BOOKWORM [Sirius Black] [DISC...

By InTheFormOfWords

274K 7.4K 2.6K

''It's 27 degrees, sunny and a brilliant day to go outside and you're curled up on an armchair - reading!'' '... More

[O N E]
[T W O]
[T H R E E]
[F O U R]
[F I V E]
[S I X]
[S E V E N]
[E I G H T]
[N I N E]
[T E N]
[E L E V E N]
[T W E L V E]
[T H I R T E E N]
[F O U R T E E N]
[F I F T E E N]
[S I X T E E N]
[S E V E N T E E N]
[E I G H T E E N]
[N I N E T E E N]
[T W E N T Y]
[T W E NT Y O N E]
[T W E N T Y T W O]
[T W E N T Y T H R E E]
[T W E N T Y F O U R]
[T W E N T Y F I V E]
[T W E N T Y - S I X]
[T W E N T Y - S E V E N]
[T W E N T Y - E I G H T]
[T H I R T Y]
[T H I R T Y - O N E]
[A U T H O R S N O T E]

[T W E N T Y - N I N E]

5.4K 167 23
By InTheFormOfWords

THEY HAD TO keep it secret.

It as confidential, classified, private, hush-hush and any other form of synonym that meant the same thing. That kiss, their... thing - what ever it was - was secret. They both knew what drama could come out of it if they started dating with the Hogwarts population knowing of it. Lily, although originally saying she was okay with it, would freak out and they both knew they didn't want a repeat of what happened last time. Not to mention the long time supporters of the case of Maia and Sirius - their own little love squad - James, Remus and Peter. They would most probably overreact in congratulations with them and it would be a huge scandal. The only one who would even be halfway okay with it and wouldn't tell anyone would be Leena Alcalute - their new dangerous friend in the Ravenclaw house, but just to keep it absolutely on the down low they made an agreement to never speak about it.

Meanwhile, the couple of weeks after the previous incident that bonded the two young lovebirds together had been bliss. Every time they were alone together - which was easy with the excuses they made up and an almost empty library every afternoon - was peaceful and cosy. The back of the library in a secluded spot hidden by the bountiful bookshelves the library had to offer, hosted a nice jade coloured love-chair that sat across a coffee table. That love seat was paired with lovely, snug lounge chairs that were of the same colour. It wasn't as comfortable as the chairs in the Gryffindor common room - but they were still very plush and nice. 

Of an afternoon, they would meet up at the ninth floor library and head in. Sitting on the love seat, they'd start out politely - The Gryffindor male doing his homework with help from Maia while she read a book across from him. Then they eventually would get closer and closer until eventually his homework was all done and discarded and Maia was sitting on his lap, re-reading one of her many favourite books. Sirius would occasionally ask her about it, or ask her about any random thing. It caused comfortable quality time with each other. He, on occasion, kissed the side of her temple he was facing, or leaned his head on her shoulder. It was a nice relaxing time away from drama or the others. It was quite the serenity spot for them.

On this particular library date, it was a rainy day - not too uncommon given that time of year. The library was chilly but habitable, the comfortable but quiet atmosphere of it making it feel like a second home to both of the lovebirds. Maia obtained the position of sitting on Sirius' lap, it was one of their favourite positions in the library. Maia could stay warm and cosy, with her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around his .. girlfriends? .. waist.

Girlfriend was an overstatement. They hadn't really said it yet, and they needn't really need to either. Sirius knew that Maia wanted to take her first relationship slow, slower than Sirius had ever gone, but he was fine with that; he didn't want them to rush into things that she wasn't ready for or not willing to do. He was willing to wait and to be perfectly honest, he agreed with it. She was his first real relationship too - built on love and not lust like the others - and he was absolutely excited and pumped to be in it. He had no idea why she chose him of all possible males she knew, but he was just content with it being him in the first place. However, he was still quite curious.

"Hey, Maia?" The grey-eyed boy asked. Maia hummed, her head still in her book like always. He smiled down at her and continued to pose the question.

"Why me?" He asked. The bookworm still didn't look up from her book but you could tell she listening from the body language she used.

"What do you mean, 'why me?'" She asked. Sirius leaned his head on his palm. His elbow rested comfortable on the lounge's arm rests and he looked at her side view with a certain amount of infatuation.

"Well, out of every possible male you could have  - and trust me, you could have a lot - why choose me?" He finished the question. The bookworm-beauty looked up from her book with an inquisitive look graced upon her pretty features. She put her bookmark in the book and closed it, before shifting her body so her face could fully look at him properly. Her lips dipped up into a small smile.

"Well, how could I begin this?" Maia started, crossing her palms together over the book she had placed in her lap. 

"I feel safe around you. Something about you always makes me feel protected and valid. I can't feel that with other guys."

"I don't have to put and charade up with you and I feel just myself when we're alone together. Once again, I can't get that with other guys." She started listing off other features about Sirius that he forgot about himself. What she had said made him feel 100% better about himself - and confident about the new 'relationship' they had begun.

"Now. Is that reason enough to date you? A billion times yes." She calmly said before cheekily adding. "Plus it's only a perk that you're insanely attractive and a bit of a rebel, Mr. Black." She winked.

Sirius scoffed, a smile never leaving his lips at the compliment. Then he noticed something.

"Oh? Do you like the bad boy cliché?" He asked, smirking. Maia gave him a little devious smile of her own before leaning in closer.

"Of course, what girl doesn't want a guy in a leather jacket to sweep her off of her feet?" She asked and continued after she realised something. "Oh? Do you like the good girl cliché?"

Sirius smiled genuinely and answered.

"No, I like the Bookworm cliché."

That left him with tons of brownie points and a sweet kiss on the lips. Sirius had to remind himself to be sweet all the time for those type of godly pleasurable rewards.



Here's an update.

I found out that I prefer writing their relationship than the events before their relationship.

So, that's good news.

Gotta love this blessed couple.

- Amme


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This book is now closed for requests. Enjoy :)