Lively. {Larry}

By Still_young

30.7K 2K 509

Sequel to Deadly. This story includes the aftermath of Catherine's terrible curse on our favorite chestnut ha... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three


752 63 40
By Still_young

"You usually last way longer." Louis chuckled as he traced the dents of Harry's bare pecks. He admired how athletic his body appeared to be, despite his devious activities. Maybe disposing of bodies was the new cardio.

Harry sure knew that he had been missing the tightness that was Louis. It was almost captivating how he took him just like before.

The chestnut haired man had him screaming all night long.

"Well, we had sex almost every day." Harry gushed, a deep shade of red decorating his cheeks because he was embarrassed himself by how long he lasted while the two of them had sex.

"Yeah, but I at least thought we would make it to five minutes-"

"I get it, okay." Harry snapped, adding a light laugh so the man wouldn't take it too seriously. It made him feel awful that he couldn't go on for as long as before. But it made sense. It had been a year and Danielle wasn't exactly the same as him.

There was a soft silence after that. Just the soft rustle of the sheets as the taller man moved his legs in a different position.

It was dawn, barely any sunshine appearing in the room while the two of them still laid in bed. Harry on his back with pillows behind his head while Louis rested beside him with his fingers tracing shapes on his chest and his head pressing against the palm of his hand as his elbow was propped on the bed.

"It was good though." The smaller man sighed, smiling at the thought of how his plan had actually worked. It was almost too easy. He honestly felt like such a tease. "Especially when you did that thing."

"Well," Harry grinned, shrugging his shoulders before letting out a long yawn from his dry heart-shaped lips.

The two of them had stayed up all night fucking all over the apartment. At first, it was on the bed where it nearly took the curly haired man two minutes to burst, following up with sex from the floor of the bedroom to the living room. Ending with a shower blowjob that lead to Louis's hands pressed against the wet shower tiles while steam floated around their bodies.

After a moment, the taller man's stomach began to growl, making him smile and rub the part of his body in order to get rid of the noise. "Pancakes?" He questioned, moving his head to make eye contact with Louis who seemed to be in deep though.

Harry's red orbs examined the confused look on his face, his grey eyes staying locked with the scar in the middle of his chest.

"No thanks." The chestnut haired man mumbled, his hands leaving Harry's body to run through his hair as if he was fixing himself up.

"Oh, okay." Harry whispered, his hands forming into fists as he tried to think of something else he could make for the two of them. He wouldn't have dared offer breakfast to anyone else he brought back to the apartment but it was the first thing he thought of when he woke up next to the man. "Cereal?"

"I was actually thinking of leaving a little earlier than usual." Louis stated awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he shyly slid off the bed and bent down to grab his underwear from the floor beside his feet. "I'm surprised i'm still here, if i'm being honest." He muttered under his breath, making the brunette furrow his eyebrows as he sat up from the bed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" His deep voice rumbled as he watched him get dressed. He had already slipped on his jeans and was pulling on his shirt hurriedly, almost as if he had somewhere else to be.

Louis smirked at how puzzled the man had sounded, his fingers fixing up his hair while he looked him dead in the eye. "It means that I wasn't planning on staying here long enough to get breakfast." His tone was dry as he kept a cold composure.

Harry's face contorted into a look of annoyance, his body moving from the bed to standing on his feet as his hands reached instinctively for his underwear and a random shirt laying on the floor beside the article of clothing.

"So, what you're telling me is that you were just planning to get fucked and then leave? Like some kind of one-night-stand?"

"Yes, exactly that."

The red eyed man was taken aback at that, his hand going against his chest as his heart ached just a bit in his chest. The response left a bit of a sting in his heart, his body trembling slightly due to the fact that he was fearing what would come out of his mouth next.

"Y-You just wanted to fuck me and that was it?" He asked, his words coming out as if he was insecure because he suddenly was. He almost wanted to just crawl under the sheets and hide his body. He almost felt as if he was waking up after that night with Liam.

"Aw," Louis cooed, his voice sadistic as he slipped on his socks, patting his pockets for his keys which he felt as soon as he pulled on his jeans. He reached out towards the night table and grabbed his phone that was face-down, turning it upwards to see he had several missed calls from Keith.

He pocketed his phone, crossing his arms as he smiled from ear to ear at the man who looked as if he was about to jump over the bed and strangle him. "Harry is hurt because someone used him for just his body instead of any of his other amazing qualities. What a damn shame." He pouted.

"Fuck you." Harry seethed, his eyes shutting tightly as he forcefully tried to stop the tears from forming in his eyes.

He felt so used. He felt disgusting. How could Louis, of all people, do this to him?

"Well, you did already. And you know what else? This time it wasn't even that good." The smaller man continued, rounding the bed with the same intensity in his eyes.

He didn't even know what his goal was at the moment but just the sight of Harry's broad shoulders crumbling was making him feel better about himself. Man, did his curse really take over.

"Let me tell you something, Harebear." He chuckled, walking up to the man who was lightly shaking. "I faked it every single time." He whispered into his ear, causing Harry to open his eyes quickly and fists to form by his sides.

"Get the fuck out of my apartment." He growled, his head tilting downwards as his ruby orbs glowed. It was almost like he was one of those creatures from the films as his whole body shook with each breath he took.

"I'm trying to." The grey eyed man sighed, his smile remaining on his tan skin.

"You're going to make me hurt you."

"Oh, you would never put your hands on me." Louis scoffed, rolling his eyes before walking out of the room with a successful feeling in his heart. Thank god he couldn't feel anything for the man who was obviously crying as he followed him desperately. "Why are you following me? You know Harry, I never thought you would act like this. Like a little bitch."

Harry wanted to argue with him. He wanted to scream in his face and break him down in as many ways as he possibly could. But that was exactly what he wanted. He wished for him to play his stupid little game.

And Harry doesn't play games.

"Alright, Louis." He calmly said, his composure returning while his arms crossed against his chest. He felt relaxed for just a moment. His facial features had loosened and all you could see in his eyes were pure hatred. "You can leave here and go back to whatever rat hole you live in. You're probably happy that you played me like that. Just pulling on my strings because you know I still have feelings for you. The thing is, you just showed me who you are."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows at his response, his mind racking for what to say because he didn't know what to do.

He didn't expect him to be this calm.

"This has always been me. You were just too busy being a serial killer to see it." He snapped, glancing down to find his shoes that were placed beside the door. He turned his back to the killer, putting on his shoes before turning around to get one more remark in, only to stop as he saw the brunette hovering over him with death in his eyes.

"You were a nice person who didn't deserve what was being done to him. I saved you from that Louis. We were happy." Harry added, smirking at how he was taking back the situation. "Now you're just a sick little prick who feens on desperate fucks like me for sex. You aren't cool. This isn't making you stronger than me. You're just acting like a little dick who finally got self confidence."

The grey eyed man gasped at that, his hand raising to slap the taller man across the face only to cry out as his wrist was caught in Harry's kung-fu grip. A light whimper left his lips as he felt his hold tighten against his cuts.

"I'll tell you something, Louis." He hummed, leaning in closely to hear the faint groans from his lips. "I know how to break every bone in the human body. Perks of being a serial killer, am i right?"

It was silent for just a second as he squeezed so tightly that the bones in his wrist shifted under his finger tips, causing the smaller man to whimper and beg for freedom.

"Now, I want you to get out and never come back." He finally said, releasing his hold on him with a push to the shoulders, making him crash against the door. "Don't come to my bar or talk to my mother. I don't want to see you. And if i do...well," he smirked, running a hand through his hair to brush the strands from his eyes.

How was he doing this? Who was he?

Harry almost didn't feel like himself as he threatened Louis. It was like someone or something dark had taken over. It must have been his curse.

Was it actually looking out for him? Defending him when he couldn't do it himself?

"I will kill you." He stated, scanning him from head to toe to capture the imagine of terrified Louis rubbing at his wrist while fear settled into his face.


In all honesty, this had to be the CRAZIEST chapter I have ever written between this book and Deadly.

And yeah, i've seen the comments. Some people think its totally absurd why Harry is so angry at Louis for leaving but like if you actually think about it, the guy seriously loved him and he just dipped after like two weeks lmao. I would be angry too.

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