Stuck between the two


618 17 1


The Basics
The Start
The Banquet
The Meeting
The start of something new?
The Truth
Date night
Moving forward
Did i make a mistake?
Who the fuck is Cena?
What's Next?
I fucked up
Where Do We Go From Here?

When drama follows

21 1 0

It was Saturday morning and I just stayed in bed it was my only day off in so long and  I was just reminiscing about last night he swept me off my feet and we didn't even have sex which was a plus I was smiling like crazy it was about 9:30 I checked my phone and Georgia texted me back "okay girl I'll be home tonight" I responded "can't wait". I decided to text Devon "good morning hope you slept well" that was corny but it was a start. I got up to run my shower and brush my teeth after I was done spreading my bed and cleaning the house. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when I heard my phone ringing once I saw it was Devon I immediately answered "Hey what's up ? You busy?" He asked. "not at all I just finished cleaning and about to jump in the shower what's up ?" " just wanted to know if you wanted to go to brunch?" I started smiling as if he could see me through the phone "sure I'd love to" I responded with my voice all happy. "Okay pick you up in an hour" he said before hanging up. I was done brushing my teeth getting ready to get in the tub when my door bell rang. I ran downstairs because it had to be a delivery guy them niggas always trying to run away from the door. I opened the door without asking who it was which was a dumb move. Cree came pushing past my arm like he lived here or payed some type of fucking bill. "Ummmmmm excuse me but can you please leave" I said with a very nasty attitude. "I need to talk to you baby" he said inching closer to me. " I'm not your fucking baby and we don't got shit to talk about Cree you violated me in the worst way and it's done so you can go I'm not with this drama and you know this" I said while backing up and pushing his chest "All I want to do is talk to you like can you hear me out for two seconds please" he sounded like he wanted to cry so I let him speak "Talk and don't waste my time" ... he started going on and on about how he was sorry and he had trust issues I've heard this all before and I was done with that shit I started crying because he really thought I was a fucking toy like he didn't respect me he wants the college stay at home girl nobody else can have when he could be in the hood fucking bitches. "You really deserve a Oscar for this one because you really sound believable Cree do you know how many bitches called my phone trying to curse me out thinking I was the side bitch I had bitches key my cars up calling my house everyday trying to fight me because of shit you do I'm good I want no parts I'm done, I wish I never met you". I said that with tears in my eyes because that's what really hurt we were friends before anything else and betrayed me lesson learned never take a niggas out the friend zone. He was getting angry because every word hit home and he was used to me running back but this time he took it to far he grabbed me and pinned me on the steps but I fought him off me I punched him so hard he stumbled back into the wall. He was holding his jaw and then slapped me I tasted blood one thing with me I wasn't Pussy he was going to get a run for his money nobody could bitch me "you think I'm scared of you?" I screamed as I ran up on him swinging he honestly didn't know what hit him that's when he started choking me. But I was still swinging fuck that. "Yoooo what's going on in here?" I heard Devon scream as he grabbed me and lifted me up I was still swinging and kicking. "Bitch you not gonna forget this I swear to God I got something for you" Cree said as he grabbed his jaw and walked towards the door " yooo my man with all due respect you don't gotta worry about her no more she good and never put your hands on her again" Devon said then locked the door.

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