Aarmau AU ♡Revive♡ (Sequel of...

By InnocentTragedy

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•Sequel To Aarmau AU (A Stranger)• ♡Completed♡ I watched as the heart meter started beating again. It went fa... More

▪1▪ Revive
▪2▪ The Letter
▪4▪ Too Many Dreams
▪5▪ Lilac
▪6▪ Memory
▪7▪ Lies
▪8▪ Abuse
▪9▪ His Dad
▪10▪ Village Surprises
▪11▪ The Plan To Escape
▪12▪ A Surpise Visit
▪13▪ The Truth
▪14▪ Hes Back
▪15▪ Who Do I Love
▪16▪ Does She Love Him
▪17▪ Marriage
▪18▪ Rings
▪19▪ Feelings
▪20▪ Eyes
▪21▪ To Go Back

▪3▪ Mothers Wish

654 23 35
By InnocentTragedy

I stared out the winodw as people ran up to the king. Everyone seemed so happy to see him espically the elders. Some even hugged him.

"King Aaron." They cheered.

I sighed as I watched someone take the book I bought. I looked down at Aaron. People adored him. Its funny they said he ruled with an irony fist yet he was so kind. I sighed and looked up to the sky. He was kinda cute to be honest as well. I looked back at Aaron and noticed him looking at me. I smiled slightly than walked away. I walked up to the desk and opened up the book. I looked at the picture one last time. That was for sure Aaron. The girl beside him was definitely his lover. Now that I think about it. That letter I read before was to a girl named Aphmau. What if this Aphmau girl was his lover. I took the letter off the desk and looked at it. Zianna. Who ever she may be Aaron may know. I want to find out more about this girl. I want to know if shes alive or not.

"Who is she.." I questioned outloud.

I closed the book and looked out the window. My mother was gone and so was Nicole. Aaron also disappeared. I jumped up on the roof ceiling and I looked down. I stepped onto the roof and began climbing. I sat on the top of the roof and looked over. I looked down on the town. Everyone seemed to be having fun. Everyone but me. I looked over to the other side of the roof and felt my blood run cold. Someone was standing on a roof. They were staring at me. As they stood, there long hair blew from the wind. I blinked and they disappeared. I jumped when I noticed they were gone. Landing back on the roof I felt myself lose my step and I fell down. I screamed as I fell down to the ground. I felt something catch me and I gasped. I looked up and noticed King Aaron.

"A-Aaron.. thank you.." I spoke.

"Your welcome." He smiled.

He pulled me a little closer into the him and I yelped.

"Em c-can you put me d-down." I spoke.

He put me down on the floor and I coughed a bit.

"What are you doing falling off roofs?" He growled.

I jumped a bit at his growl.

"I saw something on another roof that scared me." I mumbled.

He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"What a silly girl." He spoke.

I looked up at him and I knew something was off. This boy I can't describe him. Hes nice when others are around. But when its just me and him hes strange. He looked down at me and looked sort of confused.

"What?" He questioned.

"Its nothing." I replied.

"King Aaron there you are." A voice yelled.

I looked over and watched as a crowd of people came over. They all started asking Aaron questions.

"King Aaron." They all bowed.

They all looked over at me and I felt fear wipe over me when my mother started approaching. Aaron looked down at me and smiled a bit.

"JESS!" My mother screamed.

I felt my heart beating faster and tears fill my eyes.

"I thought I told you to stay inside." She yelled in anger.

She walked up to me and grabbed me by my collar.

"Ma'am please calm down I was just showing her something." Aaron spoke softly.

She looked up at Aaron and got a bit calmer.

"Is this true?" She questioned.

"Yes mother, Aaron was just showing me something." I replied.

I looked up at her and her face got anger. She put her hand up and slapped me right across the face. I fell the ground and looked up. People looked at me awkwardly and eventually left. My mother started walking away but stopped. She turned back and glared at me disappointed.

"You can sleep outside tonight I don't want to see you till tomorrow. Don't disrespect your King and don't disobey me again." She began walking away and I looked at her wide eyed.

I looked down at the ground and felt tears falling from my eyes. I heard something drop beside me and I looked over. It was the book I bought earlier.


I looked up at Aaron and he smirked at me. He began walking away and I looked down at the book. I picked up the book and watched as he disappeared. I got up off my feet and decided to go to the one place I always go. I went around to the front of the house and crossed the street. I walked into the forest and began running into the field. I walked up to the flower field and sat down. My mother used to do this to me and this is where I use to go. She would kick me out and I wouldn't see her till the next day. I walked up to a lake near by and dipped my hair in it a bit. Luckly my hair dye would come out the moment water touched it. I dipped my hair in the water and the dye began to sink out. I flipped my hair around and the color faded. I took off my dress and began to dry my hair with it. I finished drying my hair up and put my dress back on. My dress was soaking wet. I walked up to the grass and looked down at the book. I dried my hands on the grass and opened up the book a bit. I looked at the book and opened it a little. I finally opened it fully up but I stopped. I felt my head started to pound and I fell down to the ground, fainting.


My eyes sparked as I saw a werewolf black eyes with red ears and a tail. He jumped on a boy and tackled him the ground. I heard the boy whimper and the werewolf scratched at his eyes. The werewolf pulled a gun out of his pockets and pointed it at his head. Without hesitation he pulled the trigger.


I jumped up out of my sleep and started breathing heavily. A dream a really strange dream. I looked around me and noticed I was still in the same place I fell asleep in. I looked over at the book and found it out. I took another deep breath and stood up. I let the wind blow in my face as I looked up at the moon light. I sighed and heard foot steps. I was tackled to the floor as I was about to turn around. I screamed as I hit the ground. I looked over to my side and saw Aaron ontop of me. I looked up into his eyes and felt tears form.



what was this 2 chapters in a day of this already god damn. Im tired af but I got more writting to anyways so oh well 😂😂. ILL WRITE ANOTHER CHAPTER OF THIS EITHER TMR OR THE DAY AFTER THAT. Ill be writting alot lately because when school starts again I wont have time.

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