(Editing)The Light And The Da...

By Levi_is_da_wae

83.6K 1.8K 580

Hello. My name is Kayana Shiona.I am neither vampire nor human Welcome to my world. Twisted,cruel,disgusting... More

💥Chapter 1 -The Fire💥
Chapter 2 What am I?
Chapter 3 Training and Crowley
Chapter 4 More Crowley
Character Info and Wiki and picture
Chapter 6- Mistake
Chapter 7- Bye Crowley. hello Lacus and Rene
Chapter 8- The Virus
Chapter 9 - Yuu and Mika
Vampire Rules + Extra special
Chapter 10 - A suprise for me?
Chapter 11- Crashing Planes.
Chapter 12- Cooking with the Hyakuyas
Chapter 13- Ferid Bathory
Truth or dare
Chapter 14 - Ferid's mischief
Chapter 15 - To Germany and Russia and the Tradegy
Chapter 16 - To Germany and Russia and the tragedy Part 2
Chapter 17- To Germany and Russia and The Tragedy
Chapter 18 - To Germany and Russia and The Tragedy part 4
Chapter 19 - Sanguinem
Chapter 20 - Escape
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
Happy Birthday Lacus -Special
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Ferid oneshot
👑Chapter 28~👑
Chapter ?Recap
Hi! A/n

Chapter 5 My demon

3.5K 89 1
By Levi_is_da_wae

Kayana pov

I woke up after a while. I was silently praying it was late morning. But unfortunately it wasn't. It was morning but super early.

I was still in the arms of the muscular male. His breathing was steady and even, and his hair got messed up slightly. His features were quite peaceful. No looks of  mischief or a want for sadistic torturing was on it. Just a relaxed expression. I liked it.

'Was he alwayz like this as a human?'..

To see him so vunerable wasn't an everyday sight. I could have literally killed him at that moment. That was if I were an enemy. I decided to entertain myself by ....I don't know. Blame Ferid for this. I slipped my hand onto his shirt and then began to massage his abdomen. It's really relaxing and helps with sleep.... (lies. I just want to feel his ab-ehem) And he has nice abs tooo.His skin is also really soft.

He groaned a bit before tightening his hold on me. Cute. His hair was so soft I could just...run my fingers through it

I sighed.

I still coudn't sleep.

Trying my best to be discreet I geny pushed Crowley off of me. He stirred slightly . I'm pretty sure he's up.It didn't take much effort to get him off. That's unusual.
After successfully getting him off, I crawled out of the bed and went to his dresser to take one of his coats. Then I proceeded to exit the room.

The halls were silent with only a few footsteps from guards. Every time I passed they'd nod to awknowledge me. Some watched hungrily like a hawk would watch it's prey. The sweet aroma my blood produced drove them crazy. If only I were an easy prey to catch.

They knew I'd kill or severly harm them if I didn't . But if Crowley or Ferid heard I was attacked . Surely they'd be tortured then kilked.

I placed my hand on my neck searching for something. When I touched the right place I could feel the gold chains and lower down was a ruby. The ruby was filled with Ferid's blood. He gave it too me for my birthday. It was also a warning to other vampires. My power and rank got me places. I was thankful for being born how I was but at the same time. I was a bloodsucker. I rather not be human though. Most are so deceitful.

Oh you're so right. They are evil aren't they.

Oh. Hi Kazu.

I went towards the garden and entered the flower and bush patch where the mini lake was.

I sat down on the stone path and looked at the lake from afar.

There was a noise in the back. As if someone was there. And I felt a chill run up my spine causing me to jerk slightly.


What the fuq


The said demon came out . Literally. It was as if he was human just with a horn and a tail.

Wait. But how?

"Oh look at you~ so puny and weak~"

I facepalmed.

"How. When and Why ."
I didn't even know where to start.

Isn't he like only supposed to exist in ny mind. Demon's can't be on the physical human world. Isn't that impossible.

He hovered above me pulling at my hair causing slight pain.

"Aw aw aw!" I cried out.

"You big meanie. Don't do that ." I growled grabbing his arm and pulling him harshly down to the floor.

He grimaced.

"You fell somewhere bad. Ouch." He murmered with a cold expression.

Mine was just as intense.

"That's just to bad. " I spat pinning him down to the ground.

He sneered at me.

"You're so desperate you're tryna get a shot at it with a demon. How pathetic." He snarled his eyes peircing holes into mine. I showed no fear though just a bit of irritation.

He needs to learn his place.

I glared at him and let out an animalistic howl.

I need to be the lone alpha wolf that gets this sheep in its place.also too much wolf documemtaries.

"Kazu.listen. and listen very closely."

"I control you. I am your master.You belong to me." I declared with a domininate glower.

He studied me closely.

"Oh but Kayana-chan. We never made a contract. You haven't even passed the test as yet." He jeered tugging at my purple/violet locks.

I stared blandly at him. Leaning my face even closer.

"Well then. What are you waiting for.Kazu-chan~" I mocked .

"I want to get this over with.I need power to be strong. So how about you stop being a bitch and give me that test."

He chuckled darkly.

He took his hands and gribbed myface stroking it lightly but leaving scratches with his nails.

His dark eyes sent a ravenous look.

"Oh. How feisty. " He cooed .

"Well then. If you want to get with it.Sure."



"What do you want. Just leave me alone."

I ran up to the petite green eyed boy

"Yuu. Please come and play. I have something you'd like." I said kneeling down next to him.

He tsked and rolled his eyes.

"No. Leave me alone."

I sighed.

"Is it your parents again?" I asked.

He glared at me. Some tears were threatning to spill from his eyes. He then gritted uis teeth and turned away.

Yuu was so young. He had to go through all this. It's was not fair.

"I said leave me alone!Mind your own business will yah!"

I often left Saguinem (I'll get the spelling l8r)
To watch over this particular boy. His parents had me on edge and for some reason I took a liking to him. I noticed for a while that his parents. Or his fatger at least . They used to abuse him. His mother didn't want him and his dad looked at him with disgust as if he wanted him dead.

The world was already twisted. We all know that. Families never lasted long. Some tgat did only lasted because they didnt kniw what went on.

"Yuichiro. Chill. I know already okay. Just calm down." I said trying to comfort him. I attempted to touch his shoulder but he slapped my hand away.

"Calm down. Calm down!?!?!Why don't you tell me how to calm down!!Tell yourself that and leave me the hell alone!"

"You don't have to put up with this!I do!So just stop!No one cares anyway!" He yelled sobbing.

"I-i don't want to be friends with you anymore!"

I frowned. I wanted to cry now.

"You're being mean. I just want to help you." I spat grabbing his shirt collar harshly.

He clawed at my arms.

What is his problem today.

"Yuochiro stop it goddamit." I muttered trying to pin his arms down.

"You monster. Get away from me!" He yelled finally pushing me off.

I glared at him
This time it was my eyes that were filled with tears.

"I'm not a monster so shut the hell up Yu."

From 5 years old I started to get distant from this disgusting place. But we all know. That was impossible. I still had emotions. That was 4 tears ago. So why tge hell do I still have emotions. Why tge hell do I still cry. Why the hell am I hurt by this!?It's all so stupid!!!!!

Just then. It got darker. Waaay darker.

"He left you."

After the small fight. I didn't check on him fir a long time. I was too hurt.
Why. Why was I hurt? It was a mere petty fight.

It shouldn't even have any effect on me.

After sucking up a breath
I went to check on Yu.

But when I went to his house. It was a mess.
His mother was dead and his father was just there. He was nit there anymore.

"He left you."

"What is the meaning of this." I muttered coldly.

Simple. The meaning of this is that life isn't fair. If it is. Then you're clearly living it wrong.-Kayana Shiona

But listen here. Listen closely. You can stop this pain.

"Kayana-chan." Yu said.

"This was because you left me."

He can't be dead. No. He can't.

"This is all your fault."

"You could have protected my mother. You could have stopped my father save me from all the pain."

"But you were selfish."

No I wasn't. I was hurt.

"Shed not those fake tears of yours."

They aren't fake. They are real. Wait no. They are fake. But no they are not.

"We all know how many terrible things you have done."

No. I never did anything bad.

The younger me came through flames.

"You forgot me. Kayana." Were Yu's last words before the world morphed into flames.

"Burn. Burn. Burn. Burn. Hahahaha"

It chanted.

"Your brother murdered your family. Kill him."

"Stop him. Kayana. Please. For us.."

Yes. Stop him.

"Yes Kayana. Please. For us."

I will do anything for you.

"Kayana!!Take your brother and ru-!!!'

The beam went crashing down.

Some other place.

My father was enjoing a session with a woman.


Just why?

"Kill him too. He made me sad and depressed."


"Yes him Kayana. Yes him."

"Oh~him indeed."

So I should kill him?

"Yes. You should. And that woman too. And the other woman too. Kill them all. All!!!!"

But. Wait.

"What is it?"

I don't feel so good. I feel. Possessed.

"It's all a trick."

Life felt numb. Numb. Numb.

That's how I felt.


Kazu surely knows how to make a man break. Doesn't he. That man is a torturer.
It hurts alot.

It really does. But I've made up my mind.

"Mother." I called.

"Yes darling."

I went towards her with a dagger.

She was slightly scared but kept her sinister grin.

"You kill me hah!."

"Who said I was gonna kill you?"

"Well. Common sense did brat. I never did like you."

"Neither did I."

"So. What are you gonna do with that dagger?"


I brought it to.my chest and stabbed the mirror with my reflection.

Her eyes widened.

"What the f-"

Then it all faded.


"Nice try Kazu." I said with a sad smile.

"It did shake me up. But I know one thing. My past is my past. The mist I can do is reflect apun it." I said giggling.

"The mirror was a sign. It was in the corner and unnoticable. That's what made it stand out." I explained.

He stood there with a pleased expression.

"You're surely different aren't yah. Spoilt my plans. "

I grinned.

"I think. You aren't as bad as I thought." I teased.

He scoffed.

"Tsk. Brat. Here whatever I accept the contract. Better not show weakness. I'll take over." He warned with his blunt voice.

I nodded.

"Yeah yeah. Now come on. It's early and I bet you're thirsty so drink up."

"Life is surely gonna get interesting with you in it. Kayana." He remarked lazily.

"Heck yeah it is."


Thanks for reading. How bout you click that star below and make nice and pretty.😊

Anyway. Im almost finished with the drawing of the charater. Info will be in next chap or chapter after. Go tell your fellow users to check my books out.Im a newbi so sorry about errors.


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