Strange meets weird

By asat3683

2.2K 54 12

Best friends Linny and Amy find a mirror that send them to an alternate reality. At first they can't wait to... More

Strange meets weird
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 23

52 1 1
By asat3683

Strange meets weird - chapter 23

On Sunday morning, Linny woke up with a smile on her face. After a shower, she got dressed and sat in front of her laptop. She turned it on, but instead of looking for accounting jobs, she opened a word processor and started typing. 

When she had told people she wanted to write a book, she hadn't actually thought she would do it. However, she suddenly felt she needed to write about her situation. The only person who understood her was Amy, but if she wanted to become a better person, she'd have to learn to be more independent. So, writing a book was the next best thing. She had often thought about the structure of the book, though she never intended to write it. So, when she started typing, she didn't stop until her fingers started hurting. She looked at the clock and noticed it was past lunch time. So she stopped and prepared herself a salad. While she was eating it, she received a text from Amy "can I come to your place? I need to talk to someone". Linny was surprised, Amy usually came without asking for permission. "Sure, come. We'll talk here".

Less than twenty minutes later, Amy was knocking at her door. The minute she saw Linny, she hugged her as if her life depended on it.

- Amy, what happened? Are you OK?

- I messed up.

- What? Come on, sit on the couch, I'll bring you some tea.

- No, don't go. I'll tell you. Last night... Matthew and I kissed.

- Awww! Finally! How adorable! But what's the problem then?

- Didn't you hear me? I kissed Matthew! My band mate, my best friend, well male best friend. You know! Matthew!

- So what? You guys are such a cute couple.

- Couple? No no no. We are not a couple. This can't happen again!

- Why not?

Amy sighed, tears in her eyes.

- I don't want to lose him. What if we don't work out? Our band will be ruined, and most of all, I'd lose his friendship. I can't let that happen.

Linny's eyes opened wide. Amy, fearless Amy, was scared! 

- Oh, Amy! I know you are scared, but you need to take this risk. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you don't.

Linny gave her friend a hug and felt Amy's body shaking. They stayed like that for a moment, until Amy stopped sobbing.

- Amy, wanna stay for a pajama party? We can watch a movie and eat pop corn and pizza.

Amy looked up, like a little girl who was considering her options. Linny smiled.

- What do you say, Amy? How about "Ice Age". The first one.

- I love that movie!

- I know you do.

Amy hugged her friend and whispered "thanks".

- I think the DVD is in that cabinet, why don't you get it, while I make the pop corn.


Three hours later, they had finished eating their pop corn and ordered pizza for diner. While eating, Linny told Amy that she had started writing.

- Linny, that's wonderful! Oh, I know you'll be a splendid author!

- Well, don't get too excited. It's more a therapeutic exercise than anything else.

- Still, I'd like to be the first to read it. Please!

- Of course, Amy! In fact, you'll probably be the only one. 

Linny laughed but Amy just smiled.

- Linny, what do you think I should do about Matthew? I'm scared about tomorrow. It'll be awkward.

- Relax, I'm sure he's nervous too, and maybe at first it'll be weird, but give him a chance. Maybe ask him to keep things separate. You know? While you are working, you behave like band mates and nothing else. The minute you leave the recording studio, you can start talking about dates.

- Mmm. It could work. I wish I were as strong and wise as you...

Linny was shocked. Strong? Wise? Her? Amy wanted to be more like her? Was the world upside down?

- What are you talking about? You're much stronger and smarter than me.

- I'm not stronger, I just have a better poker face. As for smarter, I might be a genius in some areas, but when it comes to dealing with love, you are much wiser than me.

- Then you must be really dumb because I don't know the first thing about romance.

Amy laughed.

- Well then, we're both fools when it comes to love. Agreed?

- Agreed.

The girls laughed and kept eating their pizza.


On Monday, Linny resumed her work on her book. She was more and more enthusiastic about it. From time to time, she received a text from Amy: "Matthew arrived! When he smiled at me, I almost melted!"; "I told him about keeping things separated, he agreed, but we still told Zach and Lenny. It's better they know"; then "Matthew is cooking for me on Friday!" and so on during the entire day. Linny smiled each time and answered with supportive messages.

By Tuesday afternoon, she had completed her first chapter and she was actually proud of it. During her therapy session, she told her psychologist about it and Leana was surprised but also very supportive. She was also very shocked when Linny told her about the bungee jumping. "You are exceeding my expectations Linny". Those words made Linny feel even better. 

When she returned home, she found Amy waiting for her as usual. She told her friend about her therapy and the final words that Leana had said. While she talked, she thought about it again. Maybe soon, she'd be deemed fit to return to her reality, which meant she should stay away from Zach. That was hard. She really liked him and could see herself falling for him, but it wasn't fair to him, or to her. It was a difficult topic, so she change the subject quickly. She asked Amy about her relationship with Matthew and was happy to learn that nothing terrible had happened. They had both decided to take the risk, to give their love a chance. Linny felt some jealousy. Of course she wanted Amy to be happy, but it reminded her about the mess that was her own relationship with Zach.

Instead of thinking about her love life, she buried herself in her book. All the research she had done really paid off. She even used Amy's notes about the science related to alternate dimensions, but focused on the magic aspects. The book was a novel, to most a work of fiction. Only Amy and her would ever know that it was based on a true story. 

Weeks passed like that. Every time Zach called, she told him she was busy with the book. After some time, he finally got the hint and stopped calling her. Linny was sad, even close to being depressed, but she knew it was no good. She needed to be strong. So she kept going to therapy, working on her self-esteem, and writing her novel. 

As the weeks passed, her novel took shape and soon, she had written half of it. She gave that part to Amy for editing. Her friend was more than eager to help. It also gave them an excuse to spend time together without talking about boys. Amy didn't mention Zach anymore, she understood the decision Linny had taken and respected it.


When Zach stopped calling Linny, he turned to Amy for answers.

- Why is this so hard for you to understand? She needs time! I told you I'd let you know when you could try again. Did you listen to me? No! You just took her on a date, got her all confused again and look what happened.

- But why is she so confused? I like her, she likes me, what's the problem?

- The problem is that she still needs to work on herself before starting a relationship with someone else. Have you any idea what a big deal it is that she decided to work on her low self-esteem?! I've been waiting for this ever since I met her!

- And why am I so wrong for her?!

- You are not the issue here.

Amy sighed. She didn't know how to explain this. She didn't even know if it was her place to do it.

- Zach, do you remember how crushed Matthew was when he broke up with Jennifer? Didn't we give him time to heal his wounds? Well, Linny has been hurting ever since her father died. She needs more time.

Zach raised his hands in surrender. 

- Fine! But I won't wait forever!

- I know that, she knows that, but that's a risk she's willing to take, because she knows that she needs to be a strong individual in order for any romantic relationship to succeed. She's putting herself first, for the first time in a long time, and I support her decision.

With that, Amy turned around and left. She knew Zach was hurt, but Linny was her best friend and she had to back her up.


Finally, the new Mandy Ferris album was finished. 

- Linny, please come to the release party!

- Amy, you know Zach will feel awkward with me there.

- But you have to come! Remember "Linny's song" is already a hit and I dedicated that song to you. Please! Pretty please!

Amy begged shamelessly until Linny caved in.

- Fine! But don't leave me alone with Zach. I know you think you're a secret match-maker, but you are not. Don't play Cupid.

Amy put a hand on her chest, looking offended.

- I have no idea why you'd think such a thing about me.

Linny rolled her eyes but let it go.

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