Kidnapped to live in a Castle

By Whitney_Joseph

333K 8.2K 631

Kyra is only seventeen years old when she is kidnapped together with her best friend while at a slumber party... More

Chapter 1- Trouble
Chapter 2- A Lesson Learnt
Chapter 3- Torture
Chapter 4- The 'Crazy Room'
Chapter 5- Shocking News
Chapter 6-Confrontation
Chapter 7- A Clue
Chapter 8- Getting to know you
Chapter 9- Discoveries
Chapter 10- A date?
Chapter 11- The date
Chapter 12- Never
Chapter 13- The Truth is Still Hidden
Chapter 14-Regret
Chapter 15-I'm Leaving
Chapter 16- Let's start over
Chapter 17- A new beginning
Chapter 18-Christmas
Chapter 19-New York
Chapter 20- Birthdays and New Year
Chapter 21- Coming Home
Chapter 22- Finding you
Chapter 23- New Maid
Chapter 24- Freedom is pain
Chapter 25- Wide Awake
Chapter 26- Surprises
Chapter 27- Thoughts
Chapter 28- You deserve better
Chapter 29- A Wedding to Plan
Chapter 30- Everything happens for a reason
Chapter 31- A Day to Remember
Chapter 32- Wedding Time
Chapter 33- Get away
Chapter 34- Attempted murder
Chapter 35- An Offer
Chapter 36- Suspicious
Chapter 37-Preparing for a bundle of joy
Chapter 38-Escaping the Castle
Chapter 39- Kyra?
Chapter 40- Nice try
Chapter 41-Horrible news
Chapter 42- Goodbye
Chapter 43- Gone
Books in the Castle Series
New book out!!!!!!!!!!
The Unconscious Killer

Chapter 44- Life in a castle

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By Whitney_Joseph

Chapter 44- Life in a Castle

______Amara's Pov_____

It has been three years since I was brought back to the castle. So many changes had taken place during the short time period that I had been gone. I hoped that I would never have to come back to this horrible place but fate had other plans for me.

Being in the castle now reminded of when Prince Derek, who was Raymond's father and my stepfather, ruled the castle. Grim and petrifying, although I think that these words were not even close to how dark this place had become.

Raymond had turned into his father but a worse version of the monster. It was as if he had become possessed by his father's evil spirit. Raymond was a beast and there was nothing I could do to stop him.

I was petrified when I found out the reason for me being dragged back to this horrible place. Raymond had killed Kyra and taken Ariel with him. I thought he was in love with her but Raymond was a cold and heartless monster. It was a pity that Kyra could not have the happy ending she deserved. Raymond could not love anyone or anything. He could not even love his own daughter.

I was now trapped in the castle taking care of a baby girl who deserved so much better than this. She deserved a happy home with love and affection.

Ariel was now three years old and was pretty as ever. Henry had just finished playing with her and brought her back to me. Henry was now fourteen years old  and growing to be a handsome young man and a polar opposite to his brother.

He visited the castle during his school breaks to take see his niece and play with her. The only reason Henry kept coming back to the castle, was to see his niece and to ensure she was happy and well taken care of. If it wasn't for Ariel, we would not be hearing or seeing Henry, as he detested the castle, Raymond and especially me, because of the lies Raymond filled his head with when he was younger and also for the death of Lisa. It was all too much for him to bear and he could never watch me in the eyes.

Ariel's bedroom was huge with every toy that any child could ever ask for. Although Ariel had no kids her age to play with, as the maid's kids were forbidden to play with her, she was not a selfish child. She was so sweet and loving. She was not spoilt and quite a humble little girl. Although she was young, she portrayed values that her mother had as she was kind and loving. I smiled as her uncle played with her.

It was now three o'clock in the afternoon and one of the maids came to inform us that it was time for Henry to head back to the city for school.

" Amara, please take care of Ariel." he kissed Ariel sweetly on her forehead and then exited the room.

Ariel was busy playing with her toys in her fairy themed bedroom and I sat not too far away from her on the chair reading a book. Ariel had all the nannies in the world but I chose to always be by her side because of her evil father. Also, taking care of Ariel helped me cope as I missed my son so much. Everyday I imagine how much he must have grown and I prayed that he and James were safe. Eli was a little over a year older than Ariel and just thinking about him without his mother made me so mad at Raymond.

If only I could leave without Raymond hunting us down. However, I had to watch over Ariel. She needed someone who loved and cared for her to look after her before she grew up to be as coldhearted as her father.

" Well, well, well. Now isn't someone in a happy mood?" Raymond sneered, his sarcasm sharp like razor blades as he looked in my direction but I ignored his remark.

I continued reading my novel but Raymond was in no mood to be ignored.

"I know you want me." he said as he came closer to me, causing me to sink back in the chair but I tried to stand my ground.

"As if, you think I." I shot daggers at him. I hated Raymond so much.

I was cut off as he grabbed my jaw with his rough hand and squeezed it.

"Dada!" Ariel shouted in enthusiasm, causing Raymond's attention to be diverted. His cynical mood got worse and his eyes twitched in frustration and annoyance.

"Amara, please leave the room. I've got some business to handle with Ariel." he said gruffly, about to approach Ariel who was watching us curiously.

"What business? You're a monster. Ariel was barely a year old when you broke her arm. You' re barely home and you think I' ll let you take her?"  I said angrily as I got up from the chair and attempted to run towards Ariel to protect her from another one of her fathers outbursts.

However, my plan backfired as Raymond grabbed me firmly by the arm and threw me onto the chair I was on before. I attempted to get up again but he slapped me hard across my face and took Ariel who was so happy to see her father. She was so innocent in all of this.

She began chanting happily, " Da-da! Da-da!Dad-dy...Daddy!"

He grabbed her roughly and she still smiled, still too young to understand that her father did not love her or wish her well.

" Bye-bye Amawa. Wuv you." Ariel said waving at me and smiling happily.

I watched intently as Raymond walked out of the room with his daughter.

They were just outside the door when I heard Raymond mumble something.

He then pushed Ariel into the room with so much force, she fell to the ground and then he slammed the door shut in her face. My heart leapt from my chest and I ran towards Ariel to ensure that she was not hurt.

She began to sniffle and tried to wipe the tears from her face. She got up and walked to the closed door.

"Daddy? Daddy?.....Daddy?....Daddy?" she began to cry and pounded on the door with her tiny hands.

A tear slipped down my face. How could a father be so mean to their own child?

Raymond was truly a monster and he did not deserve happiness. He deserved to suffer for all the horrible things he had done in the past and especially for killing Kyra.

Baby Ariel was motherless thanks to Raymond's selfish ways and Ariel would grow up knowing that her father never loved her and that her mother was dead just a few months after her birth all thanks to her wicked father.

Ariel was still crying out her heart. I went towards her and picked her up as I tried to comfort her.

I rubbed her back trying to calm her but she was screaming her lungs out for her father. All she wanted was her father's love but it was something she would probably never get.

As much as I wanted to leave the castle, Ariel needed me. She was just a toddler who had suffered so much at her father's hands.

It was my duty to protect Ariel and I will do everything in my power to keep her safe.

-----------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------------

Thank you to all my readers for choosing this book to read. Love you guys so much.

How did you like this book? Did you expect this ending? Let me know in the comments.

So, for those disappointed with the ending, fear not, for there are sequels out and read to find out if there will be a happier ending or a sad one to make you cry.

List of Books in the Castle Series:

Escaping the Castle is out and this is Book 2 in the Castle series. This is about Ariel and her life in the castle with her evil father Raymond. Will she ever escape? Will she ever find happiness? After all, being motherless is not easy.

Living in a Castle is officially out as of August 12th,2016....this is the third book in the series and is about Andrea who is Kyra's mother. Find out events way before Kyra was born which explains why she got kidnapped and what arrangements were made to cause such a tragedy.

Why are you still here.....Start reading the books in the Castle Series!!!


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