When Love Gets Complicated [...

By RidaZaidi

18.2M 122K 65.2K

Like many typical girls, eighteen year-old Rachel Morgan falls head over heels for an out-of-reach guy, named... More

Chapter 1 - The Dream
Chapter 2 - Hearts Collide.
Chapter 3 - Morgan's No Sportsman.
Chapter 4 - Let The Games Begin!
Chapter 5 - Falling for him....
Chapter 6 - Love At First Sight...
Chapter 7 - The new boy, Malik.
Chapter 8 - The Start of Their Journey.
Chapter 9 - Harry's Crazy Idea.
Chapter 10 - Simple, but Effective...
Chapter 11 - Wish number 1; Complete.
Chapter 12 - Wherefore Art Thou, Harry?
Chapter 13 - What's Wrong with You Curly?
Chapter 14 - Zayn's Heart In Payne...
Chapter 15 - True To Your World.
Chapter 16 - Harry's Surprise.
Chapter 17 - Harry's Surprise Continued..
Chapter 18 - Caught in a Triangle.
Chapter 19 - Louis' Big Secret.
Chapter 20 - To help a friend....
Chapter 21 - [Part 1] The Plan...
Chapter 21 - Part 2 - The Masquerade Party
Chapter 22 - DramaRama!
Chapter 23 - Too Close For Comfort...
Chapter 24 - Just Back off my Man!
Chapter 25 - "I thought three was a crowd?"
Chapter 26 - Lies and Betrayals
Chapter 27 - "The Liar I Once Loved."
Chapter 28- The Truth Told, by Harry.
Chapter 29 - "Betrayal, damn betrayal."
Chapter 30 - Why is it always me?
Chapter 31 - The Death Of Maria.
Chapter 32 - Harry Reveals The Truth.
Chapter 33 - No,This Can't Be Happening.
Chapter 34 - Secrets, secrets, secrets.
Chapter 35 - Let the truth, be told!
Chapter 36 - When an old friend returns
Chapter 37 - Things just keep getting worse.
Chapter 37 [ Part 2 ] "Somehow, someway..."
Chapter 38 - Is There Really No One ?
Chapter 39 - A Beautiful Surprise
Chapter 40 - When love takes a turn.
Chapter 41 - And another love story is gone.
Chapter 42- [Part 1+2] - Harry's Decision
Chapter 43 - The start of a new friendship
Chapter 44 - LA, Here we Come!
Chapter 45 - Drama in LA? On the first Day?
Chapter 46 - Madness in LA.
Chapter 47 - Rachel and Harry, back to the Romantic Blues.
Chapter 48 - There's nothing like a little bit of drama.
Chapter 49 - Decisions, Decisions....
Chapter 50 - Love Really Is Complicated...
Chapter 51 - "I would never lie to you Rachel."
Chapter 52 - Regrets.
Chapter 52 (part 2) - What Love Can Do....
Chapter 53 - Stephanie's Big Secret.
Chapter 54 - [ Part 1 ] "You're always there for me..."
Chapter 54 [Part 2] "You're always there for me..." <3
Chapter 55 - To live, or To Die.
Chapter 56 - " If Only...."
Chapter 57 - Louis and Eleanor's Romantic Night. <3
Chapter - 59 The Answer, is finally here.
Chapter 60 - "If you love someone, you can't let them go." [Part 1. ]
Chapter 60 - "If you love someone, you can't let them go." [Part 2.]
Chapter 61 - The LA trip comes to an end...
Chapter 62 - The Final Goodbye....
Chapter 63 - "I'll Never Let You Go..."
Chapter 64 - No More Fights, No More Rivalry.
Chapter 65 - A Night Out In London <3
Chapter 66 [Part 1] - "Where there is love there is life."
Chapter 66 [Part 2] "Where there is love, There is Life."
Chapter 67 - "Frienship, is a special kind of love." <3
Chapter 68 - "Honesty is all you need. "
Chapter 69 - "You're my Wonderwall." <3
Chapter 70 - "9 months later..."
Chapter 70 - "9 months later." [Part 2.]
Chapter 71 - "The Birth of Sapphire."
Chapter 72 - "This is a promise."
Chapter 73 - "The Final Decision."
Chapter 74 - Final decisions, Final choices.

Chapter - 58 "Harry Styles or Zayn Malik...?"

201K 1.2K 1.4K
By RidaZaidi

Chapter 58
*just a quick note, I know from here on its written in third person in some chapters. The reason is because when I first started writing this story it was originally in third person but later I decided on switching it to first. I went back and began editing the first few chapters and (UGH) haven't gotten around to finish editing it lol but I hope it's not too annoying!:(( thanks for understanding:(( enjoy!*

Rachel thought and thought, but she really couldn't think of anyone, except Maria. Was she the one who had done the fire? Who had planned to kill them?

But why? Would she really stoop so low, enough to kill one of the boys she loved? Louis?

Eleanor and Louis looked just as confused... but then Rachel noticed.

Eleanor was all dressed up, and Louis also! Surprisingly, he wasn't wearing the usual stripes or suspenders, but a nice dressy polo! And the biggest of all... he was wearing socks. This meant Rachel must've interrupted them from something important.

The rain finally stopped as well. Rachel shrugged and ignored the whole situation for a minute.

"It's alright. We don't have to worry about it right now. You guys carry on, I'll see you tomorrow. I'm kind of tired anyways." Rachel flashed one quick smile.

"Alright, see ya Rach." Eleanor and Louis both replied together.

Rachel opened the door to Liam's car, but then walked back over to Louis and whispered into his ear.

"Nice socks by the way, we don't get to see those quite often." Louis rolled his eyes and pulled onto Eleanor's arm walking away, and grinned.

Rachel laughed and got into the car.

She always had some sort of drama going on with her, but it didn't mean she had the right to take away from other peoples love lives. This trip was meant to be fun, and so far, she had been having no fun at all.

She pretty much had been putting all that drama that was going on with her, and involved everyone else into it to preventing them from having any fun either. The least she could do was forget about who did the fire for now and let Eleanor and Louis have fun together.

Rachel began driving and got lost into a few thoughts.

Eleanor and Louis looked so happy with each other. It was nice to see Louis with someone, and so happy to be with them after Maria. She had said this so many times to herself, but now. She really felt that Eleanor had made a difference in Louis life. She had finally brought him back to the old Louis he was, and Rachel admired her so very much to that. Why was she even stressing out about who did the fire?

The police were already working on the case, and they would end up doing their job. She had no reason to get so worked up. But when there were so many obvious suspects at hand, she just couldn't help it. Maria, Kate, and Stephanie. The three that came to her mind.

She strongly believed though that Stephanie hadn't done the fire, but who knows?

Usually the people she least expected, ended up betraying her in the end. For instance, Maria. Maria was someone she really thought it could be. She thought of Maria as a close and trusted friend. And after Louis said he saw the girl's hair and it was brown after Rachel hit her, it really made her think that it was Maria.

And finally, Kate. Kate was pretty much capable of doing anything, so there was no point in doubting her. What if there was someone else though?

Someone besides the obvious? Someone else out there determined to kill her and her friends? Who was it? Right now, she didn't even care if it was Stephanie

She wasn't going to stick up for her.

The girl who acted all innocent to Rachel's face, telling her how she should be the one to end up with Zayn, and then she goes to him acting all romantic and sweet.

What the hell was she doing? She didn't give a crap if Stephanie was about to die. Rachel gasped at her own thought. She covered her mouth as if she said something dreadful. Which she did. How could she be so selfish? This whole love thing was really screwing with her head.

Finally Rachel felt that she had discovered her true feelings for Zayn, and then Stephanie just had to come in between.

There was always something out there that got her love, complicated.


"Thank god it stopped raining! I hate the rain!" Louis complained shaking his hair like a wet dog.

Eleanor nodded in agreement. "I know, I usually love the rain.... but this dress just cannot get ruined." Eleanor rubbed off some droplets of rain left on her dress.

"I wonder who Rachel hit. I mean she got away so fast, didn't you see a glimpse of the girl?" Louis wondered.

Eleanor shook her head. "Nope, I didn't see anything. I didn't even see that she had brown hair!"

"Oh well, let's forget about that." Louis replied taking Eleanor's hands into his. "Now tell me, what was this surprise you were talking about? Where are we off to anyways?"

Eleanor smirked. "Well... it wouldn't be a surprise now if I told you would it!"

Louis pouted. "You're just like Harry, always keeping surprises..."

Eleanor gave him a weird look for a second.

"What?" Louis asked confused.

"I don't know, I was kind of wondering something. You talk about Harry quite a lot... Louis? Lou, babe? You're not gay are you? Do you have a crush on him or something?"

Louis' eyes widened. "NO! Why does everyone always ask me that! I DON'T! He's hot, but for a girl's perspective! I LIKE GIRLS OKAY!"

Eleanor laughed and rubbed his arm lightly. "Okay, shh. It's alright, I was only wondering. C'mon now, you want to go for the surprise now don't you?"

Louis smiled.

Eleanor never failed to convince him, while he stood there blushing like an idiot.

"Sure. Take me to wherever your heart desires my dear."

Eleanor tilted her head to the side.

"Okay, let's just go before I say anything else that's really stupid." Louis added embarrassed.

Eleanor laughed and tugged on Louis arm, taking him away for their very own wild adventure.


Stupid tears.

She probably couldn't even count the number of times she had cried since she'd come to LA.

Over some of the most stupid things, and some that were actually pretty important. She just didn't know what to do anymore.

At first, it was the whole being torn between Harry and Zayn, but now knowing that behind her back Zayn thought of her as a complete different person, and thought she didn't treat him right, really broke her heart.

It hurt her deep inside. Was he trying to say that Stephanie was the right one for him and not Rachel? She couldn't blame him.

The number of times Rachel had denied Zayn and his love, kind of gave him the power to be allowed to say anything as such. He was right. She didn't treat him right. But there was no way she was going to confront him about this. What would she say?

"Oh hey Zayn, I realized you feel something completely different about me and feel that I'm a horrible person to you. Oh and I know cause I was eavesdropping on you?"

Rachel groaned and yanked the keys out of her car.

She shut the door behind her getting out and wiped the last bits of tears on her cheek.

No one on the beach needed to see her crying. She already grasped enough attention from people as is, she didn't need any more pointless attention. She clicked the lock button on Liam's car keys and marched off, ready to get into bed.

It had been one long night of pain and stress. It was about time for some rest. While Rachel slipped her purse onto her shoulder, someone popped in front of her and scared the daylights out of her.


Rachel fell to the floor startled. She blinked her eyes a few times to make sure she was right about who she was seeing. A clown? What the heck?

Then Rachel squinted and recognized those beautiful green eyes.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Rach, I didn't mean to scare you like that. Here, take my hand, I'll help you up."

Rachel tried to smile, but was still a bit confused. She grabbed onto Harry's hand as he helped her up carefully, and she dusted the sand off of her pants.

"Wait? Harry.... one question here. Why are you dressed as a clown?" Rachel couldn't tell if he was blushing or not through all that makeup.

"Long story, I'll explain it to you later."

"I've got time." Rachel smiled.

Harry sighed and told her. "Well, I was sitting at the beach just singing along to some tunes, and this guy came up to me complementing my singing. He asked me to come over to his place and perform for a party he was having. I was excited and was up for the offer. Who knows who this man was! He could've been someone from a singing company or some crap. But turns out, boy was I wrong. The man wanted me to sing for his KID. It was a birthday party."

Rachel held in her laughter. "So... that's supposed to explain your outfit?"

"Yeah, I gave them a performance first, and then the dad asked me if I could replace the clown that was hired for the party! He couldn't make it, so he asked me since there was no one else. I said yes obviously cause I didn't want to be rude, but then I got attacked by a bunch of little kids. Wasn't fun at all." Harry finished pouting.

Rachel covered her mouth to hold in her laughter. Harry's big red nose was just hilarious. "Wow, I was expecting a simple story, but Harry, you are crazy. Let me tell you that."

Harry chuckled. "This is Harry Styles you're speaking to Rach, I'm far from giving simple stories."

"Well, amen to that." Rachel giggled and just watched Harry for a second.

She took a good capture of the moment.

Finally, her and Harry got through a conversation, a nice conversation without fighting or any arguments. It was nice to relive those moments again.

"What have you been up to?" Harry wondered shoving his hands into the pockets of the clown costume.

Rachel still couldn't get over his hilarious outfit. "Well, I just got back from visiting Zayn, but didn't really get to say anything to him. Stephanie took my place today instead."

Harry raised his eyebrow. "Oh, I see. But Rach, I think it's alright for her to spend some time with Zayn. I mean, she's about to die. You should give her some time."

"Wait how do you know this?"

"I'm not invisible Rach, I see what's going around. Plus things travel fast around here."

Rachel nodded and sighed. "I know it's just that, I never knew Zayn felt that I was treating him badly. All along I thought he just got over it whenever I told him off. I never knew it actually hurt him. I don't even know why I'm telling you this, you hate him anyways."

Rachel looked away and stared at the floor.

Harry moved closer and rested his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, Rach. I'm not that big of a jerk you know. And I hope you know that I don't hate Zayn anymore. I did have problems with him, I still do, but I've grown up from our stupid rivalry. I owe him a lot actually; he's done many things for me. But I'm going to give you real advice here. Just move on. Maybe he doesn't feel for you the way he did before. I mean you didn't? When you were with me, you always said no to him. I think he realized it's about time for him to move on, and he must have. He moved on with Stephanie not caring whether she's going to die soon or not. I guess you're just going to have to understand that. Maybe she's the right one for him, and maybe you're a little too late." Harry told her calmly so it wouldn't strike her too hard.

But even then, it did. It hurt to hear that. She had a gut feeling inside that maybe this was true, and hearing it from someone else caused twice the pain.

"Maybe he did. But I don't care, it's not like I like him or anything!" Rachel denied forcing a smile.

Harry looked at her unsure. "Are you sure about that Rach?"

Rachel didn't want to talk about this anymore. That was enough of her love drama for today. "Yeah I'm sure. Oh, by the way, when I was driving home, it was like pouring rain and guess what happened?"


"I crashed into someone. I don't even know if they were hurt or not, they just got up and ran away. I thought maybe it had something to do with the connection of who started the fire. I mean it was like they were trying to hide from me or something. And Louis and Eleanor saw me crashing into the person too, but never got a chance to see the face!"

Harry looked at her shocked. "Well wow! They just ran away like that? Maybe you're right! Maybe they do have something to do with the fire. I really want to find out who the person is. But I just think.... I really do think it's... Kate."

Rachel looked at him curious. "Kate? Why Kate?"

"Are you really asking me that question Rach? After all she's done; she's capable of doing anything."

Rachel nodded but bit her lip. "I get what you mean, but this time, I don't think it's Kate. She's been far too busy with dealing with the whole issue with Stephanie, I don't see where she must've found the time to plan it. Usually her mastermind tricks come with a huge plan behind it, this one just doesn't seem like something Kate would do."

Harry tilted his head to the side. "Oh? Who do you think it is?"

"Maria. I really think it's her."

"MARIA! It must be, it makes all sense too. She's wanted revenge.... this is how she got it. But would she really want to kill Louis?"

Rachel shrugged her shoulders. "I really don't know Harry. There are just many questions that are left to be answered."

He nodded biting his lip. "Well, I'm not done my shift yet with the kiddies. I've got to head back and be their professional clown."

Rachel laughed. "You're actually going back? Why don't you just ditch! It's not like he's some record producer or anything!"

Harry blushed through his clown makeup, and then looked back up at Rachel. "I don't know... I uh... I like it. I like playing with little kids. I've always been the youngest child; I missed out on having younger siblings, so it's fun playing with them."

Rachel's heart melted. This was something the old Harry would say. He always did say he wished he had a younger sibling. The reason why he was so found of Ali, Rachel's sister.

"That's really sweet Harry. Tell you what, I'll go with you. We'll be the clown duo together!"

Harry's face beamed with happiness. "Really! Rach you're the best! C'mon, let's go!" He exclaimed excitedly and grabbed Rachel's arm as they rushed into the building.


"Woah. Uhh.... by wild idea, I didn't think that this was what you meant...." Louis just stared at what was in front of him.

"Oh and I thought you were the wild Tommo and no one could top that." Eleanor watched him as he moved around nervously.

"Pftsh, yeah I am. Let's do this!"

They were in front of a tall tall building, where if you were at the very top, you could probably see the entire world. Eleanor had decided they would jump off of it together. He was a tad terrified, but he wasn't going to let Eleanor know he was scared now would he.

"Are you sure? Cause chances are you won't make it back alive?" Eleanor looked at him sternly hugging onto his arm.

"Are you trying to make me not go?" Louis replied to her half scared to death.

Eleanor burst out in laughter. "Gosh Louis, you're so gullible. I'm just kidding, it's not scary at all. Just come, we'll have fun!"

Louis nodded. As long as he was with Eleanor, and if she wasn't scared? He wouldn't be either. The workers hooked ropes and chains around their waist getting ready for the fall. Louis moved up a bit, and looked down at the view.

Well.... his adrenaline was going crazy at the moment.

He took one last, long deep breath.

"You okay babe? We don't have to do this you know? All jokes aside, if you really don't want to you don't have to." Eleanor assured him worried.

Louis shook his head. "No, I want to do this. I have no reason to be scared, as long as I'm with you, everything should be fine." He replied eyeing the ring that was on her finger that he had given her. She giggled blushing, and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"Then let's do this." Louis stood behind her, and held her waist tightly.

Eleanor placed her hands gently onto his hands, and wrapped her fingers around them. Suddenly, just before they were about to jump, and man came running towards them.

"I'm sorry guys, you can't go down at the same time!" He called to them.

"Kiss my ass, sassy man!" Louis shouted back at him and picked Eleanor up in his arms as he jumped!

"WOOO! OH YEAHH!" They both shouted enjoying the wild ride.

Eleanor's hair blew softly through the wind, and she couldn't stop laughing. This was perfect. It felt like he could scream and shout anything right now, he was just going crazy.

"I LOVE YOU LOUIS!" She shouted trying to be louder than the wind

. "I LOVE YOU TOO ELEANOR!" He shouted back to her, while they kissed romantically in the air.

It was a perfect moment. After Louis went through so much in his past, Eleanor was the magical angel that changed his life completely. With her, he would just lay with her and just forget the world.

Eleanor was his true love, she was.


"Niall! Stop hogging the chips! You already ate all the popcorn; I can't watch any movie without food! You know that." Nat complained snatching the bag of chips from him.

"Fine you cranky girl, I hope the exorcist gets you."

Nat's mouth rounded and she hit him hard on his arm.

"Ouch what was that for!?"

"For scaring me! I don't want to watch this movie anyways and with you on top of scaring me every few minutes, it's not too fun!"

"Then go play with your Barbie's or something."

"GUYS! Can we get through one night without you two arguing over something? Just watch the movie and relax." Danielle interrupted trying to calm everyone down.

Niall and Nat gave each other dirty looks and moved back into their seats.

Niall got up and sat down beside Liam.

"Hey bud."

Liam snickered. "Hey Niall. What's up? You look like you've been in a bad mood lately? Something wrong?"

Niall shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "Nothing really, I actually don't even know. It's just.... me and Emma never spend time together anymore. She's always out doing something. I always see all these couples around, you and Danielle, Louis and Eleanor, Rachel and her love triangle, it kind of sucks."

"Aww Niall, don't feel like that. Being in a relationship everyone has their ups and downs. You have to understand the other person and respect their own lives in order to carry on. Emma must have her own friends and stuff to visit after she came to LA. Did she tell you anything about that?"

"Yeah she does apparently."

"Well then see? It's not like she's trying to avoid you. As soon as she comes back home she always hangs out with you. She just likes to spend time with her friends a lot."

" I CAN'T WATCH THIS. I'M LEAVING!" Ash shouted as she ran into her room.

Niall ignored that and nodded in understanding Liam and sighed again. "Yeah I get it. Good thing I came to the sensible one for advice. All along I was just scared that she was trying to avoid me because she didn't like me much anymore."

Liam smiled. "No problem Niall, I'm always here. And never think that again, Emma does love you as much as you love her okay?"

Niall beamed and blushed.

"Can you two shut up over there! Some people would like to watch the movie without two annoying people whispering off to each other, that clearly isn't whispering if we could hear you from across that room!" Nat shouted to them annoyed.

"Alright that's it. The wrestling match is on once again." Niall replied standing up.

Nat got up startled, and backed away. "No... Niall please. No...."

"Oh I will!" He chuckled and ran towards her.

Nat screeched and ran into the other room trying to get away from Niall, as he chased her into the other room.

All that was left was Liam and Danielle.

Liam smiled at her and moved closer. "Guess it's just the two sensible ones left." Liam said to her snuggling in to her shoulder and brushing her hair with his fingers.

"Guess it is. Eleanor and Lou are out having a romantic night as well... why shouldn't we?" Danielle replied back giggling.

"Agreed, we could do a little something else after..." Liam looked at her cheekily.

"You're not...? You don't mean....?"

"Yes I do." He answered seriously.

Danielle laughed and nodded kissing him passionately on the lips.

They both turned around to face the TV. again, and screamed.

"HOLY SHIT. This movie really is scary." Liam nodded panting.

"Well, looks like we've got a job to do before we 'do' anything else."

"What's that?" Danielle asked.

"Cleaning up the mess we just made. Think we got a little too scared and dropped all the food."

"Oh snap, let's get to it." Danielle replied getting up and heading to the kitchen, but Liam pulled her back.

"You do promise though we are going to do 'that' tonight right?"

Danielle winked at him. "Oh, I promise."

She moved closer and pecked him on his nose, leaving an over excited Liam to himself.


"Okay who else wants face paint! I'm only doing a couple more so hurry and get in line!" Rachel announced to the little kids, her and Harry were volunteered for.

All the children ran up and got in line.

Even though Rachel had her own annoying sister she was forced to deal with all the time, for some reason she got along really well with these kids!

"No more balloon animals guys. As you can see I suck at doing them... badly. So I'm done." Harry said to the disappointed kids as he sat down beside Rachel.

"What's up clown?" Rachel asked him squishing his red clown nose.

"Ouch! Nothing, just exhausted. These kids can play all day."

"Now you know why Ali and I always had arguments." Harry nodded finally getting it.

"But you're doing a really great job Harry." Rachel added watching his face brighten.

"Thank you Rach, and thank you for coming down with me."

Rachel just smiled while she carried on painting the faces of the kids.

A little girl ran up to Rachel and tapped her shoulder. "Excuse me miss. Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what's wrong hun?"

"You're really pretty by the way. Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" She whispered quietly giggling to her friends.

Rachel turned around and looked over at Harry. He looked surprised at the question just as she was, and pretended like he hadn't even heard her.

Rachel grinned. "Aww thanks sweetie, but no, we're not. We're friends though. Best friends."

Harry looked back up at her. They both smiled at each other, knowing in just by the look in one another's eyes, that all their differences had been taken care of. That they were both just as happy knowing that at least they were friends.

This didn't mean that they were back to being in love, on the inside they might be.

But for now, they were most definitely, the best of friends.


She shut the door behind her, and collapsed onto her bed.

The tears streamed down her face. Zayn had thrown his emotions right at her. All along, she tried to pretend it didn't matter.

That if he was gone for even a day she would be okay. But she wasn't. She was completely lost without him.

She needed Zayn with her, she did. But her stupid disease would ruin all that. After she would die, Zayn would be gone. She would be gone.

They were just never meant to be. He knew her better than she knew herself.

Stephanie's life had been a screwed up mess, and Zayn was the only one that made her forget about all the sorrow she had in her life, and love that one beautiful and perfect guy in front of her. After finding out the truth, he didn't keep a grudge on her. Zayn was perfect.

She just couldn't get it through to her head why Rachel hadn't ended up with Zayn yet.

Why wouldn't she give him a chance? Was Harry really that special? What was so amazing about him?

If Zayn could sacrifice everything for that one girl he loves, he was the right one. It hurt her so much to do what she was doing, but she didn't want to die knowing that she hadn't done a good deed.

Stephanie would make sure that before she died, she would let Rachel and Zayn end up together. They were both meant to be, why else would death be throwing Stephanie out of the picture?

Their love was true, even though the two of them didn't know it for sure yet, you could see everything in their eyes. Rachel and Zayn, Zayn and Rachel.

The two, were meant to be. Stephanie would make sure that would happen before she died, and that was a promise.


"Ugh. You didn't tell me that after we did this whole birthday party for the kids, we would have to clean up too!" Rachel complained clutching her hand onto her back in pain.

"Hey, even I didn't know that. I just can't wait to leave this place."

"Well I think your wish just came true. We're done; let's get out before the man asks us for anything else." Rachel warned, and the two of them marched off.

"Hey, wait!" A voice called behind them.

"Too late." Harry muttered.

They rolled their eyes and turned around.

"Hi, I'm sorry I barely got a chance to thank you. Thank you both for everything you did tonight, you made a lot of kids very happy. How much can I pay you?"

Harry shrugged. "It's alright; I didn't do it for money."

Rachel was shocked. Even though the man had lied to him and had Harry thinking he was going to be someone that was help make something out of his singing into a career. Harry was just extraordinary.

"No that can't be it. Tell you what. This was actually sort of like a test. I hope you know that when I heard you singing on the beach, I was actually very shocked at how amazing your voice is Mr.Styles. I didn't only ask you to play for my kids birthday party, I kind of just wanted to see how much of a performer with you. I'm Dave Daniels. I'm a record producer and help create careers for all kinds of artist. I think you are very deserving of this opportunity and equally as talented. I'm guessing you're not from here by your accent, but I can give you some information, and email you details later on after I confirm things with my agent and the rest of the crew. But I really think you have a good chance at getting somewhere with that voice."

Harry stood there frozen and shocked. Rachel had to shake him to get him to come back.

"Harry! This is amazing! Take the offer!" Rachel whispered in his ear excitedly.

Harry shook his head, and snapped back.

"Oh... um.. Wow. I can't believe you're asking me this. Of course, I'll be waiting for an answer. We're all from London so I'll give you all my information and you can get back to me whenever you can." Harry answered as calmly and formally as possible, but really, he was screaming of excitement on the inside.

"That sounds like a plan. I won't forget about this Mr. Styles. I will get back to you on this subject, don't worry." The man told him once more before he turned around to walk away.

Harry nodded and took Rachel's arm, dragging her out.

Once they got out, Harry went as crazy as ever.


"I KNOW HARRY I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT EITHER! Guess Karma took a twist and did a good thing. You did something good for someone, so that good came back around to you. You deserve this Harry, you really do."

Harry watched her adoringly. "Thanks... best friend." He grabbed her into a tight hug.

Rachel truly was happy for him.

The old Harry had told her many times how much singing meant to him. How on their wild adventure he brought up auditioning for the X Factor many times. When the first time he told her he loved her, he sang to her. These things meant so much.

Harry deserved it all, and Rachel was more than happy for him.


"Alright everyone, gather around. I know this is short notice but I need to inform you all of something very important." Mrs. Barns announced to the gang as they huddled around in Liam's cabin.

"What's up Mrs? Is the flight delayed again?" Niall asked hugging onto Emma.

It was good to see they were still okay.

"No, it's actually the complete opposite. Some of you may be quite glad, and some may be just very sad. Today is our last day, we will be leaving tomorrow. I just found out the flight has already been booked, or else we're going to have to go after two more weeks." Everyone burst with Boo's and a few yay's.

"Aww man, I was starting to have fun!" Danielle complained.

"It's alright Dan, at least you can go back to your old dancing schedule, I'm sure you miss that." Rachel comforted her.

She laughed and nodded. "Yeah, guess you're right."

Everyone chatted off about half of them being excited to leave and the rest utterly disappointed, until......

"SURPRISE! I'm back guys!" They all turned around startled.

What the hell?

"ZAYN! Man you're back!" Liam exclaimed as he ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hey Liam!"

Danielle, Nat, Ash, Niall, and Emma all ran up as well and hugged him tightly. Rachel stood back. She wasn't too keen on him yet from earlier. Harry stayed back with her and exchanged looks with Zayn.

"How did you get back so soon Zayn? Did the doctors find you were doing alright now?" Mrs. Barns asked what everyone else was wondering.

"Yeah, actually. I know it's really late but the doctor was like you're doing great now. You'll be discharged by tomorrow, you could even leave right now if you wanted to. I took him seriously and left. No way in hell was I staying in that uncomfortable hospital bed anymore."

Everyone laughed and hugged him.

"It's good to have you back man." Niall added, and Zayn hugged him tighter.

He finally realized Rachel standing at the back of the room and waved. She rolled her eyes and stomped off. She wasn't getting pulled into this anymore.

Her feelings for Zayn were over, they were gone.


[** Here's just a little note. Play Ed Sheeran's - kiss me at this point. It goes perfectly. ]

Rachel wiped a tear.

Why was her life so complicated? When love gets complicated, it only takes a day to change it. Yeah right. Her whole entire life had been complicated the day she met these two boys. It's like they took turns falling in love with her.

She couldn't take it anymore.

"RACH! Why did you run off like that on me? Are you alright? I'm so happy to see you." Zayn came running over and held his arms out ready for a hug.

Rachel pulled back and moved away. "No, just stop."

Zayn pulled his arms back startled. "Why? Is there anything I've done?"

"No there's nothing. Just leave me alone Zayn."

"Rachel. I've known you for a while. I know when there's something wrong with you. Tell me now."

Rachel took a deep breath and turned around. He looked so clueless and so innocent. "Oh well I don't know! Maybe over the fact that you talk behind my back to other people on how cruel I am to you!"

Zayn stood there offended. "What!? What are you talking about Rachel!?"

"I was at the hospital when Stephanie was with you. You told her all this crap about how I haven't treated you right and how you love her and everything. All this time I've been torn between you and Harry, confused on who's actually right for me, and then you go off telling Stephanie how hurt I've made you feel! It's not that that's hurting me. The fact that you didn't tell me, hurts me. "

Zayn sighed and looked away from her. "Rachel you can't blame me. I mean, ever since I've met you, I've had to deal with seeing the girl I love be with someone else at all times. You and Harry were always together, even when I told you I had feelings for you, you pushed me away. We might not have even been friends after that if it were for me not leaving you. I tried and tried, but you always told me no. I never gave up and still haven't. I only stopped showing my love for you because you told me yourself. I respect your decision to stay friends. I will wait till the day you tell me yourself that you want to be more. I just don't think neither of us knows that yet."

Rachel's heart melted. Just when she thought Zayn might have been the one..... She couldn't. Just before today, she had decided in her heart that she would tell Zayn soon. She would give him a chance.

But then, she spent one day with Harry and all of the old memories flooded back to her. She was completely and utterly torn.

"I love you Zayn. I do, and you've heard me say it. I just don't know, and I don't think I ever will. I'm depending on fate and destiny to bring together whoever it is. I love you both with all my heart. I appreciate, and owe you my life for saving me so many times. For treating me as if I was your only girl in the world. For being there whenever I needed you. But like I've told you many times. It's Harry. It sounds so horrible to tell you in words but I just feel so different. When I'm around you I forget about the world, and it's like it's just us two together and we could conquer anything. It's just that sometimes, when you kiss me.... I think of him. I think of all the moments we had together, and if that accident didn't happen we could still be together. Just please know that I don't wish that you were him. He's just my first love. My obsessive epic love. I'd have done anything for him, even though he broke my heart so many times. These feelings are just so different and so difficult to explain. I don't if I can give you my heart if little pieces of it still remain with Harry. I hope you understand Zayn I..."

Zayn moved back and Rachel noticed his eyes watering up.

"I get it. He will always be the one for you. I've waited and I still can, but I don't see why you get mad at me if I express my emotions to someone else. What I said to Stephanie was true in a lot of ways. She was one who never ended up breaking my heart. I gave you everything I could Rachel, and you still don't think I can be yours. If I move on, you always end up bringing me back to you, but you give no shit about me. You don't think that hurts me? I'm just a human, I'm not some robot. Just be with Harry for all I care. I've learned to see you two together all my life, I can live the rest doing the same. It's not like you care about how I feel." Zayn snapped and stomped away.

This was the worst thing Zayn had ever said to her. After all the things that had happened between them, this was the worst. Rachel sat down to control herself in case she passed out. It felt as if someone was choking her and she couldn't breathe. She rested her head into her hands and cried her heart out. It wasn't her fault. She really really didn't know who to choose.

Looking at it from everyone else point of view, everyone figured Zayn was the right one for her. And even she thought that sometimes. He was the one who dived in to save her from drowning when even he himself has such a great fear of water. Zayn was the one who save her from rapists. Zayn was the one who was there for her whenever Harry had left her, or ignored her after any of the arguments they had. The food fights, the tickling wars, all the cute moments. Zayn seemed like the perfect one. If she didn't like him, then would she get so ticked off and jealous at the littlest things just like Zayn only talking to Stephanie?

Everyone thought Zayn was the one. But it wasn't everyone's decision to do that.

No one knew who the real Harry was like. At the time, only Louis, Niall, Nat and Ash kind of knew him. He was something every girl would dream of, her first love. But that didn't mean that her first love would last forever.

It wasn't entirely Harry's fault for not treating her right. He was basically being forced to love someone he didn't even know. If he didn't have his memory there was no way he was going to love her the way he did. He could fall in love with her all over again, but it just wouldn't be the same. But the thing was... every time she saw him, she got this wonderful feeling inside that was too amazing to explain.

When today they finally chatted after so long, it felt so nice. But then there was Zayn Malik.There was a sudden knock at the door.

"Rach, can I come in?"

It was Louis.

He probably came back after his long night with Eleanor. She nodded and ignored her red face after all the tears. He already knew she had been crying. There was no point in hiding it.

"Rach, I'm so sorry. I know this is so tough on you. You go through so much, I feel so bad for you. I'm always here for you I hope you know."

She buried her head into Louis shoulder and snuffled.

"I know... I just don't know what I'm going to do with my love life. They both are so perfect, but I don't know who would be perfect for me!"

Louis brushed through her hair with his fingers.

"I don't want to say anything Rachel because in fact, it is your decision. But I know both Zayn and Harry very well. If I were to give you advice, the only thing I would say is.... if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one.... you wouldn't fall for the second. It's up to you to make the decision on who that second person in your case really is."

Rachel slowly moved up from his shoulder, and looked at him. He was being serious. She had never thought about it this way. But now.... she did.

The second person....that was it. She knew who the right one for her was. She knew it now.

"Is she alright?" Someone called from the door.

Rachel looked over to see Danielle and Eleanor peering through the door. Rachel forced a smile. At least, when things in her love life didn't go so well.... she had her friends to be with her.

"Come here!" She called to them.

Eleanor and Danielle ran inside and squished her into a big hug, and Louis joined in. Finally the answer she had been looking for, for ages was here. She knew who the person who was her second love... the one that was meant to be with her.

She would tell him tomorrow.

Harry Styles, or Zayn Malik.

The answer was finally here.....



Hopefully you guys liked this chapter... I left off with a big cliffhanger I know. I'm not sure if the person will actually be revealed in the next chapter or the one after that.. but I can assure you, that you will find out if it's Harry or Zayn very soon ;)

Also, be looking forward to finding out who the person was that did the fire! The answer to that is also coming very soon....

I also have many things planned for you guys to be excited for, and at the moment, I'm thinking I could possibly stretch this fanfic a little longer. ;)

I would also like to thank ALL OF YOU. Omg. Seriously? Over 700000 views. I'm dead. I love you all so freaking much you have no idea. I also entered in for the Watty awards so hopefully I have a chance in that! :D

There's also something I've been wanting to tell you guys, I found out how you can publish the story. It's not exactly publishing but I know someone who makes books... but it's not publishing. lol it's hard to explain. But it costs money, so I don't know how many copies I'll be able to give away. Lool I know it's just a fanfic and probably know one wants an actual copy or anything, but if you were ever wanting one hopefully when I get more information on this I can let you know and get you one :)

But not just yet, I still need more info on that. I'll keep you guys updated.

I've been loving the suggestions you guys have been giving me for the rest of the chapters! I've actually thought about including some of them in but used my own twists and turns, hopefully you will like the next few ideas!

Thanks for reading everyone, lemme know what you think xx

Team Rayn, or Team Rarry?

- Rida xx

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