Safe and Sound

Par mama-lolo

178K 3.7K 4.3K

Alren ageplay story. (Former tittle was My baby) Plus

The beginning
Flight and Flashback
Nala's Adventures
Gifts and accidents.
Her Nena
Biting, BITING
More than one kind of accident
break time
Solving the puzzle doesnt always end in a pretty picture
Talks and Kittens
More talks and the ins and outs in headspace
The days rush bye, sugar for ya heart.
End of break pt1
End of break part2
Lets glue the pieces together
Safe and Sound
Happy 2018

Chapter 17 pt1

7.9K 192 359
Par mama-lolo

Uh, well it been long. Like real long. Like 84 years. Like im an ass and im sorry. I also changed the story tittle bc... well bc I wanted really lol. Ok but seriously, I decided to dived this chapter in half, because one, ive been meaning to finish it forever. Two, Im kinda stuck in writing this story. 

So its a short 3k chapter(I have another 1k written but this seemed a better point to divide the parts). I hope you still love the fic.


Long after Lauren slept, Ally kept to her thoughts. She stayed silent to give both Mani and Lo some rest time, she let her fingers comb Lauren hair, they had half an hour left and she knew she should wake the girl, so she would be more awake when they left the car. She let herself hold her sleeping baby girl a bit more, the paci she had given her after she fell asleep slowly bobbing up and down, her eyes fluttered behind the lids. She was dreaming. She kissed her temple and nuzzled her before beginning to pepper kisses all over her face.


"Wake up nena"

"Hmm noooo"


Lauren did not want to wake up. But once she did she noticed a few things, how she still felt so tired, how she was not nursing anymore (but that ok at least she had her paci), how she only had a couple of hours before she had to be out of headspace, and how cold and uncomfortable and clammy her usually warm and oh so comfy diaper was. A lot of things that made Lauren want to curl into her momma and cry till she was all good again.

"Uh, Ally? Why does Lauren look like she will burst into tears any minute?"

Sure enough there was a tremble to her chin and a frown on her face and Dinah had just time to take a hold of her feet draped over her legs before she kicked.

Ally shushed her and rubbed her back up and down, Lauren was barely awake and ally winced thinking of the next few hours, especially when she didn't seem to be calming down. Her face was settled in a frown and her whining would soon wake Normani up. She adjusted her in her arms and patted her bottom rhythmically, taking notice that she needed a diaper change as soon as possible.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?"

Normani was sleepily looking over her seat at the back of the car.

"I think she is sleepy and uncomfortable and it's making her fussy"

Normani nodded at Ally, as she and Dinah observed Lauren calm down a little but squirm a bit trying to get comfy (And probably back to sleep)

"Why don't you let her at the girls to calm down enough for us to get her inside the hotel?"

Both Normani and Ally turned to Dinah.

"Really Dinah? The 'girls'?"

"Come on Ally, what you want me to call them? Twin wonders?"


"What? I'm pretty sure your chubby chest cheeks would do her wonders."

Ally was looking at her exasperated now. Normani had her eyebrow up and an impressed look on her face.

"Just how many nicknames can you give to her boobs?!"

"Tatas, Titties, Party pillows, The Dream Team, Sweater stretchers, Lunchables, Golden Globes, Hakuna and Matata, Milk makers, B- "

Dinah was interrupted by a small teary giggle. Lauren had stopped struggling and was giggling from behind her paci.

"Ohh your mama bumps are fun uh?"

She pulled Lauren from under ally seatbelt over to her lap earning a glare from ally she obviously ignored. She prevented a grimace from the squish feel the diaper had, it was soaked, kinda surprising Dinah, but then again, Ally did just buy them to try out on Lo, she deduced that big diapers were different depending on brand like their small counterparts. (Dinah was also really glad she was diapered for the nap.).

She pouted when Lauren immediately tried to move back to her momma arms, while ally sent her a triumphant look. Normani rolled her eyes at them and looked outside seeing the heavy transit, guessing they would take a little longer than they thought. She turned back to see Dinah and Ally still making faces and Lauren taking her paci out and trying to make it stick to Nala muzzle with one hand while the other was occupied by her mouth.

"Seriously it could be a good idea, we are stuck in the transit apparently, and it would keep you calmer wouldn't it Lo"

Lauren blushed at the attention being brought to her but shyly nodded, looking from behind her lashes up at Normani then at her momma.

"Do you want me to sit with Mani and give you privacy baby?"

Lauren was almost sleeping when they got in the car but she was well awake now and she did not want to make Lauren uncomfortable nursing.

Lauren stopped for a second before shaking her head. She like having both her mama and her aunties' attention, it made her feel loved and cared for, and besides that they were her family, the only she had now, and she trusted them.

Dinah looked at Normani with a smile the dark skinned girl mirrored. It was progress.

Ally opened her shirt and moved her bra out of the way and her heart warmed as Lauren eagerly latched on. She caressed her forehead, letting her thumb trace the lines as the girl in her arms softly suckled, still a bit shy from the others but definitely soaking in all love around. She knew the girls felt extremely guilt; she did too, from not paying attention to something wrong on Lauren. How angry and sad they got the more they uncovered from the situation and how relieved that they could help her heal from it all. She was distracted by Dinah coming closer and frowning.

"Does she always latch like this?"

"Mostly, except when she is sleeping, then it feels different."

She looked questioningly when Dinah poked Lauren cheek to get her attention.

"Hey cub can you let mama go for just a second?"

She chuckled at the strong "hum" Lauren gave as she tried to get her to unlatch.

"Come on Lo, just a second. Can you open your mouth like this? Yes, can I see your tongue now? Ahhh. Ok now I want you to try again but keep your mouth a bit more open when you go for mama's buddies ok? And your tongue out a bit. It's not like a paci Lo, suckle like you do your bottle of strawberry-banana shake."

"Dinah is that really necessary?"

"Shh Ally I have tons of younger siblings you will thank me"

Ally nodded and waited inhaling sharply when Lauren latched back. Yes definitely closer to the way she nursed while sleeping but more intense. It was more confortable though she had a feeling that her breasts would be sore later. Lauren sighed contently and if Ally had to guess all the positive attention to nursing was working well. And her baby seemed pretty content and a lot less fussy. Once she was used to the rhythm Lauren brought Nala up to rest against Ally so she could look at the stuffie without letting go and then moved the stuffie all over her mama. Ally just smiled and began rubbing her tummy gently in circles. She saw Lauren eyes roam and stop on Dinah and felt her mouth form a smile against her. Ally discreetly used her foot to get Dinah attention back and motioned to the dark haired girl in her arms. Once Lauren saw Dinah looking at her she used Nala to hide her face.

"Where has my cub gone!? I swear I saw her a second ago!"

Lauren giggled around ally's nipple but kept on suckling, apparently she wanted to nurse AND play. She waited a few seconds and then showed her face again, making small 'rawr' sounds that came out as 'awr' (because she obviously was not going to miss the chance to nurse!) making Ally melt on the spot and it reminded her of 16 old Lauren, with a brand new Nala, getting into bed with her saying Dinah and Camila were making breakfast and she was hiding because their food gave her a tummy ache last time and she'd rather wait till Ally was up (And then she made Nala give a small roar in agreement and Ally had pulled her to cuddle because gosh, how could Lauren seem such a badass in front of the cameras and then come into her bed and be this cute?) (Her thoughts gave her a slightly pause cause ok, maybe her nena being her baby was a long, long way coming). She felt Lauren stomach growl and her suckling grow stronger and Ally winced and rolled her eyes. Dinah had to compare her boobs to a strawberry-banana shake.

All in all, Lauren was content, Ally was content, they were almost arriving at the hotel. Crisis adverted.


She jinxed it she was sure.

From the moment she closed their room door behind her, Lauren didn't let go. At all. Her plan was to help Lo from her wet diaper, and into the shower, and into big Lo.

But her baby was clinging and fussy, hungry and really, Ally ended up changing her into a new diaper (She really needed to talk to Lauren later about that) and was now sitting at the table with Lauren on her lap, Dinah was napping and Mani was having lunch at her rehearsal place with her partner, and she decided pasta was a nice lunch for a grumpy Lolo.

"Open up for mama baby. Ahhhh"

It was slow progress, Lauren just was not cooperating. she just seemed to want to stay cuddled to ally, and nap again. Ally sighed when she saw what she got Lauren to eat was going to have to do.

She took the girl to the bed and let her settle against her but she had no intention of letting her sleep, they had a concert later and Lauren had already slept too much, she won't sleep at night if she took anymore naps.

She felt the girl lips on the skin of her shoulder and felt her suckle and relax. She gently stopped her, ally needed to figure what got Lauren in that mood. Lauren glared lightly and pulled Nala from the bed stubbornly and bit on her tail fur.

" k can we talk for a bit; can you tell me what's going on? "

Lauren just turned into her still suckling on Nala tail and Ally sighed deeply. She ran her fingers along the girl face, in a movement that helped her center herself. She had to be patient, something must have happened, because Lauren was really good at keeping up with her responsibilities usually.

She felt and saw Lauren hand sneak to the buttons on her blouse and she changed position, so Lauren was straddling her legs face to face with her.

She held both hands to Lauren face making her look straight at her.

"Lauren, what's wrong? Can you be my brave, big girl? Mama needs her big girl for the concert."

She worriedly saw green eyes tear up and Lauren looked down.

"I'm scared Mama."

She whispered, and Ally almost missed it. Ally furrowed her brow and waited for Lauren eyes to meet hers again.

"Why Lauren? Why are you scared?"

Lauren took a deep breath and bit her lip for a second before answering.

"Its just... What if you change your mind? What if after you see me as a grown me you feel its gross for me to nurse?"

Ally sighed and told herself once more she really needed to learn how to handle all things better because more often than not Lauren was like a confused puppy.

"Lauren hear me out, I wouldn't have begun the nursing routine with you if I wasn't sure ok. I thought about it, a whole lot. And if I ever feel uncomfortable about it I promise to come to you first and we will talk ok."

Lauren nodded and moved to cuddle against her.

"Now, we gotta get ready, we have a meet and great to get to, but you know what? We have a fun night today with the girls and talk before bed ok?"


The adrenaline and the after show high was something that never ceased to amaze them. They were tired and sweaty but with wide smiles and a full heart, and ready for a sleepover night. Mani was leaving for filming next day and would stay a couple of days there, so they piled up on junk food, got into fresh pajamas, got their favorite movies and piled up on the couch. They were watching Anabelle (Lauren choice, Normani was like fine, Ally was very reluctant, and Dinah went along because she wasn't chicken). Lauren was having too much fun, sneakily pulling at Dinah hair now and then making her glare and tell her how not funny it was, until Mani caught Dinah off guard and she gave such a high squeal that had the other rolling in laugh.

All in all, Lauren seemed in much better spirits, and Ally was really glad.

By the time Dinah and Mani dragged themselves to the bed, Ally and Lauren were finishing tidying up.

Ally turned to Lauren and mentioned the couch where Lauren pretty much threw herself on.

Ally sat down beside her and nudged her to sit straight.

"Maaaa, Im tired"

"I know but we have to talk remember?"

Lauren sighed. Yes, they did. And she has been putting it off.

"Ok, Lauren, first of all, we need to talk about little Lo newfound love for diapers"

Ally chuckled because Lauren was very much big, and very much blushing. Lauren blushed even more hearing her and Ally cleared her throat and made a serious face. Lauren looked down with still pink cheeks while Ally waited patiently for her to get her thoughts together.

"I- Its just- Ugh why is this so hard?"

Lauren was asking a rhetoric question, but Ally answered anyways.

"Because we rushed headfirst in it, did things backwards and really didn't talk enough."

Lauren blinked in surprise. Well there was that.

"Ok, well, yeah. Its just comfortable. And safe"

Ally raised her eyebrows at that because ok, maybe she had been waiting for a whole deep reason (And she could probably find one if she thought hard enough, but Lauren seemed pretty genuine for her then). She exhaled because how many changes and fussy days would have gone smoother if Lauren had just said that before.

"Well ok then."



Lauren just stared at Ally as Ally stared at her expectantly still and was she supposed to say something more?

Once she saw Lauren wouldn't elaborate anymore Ally nodded to herself and thought back to her talk with Dinah and yeah ok talk to Lauren, she could do that.

"oh-kay. Sooo what does this means for little Lo? Do you just like the feeling? Do you want to use the bathroom like normal, alone, or do you need me to undo the diaper and put it back on, I mean Id probably do a better job anyways. Or do you think you will use it? Or do you want me to take you to the potty cuz I've heard some littles like that... I'm thinking anyways we can look up better brands and some pretty ones. Also, is it... just... like... pee?"


Lauren had buried her face in her hand in the first ten seconds, groaning and blushing at each word that came from Ally mouth until she decided she just could not be any more embarrassed. Once Ally abruptly stopped speaking she kept the position because she still couldn't look at her. She felt gently hands on hers removing them and cupping her cheeks and tentatively opened her eyes meeting Ally's warm yet serious gaze.

"Im sorry nena. I didn't mean to embarrass you, or overwhelm you."

Lauren nodded and melted on her touch. She knew that. It was just really embarrassing for her.

"Can we, maybe, just take it one day at time, I don't really know yet, I just know it's safe"

Ally hugged her and kissed her head.

"Well then we do that. Why don't we begin looking for better diapers then?"

Just then they saw a grumbling Normani and Dinah come through.

"Dinah can't sleep, she is scared because of the movie."

Lauren snickered and got a glare from Ally.

"Well I'm about to look up some pretty, fun and cool diapers brand and patterns don't you want to join us."

Lauren flushed this time, but Dinah just sat beside her glad for a distraction. They would never ridicule Lauren for her Little things.

Lauren was soon just looking from one to another. Dinah was making case for a brand and talking about absorbance and other stuff (And ok she had like a thousand siblings, so she must know what she is talking about) and keeps pointing to one with animals on it that seemed really nice, and Normani was looking at a princess one and Ally even found one with skulls on it that looked really cool and Lauren felt a little overwhelmed and whole lot thankful. Those girls did love her, a lot and maybe they could help her let go a little more, of her past. They were all the family she needed.

They ended up talking for one more hour before Ally shoed them all to her bed -it was a sleepover after all. And Lauren had been hesitant, its been a while she felt this safe out of headspace, out of her diaper and of her cuddly pajamas, with no night bottle.

But she also saw Ally smile warmly at her, with an understanding look, she could have that if she wanted. But she was ok. She felt safe with them. So, she crawled in and felt like she was in a dog pile. She would probably sweat a lot, but she would sleep well. She felt her Ma pull her closer as she closed her eyes and Lauren was sure that things would look up from then on.


Ok, soooo I hope you are not disappointed, there's still a lot on the fic to be written, on the original plot I planned.

Uhhh I cant think of questions now so I will just say thank you to @Mrsgullible . Also id like to say that  @battlecry7473 and I are too obsessed with wonder woman and well, you will see.

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