V Morningstar [BTS]

By TheGoldenUnnie

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The devil "Lucifer Morningstar" decided to take a vacation away from the fires of hell... hooked up with an a... More

Sin I ~ The Son of the Fallen One
Previously on V Morningstar ~ Wrath
Wrath (2)
Wrath (3)
Wrath (4)
Wrath (5)
Wrath (6)
Wrath (7)
Sin II ~ Lost from Home
Gluttony (2)
Gluttony (3)
Glutony (4)
Next on V Morningstar
Gluttony (5)
Next on V Morningstar
Gluttony (6)
Gluttony (7)
Sin III ~ Wounded Indolence
Next on "V Morningstar"
Sloth (2)
Sloth (3)
Sloth (4)
Sloth (5)
Sloth (6)
Sloth (7)
TGU's Studio ~ Angels Vs Demons
Next On V
Sin IV ~ The Fleshly Desires
Namjoon and Jin ~ Previously on V
Lust (2)
V-rry Christmas Special
Lust (3)
Lust (5)
Lust (6)
Lust (7)
Feb 'V' ary Special
Sin V ~ The Troubled Heart
Next on 'V'
Envy (1)
Envy (2)
Envy (3)
Envy (4)
Envy (5)
Envy (6)
Envy (7)
Sin VI - Trapped Within Discontentment
Next on V
Greed (2)
Greed (3)
Greed (4)
Greed (5)
Greed (6)
Greed (7)
Sin VII ~ The Supercilious Son
Pride (2)
L-V New Year Special
V Morningstar
Pride (3)
Pride (4)
Pride (5)
Pride (6)

Lust (4)

80 5 0
By TheGoldenUnnie


Angel Grace was just about to go to the bathroom when Luke suddenly dragged her hand and pushed her against the wall. The classes already started and there were only few students walking at the hallway. Not giving a single care at all since they needed to catch up to their class.

Angel Grace pushed Luke away from her. But his hands were gripping tightly on her arms.

Angel Grace:
"What are you doing? Let go of me!"

She gave him a stern look. Displeased with how Luke behaved, she clenched her fist and waited for him to talk.

"C'mon, Angel Grace. Admit it. You want me too. Stop playing hard to get. Just say it and I'll give it to you."

Angel Grace remembered how Luke forced himself to her back at the party. But she declined the sexual act he initiated and told him to wait. She knew he was intensely displeased by her rejection.

"Meet me at the Acacia house tonight. My friends and I would be having a drink. And we will be having fun too."

Angel Grace raised her eyebrow while glaring at him. How daring could the young man be that he offered himself to her. Such invitation to gratify his needs as man.

Angel Grace:
"Does it really hurt you knowing I'm the only girl who don't give interest to your skills in bed?"

She felt like she was just taken as his subject for enjoyment. To be ripped when the urge was his to comply.

"I know you are not as 'holy' as you thought you are, angel."

He stared on his breast and bit his lips. He wanted to see her naked that night.

Angel Grace smirked and kicked his manhood. Then she grabbed her chance to escape from him as he fell on the floor while in pain.

"Angel Grace!! You bit*h!"

Angel Grace didn't look back.

-End of flashback-


V handed the porn magazine he once owned to Abraham. He was amused by how Abraham was easily bribed with such instrument to play with one's fantasies. Humans are gullible.

"Now that I told you what happened between Angel Grace and Luke, may I leave?"

V shook his head and ordered Abraham to sit.

"Tell me something about that Acacia house."

Abraham just looked at V without any single word. That made V realized his information were not for free. The son of the devil's temper couldn't hold such shameless deed. So he grabbed his collar and whispered to his ear.

"If the police officers find out that you've been a part of the drug dealing here, you and your drugged brain will be dead."

Abraham thought he heard the devil speaking to him. His voice were inviting him to his own death which he would never be spared from.

With shaking mouth, he made sure not to displease V and his threats.

"It had been closed a long time ago. But Luke and his friends still hang out there to drink."

He cleared his throat and fixed his collar.

"Have you heard about 'Heaven on Earth'?"

V smirked. Most certainly he did.

"It's similar to that. But most of the people who get in there were young. Some are students in this University. Some are not."

V laughed as he stood and walked away from Abraham.

"Evil is everywhere."

Abraham checked the bag that V intentionally left. His eyes were widened when he saw plenty of magazines which he could enjoy all by himself.


V headed to his next class. He roamed his eyes around the room. He was supposed to be in one class with Luke but he wasn't there. Then he shook his head in disbelief. He shouldn't be giving any attention to any humans he'd be with.

He rested his head against the wall as he was sitting on the chair at the corner of the room.
Until he fell asleep.


An unwanted wondrous sight welcomed V as he opened his eyes. There sat at the chair in front of him, the Archangel ~ Park Jimin.

The room was empty and as he rub his eyes, the smiling archangel turned to see him with his pleasant appearance. The son of the devil raised his eyebrow with confusion. What could his cousin be doing in such place where he considered a prison.

"Greetings, dear cousin :) "

He stood and grabbed the bag in his desk. He looked like a normal college student in his blue jeans, white shirt and red bonnet.

V racked his chair and smirked.

"You looked ~ ~ ~ mundane."

The archangel in human form giggled. He was never in his usual angelic self. He turned into some kind of a sweet and kind human being. Still the disposition of an angel's nature but never the one capable to kill a demon.

"Who sent you this time?"

Jimin swept his hair and smiled, forming a crescent shape on his eyes.

"Your loving father."


V felt a poke on his head. It was his professor hitting him with his book. He lifted his head from being leaned on his desk and saw his classmates watching him while questioning his slumber at that time of the day.

The archangel visited him in his dream.

But as he sat straight and watched the person sitting in front of him turned to face him, he realized the archangel in flesh was authentically there.

Jimin waved his hand and smiled at V.

"Greetings again, dear cousin."

V stretched his legs and intentionally kicked Jimin's chair causing the whole class to turn to their direction. Jimin just giggled as V gave him a displeased glare for his presence.


The bell rang. The two waited for the room to be emptied. As soon as the room was dispersed by the ordinary human beings, Jimin tossed his bag in the air and watched it fell on the floor. V knitted his eyebrow as he watched Jimin sat on the table while swinging his legs.

The angel seemed to not care about his bag. So unlikely with the archangel V knew. The one who'd want things to be organized and well situated. An attitude he got from the guardian angel Hoseok.

V laughed as he realized why Jimin was acting that way. He understood why.

"I once threw a stone to the sky."

Jimin crossed his arms and smirked.

"I just tossed my bag and didn't catch it. I'm kind unlike you."

V rolled his eyes and sat on the table facing Jimin.

"The way you protest is unbelievable."

V swayed his hand and the bag was lifted for him to grab it. But before he did, the Literature Teacher Jung Hoseok appeared in front of them and grabbed the bag first.

"Careful with the way you display yourselves as 'ordinary human beings' kids."

Jimin and V jumped off from the table and crossed their arms.

Jimin / V:
"I'm no human!"

The older angel laughed while handing the bag to Jimin.

"Well, at least you (Jimin) looks like a human to me."

Jimin giggled and V sighed in disbelief for the favoritism that was happening.

Hoseok glared at V. He was still displeased with the kind of hungry and thirsty beast V became towards Angel Grace.

V just rolled his eyes while Jimin gave him an annoying smirk. He heard what happened and immediately judged the son of the devil to be working very hard in giving in to his inner lustful demons.

The teacher crossed his arms and sighed.

"Luke and his friends didn't report to my class today."

V just shrugged his shoulder. He still wanted to show how he didn't care about it.

"Well, isn't that normal for humans to slack off? Others even visit their slumber while the professor tried his best to discuss in front."

"Quit it, archangel. I'm not in the mood to entertain your holiness."

V walked towards the door and disappeared leaving the angels sigh with the careless actions he was showing.


As V was walking down the hallway, students were in commotion as they discussed the same message he received that morning. He even saw Angel Grace talking to some girls about the cryptic message most of them had received.

As V moved his way out from the crowd, he saw Officer Heavens and Officer Choi from the Dean's office. Students were wondering why there were police inside, asking for some of them to answer few questions.

Angel Grace met stares with V and immediately looked away from each other. She was still bothered from the reality-like dream she had last night and he was avoiding for it to happen again.

"Officer Heavens, what's going on?"

Eva Adams asked the officer as all of them were confused why the officers were asking with the whereabouts of Bart, Mat and Pete the previous days.

Officer Heavens:
"We are asking for your cooperation to find out the culprit of your schoolmates' death. With Luke as the prime suspect."

All were shocked from the officer's announcement.

Officer Choi:
"He's missing and we need your cooperation in the commited crime."


As students continued to chatter and whispered what was on their minds, V turned to gaze a figure of a smirking human. Very much pleased for the outcome of his cunning efforts and mischievous deeds.

"How evil ~ "


The old acacia tree where innocence was reaped, lay a swan and it's golden egg before the sun came to set.

-Let the hunt begin-

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