Chapter - 58 "Harry Styles or Zayn Malik...?"

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Chapter 58
*just a quick note, I know from here on its written in third person in some chapters. The reason is because when I first started writing this story it was originally in third person but later I decided on switching it to first. I went back and began editing the first few chapters and (UGH) haven't gotten around to finish editing it lol but I hope it's not too annoying!:(( thanks for understanding:(( enjoy!*

Rachel thought and thought, but she really couldn't think of anyone, except Maria. Was she the one who had done the fire? Who had planned to kill them?

But why? Would she really stoop so low, enough to kill one of the boys she loved? Louis?

Eleanor and Louis looked just as confused... but then Rachel noticed.

Eleanor was all dressed up, and Louis also! Surprisingly, he wasn't wearing the usual stripes or suspenders, but a nice dressy polo! And the biggest of all... he was wearing socks. This meant Rachel must've interrupted them from something important.

The rain finally stopped as well. Rachel shrugged and ignored the whole situation for a minute.

"It's alright. We don't have to worry about it right now. You guys carry on, I'll see you tomorrow. I'm kind of tired anyways." Rachel flashed one quick smile.

"Alright, see ya Rach." Eleanor and Louis both replied together.

Rachel opened the door to Liam's car, but then walked back over to Louis and whispered into his ear.

"Nice socks by the way, we don't get to see those quite often." Louis rolled his eyes and pulled onto Eleanor's arm walking away, and grinned.

Rachel laughed and got into the car.

She always had some sort of drama going on with her, but it didn't mean she had the right to take away from other peoples love lives. This trip was meant to be fun, and so far, she had been having no fun at all.

She pretty much had been putting all that drama that was going on with her, and involved everyone else into it to preventing them from having any fun either. The least she could do was forget about who did the fire for now and let Eleanor and Louis have fun together.

Rachel began driving and got lost into a few thoughts.

Eleanor and Louis looked so happy with each other. It was nice to see Louis with someone, and so happy to be with them after Maria. She had said this so many times to herself, but now. She really felt that Eleanor had made a difference in Louis life. She had finally brought him back to the old Louis he was, and Rachel admired her so very much to that. Why was she even stressing out about who did the fire?

The police were already working on the case, and they would end up doing their job. She had no reason to get so worked up. But when there were so many obvious suspects at hand, she just couldn't help it. Maria, Kate, and Stephanie. The three that came to her mind.

She strongly believed though that Stephanie hadn't done the fire, but who knows?

Usually the people she least expected, ended up betraying her in the end. For instance, Maria. Maria was someone she really thought it could be. She thought of Maria as a close and trusted friend. And after Louis said he saw the girl's hair and it was brown after Rachel hit her, it really made her think that it was Maria.

And finally, Kate. Kate was pretty much capable of doing anything, so there was no point in doubting her. What if there was someone else though?

Someone besides the obvious? Someone else out there determined to kill her and her friends? Who was it? Right now, she didn't even care if it was Stephanie

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