The Letter I Wrote To The Duk...

By mrscuteness

3.5K 107 57

I have edited the first couple of chapters so far. There are going to be mature scenes in this book because i... More

The Letter I Wrote To The Duke
Chapter 1: Writing The Letter
Chapter 2: Meeting The Duke
Chapter 3: The Duke's Decision
Chapter 4: New Feelings
About My Next Chapter
Chapter 6: Acting On Feelings
Chapter 7: What Is Happening!
Chapter 8: Time For Thinking
Chapter 9: Dinner With Duke Charles
Chapter 10: My True Feelings
Chapter 11: The Visitor
Chapter 12: Exploding
Chapter 13: Forgiveness
Chapter 14: Market Day
Chapter 15: Restoring The Land
Chapter 16: The Big Reveal
Chapter 17: Earning Trust
Chapter 18: A New Beginning
Chapter 19: We All Make Mistakes
Chapter 20: Some Dreams Come True
Chapter 21: Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 22: How Did It Happen?
Chapter 23: The Proposal Preparation
Chapter 24: The Proposal
Chapter 25: Before The Wedding
Chapter 26: Wedding Day

Chapter 5: A Special Dinner

181 7 4
By mrscuteness

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as the others!!!!!! I am really excited about this book!!!! I really hope that I will stick with it and finish this one then maybe ine day I'll be able to get published!!!!!! That is my biggest dreams!!!!!! I want to get a book of mine published!!!!!!!

Chapter 5: A Special Dinner


I walk into the kitchen, the staff kitchen and am amazed by how clean and tidy it looks even though, Rosie is cooking dinner. She really knows how to keep a kitchen clean, it's even cleaner then when she first started working for me here. When she first started working, my last house lady hadn't been much of a cleaner. So, she'd just clean what I demanded she cleaned and would leave the rest, but Rosie doesn't put anything off for later. If she sees something needs to be done, she does it without question. She keeps my house, my space, clean and tidy as she does her own. She makes sure that all things are in their right places at all times. 

"It smells rather delicious in here, Rosie," I smile at her as she turns around, noticing me standing by the door.

She smiles back at me, "Oh, Sir Charles! Would you like to taste a sample or what I have planned for your meal tonight?"

"No thanks, Rosie, I'm okay. I'll leave it all to surprise besides the smell. You are doing a fantastic job though, don't let me keep you from your cooking."

"Oh, you aren't, Sir Charles," she smiles.

"What have I told you before, Rosie. Please, call me, Charles, just Charles," I smile bigger at her. She is the best house lady I've never had and she works hard. She is also very polite, but she is more then just that to me. She is family, so, she has the right to call me by my name as I call her by hers. 

"Yes, Sir... Uhh, Charles," she smiles sweetly. 

i then left the room to go and check to see if , Princess Emalia was finished getting ready for the diner tonight or if she needed my help with something again. I walk up the stairs and down the corridor of bed chamber rooms. when I come to hers, the biggest door aside from mine which is just across hers, I knock. three times I knock and then I wait. She comes to the door and opens it, gods in the heavens, she looks wonderful. She looks so full and beautiful and lovely in every kind of way and she looks sweet and delectable as any of the greatest food I've ever tasted. 

I bow my head to her and hold out my hand as a gesture for her to take hold of it while I escort her to the dining hall. She takes me hand and I look back up at her. "You look lovely, Emalia, you really do look wonderful this evening and every day." I smile and she smiles back and starts blushing. It's so hard to control myself when she act this way, when she blushes like the innocence she is. When she lets out soft, almost unacknowledgable giggles under her breath and when she shows all her emotions in those pretty eyes of her. She's so hard to resist, dammit!

"Thank you, thank you very much, Duke Charles. I mean, Charles," he blushes again, harder this time at her saying just my name instead of calling me by my title. she's so cute when she blushes and not to mention, irresistible. 

"I will escort you to the dining hall if you are finished getting ready for dinner," I whisper softly to her as I move my face closer to hers to hear her whispered response in return.

"I am done, Charles, you may escort me."

"Then it is done," I say and turn around with her hand in mine and her following my movements in order to keep hold of my hand and not to trip at my pace. I slow down my pace a bit, remembering that I am a lot taller and have longer legs than this sweet little thing. She is able to keep up better with me now. I walk down the stairs as she does the same following from beside me.

I turn to glance a peek at her and to my surprise she's smiling my way and I can't help, but smile back at her. Her smile, I'm telling you, it's contagious, she has the most beautiful smile out of any woman in the world and the most beautiful eyes and lips and neck and...... No, I won't even go there, she is under my roof and seeking my protection, which means I will protect her from anyone. Including myself, if need be for that. I will lock myself away from her if I have to, if it means keeping my promise to protect her. 

When we reach the dining hall, I open the door and bring my hand inside the get her to keep walking without me in front of her, leading her to go in first. When I step into the room, there is a wafting smell of what has to be at the very least, 10 different smells of different foods or dishes maybe even. I let go of her hand to find that she's still gripping mine to I go back to holding her hand again. I walk over to the large, oversized for just one man and his house lady, and pull out a chair for, Emalia to sit at. When she situates herself comfortably, I push the chair in for her and then go around to the end of the table, the stop right next to hers and take a seat and push my own chair in. 

Once I am finally situated comfortably enough, I look over and see that, Emalia has already more then sampled her own glass of wine that was placed there with the table settings. I smile at her liking for good wines, she must know some good kinds of wine, I think I'll test her on it. 


"Yes, Charles?"

"Do you know and wines? Because you seem to know at least a few by how you are tasting that wine in your glass," I offer.

"Well, my father did make it his duty to make sure that I was well educated during my life spent with my parents. He taught me not only the important things that regular well brought up children know, but he also taught me things that he considered important in case of any man I might choose to marry. He told me that if I was to be a good wife then I must know some very important things like, different types of wines and what each tastes like and how they taste different and why I should always make sure to bring the right one to the person who wants it."

"He also said that I needed to know about houses and if I were to buy one, that I should know what to look for and in case my husband doesn't know, but most importantly that my opinion and my rights as a woman matter too and that if I am seeming to not be getting anything out of a marriage with a man that I should voice it and let the whole world know about it. So that I will get the treatment and things that I need to keep myself, my husband, possible kids and the household running in good health. I hope that the man I choose to marry won't need to be told what I need and when I need it and that I won't have to force him to supply me with what I need when I need it."

"The man I want to marry, should be respectful of me and my body and my needs and when I need a break. From the children, home life, him, or bed playings." She ends with a smile.

"He sounds like he'd be some great man and I'm sure your father was too for teaching you all you need to know to be a woman and more. Just so you know, Emalia, I would never force you to do anything that you don't want to do. It would be all your choice because you are a person too and you do have rights to me. You do have rights in my house like, the right to privacy or alone time when you want or need it. And time away if you want or need it. In my house, you will be safe at any cost, I promise you."

"Thank you, so much, Charles. You are a very great and respectful man. I hope the woman you marry one day, will be very good to you."

"I sure hope she will be."

Just then, Rosie comes in with the first dish and two more glasses of wine on her serving tray. "The first course for this evenings meal is, Pea Soup. I hope you two enjoy. I made it myself, right from scratch." Rosie says as she sets the tray down and places the bowls down in front of us to eat and then picks up her tray and leaves. 

"Thank you, Rosie," I call after her. 

"You are very welcome, Charles."

Emalia takes a small sip and moans softly at the taste. "It's delicious, Rosie," she calls after the my house lady, who has already retired to the kitchen to get our next course set up.

Rosie pokes her head out of the kitchen, "You're welcome, my dear," she smiles heartfully and Emalia smiles back at her and takes another spoon of Rosie's homemade pea soup.

I spoon a mouthful of it into my mouth as well and let out a sigh. Even though I'm accustomed to Rosie's cooking by now, I still love the taste of every single bite. She really is a fantastic cook, she is.  Emalia quickly finishes off her soup, so fast actually that when I look up after eating half of my soup, she's already licking her lips and cleaning her mouth with her napkin. 

She look up at me a smiles, "Rose is a brilliant cook, Charles. You're so lucky to have her cooking for you, but then again, I bet you can afford the best, then can't you?" she bats her eyelashes at me and smiles shyly. God she's making it real hard to stay away from her. She's just teasing me now. 

"Yeah, I am a pretty lucky man, but I wouldn't say I can afford the best. I mean, I wouldn't even pay for the best because the best is art and that person would be priceless. I'd have to pay more then what I have for just one meal, just one dish, but I can afford pretty good house ladies, I can admit that. Then again though, I've never had the best women or woman in my house, at least not until now." I say, teasing her back. 

She blushes and leans her head forward to hide her blush from me. I reach over and place my hand under her chin and gently guied her head upwards so that her eyes are looking at me and I can see her face once again. "And who would the best woman be?" Emalia asks, looking a bit nervous or a bit sensual, I can't seem to figure out  just which one it is. 

 I display a sensual look on my features for her to read and I smirk at her, a devilish smile and replay, "You." I can see as a shiver runs through her body, a shiver not of cold or fear, but one of desire and want. 

"M.. Me?" she squeaks out sounding so cute and nervous, plus sh has that tone, that husky tone that makes it known just how she's feeling right now. I eat the last spoonful of my soup. Just then Rosie comes back in with the next dish and next drink on her tray. I don't even acknowledge Rosie as she enters and then leaves the room. The whole time, I'm looking at Emalia and I can tell she's getting a bit anxious with that.

I start eating my next dish, taking a sample forkful of beef after cutting a piece off my steak and popping it into my mouth followed by some potatoes. Rosie's famous mashed potatoes, they are never dry, they are always so moist. "Eat, Emalia," I tell her, "You'll need your strength."

"Why will I need my strength?" I almost choke on my next bite when she says that. Raising her head she asks again, "Why will I need my strength, Charles?"

"Well, we will be doing things around here, unless that is against your will then, I suppose we won't, but I'd like to. I suppose I did assume that you'd want to do those things with be, but I must be wrong for assuming such things. I am deeply sorry, Emalia. You do not have to do anything, I am perfectly able to do those things by myself. You needn't come and spend that time with me. You can very well spend that time doing what it is you want." I say, bowing my head this time, in respect to her nd admitting my mistake. 

"No, Charles, it's alright, but what things would we be doing? What things had you planned that we do? Or may I ask that?"

"You may very well ask whatever you want, Miss Emalia. I was thinking, maybe, horse riding, walking, a tour of my land maybe, but I will not force you. You can just as well stay in your room if you so choose. You can do what you'd like for the time that you are here.: I each a few more pieces of steak and a few more forkfuls of mashed potatoes. 

"Oh, I would love to, Charles!" I hear her squealing. 

"Miss Emalia, what is it you'd love to do, that is?"

"All of it, Charles. All of the things you mentioned, they all sound so wonderful. I'm most excited about being outside and touring your lands that you own. As you see, I hardly ever went outside since I came here because I was the princess and I hadn't had my "coming out" party yet, so, my parents didn't want me out very much."

"Yeah, I see, it is like that with most royals, unless something happens and that princess needs to, for whatever reason, take over for the royal of her family that had previously died and couldn't rule. Besides that though, the way things were with your family, it's like that for most families. It was like that for my only sister. The night of her "coming out" party, at the party she met her husband and they got married before they has both died of the fever."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Charles. That must really hurt." I hadn't even noticed she'd gotten up from her chair until I felt a gentle hand being placed upon my shoulder. "Can I.... Can I offer you a hug, Charles? Or would that be inappropriate?" she asks delicately, almost as if I'd shatter if she spoke any louder. I nod stand so that she can. 

She wraps her arms around my shoulders and presses her body into mine, not just against it, into it. And she buries her face in my neck and soon I can feel a few warm tears against my skin and I instinctively wrap my arms around her waist and hold her. I hold her tightly, trying to console whatever is making her feel this way and making her cry. 

"It;s okay, Emalia," I coo to her and stroke her hair with my hand. "It was a long time ago, it doesn't hurt so much anymore unless I think or talk about it."

"I'm sorry that I made you think and talk about it." I can just make out of the mumbles coming from her sobs and mouth smothered against my shirt.

"I'm not mad at you, you were just curious and Emalia, don't be afraid to ask me to tell you anything because of this okay? I'd love to tell you anything you are wanting to know because for the first time, you're the only person that has earned that trust from me. Only you, Emalia, deserve to know anything you want about me and this house and anything that I can tell you about." She lifts her head and I smile a sweet gentle smile at her, trying to make her feel more comfortable. 

She smiles weakly back at me; I reach up to wipe the stray tears from her cheeks with my other hand and kiss both of her cheeks tenderly. "You're special Emalia, very special."

"Thank you, Charles. For everything, you're a really amazing and sweet, loving man. You will make some woman very, very happy one day." "I sure hope so," I say back to her and she lays her head back against my shoulder and Rosie walks in with our next dish. 

I look at her and shake my head, "She's too tired, Rosie. I'm sorry, but she did think your cooking was amazing. I'm sorry that we couldn't finish it, but she's had a hard time before she came here and she still needs to rest it out of her. Her parents passed not too long ago and she still needs to recover. Thank you, though Rosie, for making a beautiful and delicious meal for us tonight. It was very special."

"You are very welcome, Charles and thank you for enjoying it." she smiles and starts to tidy up the table. "Do you want me to take her up to her room?"

"No, Rosie, that's okay. I can take her and I think that with your age, you shouldn't be carrying her anyway, but thanks for offering. You're a really sweet lady, I hope you choose to stay and work for me for a long time. I really enjoy having you here, things aren't as lonely. I at least had someone to talk to before Emalia came along. I think I'll retire to bed early too, so don't wait up for me. Goodnight Rosie."

She smiles, big and bright, "Good night, Charles," she then whispers, "Good night Emalia," and places a small peck like kiss upon Emalia's cheek. Then I pick her up into my arms and walk out of the room to let Rosie start cleaning up from dinner. I climb the stairs gently, making sure not to wake her from her quiet slumber. She looks so cute when she's sleeping, so peaceful and beautiful, but then again, she always looks beautiful. 

When I get to her room, I lay her on her bed, I pull her shoes of her feet and rub then each gently and then pull back her blankets. I straighten her in the bed and pull the blankets back over to cover her. I place a kiss upon each of her delicate and beautiful eyelids and then one to each of her cheeks and one of her forehead and then turn and walk out of her room. I close the door and smile when I hear her move and mumble something unintelligent from her sleep. 

 I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter too!!!!!!!!!! I'm really excited and I am really surprised about how fast I finished this chapter I usually never finish chapters this fast, but so far with this book I've been I've been almost like superwoman. 



HAPPY READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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