Master And Me

By lisathemcrlover

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Master and me is a story about a young girl named Lily, who was left in the park for three days until she mee... More

Master And Me
Meet Lily and Spider
Good Little Kitten
The Sleep Over Part 1
The Sleep Over Part 2
The Kiss
Parents Evening
The Woman In The Shadows
You're My Date
Dance With Me
A Blast From The Past
The New Boy
It's Nice To Meet You
What's Going On?
I'm Your ...
Do You Feel That?
Why Are You Here?
Not You Again
He likes you
Lily's Ill Day
Back To School
What's so funny?
Day Out With Slade, Part 1
Day Out With Slade Part 2
I can't
Our Pool Secret
Your My Girl
When Did This Happen?
The Date
What's Wrong With Her?
House of cards
The Dinner
I'll Keep You Safe
The Competition
I What!
The Play
Sister Night!
Mean While
Halloween Party
Tucker's P.O.V

I Can Be?

852 23 23
By lisathemcrlover

Picture I edited 

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My mind keeps going back to the kiss with Tucker, I've been avoiding him for three days. I was sitting in math not really paying attention to the teacher. I looked outside only to see a dark miserable day, the rain was coming down hard. I sighed lightly and looked back at my work, I'm not good at maths but next, I have English and I like English. The bell finally went so I cleaned up all my stuff and headed out with Spider and Wolfy. 

"Finally English" Ash sighed 

"I thought you hated English ?" Josh asked ash confused 

"I do but we have a hot English teacher now so it's my favourite class" She smiled happily 

I rolled my eyes at her then we all headed to our English class. We all walked into our English class and sat down in our seats. We got out our stuff and ready for class, spider and wolfy just started on their work while everyone else was waiting for Mr Jones to come into the room. Mr Jones walks in closing the door behind him. 

"Hello class, I had a chance to read over your essays and they are really good but one stands out more " Mr Jones smiled while he picked up the essays and flipped through them until he found the one he was looking for then he pulled it out f the bundle "I'm not going to read it out or get the person to read it out but it's well written, great grammar and everything and the essay was by lily" 

I looked up at Mr Jones in shock, Wolfy and Spider looked at me smiling while Mr Jones came up to my table and put my essay on it.

"This is amazing work, you could be a writer one day" Mr Jones smiled at me 

"I - I can be" ?" I asked in shocked 

"Yes" He smiled at me then he walked back to the front of the class and handed out the rest of the papers 

"You are all really good writers, some just need a touch-up and a bit more help" Mr Jones smiled "I got lucky with this class" 

"So did we" I heard Ash mutter under her breath 

I know for a fact she's biting her bottom lip while smiling, She's in a dream world I know she is and she will not become back from it anytime soon. Mr Jones decided we were all going to take turns reading a bit of Shakespeare's Hamlet. At the end of class, the bell rang.

"Ok class put all your things away, Lily can I talk to you after everyone leaves " Mr Jones spoke

"Yes sir" I nodded 

"I'll wait for you outside" Spider whispered to me 

"Thank you" I smiled at him

After everyone left apart from me, Mr Jones smiled at me 

"Sorry to ask you to stay behind but I was hoping you might join my writing club ?" He asked me 

"Really ? do you think I can join ?" I asked him

"Yes, We will be very happy if you joined" He smiled at me 

"When is it ?" I asked him

"We meet after school on Mondays and Thursdays from half three until five," He told me 

"Can I think it over ? and talk to Mr and Mrs Goth about it ?" I asked him

"Of course" He smiled "Just let me know when you're ready, you can go now" 

"Thank you sir" I smiled when I walked over to the door and walked out 

As soon as I was out the classroom door Spider was standing beside the door leaning against the wall but stood up straight when he saw me, Then we started heading to the cafeteria.

"What did he want ?" Spider asked me 

"To join his writing club," I told him

"Are you going too ?" Spider asked 

"I'm not sure I need to talk to Mr and Mrs Goth and think it over," I told him 

Spider nodded his head while we walked into the cafeteria, we both grabbed some juice then walked over to our table and sat down.

"So what did Mr Hotty want ?" Ash asked 

"Mr Jones wanted me to join his writing club," I told ash 

"Omg! You should, You will get to spend more time with Mr hottie" Ash cheered happily 

"She should do it because she's a good writer" Josh spoke   

"And if you love to write then you should lily" Wolfy smiled kindly at me 

"I'm going to think about it and see what Mr and Mrs Goth think," I told everyone 

"I think they will want you to do whatever is best for you" Keegan smiled and then sat down with us 

"But can I really be a writer ?" I asked them 

"Yes " They nearly shouted at me 

"Do you want to be a writer ?" Keegan asked 

"Yeah or at least something to do with writing" I smiled 

"Then that's what you'll be" Keegan smiled more 

I hugged Keegan then we drank our juices then headed to class, I couldn't stop thinking about joining a writing club, I love to write and I would love a job that has something to do with writing. my next two classes went by in a blur when all I could think about was the club. After two classes it was finally lunch time so I walked to the cafeteria with Wolfy and Spider, we stood in the line waiting for our turn just then Tucker came and stood with us.

"Hi" He smiled 

"Sup Tucker," Spider said 

"Nothing much but I want this line to hurry up so I can get something to eat already" He complained 

"Yeah me too, I need a good cheeseburger" Spider smirked  

"No way it has to be a bit" Wolfy join in 

"What about you Lily ?" Tucker asked me 

"Chips and maybe a chicken burger too" I spoke 

"Oh that sounds good" Tucker smiled 

We all finally got our trays then went to the food I picked up some chips, a chicken burger and a bottle of irn bru then put them on my tray then went to the tile spider was in front of me.

"I'm paying for mine, lily's and wolfy's" He smiled at the woman behind the tile 

"Alright no promise, I just need to see what wolfy is having so I can total it up" She smiled back at him 

Tucker came up behind me and put his tray down, Tucker had the exact same stuff as I had, I always drink irn bru so that would be easy to guess what I was having to drink. After wolfy came over spider paid for our then we walked over to our table and sat down along with our trays not long after we sat down Keegan sat down with us and then Tucker came over.

"Can I sit with you all today ?" He asked 

"Of course" Ash smiled and let Tucker sit down at the table as well 

"Thank you, sweetheart" Tucker winked at Ash 

Tucker got comfortable next to ash and spider then started eating his food. I couldn't understand why Tucker was sitting with us and he hasn't mentioned the kiss and I'm not bringing it up. Tucker was having fun eating his food and flirting with ash. I looked around at everyone not sure how this happened, it wasn't that long ago it was only me, Josh and ash at this table. spider and wolfy would sit with their friends not far away from here, I didn't even know Keegan existed and Tucker didn't know me or ash existed either but now we are all together laughing and joking around. I don't trust Tucker but he is friends with Spider so I guess I have to put up with him. After school finally finished I was walking to the car, spider and wolfy had football practice tonight and ash and Josh wasn't in my last class so I walked out of the school when someone came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I jumped and turned around making him move his arms, I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes when I came face to face with a smiling Tucker.

"Asshole" I sighed 

"Hi that is very mean " He looked at me shocked 

"Well I want to go home," I told them 

I turned on my heels and then started walking to the car again.

"Wait !" He shouted then ran after me and grabbed my elbow making me turn to him 

"What ?" I asked him 

"I want to hang out with you" He shrugged like it was nothing 

"And I want to go home," I told him back 

"Come on Lily invite me over" He sighed 

"Nope" I shook my head

"Do you always have to hurt my feelings ?" He asked 

"Yes," I nodded then it hit me  "Wait, Don't you have football too ?"  

"Yeah I do but I'll skip it just to hand it out to you" He smirked 

"You do know you dumb pickup lines don't work on me" I rolled my eyes at him again

"I will see you at the house" He smirked and then ran off towards the football field

I sighed then finally got to the car and climbed in, Carrie was already waiting for me when we went and got Aiden from school and then headed home.  I walked into the house with Aiden and Carrie, we walked in and Mrs Goth was standing to wait for us with a big smile on her face.

"Welcome home " She smiled happily 

"Hi mum" We smiled back 

"How was school ?" She asked us 

"It was alright" Carrie smiled "But I have a lot of homework" 

"Well you better get started" She smiled kindly at Carrie "And if you need help let me know" 

Carrie smiled and then headed upstairs to her room to do her homework.

"I had a lot of fun at school" Aiden cheered happily 

"That's good, do you have homework ?" She asked Aiden 

"Nope" Aiden smiled

Aiden smiled then ran off probably to watch tv in the big sitting room. 

"I got asked to join a writers club," I told her 

"Waw lily are you going to ?" Mrs Goth asked me 

"I wanted to see what you and Mr goth thought about it," I told her 

"Ok I'll get dad" She smiled at me "You go sit in the library" 

I nodded and headed to the library Mrs goth calls Mr goth dad when I don't, she's hoping it will make me call them mum and dad, I go into the library and sit on one of the chairs and wait for Mrs and Mr Goth who came in not that long after me and sat down on chairs as well.

"So lily wants to talk about a writing club she was asked to join" Mrs Goth smiled 

 "Who asked you to join ?" Mr Goth asked 

"Mr new English teacher Mr Jones" I smiled 

"When does the club meet ?" Mr goth asked 

"Mondays and Thursdays from half three to five," I told him

"When do you need to ask us, sweetie ?" Mrs Goth asked 

"Well spider and wolfy are in my class I don't want to make them go to my clubs as well," I told them 

"Awe honey" Mrs Goth awed 

"I'm sure because it's after school we can get William to come with you or one of the maids," Mr Goth told me 

"Really ?" I asked in shock

"Yes I will get a promotion from the headteacher, I or Carol could sit in the class as well," He told me 

"So I can go ?"  I asked them

"If that's what you would like, yes of course" Mr Goth smiled happily at me 

"Yes I would, I love writing and Mr Jones said I was a good writer as well" I smiled happily 

"That's very good, I used to write in high school as well," Mrs Goth told me 

"Really ?" I asked happily 

"Yes, I was in a writing club and I would write all the time after school as well," She told me 

"Waw, Wish I would read your stuff," I told her 

Seeing what was important to Mrs Goth back then and how she saw things would have been good.

"I still have the books I used to write on so you can if you like" Mrs Goth smiled at me 

"Can I please" I smiled more 

"Of course, I will get them for you later but right now you should do your homework" Mrs goth smiled at me 

"I will" I smiled 

I stood up and thanked them then headed to my bedroom and started doing my homework. 

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