Beyond The Age |

By kiyoptae

764K 38.3K 12.9K

"I fell in love with someone who was born first. If only I could synchronize the time on both of us. So I can... More

Beyond the Age
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
※ F I N A L E ※
※ M O O D ※
※ Questions ※
※ Answers ※
≫ First Date
Beyond the Distance
≫ Morning vs Night
≫ Missing You
≫ Happy Birthday
≫ Dear, Ha Neul
≫ Love, Taehyung
≫ First Anniversary
≫ Heal Me
≫ His New Girlfriend
≫ Summer Break
≫ Endless Night
≫ Best Present Ever
≫ December 30th
≫ 4 O'clock
≫ Declined
≫ Muted
≫ Where Are You?

≫ Graduation

4.6K 299 12
By kiyoptae

[Ha Neul's POV]

"Jimin!" I waved at my bestfriend excitedly as soon as I spotted him.

"Oh my god, finally!" He walked forward before he hugged me and I hugged him back in the next second.

"I'm sorry, my flight got delayed." I said once we pulled away.

"It's okay, I'm free today." He shook his head.

"We're not late right?" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think so." He mumbled as he took a glance at his wrist watch. "But are you okay? Aren't you tired or feel jet lagged? I mean you were flying for fourteen hours straight." Jimin said in concern.

"Nah it's okay. I've slept enough on the plane." I assured him.

"If you say so. We need to hurry then. Come on." He added as he pulled my suitcase with him.

I jumped inside Jimin's car once he finished loading my suitcase into his car trunk. He quickly stepped on the gas and drove away from the airport.

"You didn't tell him, did you?" I said a moment later.

"Of course not. You doubted me?" He scoffed.

"No. I barely contacted him this past week cause I need to finish all of my assignments so I could catch up the flight you know. I hope he doesn't get mad." I said as I bit my lower lip nervously.

"Well, a few days ago he actually asked me if you ever contacted me recently and of course I lied to him. And he could never get mad at you so don't worry." He said briefly.

"Yeah I just don't want to ruin the surprise." I sighed nervously.

"Ah must be nice to have a girlfriend. Taehyung is such a lucky punk." Jimin mumbled as he let out a soft chuckle.

"Speaking of that, what happened between you and Hye Jin?" I said carefully as I raised an eyebrow.

"We broke up a long time ago." He retorted.

"Yeah, she told me that. But why? She refused to talk about it." I mumbled as I frown.

"Well, things were not really working out between us. We fought a lot back then, before we decided to end things up." He shrugged as his eyes locked on the road.

"You guys were fighting all the time back then and always make up the next day, so what's changed?"

"Well she's moving to Paris and we couldn't stand long distance relationship unlike you and Taehyung. Well, that boy sure is amazing." He chuckled slightly.

"Oh. Well yeah he is." I giggled before I stopped when I realized something. "Wait what? She's moving to Paris and didn't tell me?!"

"What? She didn't tell you? Really?" Jimin's voice slightly rising which showing that he was surprised as well.

"No, she didn't." I sighed before I started to curse at Hye Jin inside my head. I mean how could she not tell me about that?!

"Well, it's pretty obvious if you looked into her instagram's feed."

"Yeah, I don't use that kind of stuff."

"Right, I almost forgot about that. I still couldn't believe you survived living without social media."

"I just can't believe my ship had sunk." I sighed slightly as I leaned my back.

"We're still good friends, don't worry about it." Jimin chuckled.

"Sorry I wasn't there to comfort you." I frowned.

"Nah it's okay." He shook his head.

The journey continued with songs playing on the radio which mostly I never heard before since the only Korean channel that I watched for the past year was news.

"We're here." Jimin announced as he drove past the school gate and wheeled our way to the parking lot.

"Why am I feeling nervous all of a sudden?" I said as I took a deep breath.

"How long since the last time you saw him in person?" Jimin said as he raised an eyebrow.

"A year?" I answered, still trying to control my breath properly.

"Whoa." His jaw slightly dropped in amazement.

Just before we get out of the car, the students suddenly burst out of the school hall, filling the entire yard with their cheers of happiness.

The sight of them made the things inside my stomach flipped somehow since I was aware that they were seniors who just officially graduated from this school.

It made me nervous only by thinking that one of them must be Taehyung. It made me more nervous when I think about how he would react when he saw me here since I didn't tell him that I would come to his graduation at all.

"What if he didn't recognize me?" I said suddenly right after I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Stop saying stupid things and get out of here, would you?" Jimin muttered as he sighed in disbelief.

"O-okay." I nodded before stepping out of the car.

I opened the backseat to grab a bouquet of flowers that I brought all the way from New York. In addition to it, I stick a little card where I wrote Happy Graduation Taehyung❤ in the middle of it.

I hope he'll like it. I took a deep breath as I stared at the beautiful petals that were sit beautifully inside the velvet wrapper, holding on to the bouquet tightly.

"We should go there, I think?" Jimin muttered as he pointed his small finger toward the yard.

I just nodded when Jimin motioned me to go through the crowded place, following his footsteps carefully. My eyes started scanning through each side of the place as I walked and I could sense that some pairs of eyes were glaring back at me.

I bet some of the students still recognized me since you know, I'm Kim Seokjin's unwanted former girlfriend.

So I fastened my footsteps as I heaved a sigh while trying to cover my face with the bouquet of flowers because these glares suddenly lowering my self-esteem.

"This is embarrassing." I mumbled as I tried to hide my face behind the bouquet.

"They probably just wondering who's your child might be." Jimin said jokingly.

"What? Do I look like a mom to you?" I yelled at him as I tried to hit him with the bouquet playfully.

"I was just kidding, yah you could ruin the bouquet aishh." Jimin said as he defended himself from the attack.

Minutes passed as I tried to ignore those who glared at me and I still couldn't spot Taehyung. I started to feel uncomfortable but I proceeded to walk anyway, hoping that I could meet Taehyung as soon as possible.

Ugh, Taehyung where are you?

~ ~ ~

[Author's POV]

Taehyung waved at Bambam who was about to leave with his girlfriend, Lisa. Then he walked toward Jungkook's place and soon he shook his head at the sight of the younger boy who was already surrounded by a bunch of girls.

Some of them were asking him to sign their yearbook and some other were asking for his picture. Well, just as expected from the international playboy. Taehyung tought as he chuckled silently.

But that was before they noticed Taehyung's presence. Some girls who were done with Jungkook started coming toward him to ask the exact same requests. Little did this fella know that he's also quite popular.

As he used to being nice and all, he couldn't just refuse those girls even though deep inside he felt a bit bothered. But he just do the favor quickly so it could be over soon.

"Oppa, please sign my yearbook too." One of the girl whined at Jungkook.

"I'm not your oppa. That's it I'm done, my hand is tired." He said nonchalantly as he averted his gaze to somewhere else, which causing him to see a familiar faces not too far from their spot.

"Jimin hyung? Oh noona is here too!" He exclaimed as he smiled widely.

Before leaving the spot and walked up to them, Jungkook tapped Taehyung's shoulder lightly as a sign. The clueless boy then turned his head, looking at the direction Jungkook went.

Did Jungkook say Jimin hyung and noona? I thought they were no longer together?

Taehyung winced as he wondered before he realized that the noona Jungkook was talking about wasn't Hye Jin at all. He dropped the pen in an instant and excuse himself the moment he saw Jungkook embracing his girlfriend, Ha Neul.

"Yah!" Taehyung frowned as he pushed the maknae away from the girl.

"Oh Taehyungie." Ha Neul startled the moment her boyfriend suddenly appeared in between her and Jungkook, separating the two in such a force.

Taehyung didn't say anything and suddenly crashed his lips onto hers, causing her eyes gone wide while her face burning red.

"Seriously guys, get a room first." Jimin sighed as he facepalmed himself.

"It's okay, go on. No one's watching." Jungkook chuckled as he looked at the couple in amusement.

"You fetus never change." Jimin snorted as he smacked the back of Jungkook's head, causing the younger boy groaning in pain.

"Kim Taehyung!" Ha Neul pushed Taehyung lightly in the next second because she was surprised that he literally just kissed her in public without any warning.

"Why?" Taehyung said before he leaned forward once again. Ha Neul quickly brought the bouquet in front of her face to stop Taehyung from kissing her for the second time.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung groaned in annoyance as he pulled the bouquet away.

"P-people are watching..." She mumbled shyly.

"You need a room? Let's go then." He simply said before he grabbed Ha Neul's hand and dragged her to the empty gym building.

"Taehyung, my hand hurts." She whined slightly once they entered the building.

Taehyung heaved a long sigh before he let go of her hands. He looked like he was sorry but his expression was solemn and totally unreadable.

"Are you mad?" Ha Neul said as she looked up, scanning the face that she wanted to touch so badly for a long time.

"I don't know." Taehyung said nonchalantly as he shrugged.

"Seriously Tae, at least tell me why are you acting like this?" Ha Neul begged.

"Well..." He took a deep breath before he continued, "...first, you barely answered my calls and replied to my texts lately. Why?"

"I didn't lie when I told you that I was busy with my assignments. I need to finish all of them so I could leave early and catch up the flight. I'm so sorry..." She explained.

"That brings us to the second one. You're coming here and didn't even bother to tell me. Yet you told Jimin hyung??" He scoffed in disbelief.

"I just wanted to surprise you, really. That's why I told Jimin not to tell you about it. I thought you'd like it..." She mumbled softly as she felt a bit dissapointed to get this kind of reaction from him.

"Third, you're finally here after such a long time and the first one you hugged is not even your boyfriend? Why do you have to hug Jungkook first I'm─"

"Technically I hugged Jimin first." Ha Neul cut him off since she finally understood that her boyfriend was just being jealous which she found really cute so she intended to just play along with it. "And to my defense, Jungkook greeted and hugged me first." She added.

"Well, you let him." He rolled his eyes lazily.

"Look, Taehyung I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off with any of these. Please forgive me." She muttered, slightly begging.

"No." He said briefly.

"I even brought you this all the way from New York so forgive me?" She handed him the bouquet as she frowned.

"Uhm no."

"Pweaseeee." She leaned closer and hugged him, resting her chin on his chest as she looked up.

"Still no." He looked away, trying his best not to smile at her adorable attitude which starting to get hard to resist.

"Fine then." She sighed as she removed her hands from his body and cupped his face instead, forcing him to look at her.

"I'm going back tomorrow, since you won't forgive me. Bye oppa." Her lips formed a thin line as she looked into his eyes.

"O-oppa?" Taehyung couldn't help but flustered by the nickname.

He knew that she was slightly older than him so she never called him that before. But once she did, his heart beat increased multiple times inside his ribcage.

"Oh one more thing." She stated before she tiptoed, leaning closer to him. She pecked his lips gently before she turned around and pretended to leave.

Ha Neul only walked a few steps away from her former place when he felt Taehyung's arms wrapped around her shoulder from behind, stopping her footsteps immediately as a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Ugh you seriously driving me crazy." He sighed as he buried his face on the side of her neck.

"So, you've forgiven me?" She mumbled as her lips curved up.

"Silly, how could I even mad at you?" He muttered as he sighed under his breath.

"Even if I lied to you?" She raised an eyebrow as she tried not to laugh.

"Okay, which part of it was a lie?" He turned her over so they faced each other. He stared deeply into her eyes as he frowned slightly.

"I'm not leaving tomorrow cause my flight is tonight." She stated without hesitation causing Taehyung to slightly jumped in surprise by the statement.

"W-why do you have to leave so soon?" His eyebrows creased as he mumbled weakly, clearly sounded disappointed and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Sorry for lying again. Actually, I'm staying for two months." She finally giggled slightly.

"Ah seriously. I was about to go insane you know?" He dropped himself onto the bleacher as he ran his fingers through his light brown hair, heaving a very long sigh.

"Well, you tease me all the time and I somehow learned from it?" Ha Neul shrugged as she smirked slightly.

"Alright, you win this time. My girlfriend sure is amazing." Taehyung mumbled as he looked up at her, still couldn't believe that she managed to fool him around.

"You just realized that now?" She scoffed and then continued, "Anyway, you really need to accept this." She handed him the bouquet once again.

"Okay." Taehyung shrugged before he grabbed her wrist instead of the bouquet and then pulled her closer, causing Ha Neul to stumble forward and ended up sitting on his lap.

"Now what?" He added as he smirked playfully since their face were just a few inches away from one another.

Ha Neul's eyes went bigger as she felt flustered and surprised at the same time before she braved herself to caress Taehyung's cheek gently. "Happy graduation, Taetae. I'm so proud of you and I missed you a lot."

"Thankyou, love. I missed you more. I'm so happy to see you here." Taehyung stated as he smiled in the most adorable way possible.

Taehyung then brought one of his hands up to her neck as their lips met each other's once again, while his other hand was holding her waist, trying to keep her body as close as possible.

Finally, they shared a proper kiss(es) this time, gaining a lovely bright smile from the both of them. Well, distance meant nothing to them, because it went absence for the time being.


I'm so happy that they're finally reunited and I hope you feel the same way. Thankyou for reading

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