Ch. 30 Talk Pt.2

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Hey guys!!! i know i haven't uploaded in forever! and i'm so sorry! i also feel bad cause i hadn't answered anyones comments but i promise i won't do that again. it's just i hadnt had time. I hope u guys can forgive me lol anyways so like always i want to thank all my new fans! i have reacheed 370 fans! Woah!! and i've reach over 95 thousand reads!! :O :O WOW!! and THANK U SO MUCH because this is all cause all of you guys that u have been able to reach these numbers! u guys rock!! :D Anyways so who has watched Breaking Dawn pt. 2?! Wasn't it AMAZING?!!? lol i absolutely loved it!! i cried at the end! i couldn't believe that it's actually over! :'( Was i the only one who cried? Tell me how u reacted! lol Anyways i'm gonna shut now and let u guys read this chapter u have been waiting for!  Hope u enjoy! this is both Alice's POV and EPOV so a little treat for u guys! :) i do not own the twilight saga stephenie meyer does.i only own my characters and ideas lol

p.s. A lot of u asked me if i'm gonna have Edward and Bella break up, well i guess u guys have to read and see ;) muahahaha!!

Hope u enjoy!! :D

Alice POV

I knew Edward was freaking out as I drove away, I saw it in his expression as I told him I was leaving. I wish he didn’t worry so much. I had already told him everything would be fine, but I guess since my visions are subjected he wasn’t reassured.

As I drove to Bella’s how I tried seeing how Bella was doing. I could see her sitting in bed, looking absently down at her hands with tears in her eyes. It broke my heart to see her like that. I cared deeply for Bella. She had become my best friend in such a short time, but I already considered Bella as my sister since I knew that Bella would always be part of our family, although Edward refused to turn her into a vampire and end her life. He didn’t take in fact that Bella would want this life later on. Right now Bella still had so much to deal with. She had to find herself, mature and stop being a stripper and actually get an education for her to realize that she wanted this life as a vampire.

I looked ahead into the future everyday trying to see if that time would come soon but it still seemed far away.  Her future would scare me at times because her future sometimes would become blurry because of uncertainty or someone else’s and it bothered me not knowing. Also the fact that she was human made it slightly harder for me to see her future.

As I parked outside her house I could hear her sniffling and Vivian and Anne persuading her to eat and trying to get her to talk.

“Bella what happened? Did you and Edward fight?” Asked Vivian worriedly.

“Did what happen with Riley bring back memories?” Anne asked her in a cautious tone.

She didn’t answer but I guess she nodded.

“Oh Bella! I am so sorry that you have had to go through so much in your life. You deserve happiness and to move on from the past but it’s kind of hard when you know they are still alive and could find you.” Anne said in a heartbroken voice.

I’m glad that Bella had these loving sisters that cared for her. As I walked up to the house I wondered what memories they were talking about that put Bella in this state. I would try and find out.

I rang the doorbell to their house and I heard the all freeze upstairs. I knew it was Bella’s heart that started beating rapidly and also her breathing. She thought it was Edward.

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