You Saved Me (Walking Dead Fa...

By balletprobs

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You Saved Me (Walking Dead Fan Fic)
The man with the crossbow
Nice Tattoo
"Why are you following me?"
Something Unexpected
"I'm a punching bag."
Bad Dream
"Call me Gem."
Church Bells
"Anyone who brings food is a friend of mine"
Cherokee Rose
"Please don't be dead."
Super Drunk
Good to Bad
The Only Mourner
Don't Lie to Me
You Have to Take Risks
I Don't Deserve You
Not a Cage
"Knives don't run out of ammo."
Welcome to Hell
Be Safe

Death is Everywhere

200 10 0
By balletprobs

When the apocalypse first started I took my phone and put it in a box and bured it. It was my way of saying good bye to the old world. Even Mavie insisted on putting her favorite blanket in. She was probably trying to prove that she was mature enough to understand this world. But none can understand it. No one.

We make our way to an area where the trees are in a circle. The leaves litter the ground. Andrew pushes me to my knees. I groan and I put my hands to my side. I rub against the side of my boot and feel something. My knife! I hear the gun cock.

“Please Andrew. Don’t.” he laughs as I say this and makes his way over to me and kneels down and presses his lips to mine and slap him and he growls.

“This is why you’re going to die. All you have to do is love me that’s all I ask.” How could he be so crazy?  I’ve never really loved anyone as much as Mavie. That is until Daryl came along. I feel him press the gun to the top of my head.

“Be strong. It’ll be over fast.” He chuckles, quoting what I said the night he almost died.

I slowly move my hand into the boot. I hear the safety switch click. I quickly grab the knife and slash Andrew’s shins. He flies to the side. The gun lands ten feet away from me. I run as fast as I can but before I can reach the gun he trips me and I fall to the ground. He climbs on top of me and punches me in the face. I try to cut him with my knife but he forces my hand down to where it’s only an inch from my neck. Then I roll over and lose my knife and he rips it from my hands. I stand up as quickly as possible. I reach for the gun. And run backwards. He rises slowly putting one of his hands to his cut shin, grasping the knife in his other.

“Please Andrew don’t do this. I can’t kill you.” I beg

“Well you either kill me or you die.” He says and starts running towards me with a limp in his stride. I struggle to raise my gun. I aim and I pull the trigger. The bullet pierces his chest. He falls to the ground. I stand for a moment stunned at what I just did.

I killed Andrew.

I run over to him and see he’s still breathing barely. I kneel on the ground and put his head on my knees. I lean over him. “I’m so sorry Andrew.” I whisper

He brushes his hand across my cheek. “It’s okay… did I ever tell you how pretty you are… oh I see Mavie and your parents I’m going to go n-..” I watch as the life leaves his eyes. I a stray tear of mine falls onto his cheek. I can’t look at his face anymore. I take that plaid shirt wrapped around my waist and place it lightly on his head. I crawl over to a tree and sit up against it and look at his body. The shadow that once cast over his lifeless body disappears. I look up at the sky. It’s dark now. The sun is completely gone. I feel completely gone. I then am interrupted.

I hear the crunching of leaves. I walk over to my knife which was flung in our struggle. I run behind a tree and hear the crunching getting closer. I raise my knife and swing but something grabs my arm. I lean forward to see who or what it is.i see those sapphire eyes that I have got me through hell and back. It’s Daryl. I wrap my arms around him and take in a huge breath. I look at Glen’s expression. He looks towards the body with surprise. I turn to look at it and Daryl does the same.

“I had to do it. He was going to kill me and…” I trail off and I look down.

“What?” Daryl touches his fingers to my chin.

“He said that he was going to kill you.” I look into his eyes “I could deal with dying, but once he said that he would kill you. That’s when I knew I had to fight.” He pulls my head into my shoulder.

I walk over to Andrew’s body to get my shirt from his face. I grab the sleeve and lightly remove it. I stare at his face. His eyes look oddly sunken in. I brush it off and start to walk towards Daryl. Then I hear faint breathing. I look back and see Andrew’s stomach slowly rise and fall. He suddenly sits up.

“Andrew?” he faces me but his eyes are a glossy cream color. That’s not Andrew.

The thing slowly stands up and limps towards me.

“Daryl,” I look back at him.

He starts to load his crossbow. Glen is getting something out of his back pack. I hear the moan louder and turn around. It’s only a few feet away. I grab my gun from my pants and raise it.

“I’m sorry.” I say and pull a trigger and the bullet pierces his skull and the thing drops to the ground. I gasp and fall to the ground. Daryl grabs me and pulls me up and leads me and Glen of the woods.

“When did he get bit?” Glen asks me and I shrug my shoulders.

“I swear that he was never bit. I would have noticed.” I’m so confused


We make it out of the woods and its completely dark out. Part of the group is waiting for us there. Lorie wraps her arms around me. I watch Jess run up.

“Where’s Andrew?” she asks me and all I do is shake my head.

She starts to cry and puts her hands to her face. I feel terrible. I’ve killed. Just never a person and the first person I kill is someone that I cared about. My thoughts are interrupted by the ring of s bullet.

Lorie starts to panic because Carl is missing. We run to the house. We gather in the family room. Daryl explains how Andrew came back as a walker. He is interrupted.

“Who killed him?” Jess asks crossing her arms.

Everyone is quite and then I raise my hand. She stares at me in shock, then she takes a step towards me. “You bitch. I loved him. I hate you.” She screams and I stare at the floor. How could she love him she barely knew him. I walk outside to try and get some fresh air.

 I stand on the porch as Lorie and Carol turn the house upside down looking for Carl. I stare out to the distance. I feel someone wrap my there arm around me.

“Are you okay?” Daryl asks me and kisses the back of my head.

“I’m just so numb.” I tell him “I don’t know what to feel.”

We stay silent for a few moments.

“Hey can you try to go find Carl? Lorie is really freaking out.” I say and he nods. I press my lips to his.“Thanks I love you.”

“I love you too.” And with that he disappears into the darkness.

I look back out towards the field; there is a swarm of walkers. I scream for everyone and they join me. They spot the swarm. It looks as though the farm is being swallowed up by death, death is everywhere.

“We could round them up.” Andrea suggests and someone grabs the gun bag and we start to load our weapons. I place the magazine in my gun and put the half empty one in my pocket. I run to my tent to grab any extra ammo. When I make it there I see the tent is open. I grab my knife out of my boot. I slowly approach the tent and I open the zipper and a walker jumps out and I fall to the ground. I stab it in the throat and the blood pours into my white tank top. I push it off of me then climb over and push the knife into its skull. I stand up and quickly run into the tent and shove my backpack with my extra knife, Daryl’s arrows, and the picture. I run back to the house and Hershel is shooting walkers one at a time. I come closer and he starts to back up into a walker. I aim carefully and pull the trigger. The walker collapses and blood splatter is on Hershel. I run to him and grab his arm.

“We have to go now.” I say and start pulling him to a truck and I look closer and see Rick and Carl in it.

“But it’s my farm!” he protests

“It’s no one’s farm anymore.” I drag him to the car and we hop in and drive off.

I watch as the dead pass by. I suddenly remember that Daryl was looking for Carl and Carl’s with me. What if he’s dead? I put my hand to my mouth and a few tears roll down my cheek. He probably is dead. I feel a small hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Carl’s eyes.

“He’s going to be okay.” He reads my mind.

“Were going to go back to the highway. The rest of the group might have gone there too.” Rick tells us and we pull down a dirt road. I take my back pack off my back and place it on the floor of the car. I dig through it to find the gold frame. I lift it carefully out of the bag and tap Carl on the shoulder. He turns around and notices the picture.

“This is Mavie. I thought since you wanted to know so much about her and you didn’t even know what she looked like.” I turn the frame and he leans in closer to look. Hershel takes the picture and examines it.

“She was lovely Gemma.” He tells me and hands the picture back to me.

“Yeah she was.”  I take it from his hand and place it carefully back in the back pack and zip it up. I stare out the window and we slowly approach where we first lost Sophia. It’s been a while since I’ve thought of her. The car pulls to a halt and I jump out of the car. No one’s around. I try to take deep breaths. Fighting back the tears that threaten to spill over. I walk slowly over to a pile of food that was left for Sophia if she ever came back. But she never came back.

Carl and Rick are fighting about staying and going. Their argument is silenced by the roar of a motorcycle. Wait! A motorcycle.

I look for the source of the sound. I see Daryl and Carol pull up. Behind them is what looks to be Glen and Maggie. Daryl jumps off the bike and I run towards him.

I feel pure joy which I haven’t felt in a while as I watch alomost every member from our group come to meet us.

I run and wrap my hands around his neck and pull him into a kiss. “I thought you were dead.” I say and release him from my grip.

He just looks at me with relief and kisses me again.

“Okay we should probably get on the road.” Rick tells us.

I hear a light moan and I see just one walker. Daryl raises his bow but I stop him. “No let me.”

I start to walk towards the walker and reach in my boot. Then I step on something. I look to the ground and see what looks to be a small axe. I pick it up quickly and hit the walker in the head with it. It drops to the ground. I twirl the tomahawk in my hand and notice on the bottom it has a star scratched in with the initials S.C. I put it in one of my belt loops and tighten my belt. I walk over to Daryl’s motorcycle and we drive away leaving what now is Sophia’s memorial.


We pull to a sudden halt. The cars in front of us have stopped. Rick hops out of the car.

“Were out of gas.” He sighs

“Daryl and I could go on a run.” I volunteer.

“I don’t want anyone getting stranded.” He tells me.

“But Rick we are stranded.” Glen says

“We’ll go in the morning.” He tells us.

“Rick when we saw Andrew he wasn’t bit.” Dryl tells Rick.

He slowly turns his head. “We’re all infected.” He says

“Wait you mean that when we die we’ll still come back.” Jess ask walking closer to Rick

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Lorie asks him

“Jenner told me and you saw how crazy he was I thought it was best.” Rick reasons

“That wasn’t your call.” I tell him.

“I didn’t think it would matter.” He says and goes to talk to Lorie.

So when I die I’ll be one of them. Just another flesh eating freak. I guess this will never end.

 A light breeze blows my hair in my face.

I shiver and Daryl notices “You cold?” I nod and he wraps his arms around me. “We should go make a fire.” He tells me and I go to gather firewood.

When I come back it’s darker now and I dump the wood in the middle of the old house with no roof that were staying in. I sit next to Daryl and remove my plaid  shirt from my waist and put it on. He wraps his arm around me and I lean into him.

“What’s wrong?” he asks

“Nothing.” I lie

“I know yer lying.” He tells me

“It’s just. I haven’t been scared in a while. But now knowing that I’ll end up just like Mavie and Andrew.” I choke as I say his name. Daryl pulls me in tighter. I look up at him. “I’m scared Daryl.”

“I’ll be here to protect you Gem.” He reassures me and I let out a deep breath.

I hear what sounds to be someone walking into somthing. Everyone starts to panic.

“No one’s going anywhere.” Rick tells us.

“Do something.” Jess whispers to Rick

“I am I’m keeping this group alive. I killed my best friend for you people.” He snaps.

I look at Carl and he has a stunned look on his face. Then he starts to cry. I rub my hand to his back and he looks up from holding his mom and wraps his arms around me.

“Shh. It’s okay.” I tell him soothingly while rubbing his back.

“If you want to stay. This isn’t a democracy anymore.” He says and I just keep soothing Carl. Lying to him by saying everything will be alright.

A/N hey guys so this is the last chapter of season 2 and the next chapter will be up in a few weeks cuz i promised that i would update the makeup artist for my frined. the begging of this chapter is just kinda like a back story for you guys. How do you feel about Gemmas new weapon its on the side. if i get at least 2 votes i'll have a new chapter up in the next week. k guys thats your challenge

love yas

the geek

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