Legends of Tomorrow One Shots

By ladyawesome45321

28.2K 890 1.1K

A series of one shots about the Legends of Tomorrow, their kids, and occasionally their friends from the othe... More

Mother's Day
Don't Touch the Thermostat!
Other Dimensions
Arrowverse Halloween Special
More Angst
Mick and English Class
Atom Wave as Parents
Jax and Lisa Greif
Gone Too Soon Song Fic
Inside the mind of a Snart
Kendra x Cleopatra
How the Legend Kids Saved Christmas
Captain Canary Reborn
Atom Wave : Adoption Day
New Years Kiss: Legend Kids
The Legend Kids and Cards Against Humanity
Ben Heywood: Coming Out part one
Ben Heywood: Coming Out part two
Mick Rory and the Joker
Legend Kids: Valentine's Day ...Er...Night
Walk a Little Straighter Daddy Song Fic
Let it Go Song Fic
Who I am Song Fic
Theory Thursday
Pi Day
Waste of Space
When Finding out About Your Kid's Significant Other Do Not Offer Them a Condom
Fights and Suspension
Juvie Days
Mother's Day 2.0 LK Addition
Coming Out, Featuring...the Rest of the LK
The Law
Original account
Pride Month Drag Show
We're Boyfriends
Independence Day
Shit the LK do for Fun
Social Media in 2043
Mythics Universe Mash Up pt 1
Seeing Double
The One Who got Away
MU Mash Up pt 2 (Chapter 50 Special!!)
MU Mash Up pt 3
MU Mash Up pt 4
Sneak Peek of Just and Act
Alternative Ending to Independence Day
The Skateboard Act
They Get What They Deserve
6K Celebration
Alternative Legend Kids
Random Observation
Thanksgiving Day 2018
No One Does
Arrowverse Christmas Jingle (2018)
Ethan: Childhood
Atom Wave Valentine's Day 2019
earth two LK
Sick Fics with Sandstorm
Never the Same Again
Rebecca Silver Reveal
Rant because I'm Bored
30 Days of Pride Days 1-3
30 Days of Pride Days 4 -- 11
The First Heist Without Him
30 Days of Pride 12 --20
30 Days of Pride Day 21 -- 30

Sun Stroke and Black Ice

465 17 36
By ladyawesome45321

Just a one shot with one of my villain personas, along with one of my best friend's villain personas....we have a lot of villain personas...

PS, someone else also has an oc called Heat Stroke. So, I've changed my Heat Stroke's name to Sun Stroke instead. Enjoy!

Captain Cold and Heatwave only wanted to rob Central City Bank. It was supposed to be an easy job. They'd get in and out as quickly as possible, carrying all the loot their arms would allow.

But, of course, there just had to be complications.

It started with two frauds in denim jackets. The two thieves walked into Central City Bank, heat and cold guns raised in the air.

"Alright, no body move -" Snart started, but he was cut short, when he saw what was going on. There was a freaking heist!

Two women in matching denim jackets stood in front of the bank tellers and civilians being held hostage. The first woman had short black hair with a white streak running through her bangs. Her eyes were silver, reminding Leonard of an ice cube. She wore a long, dark blue dress and cloak over her denim jacket, like something right out of the Renaissance fair.

As the woman paced back and forth menacingly in the main room, ice formed at her feet, leaving a long, slippery trail behind her.

The other woman had long brown hair, spiraling down her back and shoulders. Her brown eyes were so dark, they almost appeared to be as black as coal. She wore and orange, sleeveless dress under her jacket, brown high heeled boots, and red lipstick.

She raised her hands high above her head, sprouting fire from her finger tips. The flames flew towards the desks the tellers stood behind, latching on and burning the wood.
The tellers jumped back and screamed in fright.

Black Ice and Sun Stroke.
Captain Cold rolled his eyes. These women had been a thorn in his side all week! Every time he planned a heist, there they were! They'd always get there before Mick and himself, taking anything worth stealing with them when they went.

Black Ice looked over, smirking ever so cheekily. "Sorry boys," she said. "We got this one covered. Better luck next time."

"Or...we could just take everything you stole for ourselves," Leonard said. "Makes our job a whole lot easier."

"You sure about that?" Black Ice asked. "The police will be here in five minutes, and the Flash will be here in less than ten seconds."

"I'm not particularly worried about the Flash," Captain Cold said.

"ColdFlash," Sun Stroke muttered, coughing into her fist.

"What?!" Leonard snapped.

"What?" She stared at him, looking genuinely confused. "You prefer Coldwave?"

"What the hell are you talking about, lady?" Mick grunted.

"Hey, I'm not judging!" Sun Stroke said, raising her hands in mock surrender. She gestured at Black Ice and herself. "We're lovers too!"

"Can we kill them already?" Mick growled in annoyance. But before Leonard could answer, the Flash zipped in. Immediately, the hostages began yelling at him to save them.

"Oh, hey, Flashy!" Black Ice grinned. "We were just talking about you."

The scarlet speedster looked around the bank and groaned, when he spotted the villains. "Great," he grumbled. "I have to deal with all four of you?"

"Yes," Sun Stroke nodded.

"Ugh," Barry groaned. "Fine." Using his super speed, he ran at Black Ice, who was holding the loot. He snatched it out of her hands and ran to the other side of the room.

"Hey!" Black Ice hissed. She thrust her hands outward, sending an icy blast at the Flash's head. He sped around the blast, running onto the second floor. The ice hit the wall, where the scarlet speedster had been standing moments ago, freezing the structure entirely.

"You need to chill out!" Black Ice yelled up at the Flash.

Sun Stroke snorted. "Nothing like a corny ass pun to get hyped for a fight!"

The four villains ran after the Flash. They each knew they'd never be able to catch up to him, but they were all equally determined to get the loot back and take it for themselves.

Heatwave shot a stream of fire from his gun, aiming it at Black Ice's head. She raised her hands, freezing the fire in mid air.

As Captain Cold and Sun Stroke ran after the Flash, Leonard fired a cold blast from his own gun; but Sun Stroke simply melted it with her abilities.

Mick growled in annoyance, as Black Ice froze another one of his fire beams. The woman smirked and ran off, the buff male charging after her.

The Flash was waiting for the criminals, standing next to a window, the bag of loot sitting at his feet. He stared at the villains ever so calmly, even as he had two pairs of fire and ice aimed at his chest.

"Hand it over, Flash!" Leonard demanded.

"No," Barry said, kicking the loot behind him even further with his foot. "You don't have to do this, you know. "

"True," Leonard agreed. "But it's fun."

"You're better than this."

"I'm really not."

They're conversation was interrupted by Sun Stroke, as she made a tiny squealing noise. "I ship it!" she said in a loud whisper. "ColdFlash is now my everything!"

"What?" the Flash frowned.

"Don't ask," Captain Cold sighed.

"Just don't start writing fanfictions again," Black Ice told her partner. "It was bad enough the first time. Besides, I think the Flash is straight. He just doesn't scream I'm gay like the rest of us."

Sun Stroke shrugged. "I always thought he was more of a flaming bisexual. Ooh!" She smirked, raising her hands. "Speaking of flaming..."

Fire shot out of her hands, like a volcano spitting lava. The whole building caught on fire. The flames only grew, when Heatwave began firing his gun randomly. (What? He liked setting things on fire! Don't judge him!)

Black Ice sighed and Captain Cold groaned.
"Really Mick!" Leonard complained.

"Couldn't you have waited until we were out of the building?!" Black Ice scolded, glaring at Sun Stroke.

The two flame throwing super villains just shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.
"It was getting too cold," Sun Stroke said. "We needed to heat things up a bit."

Black Ice rolled her eyes and turned back to Flash, as the flames grew higher and higher. "There's about a dozen people tied up down there," she said, nodding to the floor below them. "You can either stay here and make sure we don't get the loot, or you can make sure those people don't burn to death." She gave the hero a sly smirk. "So, what's it gonna be, Flashy?"

The Flash hesitated for a second, before speeding off downstairs. Black Ice grinned, pleased with herself. Heroes were so easy. They'd always pick helping the innocents over apprehending the villains. She walked over to the back of loot and swung it over her shoulder.

Sun Stroke sauntered over and wrapped an arm around her partner's neck, as the building began falling apart around them.
"Later, boys!" Sun Stroke waved.

Black Ice formed a slide from the window, down to the ground. Together, she and Sun Stroke slid down, effectively escaping.
"Ugh!" Captain Cold and Heatwave turned to run out of the bank, before it crumbled to nothingness on top of them.

Those women were such a pain in the ass! Leonard vowed that one day he'd best them! He'd get the heist done before them, he'd take anything worth stealing. He would beat Sun Stroke and Black Ice if it was the last thing he ever did!

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