The Four *rewriting

By Tejamlane01

909 47 21

Freya, Willow, Ethan, and Aaron have never met each other. More

Character List
Shit Really Starts to Get Interesting
Happy Birthday To Me
Stand Back
We'll be okay one day
Supernatural Fight Club
Letting Go
What the beans is that?!
Can You Swim?
Just go with it, okay
Light this bitch up


207 6 2
By Tejamlane01


Arttis runs through the door, racing over to the book of spells. His lungs were screaming for air to travel faster in his chest as he stumbles across the room clumsily. There were clusters of books throughout the room that was only lit from the fires littering the ground outside. He could barely make out the podium in the back in which he was headed. He could tell that this once was a sacred room in the castle. Whispers of it's elegance seen through the high ceilings of stone and the gold patterned shelves that stood tilted from the ground. Arttis felt his heart squeeze as he took a millisecond to digest the destruction of his home. There was no time to be fearful, and yet all of his fears were dancing in his mind, taunting him with his every move. He is playing in a deadly race against the clock and there was no room for mistakes. And there was definitely no room for mourning.

Tracks of screams dripping in terror were stuck in a unbearable loop outside of the tall doors he had just ran through. Their cries for someone to protect them nearly drove Arttis mad. He wished all their pain, all their fear, could fall onto him. If he could only absorb the suffering he had a hand in creating, no one would have to be immersed in his mistakes. He'd only have to wait a few more moments before he could set his wish in motion. It all depended on now. This moment. And how the others fought for it. His shivering hand opens the book slowly.

The Elements Of Earth.

As Arttis flipped through the aged pages, the door whips open. He snaps his head to the door to see Bolina rushing through the doorway. Her red hair flowing down her back in tight crazy waves. The beautiful flower crown placed on the top of her head tilted to the right and some hairs stray away from the crown. The rebel curls spiraled in front of her terrified green orbs. Her eyes were wild as she walked the length of the room panting heavily from the fight she put to get here. "Arttis, we must hurry. He is coming and he's coming fast. If he finds out our plan, he will..." She trails off, trying to push the image away.

" He won't get to us fast enough," Arttis assures her. He continues his search in determination to keep his words true. "Where are the others?" He asked after a beat, not lifting his eyes.

"Gluacus and Hemithea are fighting The One Eyed Ones. It's getting worse out there. The creatures are all rising from Below. He had to have already broken the barrier. We are running out of warriors to counter the attacks." She explained pacing across the room.

"We knew this would happen, Bolina. That is why we made our plan. Why don't you grab the slate and start drawing the shape on the floor for the ritual." Arttis suggested to the beautiful woman in front of him. He thought maybe a distraction could help calm her fearful mind.

With a nod, Bolina moved to the cabinet at the far corner in the room. She opens the door, seeing the slate quickly. Moving to the center of the room, she worked diligently. It was a simple shape. A circle with two lines in the middle. One going horizontal and the other on top going vertically. Each end pointing at a direction; North, South, East, West. As she finished she couldn't hold her tongue any longer. " My love, are we making a mistake? If we fail, we will all die. Maybe we should..." She hesitates. Sighing, she finishes, "maybe we shoulds top this now. Before he has the chance to do worse to any of us," As soon as she voiced the question every one of the closest people in her life struggled with, it was as if a pin dropped. She knew what he would say. She knew what she must do. She knew it was her duty. But now, in this moment, she wanted to grab the man she loved and run to the other side of the Earth. Away from all the evil surrounding them. All she needed was his words, his steady hand to keep her brave. Her lovely green eyes stared deep into her one true love waiting for his guidance.

Arttis sighs a deep, shaky breath and smiles wearily. Closing the book, he walks over to Bolina. His strong arms wrapping around her small waist and securing her in place. He connected his eyes with hers and whispered, " We must do this for the mortals. They need protection from...him. We have to take this chance for them." He spoke the words the four of them repeated countless times to each other. Then decided to add to the vow. He knew she needed him and he wasn't failing her. He tightened his hold and leaned his head down.

Landing his chin on top of her head, he said, "I can promise you this, I will never let him hurt you. Not one strand on your beautiful head will be misplaced by his hands, Bo. But know that you are strong. The strongest woman I have ever met. You can do this and when you do, I'll be right there to kiss the bravest woman on Earth." To seal this promise, he placed his lips on Bolina's. She moves her hands up to his neck, pressing their bodies closer to each others. Their lips moved in sync as they let themselves get lost in this moment. The fear melted away and left the unquestionable love they felt for each other in it's place.

Bolina moves her hands down to his chest, pushing him back softly, "We mustn't forget the plan." She says with a strong smile, running her hands down his auburn waves. "Let us finish getting everything set up while wait for Gluacus and Hemithea." Her old determination falling back into place. She glances at the book then at Arttis. He nods with a smirk, moving back to the book.

"Bolina, is everything ready? We have to hurry, he is almost here." Hemithea calls as she sprints in with a small limb. Her long curly hair was pulled back by a lacy blue band stained in a vivid red. Her torn, light blue dress swaying at her hips as she leans on a small shelf. The usual perfect brown skin on her chest and arms cut in various places. Despite all of this, she glowed. Her beauty surpassing the roughness of her appearance at the moment.

"Hemithea, are you alright?" Bolina says in concern, rushing to her greatest friend. Pushing her hair back, she examined the deep cuts on her skin. She scrunched her lips in worry.

"Of course, as if a little, old one eyed bastard could ever truly slow me down. You should have gotten a look at the shape I left him in." Hemithea scoffed. shrugging off her pain. Truth was all of her cuts stung like hell, but she would never admit that. Not with Bolina The Motherly already terrified for all of them. "No need to worry about me." She gave her a small smile.

Arttis gave a loud, deep chuckle, "I have no doubt you gave them exactly what they deserve," His voice booming in a way only Hemithea could have him produce. She had a way of making every situation lighter. It was her best quality. One that helped the group stay afloat in the most fearful missions. She had a bright flame of joy in her that was simply infectious. "Where is Gluacus?" He asked finally.

Her smile visibly drops at his name. "Gluacas will be here soon. He was following after me, but one of the One Eyed attacked a young girl. She must have been 4 years of age. He couldn't bring himself to walk away, but knew I had to get here. You know him, after a quick order for me to leave without him, he began to fight. The bull left no room for argument" She gave a playful scoff but fear is all you can see controlling her features.

"I do know him, Hemithea. In all of our years together he's never lost a fight. He's to stubborn to. He'll be walking through that door in moment now, don't fret." Arttis assured her, ripping out the spell from the book. Though she knew in her heart he was right, she couldn't silence the voice in her head chanting a million possibilities that end with him being gone. Forever.

Arttis rushed across the room getting the candles out of the black cabinet; a blue, red, white, and green one. "Bo, grab the ash and Thea grab the sand." He commands lightly. He grabs a handful of soil for himself. They all drop each element on the line of a direction. Arttis choses the North for himself, trailing the dirt in a vertical line. "Everything is ready. Now all we need is Gluacas." He dusts his hands on his pants as he moves to get the matches.

As if on cue, Gluacas strides in confidently. His chocolate hair moving in waves to his sweaty brown shoulders, a deep cut sinking into his skin. With a gasp of relief, Hemithea runs to him immediately. She crashed into him, but he didn't even bat an eyelash. She stares at him for a moment and then kisses him hard. She allows her relief to pour into the kiss. Her small body lifts as he wraps his arms around her tightly. Breaking apart after a moment, they lay their foreheads against each others." I love you. Don't ever scare me that way again. Or I'll kill you myself." She whispered. Her eyes watering as they bore into his. One tear falling without her permission ad he smiles at her words. Mostly because he knew how serious she was.

"I promise, I love kissing you too much to die now." He leans his head down kissing her tear away. "I wish I could kiss every one of those tears away, but I believe we have work to get now, princess. Arttis is damn near close to blowing a blood vessel."

"Oi, 2 minutes and already you're insulting me." Arrtis calls with a small smile. His cheeks flushed at the comment.

Hemithea nods with a giggle and Gluacus releases her from his hold. As she turns around, he stops her suddenly. Grabbing her hand and spinning her around, he stares deep into her eyes. "I almost forgot. I love you more than you will ever know." He whispers to her with his deep voice sending shivers down her skin.

"So where do we start?" Bolina asks.

"To make this work we need complete concentration. Now each of you go to a point in the circle." Arttis explained walking to the North point. Gluacus walks to the South point, followed by Hemithea to the East and Bolina to the West. Arttis gives Gluacus the white candle, Bolina the red candle, Hemithea the blue candle and keeps the green for himself. "The elelment on your line and color of your candle connects your essence with the element. Once we start the chant all of us must not move off our points." He explained. With a breath they all begin.

"Elements, we call you now to inhabit this body of mine.
In every generation a body you shall find. To keep your strength in the darkest of times.
Fire, water, Earth, and air. Come to us now to make this battle fair.
Now the Elemental four has spoken, the elements have now have been awoken.
Every generation will get stronger and stronger. Till the chosen four have born and are 17 years older.
To fight every deadly evil and most evil of them all. We ask to never let them fall. Arise in us and stay from here to forever," They chant together.

All at once they feel a rush around them. A sharp jolt on the ground causes tremors on the floor. A sudden tornado whips around the circle. Reeling around them causing their hair and closed the letter and its strong winds. Soon, however this tornado awakes in flames. The heat burning at their skin and causes Hemithea to yelp in pain. "Don't let go," Gluacus shoats squeezing her hand. Then the fire becomes a whirlpool around them from the bottom up. The water splashing and flinging all around the room in a loud splash. It only is there for a beat before, finally, they see leaves moving in the same motion around them.  Circling the four in a final spin, putting the spell into completion. All at once the leaves fell to the floor and the tension in the room lifted.

"Do you think it worked?" Gluacus asked with a chuckle, immediately feeling his power surging through him.

"Let us see." Arttis smirked and raised his hand. He stares at the floor with an intense frown and the floor shakes in the room. The motion tipping Hemithea over. She nearly falls but thankfully is caught by amused Gluacus.

"Carful there, love." He said with a smirk. Hemithea glared and pushed herself up.

Arttis smiles and places his icy blue eyes on Bolina. "Oh, it most definitely worked. And now my friends, we have the power of the elements at our finger tips." He stated as the ground stills. He wraps his arms around Bolina, spinning her around. She laughs, as hope fills her spirit. "Go on try it." He said with a grin, placing her on the ground.

Bolina squints towards a book. Her vains begin to bubble and her body heats up. Suddenly the book is engulfed in flames "Oh my," She whispers.

Hemithea moves her hands in waves towards each other and suddenly drops of water form in the air. They morphe and collide with each other, making a water ball. She holds it in the palm of her hand moving over to the book. "Now how could you ruin perfectly good literature?" She scolded Bolina, dropping the water ball onto the falmes. They are instantly extinguished.

Gluacus lifts a hand pushing the air around Hemithea up and Hemithea with it. She squeals as her feet lift off of the ground and she is moved to Gluacus. He puts her down when she is right in front of him. He then gives her a quick peck. "This is quite nifty." He adds. She slaps his chest giggling.

"Astonishing." Bolina smiles. All them were suddenly hopeful that they would win this fight.

That hope was short lived.

Suddenly the candles were blown out. Darkness filling all the corners of the room, sniffing out any piece of light in it's wake. Then a tall figure is shown in it's shadow. The tubes long and skinny, darking any living thing in its vicinity. The man steps out of his shadow with a dark smile pulling on his face.

His shoulder length hair swaying at ease with each step he took. He was handsome at first glance. Perfect bone structure and a strong jaw. Then you saw the eyes. Those dark blue eyes with black flakes scattered around its core. They darted around the room, taking in all the evidence. Finally the evil dots landed on the four. "Ahh, so it was you all along. How could I not have seen it?" He tsked. "Trying to overthrow the king. Quite an ambitious quest isn't it?" He lifted an eyebrow once completely out of the shadows.

"Dareios" Arttis whispers.

"What? Are you shocked?" He asked with a smile. "Did you expect me to sit with my thumb in my mouth." He stared at them silently. After a beat he moves forward quickly. "ANSWER ME." He roars suddenly. Gluacus and Arttis take a protective step in front of the girls in a simple reflex. "Well, would you look at that. The men protecting the little women from little old me." He moves over the sogy, burnt book the others practiced with moments before. Tracing the book with one sickly finger. His finger leaving a trail of darkness causing the book to darken and rot at his contact. "That's how its done." He said with a pleased smile. "So what was the plan? Blindside me? Betray me? Stab me in my back like the cowards you are?" His volume raised at each question, the anger vibrating the room.

"You betrayed us. You betrayed everyone!" Arttis yelled back moving forward.

"I only realized the truth. The mortals are below us. A poison to our world and they must be destroyed." Dareios calmly explained.

"You are wrong." Hemithea whispered. "And now you will not win this fight." Hemithea steps forward.

"Why is that, Hemithea?" He replied with a bored tone.

"We're here to stop you." Bolina stated moving forward.

"Well by all means try." He snarls at them. Opening his arms wide with a smile, suddenly sending a cloud of darkness toward them.


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