Moonlight (Twilight/New Moon...

By FloatsWithStars13

693K 10.6K 3K

Bella at 15 runs away from Phoenix because she's had a horrible life and ends up in Forks, Washington. She me... More

Moonlight (Twilight/New Moon Fan Fiction)
Ch. 1 Decisions
Ch. 2 Working
Ch. 3 Plans
Ch. 4 Sick
Ch. 5 Dr. Carlisle Cullen
Ch. 6 First Sight
Ch. 7 Moonlight
Ch. 8 Invitation
Ch. 9 Date
Ch. 10 Arguments
Ch. 11 Friends
Ch. 12 Secret
Ch. 13 The Cullen's
Ch. 14 Can't Touch This
Ch. 15 Gone
Authors Note (please read)
Ch. 16 Discoveries
Ch. 17 Chasing
Ch. 18 Reactions
Ch. 19 Games
Important Notice Please Read!
Ch. 20 Scents
Ch. 21 Twilight
Ch. 22 Surprises
Ch. 24 Going Back
Ch. 25 Helping
Ch. 26 Jealous
Ch. 27 Events Pt.1
Ch. 28 Events Pt.2
Ch. 29 Talk Pt. 1
Ch. 30 Talk Pt.2
Ch. 31 Accident
Ch. 32 Waiting
Ch. 33 Father and Daughter
Ch. 34 Dad
Ch. 35 Opportunities
Ch. 36 Apology
Ch. 37 Insecurities
Ch. 38 The Denali's
Ch. 39 Complications
Ch. 40 Animal
Ch. 41 Epilogue

Ch. 23 Childish

13.5K 193 80
By FloatsWithStars13

Hola everyone! :) So this is the fastest upload i've done in a while! i'm proud of myself! :) haha Anyways i'm updating in celebration of Edward's 111th birthday and the release of the official/full trailer of Breaking Dawn Part 2! ( SO EXCITED!!!! FREAKING OUT!!!!)  haha :D Can't wait to see it! :D :D hahaha!! Um what else? oh yeah! i wanna thank all ofmy new fans! i reach two hundred and something fans! :D i'm so excited never expected that or the fact that i reach over 31 thousand reads! :o u guys rock!! i also want to thank my biggest fan ever: TwilightFan1 She is the sweetest girl ever and has helped me promote my story without even asking her and has been a great support! She is honestly great! That's why i dedicate this chapter to her cause she deserves it! :) anyways! i don't own anything! Stephenie Meyer does! This is EPOV and i hope u enjoy it! :D

Comment/vote please! :D

and hope u enjoys it!

Edward’s POV

“Oh my gosh! I’ve been going on about this without asking you girls how you feel! I mean Vivian made it clear she wanted in, but what about you Bella?” Asked Victoria.

Everyone turned to look at Bella. I was anxious to hear her answer. I hoped she said no. I tried reading her face but she had so many emotions on her face and looked pensive.

What was there so much to think about? Why couldn’t she just say no? She was taking forever deciding or maybe it was just me.

 “Bella the suspense is killing me.” I whispered urgently.

She looked around like she just realized where she was.

She pondered for a little while longer and then took a breath before saying, “Yes I’m in…”

“What?!” I boomed out.

Everyone looked at me in shocked. I really didn’t care. Bella could not do this to me. To us.

“Edward! Stop this right now!” I heard Alice think towards me.

I just glared at her.

“Edward please…”Bella began but I cut her off.

“No Bella! You please! How can you do this? Why can’t you just keep working with Anne?”  I asked angrily towards her.

“Edward, leave Bella alone it’s her choice.” Carlisle thought.

Bullshit! Bella and I were together now she couldn’t make a decision like that without talking to me about it first.

“Edward if that’s Bella’s choice then let her.” Esme pleaded.

“No! Bella and I are together now if she wanted that she could have asked me how I felt! I don’t like the thought of my girlfriend dancing half naked in front of a bunch of horny, pathetic, drunk men!” I yelled.

I felt bad for yelling at my mom, but I just couldn’t deal with that right now I had to try to change Bella’s mind.

“Excuse me?” Bella exclaimed, “So what I’m supposed to ask you for permission now? What are you my dad? I hadn’t had a dad before and I certainly don’t need one now!” Bella spat out.

“Bella calm down!” Anne chided wrapping her arms around Bella.

“No Anne!” she exclaimed pulling away, “Who does he think he is trying to tell me what to do?”

“Bella try seeing it from his point of view what if the roles were reversed and he was a stripper and decided to go back without telling you? Would you like that?” Anne tried explaining her.

Thank you Anne for trying to help me out! It’s true I’m sure Bella wouldn’t like it if I did that. Maybe this will help her see how I feel.
I looked at Bella and saw her pondering what Anne had just told her. She seemed to relax. Maybe we were getting somewhere with this.

“How I hate to see Edward and Bella fight.” Esme thought sadly.

Bella sighed, “I see what you mean. I wouldn’t like that, but that’s not going to change my mind. I’m going back Edward, whether you like it or not. I’m sorry, but I have to. I need the money, I get more money from the club that I do in the restaurant.”

It broke my heart that she seemed not to care how I felt, “Bella if it’s money you need, you know I can give it to you.”

“Edward…” she sighed, “I can’t accept money from you for no reason!”

For no reason? She needed a reason? Hmmm… what reason would be a good reason to give her money? I would have to think about it.

“Bella does there have to be a reason?” I whined.

“Of course! I will feel like a tramp or a good for nothing!” she yelled.

“Ha! She should accept the money since she is already both of those!” Rosalie thought.

How dare she have the nerve to think that? So I growled low and she knew it was directed to her.

My family all looked at me and I said very softly that only they could hear, “Rosalie…”

And they immediately understood that Rosalie was probably saying nonsense.

“Edward, don’t be mad! It’s the truth and you know it!” She insisted.

I was tired of Rosalie’s crap. How did Emmett and everyone else put up with her? She was wrong! Bella was the sweetest, unselfish, and most gorgeous girl I had ever met in my existence.

“Edward, don’t waste your time! Rosalie is just being Rosalie. She doesn’t really mean it. She just says it out of anger! Just let her cool down, she’ll feel bad later. Trust me.” Alice assured me in her thoughts, showing me how Rosalie was going to apologize later.

I gave a slight nod and looked at Bella.

“Oh how I wish Rosalie would accept Bella already! I really want us to be a happy and supportive family, but she isn’t making it happen with her anger.” Esme thought.

I wanted to punch Rosalie right in the face for hurting Esme like this! Does she not consider how her actions affect Esme or the rest of the family? I doubt it she only thinks about herself, but Esme has been a mother to all of us. Rosalie should not be disrespecting her that way!

I was just so angry right now that I felt like going up and punching Rosalie, but I soon felt a wave of calmness. My body slowly relaxed and I knew Jasper was doing this. I nodded in his direction thanking him.

He nodded back and told me in his mind, “You’re welcome. You were ready to burst bro. You were about to do something really stupid and I’m sure Bella and everyone would have been upset with you.”

Now that I was calm, I could think clearly and realized that if I did that I would be as bad as Rosalie for not considering my family’s feelings. I know Esme would be devastated if I hurt Rosalie because although Rosalie deserved it, she wouldn’t want to see her daughter hurt.

I grabbed Bella’s face in between my hands and looked at her straight in the eyes, “Bella! You are not a tramp or anything like that! You are unselfish, sweet and have a beautiful heart! Don’t ever, ever! Think that way! Understood?”

She stared into my eyes trying to see if I was lying, but once she saw none, she gave me a slight nod.

“Good.” I told her happily resting my forehead against hers.

Someone cleared their throat interrupting our moment.

I looked up and saw Carlisle looking at us apologetically, “Sorry, but we need to finish this conversation.”

I sighed and nodded, “You’re right…”

“So Bella you’re in? We are doing this for sure?” Victoria asked Bella again.

Bella sighed and took a deep breath, “Yes, I need to…”

“Bella no you don’t!” I argued.

“Edward! I’m going to tell you this one more time! I’m tired of you trying to tell me what to do! I’m going to go back to the club and you can’t stop me! I am almost an adult! I think I can make my own decision!” She told me agitated.

“Bella! That’s enough!” Scolded Victoria.

Bella just stare at her taken aback, “Excuse me?”

“You heard me young lady! I am not repeating myself!”

“You are not my mother Victoria! I am tired of everyone trying to tell me what to do! I just wish I can be eighteen so I could just do whatever I want and go wherever I want without anybody trying to rule what I do!” Bella yelled before she got up and stormed out the house.

Every sat there in shock.

“Finally! Good riddance of that immature little girl who only thinks of herself!” Rosalie thought in annoyance.

“Rosalie I swear if you keep talking about Bella in that way I will rip your head off!” I yelled in a menacingly voice.

I was tired of her crap! I had put up with it too long and I wasn’t taking it anymore.

“You don’t scare me Edward!” She thought smugly.

I growled at her.

“Son don’t worry, we’ll talk to Rosalie you go after Bella.” Carlisle told me.

I nodded, appreciating him doing this to me. I was about to run after Bella when Victoria came to my side.

“Edward I am so very sorry about this! I feel like it’s my fault for bringing it up and…” She was saying apologetically when I cut her off.

“It’s okay…it’s not your fault. Bella is a big girl; she’s the one that made the decision not you.”

“I know but…I knew how you felt about her working at the club and still tried getting her to go back. I’m so very sorry Edward.” She said sincerely.

“I know you are and I appreciate your apology but it’s not necessary.” I assured her as I kissed her forehead and went after Bella.

I didn’t like her being out by herself in the night. There are a lot of dangerous things out there that could harm her.

“Edward calm down bro, you’re making me anxious.”  Jasper thought trying to calm me.

“Edward don’t worry everything is fine and will be. Just take Bella home and talk to her.” Alice advised me.

I ran outside looking for Bella everywhere in panic. I didn’t have to look for long. I found her sitting under a tree, with her face in her hands and her shoulders shaking. I heard her sniffle and knew she was crying. I couldn’t stand to watch her cry. I slowly approached her and sat down next to her. She tensed when I did that and ignored me.

“Bella? Please talk to me.” I begged her but all she did was keep crying.

“Bella, c’mon I’m tired of arguing with you. I just want us to be in peace. Let’s get you home and in bed so you can rest.” I tried reasoning with her.

And with that she nodded and got up. I got up as well and led her towards my car. I opened her door and she got in silently.

I ran to the driver side and speed off to her house. The whole ride was quiet except for her occasional sniffling and heartbeat.

I tried to think of a good ice breaker, but I knew it wasn’t going to work. I would wait until I got her home and she was relaxed. I thought about what I was going to tell her once we got there. Of course I had to apologize and see where I go from there.

We arrived at her house and I ran to her side to open her door. She was already getting out without me, which made me mad. I had to control myself. If I wanted things to get better with Bella I had to control my anger.

I followed her as she went into her house and up to her room.

“I’m going to take a shower, I’ll be back…” was all she said before she grabbed some stuff and left to the bathroom.

She needed something to calm her down, so I went down the kitchen and looked for something that would help, but I didn’t know what.

I heard my phone ringing and saw that it was Alice.

“What’s up Pixie?” I asked.

“Make some tea for her. Anne told me they have tea bags of Chamomile. It’s not hard just boil some whatever then pour the water in a cup and leave the tea bag there for a little bit until you see that it’s ready. Then put sugar and give it to her. Just make sure it’s not too hot okay? Bye Edward! You’re welcome and good luck!” She said and then hanged up.

I chuckled and shook my head at my sister. She was always helping me out. She was great.

I did exactly what she told me as Bella took a shower. She was taking longer than she usually did; I guess she wasn’t too excited to see me.

I heard Bella getting out of the shower right as I took out the tea bag from the cup. I hear her going into her room and her heart beating a little faster. I wonder what could be wrong. I grabbed the cup of tea and ran upstairs.

“Bella what’s wrong?” I asked in concern looking around her room for anything that could have caused her heart to beat rapidly.

There was nothing, everything looked normal so I walked over to her bedside table and sat down her cup of tea. I walked over to her and grabbed her face and looked into her eyes. She looked hurt and scared.

My poor, hurt, sweet girl. She’s been through too much in her short life. It’s not fair to her, but then again was it said that life was fair?

I let go of her face and grabbed her hand and led her to her bed.

“Here love I made you some chamomile tea to help you calm down.” I said as I handed her, her tea.

“Thanks.” She half smiled.

“Anything for you my love...” I said as I moved a stray hair from her face.

I saw a tint of blush come up and I chuckled.

“You didn’t answer my question you know?” I asked playfully.

She looked at me in confusion.

“I asked you what was wrong, remember?”

She looked at me with comprehension in her expression, “Oh it’s just when I came into the room and didn’t see you…I thought you had left…” She said sheepishly.

“I would never leave you Bella. Ever!” I told her honestly.

“I’m sorry I ever doubted you, it’s just with the way I acted today if I were you I wouldn’t want to hang out with me. I acted like an immature little girl and I was a bitch to all of you. I’m so very sorry Edward. Please forgive me.” She begged me.

It broke my heart to see her like this, “Love there is nothing to forgive. If anyone needs to apologize it’s me because I tried telling you what to do.”

She put her finger on my mouth stopping me, “Edward it’s okay… you are looking out for me and wanting the best for me and I appreciate that! Don’t ever feel bad about that. I know I make you feel like crap because I yell at you and stuff, but I just say it in the heat of the moment, I never truly mean it.” She assured me before leaning in and kissing me gently.

I kissed her back and in that moment I realized what I could do to have Bella accept the money from me and not go back to work.

I pulled back abruptly and looked at her in excitement.

“What’s going on?” she asked curiously.

“Well remember how you said you wouldn’t accept the money because there wasn’t a reason? Well I got an idea right now and it’s great!” I said excitedly.

She smiled at my excited look and seemed to think about it before she answered cautiously “What is it?”

“Marry me Bella…”

OMG!!! :O didn't see that coming right?! haha i feel so evil right now! muahahah!!jk! Sorry for another cliffhanger! What will be Bella's answer? We will find out next time i upload! which will hopefully be soon! :) So what ya think? You probably hated Bella in this chapter for being so mean and childish i know i did haha what did you think about Edward proposing? And what is up with Rosalie? I swear! i wanna punch her in the face haha :) anyways The Breaking Dawn trailer is coming out tomorrow! how many of u are excited to watch it?! i know i am!! :D anyways  hope u enjoyed! oh yeah i couldnt think of a title for this chapter so i might end up changing it. Any suggestions? or do u like it?

comment and tell me what you think! give me ideas or predictions! appreciate it! :D

<3 Angelica!

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