Stuck Up Meets Crazy. [COMPLE...

By i_am_ifeee

6M 234K 25.4K

"Wait let me get this straight, you want me to get fat?" Cara does not know if she should be offended or thr... More



111K 4.2K 328
By i_am_ifeee

"Prove it," such simple words but as every day passes, it becomes harder for Alexander to decode its meaning. How else is he to prove how much he loves her? He thought ordering his security to never let Liza into his house and company is proving it. The flowers every morning at her doorstep, sleeping in his car just outside her house every day, the daily words of affirmation he texts to her every morning and night before she goes to bed, isn't that proving it?

The fear of the break becoming permanent is running through Xander's thoughts and these fears are slowly eating him up. Usually, he keeps busy when emotionally stressed, but it's different now, he doesn't want to do anything. So he didn't. Today, he didn't send flowers and he also didn't stop by at her place at night. He stayed home and got drunk. 

Cara knew today was different when she didn't receive any flowers but she tried not be worked up about after all she has been told severally by the doctors that she needs to rest. But it's night time and currently, Cara is standing by her window looking out at the empty street which use to host Alexander's car and she can't help but get worked up.

These past weeks his efforts have not gone unnoticed, there are sometimes she that to push her worries aside and feels the warmth of his embrace but she had to remember how she felt every time he fell for Liza's tricks.

What if he got tired? What if she overdid it? Maybe something has happened to him, all these thoughts run through Cara's head as she paces in her room. She pauses when a different thought comes to her head, just as she is about to text him about his whereabouts.

What if this is his plan to make her break and talk to him?

She decides to call Xavier to know if he is okay, so she does.

"Hello," Xavier's voice comes on at the end of the line.

It's not only Xander she misses, she has missed Xavier as well. She hasn't seen him in a while and it makes her sad because he is like a brother her. Usually, they get to see each other every day at the mansion but now it's different.  He can't come over especially with the breakup tension between Xavier and Cassie. She has to be sensitive to her best friend's feelings.

"Hi," Cara says softly, feeling guilty that she is calling him for a favor after not speaking to him for days.

"It's been long," Xavier says.

Cara nods even though he cannot see her.

Screw this! She is just going to come out and ask him.

"Have you seen Xander today?"

"No, I guess he is not outside your window right now, is he?"

"Yeah," Cara mutters. "Are you at home?"

"No, I haven't been at home since morning. I am shooting late this night but I will be home in a few hours. I will send you a text when I find him." Xavier says.

"Thank you so much, Xavier." Cara appreciates.

The two stayed silent for a few seconds, still on the call.

"I miss you," Xavier mutters.

"I miss you too," Cara says with a small smile on her face before hanging up.


"Welcome back, Sir." Jonathan greets Xavier as he walks into the house.

"Where is Alex?" Xavier asks, removing his coat.

"By the pool, He is drunk," Jonathan says, taking Xavier's coat.

"Thanks," Xavier mutters as he walks towards the direction of the backyard. He stops by the glassed door where he can see through. Xander is sitting on the pavement, his legs in the pool, and a bottle of beer in his hand.

Xavier slides the glass door which catches Xander's attention making him turn.

"I have a big ass pool!" Xander yells, gesturing to the pool, "And a Jacuzzi also."

Xavier approaches him, "I can see that," Xavier says amused.

It's not every day you see the Alexander Black drunk.

"Why don't I make use of my big ass pool often?"

Xavier unties his sneakers and begins to remove them. He also removes his socks before moving towards the pool and sitting beside Xander. He slowly puts his legs into the cold water and waits to adjust to the coldness before speaking, "This is ironic. You get drunk and me being the one coming back from work,"

Xander lets out a low laugh. Soon everywhere becomes silent only the sound of the waters as Xander and Xavier slowly move their legs in it.

"If they were still alive, how do you think everything will be like?"

Xavier stays quiet for some seconds trying to think before speaking, "Dad will have retired, of course, the company will still be yours and he will be breathing down your neck even though he has given you the company to run."

Xander chuckles, "I can see that happening." He says picturing it.

"I know for a fact that he will have a problem with my choice of career but he will have supported on the low. As for mum, she will be my number one fan and she will be embarrassing me on social media."

"She sure will,"

"And she will be so happy for you and Cara. Maybe a little too happy, she will frustrate Cara with constant check-ups and pregnancy books."

"Sounds like a dream." Xander smiles.

"But they are not here. Do you know who is? Cara and I are here."

"I don't know man. I think she is finally done with me. I fucked up, I say the wrong things and I do the wrong things." Xander says, emptying his bottle of beer.

"If she is done with you, she won't be calling me to know where you and if you are okay."

Xander's face breaks out into a small smile which he doesn't bother to hide, "She called you?"

Xavier nods, "I think this break was good for you both but it's up to you to ensure it's not permanent."

Xander nods then stops, he raises his eyebrows, "You are right this is weird," referring to their conversation, "I am the smart twin."

"Oh please, I can count the number of times I tricked you when we were kids."

In denial, "You didn't trick me, I just let you have your way." Xander counters.

"Sir, you have a phone call from the office." Jonathan interrupts their banter.

"Thank you but I will handle anything work-related tomorrow," Xander says.

As Jonathan is about to leave, Xander calls him, "Jon, come join us." He invites him.

Jonathan hesitates so Xavier chips in, "Alex is telling me some inaccurate stories about our childhood. Who else other than you is better to set the record straight?"

"Very well, I will join you guys."


"Hey," Xander whispers as soon as he sets his eyes on Cara.

"Hey," She whispers as well, leaning on the door frame.

They both stare at each other in comfortable silence. None wanting to move so as not to break eye contact.

It's as if they are just seeing each other, really seeing each other. Their pains, worries, insecurities, and fear. One trying to understand the other.

"Can I come in?" Xander finally asks.

Cara nods as she opens the door wide before walking to the sitting room waiting for him to join her. Seconds after shutting the door behind him, he joins her.

He takes a seat on the white chair across hers. "I want to talk, not fight. I just want to talk."

"Me too," Cara mutters.

"Okay,". Xander says.

The room falls in silent, one waiting for the other to speak.

"I apologize for lying and not telling you about my intentions to check up on Liza." Xander starts off. "I shouldn't have even visited her at all and I am sorry."

Cara nods, processing his words. She never knew how much she needs to hear these words until now.

She tucks her curly hair behind her ears as she looks at him. "Let's not forget that we had a fight one moment and the next you were out drinking with her, doing and saying God knows what."

Xander raises his eyebrows up in confusion, "That didn't happen and if she said it did, she lied like she always does. Immediately I saw her, I left the bar. I want to go to give you another reason to be mad."

Cara looks at him skeptically. Well, if there's one thing she is sure of is that Liza is a liar.

"You got to believe me," Xander mutters.

She nods. "I don't care how this sounds but I fucking hate that bitch. And I don't want her anywhere near us." Cara spits.

"It's understandable and I assure you she won't be apart of our lives anymore."

"That's easier said than done." Cara sighs. "I am also sorry for leaving the house without giving you a chance to explain yourself. I guess just-" She pauses, "Hurt you."

"We got to stop doing that," He says as he sits at the edge of the couch. "Doing things and say saying things to hurt each other because we are mad."

She nods, "Yeah, it just worsens it."

The room falls silent for a while again before Xander speaks, "Anything else?"

Cara shakes her head, "Nothing, I guess."

"I miss you," Xander says painfully as their eyes lock.

"Me too," She mutters.


It feels like high school again, the butterflies in her stomach (No, it's not the twins), the constant checking of her phone waiting for a text back. This week has been going great for Cara and Xander, it's like they just started dating again and the fact they are not living together is a plus.

Xander suggested they start over which is funny since she is about to give birth to his babies in a month but Cara agreed. They have been going on dates, he comes to pick her up a gentleman and they will just talk for hours about their childhood, dead pets, high school among other things.

Today they had a date and they are just getting back from it.

Xander holds the car door open for her and stretches his hands forth for her to take it as she gets down.

"Oh thank you, kind Sir." Cara fakes a British accent.

Xander rolls his eyes as they both walk slowly to her house, holding hands.

"This is nice," Cara comments as they stop in front of her door.

"Do you know what will be nicer?"Xander takes her second hand in his, "When you move in, I have a pool if you didn't know."

Cara fakes surprise, "That's news to me." She chuckles, "I don't know, we have just been on 3 dates and you want us to move in together?" She raises her eyebrows.

Playing along, "Well, I feel like I have known you forever." He mutters.

"My baby daddy won't like the idea of me moving into a man's house."

"Who cares about him? He is an asshole."

Cara laughs softly, "Nah, he is alright." "I will come and check the nursery tomorrow if I like it-"

"You will like it. Jonathan will be happy to see you."

"And to think that the old man hated me when I first came. I grow on people."

Xander smiles as he moves as close as the baby bump will allow him. He brings her chin up with two fingers, putting his head down before closing the space between them.

Cara smiles against his lips before they start moving their lips. The kiss was slow, passionate, and short.

"Good night," She mutters against his lips.

"Good night." He whispers before he withdraws. "I will pick you up tomorrow."

"See you then," She mutters as their hands slip away from each other.


Alexander is to pick her up at 3 since she is bored and the only one at home, she was ready by 2. She has been thinking about his offer about moving back in and she going to say yes. People are always around at the mansion, so the chances of her being alone when she goes into labor is slim. Plus she misses the place.

The doorbell rings guess Xander is here early. Cara slowly stands up from the couch and hurriedly walks to the door. She twists the doorknob and opens the door. The opened door reveals the last person she will want to see,


"What are you-?" Cara stops mid-sentence realizing she doesn't care why she is here. Cara attempts to slam the door on Liza's face when Liza pushes the door back harder than she intended. The door hits Cara's bump and the instant pain causes her to lose balance and fall on the marble floor.

"Ahhh," Cara cries out as she can feel something pushing on her uterus.

Recently she has been having minor pains but her doctor says it's normal. This is the worst.

Mortified, "O my God, I am so sorry." Liza says with her hands on her mouth. "Are you going into labor?"

"No!" Cara snaps as she clenches her fists. She is not due until another month.

Cara tries standing up but it makes it worse, she needs to get her phone to call Xander or an Ambulance.

"What are you still doing looking at me, call for help!" Cara yells in pain.

Liza still stands there frozen. Initially, Liza came to apologize for the drama she has caused and express her intentions to move on but at the moment, she can't help but entertain the thought that this can work in her favor.

If Cara loses the twins, Xander can be broken again and she can help him up as she did in the past.

Maybe this is a sign.

She can walk away and let things play out itself.

With tears welling up in Cara's eyes, "What are you doing?" She whimpers.


One more chapter before the epilogue. Who's ready?

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