Rewind The Memories

Autorstwa basicallybree

6.2K 82 42

(Previously Called One More Happy Ending) **This is my own creation, I hope you all enjoy it:)) The story of... Więcej

Chapter 1~ Pilot Chapter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
*~*Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 ~ Danielle's POV

Chapter 15

235 1 0
Autorstwa basicallybree

[Hi everyone, I'm officially on summer break! Woohoo! So I will have a lot of free time, dispite the four hour Marching Band practices three times a week. So get ready for some updates!!!

Xoxo, Bree]

Mom had sent me home before Skie was released the next day, I argued but, I lost. Hayllie's mom came to pick me up and take me back to their house for the night.

"It's for the best, I need your sister to get situated, and it’s bad enough that I can't find a sitter for Lily. You understand, don't you darling?" mom asked as Hayllie's mom pulled up. I smiled, actually understanding what mom was asking,

"Yeah, I totally get it, Skie needs rest, with the way I'm up at night, I'd probably prevent that, but won't Connor do the same thing?"

"Don't worry about your brother, he and some of his friends left for Florida about an hour ago. He won't be back until Christmas."

I nodded, then hopped into the back of the Mercedes with Hayllie. I waved to mom, then Mrs. Anders started driving.

"How's Lily, when can I see her again?" Hayllie asked, turning to grin at me. I smiled,

"You can see my niece as soon as I can go home." I laughed; Hayllie rolled her eyes, and then started laughing as well.Mrs. Anders turned onto their street, and then pulled up to a large beach house, protected by a large wrought iron fence, similar to my own house. I noticed Hayllie’s little brother, Eli was swinging on the tire that was out front,. He jumped down and came racing towards the car.

As Hayllie and I stepped out of the car, Eli raced directly at Hayllie, leaping into her awaiting arms. She swung her little brother around, his blonde hair blowing; eyes bright and the biggest smile ever. As Hayllie set him down, Eli ran over to me and gave me a welcoming hug as well. I lifted him into the air, and held him high as Eli laughed and held his arms out like Superman. I set him down on the ground gently, and he ran off towards the house to catch up with his mom. Hayllie grabbed my arm,

"Come on; let's go up to my room. We can go swimming if you want, or just hang out on the beach. Just the two of us."

We both started across the yard, then into the house and up the stairs to Hayllie's room. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Hayllie's room, well, it's amazing. It's super bright, like windows on an entire wall with amazing view of the ocean. The walls were a bright, ocean blue, with pictures and posters everywhere. Shelves with millions of books, pictures, CD's, along with several copies of the magazine Seventeen, Hayllie had tons.

We threw our stuff on the beanbag chairs in one corner of her room, and then fell backwards onto her bed, sighing dramatically. Hayllie and I looked at each other, and burst into a fit of giggles. Trying to suppress any form of laughter between Hayllie and me, is like trying to count every grain of sand on the beach, or trying to find the end of a rainbow. It's impossible, we've only known each other for a few months, but to us, it's like we've known one another for all of our lives.

"So, now what do we do?" I asked, we started laughing again, there was probably too much to do at Hayllie's. She was the girl with the newest Xbox games, the girl with the pool, spa, and ocean! The girl with the best food, the coolest house, the best clothes, Hayllie was the best, the newest, and the coolest.

"Well, we could go down to the beach, or the Board Walk, ride bikes to the park, hang out up here, go shopping, we can pretty much do anything, as long as we tell my mom beforehand." Hayllie stated, ticking things to do off her fingers. She grinned as she thought of something, "Or, we could make homemade cookies."

"Hmm," I thought out loud, "Let's go down to the beach, maybe we can take Eli with us."

"Defiantly, hang on; I'll get you a suit." Hayllie jumped off of her bed and walked into her closet, calling from behind the door, "What color do you want, which color flip-flops are you wearing?"

"Um, white ones." I replied, I heard Hayllie sigh loudly,

"You're no help, how 'bout a purple bikini? Or do you want a yellow and pink tank suit?"

"Pink and yellow!" I shouted, there was no way I was going to wear a bikini. I'm not fat or anything, I love my body, but bikini's on a public beach with really little kids and sometimes old, creepy perverts just didn't sit well with me. Hayllie walked out of her closet, carrying the pink and yellow suit along with a blue and purple tank suit. Almost as if she read my mind, she changed hers. I walked into the bathroom to change; I folded my clothes into a neat pile and walked back out into the room. Hayllie was looking for towels and satchels.

Eventually, she found what she was looking for, and we walked into Eli's room. He was lying on his bed reading a comic book. Eli looked up as soon as we walked in, and flashed a grin at us.

"Are you going to the beach? Can I come, Hayllie, please? Mom won't let me go by myself, and I really wanna go!" he asked, kneeling on his bed, gazing up at us. Hayllie smiled at her little brother,

"Uh, of course you can come. That's kind of why we came in her, so get your suit and meet us downstairs in five, kay." she winked at her little brother, and then Hayllie and I walked down the stairs. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie each, and then grabbed two for Eli. Hayllie led me out onto the porch, where we sat on the railing, staring out at the water.

It was a beautiful, picture perfect day in California. The high was about ninety-five degrees with the sun at its highest; a soft breeze blew the leaves of the palm trees. The sun was bright and brilliant; there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I gazed out at the beach and saw several people walking from the Board Walk towards the water. Little kids were racing each other across the sand, some were building sand castles, far enough up the beach so that the waves wouldn't destroy them in the next few minutes.

Eli walked out of the house carrying a towel, and we all walked down to the beach. The sand seeped through my toes; Eli took off running towards the water, dropping his towel on the sand. Hayllie bent over and picked it up and brushed the sand off. I watched Eli run into the water and dive beneath the surface. For a six year old, he's a better swimmer than I am.

Hayllie and I spread out our towels in the sand, lying Eli's between ours. I put up one of those beach umbrellas, and we lay on our stomachs and watched the water. I untied my suit, and let the strings rest on the ground as I tanned, getting rid of the possibility of tan-lines. Hayllie had sunglasses on, and her nose buried in a new book. I didn't see the title of it, but she seemed to be enjoying it, regardless. I closed my eyes, resting my head on my wrists.

About fifteen minutes later, Eli came running up onto the beach, completely soaked and grinning from ear to ear. I squinted up at him; he smiled at me as he collapsed onto his towel, breathing heavily from running.

"The water's amazing! You two should come and swim with me." he said, laying back and eating one of the giant cookies that we had brought. I glanced at Hayllie, who was lying on her back, sunglasses perched on her face, she looked like she was sleeping. I looked back at Eli,

"I think your sister is asleep. But I'll come swimming with you, if you want." I offered, he grinned.

"Sure, you're practically my sister!" Eli jumped up; I tied my strings again, and took off after him. For a six year old, Eli's the best.

We both dove into the water, almost simultaneously, I surfaced before he did. The water was only up to my waist. I crouched in the shallow water as Eli jumped onto my back and I waded out further. When the water reached my shoulders I stopped walking and Eli jumped off of me into the water, swimming to the bottom of the ocean. I saw him pick something up off the bottom, then start swimming back towards the surface where I was. When his head finally broke the waters glimmering surface, he placed something in my hands. A soft blue hermit shell with specks of green and yellow on it, empty of course. It was beautiful,

"Thanks Eli, this is a really pretty shell. Don't you want to keep it?" he shook his head,

"Nope, it's for you. Because your cool, like hermit shells."

I smiled at him,

"You wanna get something to eat, like ice cream? My treat?" I asked him, Eli nodded, then started swimming back towards the beach. I took off after him, only at a much slower pace; he reached the shore a few seconds before me. We walked back to our towels; I grabbed some money and the sundress I was borrowing from Hayllie. Eli and I walked to an ice cream vendor, Eli ordered first; Choco-Choco-Chip in a cone. The girl then looked at me; Triple Peanut Butter with Reese’s cups. She handed us the ice cream, and I ordered an Italian Ice for Hayllie, I paid the girl and Eli and I walked back to our stuff.

Hayllie was just waking up when we got back, perfect, the Italian Ice was just starting to thaw.

"Here, Hails, I got you some Italian Ice. Eli and I got a little hungry and ice cream seemed like a legit answer," I smiled handing her the Ice. She grinned,

"Thanks, Megh, it’s fine with me, as long as he didn't bug you for it. Mom would kill him and tell him to pay you back!" she replied, winking at Eli who was happily licking his chocolate ice cream.

The three of us sat in silence for a while, watching people come and go on the beach. There were still kids building sand castles, and quite a few of them were pretty cool. Adults lounged in the sun, either on beach towels or beach chairs, watching for their children. Lots of kids were still splashing around in the water; it was too early in the afternoon for the reckless teenagers to be out. They didn't come around usually until five or six o'clock. It was barely three in the afternoon, still plenty of time to enjoy the day.

"Anyone wanna go to the Board Walk?" I heard a mother ask her kids, several of them all chorused yes. With that, they were off, walking across the beach to the raised dock that housed silly tourist stores, several restraunts, and one or two arcades. Along with an seemingly endless amount of sidewalk carts selling sunglasses for two dollars or California tee shirts for about seven bucks. There were also those photographers who take the Memory Pictures for the key chains that you would pay five bucks for.

I laid back after I'd finished my ice cream, pulling my arms behind my head and resting my head on my arms. Eli yawned, and lay back on his towel, and closed his eyes; within minutes he was asleep. I smiled at Hayllie, who was also dozing off again. I closed my eyes, and seemed to have fallen asleep as well. Sometime later, Mrs. Anders was shaking my shoulder; I sat up with a start. Eli was curled up next to me; Hayllie was sitting up rubbing her face with her hands.

"I guess we fell asleep, huh." I said groggily, Mrs. Anders smiled.

"Yep, I've ordered pizza, and came looking for you three. It's almost seven at night; you've been out here all day. Eli, time to get up" she said gently, shaking her son's shoulder. Eli opened his eyes, and looked at his mom.

"Mommy, I'm hungry, are we gonna do anything for dinner?" he asked, I laughed, Mrs. Anders smiled at him, her eyes twinkling.

"Of course, my angel. As I told Meghan, I've ordered pizza and it should be at the house in a few minutes. So, let's get all of your stuff together, and we can head back to the house."

All four of us stood up, and started up the beach towards the house. We left our things on the porch, and walked into the air-conditioned house. The sudden blast of cold air felt extremely good on my warm skin. Thank goodness I wasn't burnt, that wouldn't have been good.

After dinner and a movie, Hayllie and I walked back up to her room. I was going to sleep in the guest room next to hers. I walked into her closet,

Do you care which pj's I borrow?" I called out, there wasn't an answer. I poked my head out, and saw that Hayllie was passed out cold on her bed still in her shorts and halter. I walked over to her and draped a blanket over her, then turned off the main lights, leaving only the lamp on her night stand on. I walked back into the closet and grabbed a pair of sweatpants; I'd just wear my own camisole. Before I walked out of the room, I turned off the lamp and whispered,

"'Night Hayllie."

I closed her door softly, walked into my room, changed, and fell into the bed; utterly exhausted. Within minutes, I was asleep and dreaming.

Hey Guys,

So I posted this at about 1:15 in the morning. Which is normal except that I have Summer School tomorrow. Whoops! So I hope you like this chapter! Leave me a comment, vote, or fan me! Thanks,

Love, Bree

Posted: June.13.2012

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