He already got her.

"We can make up for all the lost time tonight." He winks at her. "Let me buy you a drink." He nods towards the barman(I guess Claire has a day off) and orders his and Sky's drinks. I order a drink for me and Ashley as well, and when I take them, I return to Ashley, letting Nathan do his thing as I am doing mine.

"Joseph, I've really missed you!" Ashley purrs into my ear. "I hope you can make up for the lost time too." she says seductively, rubbing me high at the thigh and I feel my erection coming to life. This girl wants me to give her a really good fuck. Who am I to disappoint her?

"Of course baby! Get ready to scream and moan a lot during the night." I whisper into her ear and she bites her lip.

"I will never get bored of screaming your name and I will never get enough of you." She continues cooing, as I am checking around the bar. Suddenly, I spot her. Alice has gotten into the bar and she's looking around. For who? When her eyes catch me and Nathan, she smiles mischievously and comes towards us boosting of confidence and sassiness.

"Hello guys!" She greets us with a great smile and I am astonished by her attitude. I wonder why. It's Alice's characteristic after all. She's wearing leather leggings, that point out her curved body perfectly and a white crop top, which doesn't expose a lot, but it's enough to set you on fire. A black jacket and high heeled short boots complete her style. Her hair is straight and her lips in dark red. She's so fucking alluring, sexy and tempting and the only thing she does is just standing there and flashing a smile at me. I totally forgot about Ashley, until the corner of my eye catches her glaring at Alice.

"Hello Alice! How are you?" I greet her with a smile as well. Ashley's glare intensifies. Alice doesn't feel intimidated at all.

"Hey Alice! What's up?" Nathan greets as well, grabbing Sky by the waist.

"Fine guys! I see you're having fun!" Alice grins at both of us, but I know she's being ironic about it.

"Well we did, until you showed up!" Ashley barges in with a rude attitude. "You have a habit of interrupting us!" she says to her obnoxiously and Nathan with Sky look at her astonished. Ashley is being possessive again and it's irritating. Lady, I belong to no girl! Alice is about to open her mouth big time, like in her previous encounter with Ashley, but I decide to chime in no matter how badly I want to see a catfight; though Alice beats Ashley in milliseconds.

"She just came to greet us! Stop being a bitch, Ash!" I tell her bluntly and the whole group freezes in astonishment. She's being rude and she should cut that attitude. Ashley stays speechless.

"Celebrating the end of the exams?" I ask Alice casually, without giving a fuck about Ashley.

"Yup! Finally freedom! I can finally enjoy a decent morning sleep, without having an alarm clock getting on my nerves." 

"I can totally relate to that!" I take a sip from my beer. "How come you're here alone? Where's Vanessa?" I ask, trying to fish who she's looking for.

"I am meeting some friends from class. Vanessa had other plans." She informs me,looking at Nathan with her corner of her eyes. "What's up with the team, Nathan?" she turns her head to him.

"Pretty good. The team has barely lost a game, so we are really satisfied. You're coming to Robin's tomorrow for Sophie's surprise party, right?" He asks and takes a sip from his beer.

"Yes! Joseph helped me pick her present, because truth be told Sophie isn't the easiest person." Alice remarks casually. Well, Sophie's present isn't the only thing I helped her pick. When Ashley hears that I went for shopping with Alice, she gives her another deathly glare. Thankfully, she resists and she keeps it shut.

"She will definitely like it then. Joss is an expert when it comes to Sophie." Nathan lifts his eyebrows at me. "So, is Vanessa coming too or does she have other plans again?" Nathan asks about his special friend. I guess he has set Vanessa as his target, but he's taking his time with her. Of course he does, because Vanessa is not one of the girls we usually point our guns at.

"Of course she's coming. She's Sophie's new bff after all." Alice exclaims. "How is the project going?" She addresses to me intrigued.

"Great! I am getting along with the team and Mr. Roberts was lenient in the examination period. I will continue after the Christmas break!" It was a challenge working there and studying, but I am proud I pulled it off.

"Awesome!Anyway, I am going to my friends now! See you around guys!" Alice beams and leaves.

Nathan turns to Sky right away, not wasting any moment, while I stay gawking at Alice.

"Finally she's gone!" Ashley huffs next to me.

"Ashley, I think I had made this very clear to you. I like you, but I don't do relationships. So stop being possessive." I state sharply, because it looks like it's slipping through her mind.

"I know Joseph... I just... It doesn't seem right any little girl can come and talk to you like that. Who do they think they are?" her snob natures speaks. She's referring to Alice like that? Is she fucking serious? Alice is so much better than her at any level.

"Let me be the judge of that!" I address to her sharply and abruptly.

"Of course you know better... I just lose my mind when I am next to you!" she whispers seductively and starts licking my earlobe, her hand is climbing, while rubbing, higher reaching next to my cock. That's one of the reasons I don't send her away.

Alice's POV

I am greeting my friends, who sit at a large corner table and I start talking with them in order to distract my mind. The moment I saw Joseph and Nathan being their womanizer selves, I didn't know if I should go there to greet them. But then, I saw that bitch from the quiz night and I couldn't hold myself. I activated my sassy queen mode and I approached them in my most confident look. I infuriated that slut and she couldn't hold her rude attitude to herself. She provoked me with her snarky words and I was ready to answer back at her, but Joseph cut in, by calling her bitch (I was internally cheering) and she stayed silent. Take that bitch!

Who could have imagined that the cocky guy from the elevator, with who I was bickering, would now tell his bimbo to shut up. No matter how amazing this feels, seeing Joseph and her make out across the bar it's causing a weird pain in my stomach. I try not to look at them and engage more into the conversation. As I am talking with my friends, I steal glances every now and then from Joseph and Nathan. Nathan is devouring his chick, by touching her thighs and bringing her closer to him, while Joseph is making out with that hag, but he doesn't seem so keen like Nathan. I wonder what does he find in her? She's not that pretty. Well, she has red hair like the fire and a very nice body but her face is not something special. She had to put tons of makeup to look decent. I guess easy sex is like a magnet.

Fuck, I need to stop staring at them! Joseph can do whatever he wants. I continue talking with my friends. What they were talking about? I catch a few words and I get the convo topic. Christmas vacations! Good! Mentioning Christmas brought to mind to get online to see if Ren has texted me anything. He's coming in two days and the anticipation is killing me. I miss him so much! We speak as often as we can, but it's not the same from the computer. When my cell's data is activated, a ring sound echoes. I have one text on Whatsapp. It's Ren and a smile crosses my face.

Hey Alice chan. Check this out!

He sent me link. What is this? I press it and wait for the web page to finish loading. It's about seminars on technological innovation and creativity. I see it's all over the east coast in different dates during the Christmas break.

To Ren: Are you for real? You'll come for vacations and you'll go to a boring seminar? Why you are my best friend again?

From Ren: Because I am the only one who tolerates you. Stop grumping. You will fill your face with wrinkles. It's only for one day in DC. I can't miss this chance. Look at the names! Sugoi!

Ren is effusing saying it's amazing at the end. Well, I can go for shopping this day with my friends from DC. Anyway, this looks really interesting for people who are into this stuff. Joseph was effusing about this at Thanksgiving. It's the only thing after women that makes him truly excited. I should show this to him right away. Sophie has informed me that they live 3 hours driving from here, so he will be able to attend. I stand up enthusiastically without thinking too much about it and go towards his direction. He will be thrilled.

Joseph sits by the bar drinking his beer, while this redhead, whose name is Ashley, is sucking his neck. Gross! You're not a freaking vampire. Anyway, I don't care! Joseph was absorbed and he didn't realize I was there until the last minute.

"Hey again! I found something that I think you-" I start saying with a grin.

"Hey little girl!" Ashley snaps. "What's your deal?"

Excuse me, what? Ok that's it! Alice's famous tolerance is up! It's going down. Nathan and the other girl look confused at us. Joseph is about to chime in again, but I put my hand in front of him, so that he won't interfere.

"First, cut the little girl phrase. Second, I don't have a deal! You have!" I sass to her and she's getting angry.

"You're the one who keeps interrupting us ! What's up, little girl? Do you like my guy?" She raises an eyebrow and I am trying to hold my laughter. Joseph looks confused, but I won't let him barge in.

"Seriously, do you think that's the reason? You're more pathetic than I thought!" I answer back at her without blinking.

"Obviously! He's every girl's type!" she shoots at me.

"I can see that! I thought he was more picky, but here you are to prove me wrong!" I shoot back, without hesitation. Her rage is rising.

"Darling, he is picky! Look at me and then look at you!" she says in a fake sweet voice. "There is no way a guy like him lays his eyes on a girl like you! There is no need to mention him touching you or even kissing you! It's so out of the question!" she snickers cockily and she's officially the most snob bitch that I know. My rage is rising, because I am not going to tolerate being treated like that. I am Alice Reynolds, bitch!

"I see you're very sure about that!" I raise an eyebrow and sarcasm is painted all over my face.

"Dead sure!" she retorts, smirking.

"Watch that, bitch!" I blurt and the rest happens without thinking it.

I grab Joseph and collide my lips to his. I can feel his astonishment, but as I start moving my lips he follows moving his, by parting them more. The kiss is calm at first, but then it becomes more aggressive. Joseph's tongue trails my lips and I grant permission to it. He pulls me closer by the waist and I grab him behind his neck, and my fingers caress his messy hair that I wanted to touch so badly. The kiss deepens, forgetting where I am, feeling amazing between his arms, while his touch is transmitting electric shocks to my bare skin. Joseph becomes more dominant, by twirling his tongue into my mouth and suddenly the kiss becomes an intimate battle of dominance, that I really enjoy. At the end the kiss, becomes more sensational and soft and we finally break away from each other.

We lock our eyes to each other for a second and then I look at the rest.

Ashley is jaw dropped and Nathan covers his mouth with eyes wide open , while the other girl tries to understand what's going on.

"Too bad we didn't bet! You would have lost!" I brag to Ashley with a cocky smile and without giving her one more look I turn my back and leave, like I don't give a damn.

I return to my friend's table to tell them goodnight and take my jacket and I leave the bar.

As I am walking to my car, I try to bring back the whole kiss sensation. It felt incredible. Even better than I had imagined. I touch my lips, in order to persuade myself that it actually happened. I can't believe that I had the guts to do something like that.

Joseph's POV

I am frozen in my spot, without reacting or moving. My brain can't process what just happened. Alice kissed me. So easily. She just grabbed me and kissed me. Then she quipped in her sassiness way and left. I couldn't believe that Alice would pull such a bold move. Not that I minded it. Her lips felt fantastic on mine. She's a great kisser and the way she moves her tongue is incredible. All I wanted to do is keep kissing her, while my hands would travel across her body. Her hands felt so good on my neck, playing with my hair. The only thing that I was thinking was to lay her down on the bar and me climbing on top of her.

"What the actual fuck was that?" I feel someone shaking my shoulder tightly. "Thank God I came tonight otherwise I would have missed it!" I turn to the direction of the voice and the source is Nathan. He witnessed the whole thing.

"Honestly, I don't know!" I answer with an absent expression. I still haven't realised what the fuck just happened. I take a look around and I don't see Ashley or Sky. Only Nathan. "When did the chicks leave?" I didn't even understand that.

"The moment Alice came onto you like a fucking tornado!" He raises his hand up for a high five. "Ashley got crazy and went to the toilet. As for Sky, she followed her. Now, cut the crap! What is going on with you two?"

"Nothing! I don't know what's gotten into her. I mean I have an idea, but I didn't see this reaction coming." I answer to him. Ashley must have really got on her nerves to pull such a bold move, like kissing me. "Well, to be perfectly honest Ashley irritated her at Quiz night..."

"So Ashley is the one you should be thanking for that whole underage show?" Nathan lifts his eyebrows up impressed. "Man, it happened out of nowhere! Alice has balls for sure! You lucky bastard!"

It's undeniable that Alice has balls and yes, I am lucky bastard. I still feel her lips on mine and her tongue inside my mouth. I know a kiss is not a big deal to me, because it just an introduction for the sex that usually follows, but this kiss was something else. It was fire.

"It was one of the best kisses I've ever had. She's a volcano!" I remark, having nothing to hide.

"Of course she is! I thought you were going to toss her on the bar and devour her in front of everyone!" Nathan pats me on the back. "Man, that was unbelievable! And she just did it to piss Ashley off? I am not buying it but I will stay on the fact that this whole scene made my night!"

"Sorry that I didn't fetch popcorn for you." I joke. "What other reason does she have?" I ask, but I wonder as well.

"Maybe she got jealous of you and Ashley? I don't know. Is this the first time it happened?" He looks at me frowning. Alice jealous? That's some food for thought.

"Yes, dude! I don't have any kind of relationship with Alice other than being friends. She had stated pretty clear that she hates my lifestyle, even though she tolerates me as a person." I tell him. I guess that's something that defines my relationship with Alice. Well, there are moments that are beyond friendly, but it's always hot and cold with her.

"And that's how someone sticks her tongue into his friend?" He bursts into laughter. "You're fucking kidding, right? I saw you two dancing cheek to cheek on Halloween so if you have already banged Alice you can tell me, man."

"I wish, but no I haven't! Alice is not that kind of girl. I know where I aim and Alice is definitely not in that category." I exhale. Alice is more than that. So much more. Me on the other hand, I am not for more.

"By the way she kissed you, there's chance she might want to be." Nathan winks at me. "I still can't get the image out of my head, man! Woah, if I knew, I would record it!"

"What the fuck are you saying, man? I told you Alice is not like that. She's so much better than Ashley and Sky combined." I shout at him and he backs off a little. I don't know why I reacted like that now, but what Nathan said hit some kind of hidden nerve.

"Woah. I'm gonna get us another round while you still process this whole thing." He smirks and approaches the end of the bar.

Then I see Ashley and Sky coming back. Ashley is still furious, while Sky doesn't know how to process all this. The moment they are in front of us, Ashley speaks.

"Do you have any good excuse for what just happened?" she demands with a bossy attitude. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"No and even if there was, I don't fucking care to explain to you." I answer indifferently. She's really getting on my nerves. Her eyes widen instantly.

"What? All that because of this little slut?" She speaks and the moment I hear those words my rage takes control of me.

"Don't ever refer to her in that way. She's so much better than you in any level. Even if you tried, you would never reach her, so back off! You're just a brainless bitch and you proved it big time tonight. Don't ever bother calling me again. Did I make myself clear or should I spell it out for you?" I say to Ashley in an apathetic attitude. I couldn't care less.

Ashley stays speechless and frozen with wide eyes, trying to comprehend my new attitude towards her.

Then Nathan comes back with two beers in his hands. He doesn't even try to hide the smirk on his face. He must find this hilarious.

"Seems to me like the party's over." He tells Ashley while he pretends to pout. "I'll give you a call soon, Sky. Tonight wasn't our night. See ya." He raises his glass to them both.

Ashley groans angrily once more and she leaves pissed.

"I'll definitely call you, Nathan." Sky grabs Nathan for a last kiss, before she follows Ashley.

"Sorry that I ruined a promising night!" I turn to Nathan.

"Don't worry about it. I had a blast! Cheers to you 'cause you're the man!" He hands me a beer. "No, wait! You practically did nothing. Cheers to Alice fucking Reynolds!" He clinks my glass.

"Well, cheers to Alice then!" I exclaim as well.

We spend the whole night talking and laughing. Nathan didn't miss any chance to tease me about what happened, but I have to say my mind is still on the moment of the kiss.

A/N: Hey everyone! Did you expect Alice and Joseph to kiss? Don't hesitate to share your reactions with us! xx

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