Stuck between the two


618 17 1


The Basics
The Start
The Banquet
The Meeting
The start of something new?
When drama follows
The Truth
Date night
Moving forward
Did i make a mistake?
Who the fuck is Cena?
What's Next?
I fucked up
Where Do We Go From Here?


20 2 0

So it's Tuesday morning and I'm heading basically across Atlanta to go visit my parents and siblings I have to know what's so important that it brought Rain across the the country. My parents lived in a very vacated area you would pass it if you didn't know a House was there..... I took a shower got dress in something simple sweats and uggs it was late October so it was pretty chilly especially since it was 7am the sun was now starting to fully rise I had to leave this time because it's an all day drive I'll reach there about 12pm when everybody should already be there. Devon called me as soon as I got in the car "Good Morning baby" He said in the sexiest sleepy voice. "Good morning you still in bed?" I asked "yeah I'm taking the day off" his voice was groggy I could tell he was tired. "You deserve it you sound tired.. I wish I could spend it with you" I said sounding sad " you can when you get back later on" he said "okay text me your address and I'll come straight to you after" .... "okay babe travel safe I'll call you every now and again iam going to get some sleep" he hung up and I continued driving I stopped got some coffee some breakfast and got back on the road. Georgia called me right on time I needed some company the music was starting to bore me. "Yeassssss bitchhhhh I'm up now give me all the details" she yelled I had to turn down the car speaker that damn car phone system was loud as hell I gave my sis every detail I told her I was no longer single and I feel confident about this. "Oh yeah girl your crab legs are in the fridge in the second draw"I said before hanging up. I was about 15 minutes away from seeing my parents. I talk to my parents often but lately I haven't been hearing from dad mom would always say he's busy and can't talk which was strange because they were always together I only came home during major breaks because this driving was way too time consuming. They understood that it was better for me to be closer to my school without actually living on campus. I pulled up to big shrubs aka bushes and I put my handprint in the pad that moved the hedge I drove all the way up which was about 5 or 6 miles to main house I parked my car all sloppy I didn't care I was thinking if I should leave my truck and take one of my fathers cars but then again i love my truck so much and it'll be a while before I come back and get it and the only car my father would let me take was the Benz and it was so small I hated feeling compacted. I walked to the door and Bridget was of course waiting there with a hot towel and a bottled water I loved Bridget she basically helped raise me she still looks young despite all the years she put into this place. I hugged her and told her to to go relax and take the rest of the day off. I went into the family room to see if everyone was there and they were without dad. "Hey everyone" I hugged them they kissed me and greeted me. "Where's pops?" I asked they all told me to sit down "what the fuck is going on here I'm not urging nowhere I don't got time for the melodrama soap opera shit" I said in a seriously angry tone "well excuse me but have you lost your goddamn mind" mama asked "no ma" I said rolling my eyes "so sit yo ass down and listen". I did just that but Just because I was angry that doesn't make me stupid. I wasn't feeling the vibe of what was going on. "Okay Paris we waited so long to tell you because we know that you guys bond was the strongest well he's sick "sick? What do you mean sick" I already started tearing because I highly doubt a flu is that serious for a meeting. They explained everything to me about his condition I couldn't do anything but cry I guess my tears moved everyone because they all joined in. Mom turned the entire pool house into a nursing him for him she hired round the clock nurses they rotated so he wouldn't want or need anything because there was always someone there to help. I hesitated to visit him but not for long my king needed me I went alone because on my head I would feel more comfortable. As I got the pool house I pushed the doors open there was a whole nurses station my heart sank I couldn't believe it was this serious. A nurse greeted me she knew my name which I wasn't shocked at she walked me in the room and my father said "you see nurse this is my youngest daughter" he sounded strong and looked vibrant but I knew for certain something was wrong. Seeing him laying in that hospital bed was something I was going to have to get used to because my father hated staying in bed he was always energetic. We talked for hours I couldn't stop kissing his bald head and hugging him he seemed so tired I asked the nurse why she explained the medication and how his body needs lots of rest so his new bed time was about 6pm I sat there and watched him sleep for about 2 hours I kissed him and left the room. It gave my mind and body ease because I seen how well he was doing despite him still being sick I went back to the main house and everyone was sitting there same as I left them I couldn't believe they waited this long to say something even Rain knew and she lived all the way in England I lived right here in Georgia I had no words for them at this particular moment "I'll see you guys next weekend I'm coming to spend the weekend with dad" I said walking to the doors "Paris so you're not staying for dinner?" .."No mom I have a long drive back and I have class in the morning" I responded with my eyes still dry from crying. "Of course like always little Paris has to go running off every time shit gets tough" Rain said then sipping her wine. I was 2 seconds from throwing the whole bottle at her head but I was in no mood to fight. I stared at her for a minute because I couldn't believe what she had just said the room was quiet everyone's eyes were on me waiting for my reaction then I just started laughing because that's what everyone wants a reaction. They looked at me like I was crazy and finally Ricky asked "what's wrong with you what's so funny?". "Y'all are funny all of you! This is what y'all want right? A reaction? Y'all left me out the loop because I was young calling it protection what the fuck were y'all protecting me from? You guys are protecting me from my own family? Iam not a baby anymore and I deserve some respect. And as for you Rain don't come up in here pretending to be all worthy and better than us because you been running you moved to fucking England !!! Who the fuck is out there for you? You don't even have a job so stop you living off of your trust fund yeah and tell mom that your kids have two different dads let's run away from that" everyone's jaw dropped in utter shock I didn't give a fuck I was tired of her she was so fake!!!!! Always pretending to want to be my friend and I believed her because she's my sister. "Cmon man y'all don't have to do all that". Ricky said standing up "Ricky shut the fuck up because you always ran away from us if it wasn't friends it was girls you didn't have a bond with dad you didn't want one always blaming him for shit he couldn't control and now you stuck in baby mama drama and trying your best to live it up in Miami when we all know you living off daddy's money". I was letting them have it. "Paris that's enough I think you should get going I don't want you driving too late. Mommy walked me outside and she hugged me and kissed my forehead and whispered it's going to be okay and she thanked me for my honesty. I thought she was going to go off on me but everyone knows the truth must be told despite anything being hidden. I got in my car and headed straight to Devon's house I was in shambles and I just needed to be around him I know Georgia wasn't home and it made no sense to call her I'll need to explain this in person.

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