Doudil40: Unexpected Love

By Saku321

52.9K 1.1K 1.1K

✵Chapters✵ [✓: Done / ✗: Not Done/In Progress] Chapter 1 ~ ✓ Chapter 2 ~ ✓ Chapter 3 ~ ✓ Chapter 4 ~ ✓ Chapte... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 [Christmas Special]
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 [Valentine's Special]
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Maybe Do Parts Of Brittney.. HELP!
Might be busy D:
Brittney's New Life [Chap.1]
Brittney's New Life [Chap.2]
Brittney's New Life [Chap.3]
Chapter 13
Brittney's New Life [Chap.4]
EXTRA 1 [1/2]: Sakuya's New Dad
EXTRA 1 [2/2]: Sakuya's New Dad
Liking My Story?
Update? And QUESTION TIME! 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 [1/3]
Chapter 15 [2/3]
Chapter 15 [3/3]
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
A Little Update? and Questions for YOU!
QUESTION TIME! 4 & Questions for YOU! 2
My Private Moments/Secrets/Facts [REVEALED]
Chapter 19 [1/2]
Chapter 19 [2/2]
QUESTION TIME! 5 & Questions for YOU! 3
Chapter 20 [Halloween Special!]
Lox Family Member List [For EXTRA 4]
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
EXTRA 3 [1/3]: Jose and Sakuya's Date..
EXTRA 3 [2/3]: Jose and Sakuya's Date..
EXTRA 3 [3/3]: Jose and Sakuya's Date..
Author N./Update & QUESTIONS FOR YOU! 4
Chapter 23 [1/2]
Chapter 23 [2/2]
Info & Ask Anyone!
EXTRA 4 [1/3]: Lox Family Visit?
EXTRA 4 [2/3]: Lox Family Visit?
EXTRA 4 [3/3]: Lox Family Visit?
Chapter 24 [DARE (1)]
Chapter 25 [DARE (2)]
Chapter 26 [1/2]
Chapter 26 [2/2]
Chapter 27 [1/2]
Chapter 27 [2/2]
Chapter 28 [1/3]
Chapter 28 [2/3]
Chapter 28 [3/3]
New Story For 50+ Followers! & Help? O^O
Chapter 29 [1/2]
Chapter 29 [2/2]
Chapter 30 [1/2]
Chapter 30 [2/2]
A/N [Explaining]
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 [1/2]
Chapter 33 [2/2]
EXTRA 5 [1/3]: Melon Bros, Melon Lovers
EXTRA 5 [2/3]: Melon Bros, Melon Lovers
EXTRA 5 [3/3]: Melon Bros, Melon Lovers
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 [1/4]
Chapter 35 [2/4]
Chapter 35 [3/4]
Chapter 35 [4/4]
10 to 1 Challenge

Chapter 1

3K 49 14
By Saku321

Note: Hey guys! So, I saw a lot of Shipping stories and I guess I would make one too. I picked Doudil40 because there wasn't much stories of them. Also, Skylox and PewDieCry was my options too, but there was so much stories of them. Mostly PewDieCry. But, I hope you enjoy.

~Bodil's POV~

I was playing some Cops 'n Robbers with some friends.

I laughed a lot about how they kept trying to make me laugh. I couldn't hold in my laughter. It was so funny!

After the stopping the recording, I upload the video on YouTube and went to eat something.

Then, something vibrated in my pocket. I took out my phone and smiled at who was calling.

~Ryan is calling~

I answer it and Double screamed in the phone.

"What the hell?! Stop yelling!" I yelled into the phone as well, wanting to stop hearing the screaming.

"Okay. Okay," said Ryan, stop yelling. "Sorry about the yelling. I'm just so happy!"

"What got you so happy?" I asked, curious of the sudden surprise.

"Oh. You'll see," said Double seductively a bit, making me blushed.

At least, he's not here to see me blushing. He hangs up quickly, making me feel a bit sad that he hanged up so early.

He doesn't hang up a lot when we talk.

I guess something important is going on?

I just shrugged at what I thought and went to get some chips and just sit on the couch, watching some cartoons.

~Time Skip~

I woke up, not even realizing that I fell asleep on one of my favorite cartoon part.

"Дявол да го вземе!" I yelled in Bulgarian. (Translating Bulgarian: Damn it!) 

I love the cartoon Adventure Time and I slept through my favorite episode. I just sighed to myself, picking up the phone and calling one of my friends.

"Hey! What's up? Why are you calling?" said Simon, sounding like he's eating something.

"Don't talk with your mouth full. Anyways. I was wondering if you want to play a Trolling Map with me. I'll ask Double too," I said.

Hearing Simon shallow something, putting whatever he's eating, down.

"Sorry Martin. I can't. Got some busy work to do," responded Simon, rejecting the invite.

He sighed through the phone and just says, 'Sorry' after then.

"It's alright," I said in a bit of sadness.

I hanged up the phone, putting the phone down on the couch, knowing that I didn't need to call Double.

I already knew Ryan isn't gonna play. It sounded like he was doing something important.


Just as I was about to get computer, I looked at the clock and it was really late.


Wow. Didn't know it was THAT late.

Of course, it's night in Bulgaria and Double was in Canada, so it's morning for him. I went to the shower and took a nice, warm bath, since I smelled like shit.

~Time Skip~

After getting ready to sleep, my phone rang and a unknown number, was calling.

Who would be calling this late? I answer the phone and static came over a bit, but it was all silence.

"Hey Martin!" yelled Ryan over the phone.

"Gah! Will you keep down your voice?!" I whispered, yet loud for him to hear.

I heard him laugh very much. Gah! Why does his laugh always sound so cute?!

I kinda stayed in silence for awhile, until Double asked something.

"Uh? Martin? You alright?" asked Double. I shake my head, clinging my eyes straight at the phone.

"Sorry. I was just spaced out," I responded, not knowing what to say afterwards.

There was some silence between us for a short time until Double broke the silence.

"Oh. Well, don't really want to distract you, since it is night over in Bulgaria, so get some sleep. I'll call you tomorrow," said Double, hanging up until I can say anything else.

I guess I should get some sleep. I let myself fall onto the bed, sleeping like a baby.

Well.. This is my first time making a FanFic. Not much what I thought, but still okay! I'm sorry if I did any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed this. See ya ^.^

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