Expressing Thoughts-J.D

By boritobabe

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This is the sequel to Repressing Thoughts so I would read that one first! Sage and Josh have just reconciled... More



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By boritobabe

When I managed to pull my eyes open, the intensity of the pain in my body spiked. I let out a deep breath before moving everything slightly to make sure I still had all my limbs. I felt something sweaty against my hand so I inched my head to the side slightly to see Josh asleep in the chair clutching my hand like there was no tomorrow. I watched him for a while, taking in the moment before squeezing his hand. His eyes fluttered open, he looked tired which made me feel bad.

"Josh" I mumbled but it hurt to speak a lot. His eyes widened and he rested his head against the bed before letting out a deep sigh.

"Sage, thank god" he clenched my hand tightly, it hurt pretty bad but it looked as though he was having a moment so I let him be. He looked up at me again, I saw so much love in his eyes. I should get in accidents more often. Then it hit me, I was in a car accident in an uber.

"Is the driver okay?" I asked, something played on my mind that I might of been the last person he saw. Josh let out a small laugh as if it were ludicrous I was asking that.

"We can find out" he looked as if he wanted to get up but something was holding him back. "Does it hurt? Are you okay?" His voice was soaked in pain, my boy was back.

"I'm a bit achey but I'm okay." I lifted up my arms towards him slightly. He got up so fast from his chair, it flew backwards. I shuffled as much as i could without crying out in pain so Josh could lay next to me. He put his arm around me and I cuddled into him.  "How long was I out for?" I rested my pounding head on his shoulder and tried not to let on that I was in excruciating pain.

"About a day. But, you're here now. You're okay and that's all that matters" he kissed my head which made me wince. I let out a small moan, he turned his head to me in worry. I didn't care how much pain I was in, I wanted him next to me. "Am I hurting you?" He asked.

"No, no, stay, please" I placed shaking hand on his chest but he shuffled away from me.

"I'm going to tell the nurse that you're awake" he looked so nervous and scared which made me nervous and scared. I nodded while he backed away, he looked at me as if I were about to break at any minute. He backed into the door and exited the room quickly.

I laid in the uncomfortable bed, waiting for Josh to come back. I reached under the blanket and pushed it up to see if I had anything visible. I pulled up the dress to reveal a giant purple bruise across my stomach and chest. I choked in shock, tears welled up in my eyes.
No wonder I hurt all over, there was hardly any unbruised skin on me at all.

I pulled the sheet back down as the door unlocked, that's when I noticed all the bruises on my arms. I ran my fingers over them, tracing the edges.

"How are you feeling Sage?" The nurse asked, she was so young it shocked me. I looked at Josh who was watching me before turning back to her.

"It hurts...a lot" I confessed, I watched Josh's face drop as he took a seat again. The nurse flicked her eyes from mine to Josh's quickly before picking up her clipboard.

"You've got a lot of bruising but they should heal like normal bruises. Unfortunately you did break a few ribs, there is nothing we can do about that. They will heal like bruises but you need to be very careful and not move too quickly until they are fully healed"

"How will I know when they are fully healed?" I asked, she hung her clipboard on the end of the bed and smiled towards me.

"You will have to go to weekly check ups. I understand that you live in LA, we can send your files over to your local hospital" she looked happy that I was in pain but i guess she was trained to be that way.

"When can we leave?" Josh asked, I didn't want to leave yet. I wasn't strong enough.

"I will go and check in a minute with the doctor" she replied before walking up to the machine that was attached to me.

"I should call Brendon" Josh muttered as he stood up. My eyes widened, I couldn't believe he told Brendon. He's never going to let me live this down.

"You told Brendon?" I burst, Josh looked embarrassed in front of the pretty nurse.

"Actually, we called him first." She answered, I didn't look at her but raised my eyebrows at Josh.

"He's worried, I have to settle him and tell him you're alright" Josh pulled out his phone and exited the room.

"You have a good one there" the nurse was scribbling down things as she spoke.

"I do." I agreed, straightening my sheets. She pressed buttons on the machine before smiling down at me.

"I can imagine how many people would love to be in your position right now" her eyes were covered in mischief, she was a fan.

"You a big fan?" I glared up at her, she broke the glare by walking towards the door.

"I will go and check when you can leave" she said clearly as she walked out.

Not long after, Josh walked back in. He smiled at me as he sat down next to me again. He clutched my hand as I smiled back at him.

"Brendon is okay. He just wanted to know if you were going to die" he tried to joke, I really needed to laugh so I went along with it.

"I will eventually" I grinned, he snorted while he shook his head.

"Sage" he moaned but I knew that he was glad I was making jokes. I let out a loud giggle before shuffling over again and patting my side. "Are you sure?" He asked, I nodded. He slid in next to me and cradled me like a baby like before.

"You've been a dick recently, now you aren't. I should get in car accidents more often" I joked but he didn't laugh. I didn't expect him to but I tried.

"Don't say that Sage" he let out a deep breath and placed his hand on mine. He brought it to his mouth and kissed it softly. "I know I've been a dick. I'm sorry. It's just...there's been a lot going on recently." He gulped. I turned my upper body to him and stroked his cheek.

"You can tell me" my voice was soft, smooth and easy to listen to.

"It's just the album, it's getting tougher" he smiled assuringly down at me. I nodded and pressed my lips against his, he pushed his further against mine. I stroked his cheek as we kissed, his hands hovered above my arms, he was clearly scared to touch me in fear of hurting me. We broke apart when we heard the door open again and the girl walked in. She looked awkward as she took by the door.

"You can go tomorrow if you feel better but you are welcome to stay if you feel you are not strong enough." She smiled before walking out.

"She's a fan of yours" I whispered to Josh, he chuckled.

"I know, why do you think you are getting the best treatment in here" he laughed before kissing me one last time.

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