Oliver (Vocaloid) x Reader

De Panda_chan12

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Working on a new description and this book is being rewritten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know that Oliver is... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Special Chapter: It's your birthday!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27.5
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
So sorry ;-;
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 32

293 11 54
De Panda_chan12

2nd POV~

"Are you getting classes on how to be a hoe? Cause I think that's the only class you'll be good at!" Ay-ri suddenly popped up behind you, snickering. "You're learning from the best! Ma-ri is a great teacher!"

"Why do you hate her so much?! Is it because she's better than you?! If that is, than that is true!" That statement made Ay-ri stop in her tracks, she stood there offended before running up to you, "she is NOT better than me! It's the opposite!"

"Mm no I think it's the other way around. She's more prettier than you, smarter, perfect, and just better!"

"I can't believe you..."she trailed off, she then glared at you before turning the other direction.

You stared at her for a bit while walking before bumping into a wall, "god damn you wall." You grumbled.

"Are you ok (Y/N)!" Oliver ran up to you, reaching his hand to touch the spot where the wall hurt you.

"U-uh yea! I'm ok!"

"I HOPE THE WALLS OK!" A voice bummed at the end of the hallways which immediately you know who it was. Ay-ri.

"Well I hope you don't get a bruise, anyway let's head to first hour together?" He held out his hand, awaiting for you to place your hand on top of his so that he can escort you.

You smiled and gladly took it, which made Oliver a blushing mess but he quickly hid with his hat.


The lunch bell ranged, alerting students to get to lunch.

"(Y/N)-chan!" Somebody called you from behind, at first you almost threw your bag at the girl until you realised it was Ma-ri.

"Hey Ma-ri!"

"I was wondering if you wanna walk to lunch?"



"Wanna sit with me?" You asked holding the tray full of crap since lunch food is always terrible.

Ma-ri glanced at the table seeing Miku, Rin, Gumi, Len, Oliver, Kaito, Meiko, SeeU, and Haku. Haku started hanging with you more since one of her friends went to jail.

"Um no it's fine." Ma-ri gripped her tray tightly before signing, "I'm not good with new people..."

"You sure? They're really nice people, they may be jerks at times but other than that they're really fun to hang out with!"

"I guess I will try then..." Ma-ri walked awkwardly stepped towards them.

"Your friends ditched you? Seems like they couldn't handle your bitchyness!" Miku rolled her eyes.

"Miku this is Ma-ri..."

Miku eyes widened, "oh shit! I'm so sorry I thought you were-"

"Ay-ri? I know." Ma-ri smiled before slowly placing her tray next to you while you sat next to Gumi.

"You look so alike that I can't tell the difference!"

Ma-ri chuckled, "it's fine really!"

"Anyways back to our conversation," Rin laughed, "do you know da wae?"

"Yes da wae is da dankest way!" Gumi replied.

"You guys are weird..." Len mumbled.

"Being weird is the best!" Rin smiled.

Miku rolled her eyes, "so Ma-ri-chan, when did you come to our school?"

"About a week ago."

"About a week ago!" Rin singed, imitating those vines.

"Shut up baka!"

"Oh you think I'm the baka?" Rin raised her eyebrow, "watch this and let's see who is the baka now." Rin pulled out her phone, playing the video of Len yelling furiously at the wall. She placed it in Len's hands, he watched it in disbelief. "is this really me?! Was I that stupid?!"

"You always are." Rin giggled mischievously.

Len was to concentrated on the video to hear what Rin said.

"Don't mind them, anyways I know this is a bit personal but I have to know! Why do you hang with Ay-ri even though she is such a bitch towards you?"

"Well...how can I explain this? Well we're both twins yes, but I feel more at ease being with someone I knew for a long time. I know it doesn't make sense but it's quite a complicated feeling!" She threw her hands up, without realizing that she was holding a knife.

The sharp blade swung across the table, passing swiftly pass Rin, cutting her arm, bits of blood slowly oozed out.


"I-it's ok, just don't throw knives around ok?" Rin chuckled nervously, "anyways no worries I'll just go to the nurses office for a band aid!" Rin chirped before getting up to empty her tray to the trash can before returning it.

She skipped towards the door, wait...if I walk real slow I can be late to History! She then suddenly started taking small baby steps towards the nurses office.

Len looked around wondering why everything became so quiet, his face a bit flushed from embarrassment.

"I hope she's ok!" Oliver prayed silently to himself.

"It's fine~ it's not like it's gonna kill her!" Meiko rolled her eyes.


Miku eyes then widened before remembering something, "Oh Oliver I forgot to say but Luka won't be able to pick you up after school, she has a school meeting she has to attend to so are you walking home or?"

Oliver thought for a second, "well I suppose I have to..."

"Wait isn't it like gonna rain or something?" Meiko said, remembering the news cast this morning.

"Oh yea I forgot." Oliver chuckled nervously.

"I can drive you home Oliver!" Len suggested, "Just hurry and be out so that I can leave Rin here."

Oliver laughed, "thank you Len!"

"SeeU-chan why are you not eating?" Haku asked stuffing some food into her mouth.

"Recently I've been losing my appetite to eat, I think it's because of the medication I've been taking." SeeU rubbed her forehead.


"Yes, I have been getting these painful headaches for the past week now so I take these to ease it. Though I've noticed that I'm losing weight dramatically!"

"That's not good SeeU-chan, I hope you get better!"


"If I know how to cook, I would make you the bestest soup in the world! Unfortunately...I tend to burn everything, from the food, my hand, to the fire extinguisher..." Gumi tilted her head down, ashamed.

"How the hell do you get the fire extinguisher on fire?!" Len tilted his head.

"I don't know... I almost burnt down my house last week!"

"What'd you try cooking? Toast?"


"Seems like this is not the week for you guys." (Y/N) spoke with hint of sincere and concern.

"Seems like it. Though I hope things goes better before the concert." Oliver replied.



The end of classes bell ranged (I forgot what it was called...)

Oliver looked down to his phone seeing a message from Len.

From: Len

Heyyyyyyyyy...um I won't be able to pick you up after school heh...sorry, blame it on Rin! Rin was being overdramatic at the nurses office that they actually took her to the HOSPITAL! It was just a stupid cut! So now I have to go and pick her up -_-

Oliver looked around, he watched the rain pour and pour. He sighed, I guess I have to walk...

He stood at the front entrance holding his bag tightly, preparing for him to get drenched in H2O.

He placed his hand on the door, already feeling the light cold breeze barely sweeping in. He pushed the door with a light force, a gust of cold air swept his face making him shiver in response.

"Are ya crazy?! Going out there with out no jacket?! Ya gonna get a cold mate!" Fukase tilted his hat in greeting him.

"Bloody hell Fukase, don't do that! You scared me!"

"That was the point! A-ah not you point!"

The white fluffy thing tilted its head, "You bring your pets to school?"

"He's not a pet! He's my best friend!" Fukase huffed, "how would you like it if I called James a pet?"

"James is not a pet, he is my son!"

"Whoa! I didn't know that you and (Y/N)-chan already did the diddly do! At such a young age to! What did our generation become of?" Fukase trailed off, having a small existential crisis.

"I-I don't know what you mean but I assume it is dirty so I will ignore you and be off my day!" Oliver looked away, he was both confused and annoyed.

"Where's ya ride?"

"I don't have one...Len had some business to attend to as well as Luka."

"Well want me to give ya a ride?"


"Yep! I hate to see you drenched out here in the cold!"

Oliver smiled, "though you'll have to sit on top of the car, I don't like my car being dirty." That smile soon turned upside down, he gave Fukase an 'are you serious?' look.

"Hahahahahaha! I'm just kiddin mate!" Fukase laughed.

"Anyways where is your car?"

"Just over there." Fukase pointed towards it, "thank goodness! I thought it would be a far away!"

"Now why on earth would I park my car far away?! I don't like walking even though 'it's good exercise'!"

Oliver stared at Fukase for a bit before glancing back, "well ready?"


Oliver than pushed the door open with all his might, making it swing open. A gust of wind blowing their hair back and almost their hats. They also regretted opening the door, but Fukase who had a sudden burst of energy, grabbed Oliver and made him run.

"W-WAIT!" Fukase ignored him, they were only had way there until Oliver almost tripped.

"Are you serious mate?! We are almost there!" He yelled.



They entered the car, pointing. "damn that Miku..." Fukase growled as he say his license plate.

Miku has started taking out his license plate and replacing it with a new one which says 6AY 5H0TA, at first Fukase was confused at what that said until it soon hit him, GAY SHOTA. (I suck at trying to spell words with numbers XD)

It was to cold for him to take it out, seems like he'll have to stick with it for today. He started the engine and pulled out, "hmm seems like Miku-chan texted me." Oliver looked down to his phone.

From: Miku


Oliver tilted his head, his heart pounding with worry.

"I wonder if she's ok!" Oliver said frantically, "Fukase can you take me to the mall real quick?! Miku-chan seems to be in trouble!"

"Is she gonna die?" Fukase said nonchalantly.

"No, I hope not..."

"Dammit... Well she'll just have to suffer by herself then!"

"Fukase~" Oliver whined, tugging Fukase's sleeve lightly while giving him the puppy eyed look. "d-don't look at me like that!" He grumbled trying his best to look away. "F-fine...I'm so not attending the funeral!"


"M-Miku-chan! Are you ok?!"

"Yes!" Miku sighed in relief, "I thought you never come! Now...which dress do you think suits me? Pink or teal?"

"Wait Wait Wait wait!" Fukase placed his hand on his hips, "you made me drive Oliver ALL the way here just so he can help you pick out a dress?!"

"Precisely! Now Ollie-kun! Which one?!" She chirped holding both dresses in front of Oliver.


"Forget it Oliver! Let's go! I'll drive you home."

"Wait you needed a driver Ollie-kun? You could have asked me~" Miku pouted, "remember we used to have so much fun?!"


"Oliver! You look so cute with pigtails! You should wear that more often!" Miku gushed over the flushed sailor boy with two small pigtails hanging on the side of his head.

"N-no I don't..."

"Yes you do! *Gasps* I think you'll look even better with makeup on!" Miku did a quick turn, making Oliver hang onto life on the seat. She slammed on the breaks, she stopped on the side of the road. Instantly she dug underneath the seat, looking for a bag.

She pulled out a large dark blue bag filled with lots of cosmetics and brushes.



"It's just an eyelash curler, it doesn't even hurt~"


"It's not like I'm going to poke your eyeball out! Though I am gonna highlight your waterline... So stop moving or I WILL poke your eyeballs out!"


"I'm gonna put some blush on you~ you'll look ten times cuter!"


"I'm gonna fill in your eyebrows a bit ok?"


"Well this is called mascara~ so it has to be quite close but don't worry~ it'll be fine~ I've done this a million times!"


"No no~ they're fake eyelashes!"


After all those traumatizing events, Oliver sat there mumbling to himself. "why do girls need to put those horrible contraptions on themselves?! Hasn't anyone heard of the term 'natural beauty'?!"

"Yes well girls like to be pretty."

"They don't need those...all girls are pretty even without 'those' things. The thing that is the most beautiful is their personality!"

"Aha you're so cute! Why haven't you gotten a girlfriend huh?! Haven't your boyish hormones came in yet?! But don't turn out like Len though! That boy has too much of it!"

Oliver blushed, he was a bit confused though for some reason embarrassed, "w-well, I'm pretty much a social introvert, you know I don't speak much, I never really raised my voice."

"Whatever! A minute ago you were screaming like you were being killed!"

Oliver huffed, "well I did not like you tackling me down, pinning me to the seat just to put those bloody contraptions on me!"


Oliver looked at her horrified, "I will not sing this!"

"Why not? This song fits you perfectly!" Miku gushed, the song 'Let's Put on Fake Eyelashes', came on.


"Do it or I'll eat all your candy!"


"YAYYYYYYYYYY! THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! I CAN FINALLY DIE HAPPILY!" Miku screamed, holding tightly to her phone which she was recording. "OLIVER! OLIVER! SING THIS NEXT! IT'S 'DINK DIN-"

She was cut off by the door slamming into her face, she hasn't even realised that they were already at his house.

Never again will Oliver let Miku drive him again.

Flashback over~

"Eh? Where'd Fukase go?"

"Don't know, don't care." Miku shrugged.

"But I need him! He's my ride!"

"I can drive you home Ollie-kun!"

"N-no thank you."

Miku sighed, "ok just pick a color and we'll be off to find that baka ok?"

"Yay! Ok I choose..." Oliver leaned in close, speculating each dress carefully, "I think teal!"

"Ah I thought that would look too! Anyways let me quickly go buy this and then I'm done!"

"Yay!" Oliver cheered.


"Excuse me lady, have you seen a red haired boy this tall and is clearly gay?" Miku asked a random lady.

"P-pardon?!" The lady asked surprised.

"Nevermind!" Miku sighed, "we looked everywhere! He's not in any of the stores!"

Oliver thought for a bit before it clicked, "I know where he is! Follow me!" He ran with Miku following him.

"I knew you'd be here!" Oliver applauded himself, Fukase was at the food court.

"Where ever they're food is, is where I'm at!" He smiled with a bag full of different foods from different stores.

"Wonder why you weigh more than an elephant..." Miku smirked.

Fukase growled. "well you two girlies done?"

"Yep! I'm ready to go!" Oliver smiled.

"Ok let's go!" Fukase then was gonna ruffle Oliver's hair before Miku halted him, "what do you think you're doing? This is (Y/N)-chan's property! Nobody touches what's hers!"

Fukase glared at her, "he is not no slave!"

"That's not what your diary said..."


"That's not important! Anyways I will protect my ship to the end! Though if Gumi-chan was here, she would have a major nose bleed...she's into yaoi stuff."

"E-errrrr..." Fukase looked away embarrassed, Oliver eyeing both utterly confused.

"C'mon Oliver, let's leave this leek freak!" He grabbed Oliver and rushed outside.

"What's yaoi?"

"Well it's when two guys-" Fukase fell to the floor with Miku toppling over him covering his mouth. "Do. Not. Ruin. His. Innocence." She spoke harshly.

Fukase kicked her off, "g-get away from me!"

"Can't. Since I've read your diary I know all your 'desires' for this smol marshmallow, so I won't allow it!"

He growled before pushing her over and running, while holding Oliver's wrist and running out to the parking lot.

He quickly jumped in his car, along with Oliver. As soon as Oliver closed his door, Fukase immediately locked it. "That girl...she definitely needs some serious help!"

Fukase drove Oliver home quietly, he kept worrying about what else Miku has found out.

"Bye Fukase! Thanks for the ride!"

"No prob mate!"

The next day~

"Hi (Y/N)-chan!" Ma-ri popped up next to you.

"H-h- oh my! You got a hair cut?!" Ma-ri nodded, her long luscious black hair was now up to her shoulders, bouncy as ever. She smiled, before hair strands covered her face. She groaned, "I cut my bangs a bit shorter and now they're just annoying!" She tucked them behind her ear.

"You look different! A-a good different!" You smiled.

"Thank you! Do you think it'll help if I place some pins in my hair so it'll stop covering my face?!"

"Yea, it should help."

"Ok!" She went into her bag, pulling out four pins, placing two on her left fringe and the other two in the side (the same place Rin has hers lol I couldn't think of nothing else XD)

"Oh my god! This is so much better! Thank you again!" She gave you a quick hug before running off.

"You're welcome again..."


Lol at the beginning of the chapter I was like I'm gonna take my time on this, I'm gonna add a bit more detail and- *writes middle part* you know what...fuck it I'm gonna write whatever, I haven't updated in awhile! So that's the reason why it seems a bit rushed XD

Here's the song Oliver was singing XD it's so cute XD

Also here's Dinky Dink XD

Oliver why you have to be so cute?????!


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