How The Bad Boy Saved Me

Von MidnightWithMe

90.7K 2.5K 461

Eliana and Josh are two opposites, Eliana is unpopular and shy while Josh is just about the most well-known p... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

5.2K 149 32
Von MidnightWithMe

After Josh and I had left the field he insisted that he stay the night with me again. I had told him that he couldn't because if my mum found out that he slept in my bed again she would kill me. But he didn't take no for an answer, eventually he ended up sneaking through my bedroom window.

It was now Thursday and I decided that I would go to school because when you are seventeen and you miss a day of school you might as well have missed a whole month with the amount of information they like to cram into one class.

When I arrived at school the bell for first period had already went so I made my way to lesson. I had Religious Education with Elena.

As I sat down in my seat I noticed Elena was already there. "Hey." I said.

Elena looked up from her text book and narrowed her eyes at me. "Where were you yesterday?" she said pointedly.

"Why?" I asked, I hadn't exactly told Elena that I was in a relationship with Josh.

"Because we had French yesterday and Miss Thaliana made us go in pairs and because you weren't their I had no one to go with." she explained.

I laughed, "that's why you have me them evil eyes when I came in?" I said "And I was sick by the way."

"Well next time be sick when we don't have any classes together."

"Okay I'll make sure I only catch illnesses when you aren't in my class then." I smiled at her.

Elena grinned, "you better."

The first two lessons went pretty quickly with Elena in both classes time pretty much flew by. I was yet to see Josh, even though he had told me that he would be here.

It was third period and one of my most hated lessons; Maths. I just didn't see how knowing x-76=5 was ever going to benefit me in life, not to mention it was hard and confusing.

The moment I walked into class I spotted Josh in the back corner of the room he waved at me and pointed to the seat next to him telling me to sit next to him.

"Hey beautiful." he greeted, I couldn't help but blush at his comment I didn't get complemented very often, it was an alien thing to me.

"Josh you know I'm not beautiful." I blurted, the words came out of my mouth automatically and I knew Josh would probably react negatively. Though to my surprise he didn't say anything he got up and left the classroom.

A few minutes after he left I got a text:

Meet me outside, on the hills.

The text was from Josh and he wanted me to meet him at a place that people called 'the hills', really it was just a strip of ground that was slightly higher than that which surrounded it.

I got outside to see that Josh was holding a piece of paper and a pen. He sat on the grass and I sat down near him. He handed me the paper and pen.

"I want you to write down all the flaws you think you have, all the things you don't like about yourself." Josh told me.

There was no way I was going to do that.

"Josh I'm not gonna-

He cut me off, "Eliana." he said in a slightly angered tone.

So I began writing:

·My skin is way to pale, I need to put like 5 pounds of make up on so people don't ask me why I look dead

·My eyes are too big

·No matter what clothes I wear I don't look good in them

·My Wrists are scarred

·My hair falls flat on my head and is ugly

· My voice is weird

·I'm not good enough

I couldn't write any more because I was on the brink of tears, writing things that you hate about yourself is not something that you would enjoy.

Josh took the paper out my hands and scanned through the list then frowned at it.

"None of these are true Ellie you're beautiful and perfect in every way everyone has flaws but that's what makes you and I love every single one of your flaws, you should too." After speaking Josh crumpled up the paper, took a light from his pocket then set it on fire.

I watched as the edges of the paper turned black and into ash then float away in the wind.

"Eliana Edwards, I love you."

I took his hand "Well Josh Ryder, I love you more." we walked back to school hand in hand.


"Oh come on Ellie it won't be that bad." Elena said.

I rolled my eyes, " I thought we went over this last time when you wanted me to go to the ball with you, I don't do parties."

"Yeah but you went to the ball." Elena pointed out standing up from her bed. It was Friday and I was at Elena's house, we'd just come home from school, Elena was trying to persuade me into going to some party Stefan was hosting.

"The ball was different, it did not have sweaty and concupiscent teenagers."

Elena sighed, "you won't have to go near any of these concupiscent teenagers then, just stay with me, Stefan has so many friends I don't want to be alone with all those people."

I thought Elena was being a little hypocritical because ever since she had started going out with Stefan she never really had time for me, not that wanted to be selfish and have Elena all to myself and for her not to be happy.

It was just that she could a least take five minutes of her time with Stefan to spend it with me. This was one of the only time in ages that we'd had a proper conversation.

"Okay I'll go but I don't have anything to where." I agreed reluctantly.

She gave me a creepy smile, "oh I can take car of that." and to be quite frank in that moment I was genuinely scared.

Elena ended up dressing me in a tight but surprisingly comfortable black crop top with a black skirt and boots. She back combed my hair a little so it didn't lay flat on my head.

The only colour I had on apart from black was red lipstick.

Elena grinned at me when she finished putting on my make up. "Josh is not going to be able to keep his hands off you." I blushed, though I and Josh hadn't done anything more than kiss, but I wasn't going to tell her that, instead I said "Thanks Elena you look great too."

"Okay let's go." Elena said, picking up her keys from the side. I was going to mention that she wasn't permitted to drive yet and she needed a guardian with her, but I didn't want to ruin her fun so I didn't say anything.

We were only a block away from the party and I could already heard the loud beats of the music, I felt sorry for the neighbours it was the end of the week and all they wanted to do was sleep instead they get a party that probably won't end until 4 a.m.

When we were inside the house, my senses were immediately struck with the smell of alcohol, sweat, and sick this. was why I didn't like parties.

Someone called Elena's name and she went off to greet them, I lost her in the wave of people, some much for keeping her company. I lent against the staircase for a few minutes wondering when I'd be able to leave this place.

Someone snaked their arms around my waist,"Hey there." it was Josh and I was glad because now I wouldn't have to stand and look lost.

"Hey." I replied turning around so I was facing him.

"Well doesn't the good girl look perfectly bad." he said looking down at my outfit.

"Bad as in a good way?"

"Bad as in the best way." he clarified, then leaned in to kiss my cheek.

"This party sucks." I complained to Josh. He started at me and laughed.

"That's because you don't know how to have fun." he told me.

"Yes I do." I defended myself.

"Okay then have some fun, how about you dance." he dared.

Dance? I could dance but not to beats like this, I danced more of the awkwardly move your head to the beat style. Josh looked at me expectantly waiting for me to dance.

I looked around and tried to copy what everyone else was doing Josh burst out laughing, "I'm sorry you are terrible, let me show you."

He grabbed my waist and started moving me to the beat eventually I go the hang of it and moved more freely. Josh moved closer to r and pulled me against him so we were touching. I slowly trailed my hands up his side's towards his face-

"Shit, don't do that." he said moving away.

"Oh, what did I do I'm sorry." I apologized even though I didn't know what I did wrong.

He shook his head, "it's ok I just knew need a drink, want one?"

I nodded and mumbled "anything that's got no alcohol."

He walked off quickly to get the drinks whilst I stood pondering on what I had done to make him react like that. I took out my phone and checked it, the second I took out my phone I got a text.

I see you - m

My heart exhilarated, how had he got my number? I had just changed it. More importantly, how could he see me. Looking around couldn't see anyone who didn't look like they belong here I got another text and looked down at my phone to read it.

Look up.- m

My breath caught in my throat there he was standing a metre away, I forgot how to breath, my vision became blurred, everything started spinning and suddenly I falling.

As I hit the ground everything faded into black.

So this chapter isn't long and isn't edited but let me know what you think about it, I really love to read your comments.

I'd just like to say thank you for 1k reads though it may not be a lot compared to other books it's means a lot to me every read vote comment and fan does so please, vote comment and fan and I'll dedicate a chapter to you because it really does mean a lot.

Also I know it took 2 weeks to update but I wanted to make it slightly more interesting than the last so yeah also I'll be updating on Wednesday and Sunday of this next week :) don't want to keep you guys waiting for a chapter again.

anyway bye see you in the next chapter :)


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