V Morningstar [BTS]

By TheGoldenUnnie

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The devil "Lucifer Morningstar" decided to take a vacation away from the fires of hell... hooked up with an a... More

Sin I ~ The Son of the Fallen One
Previously on V Morningstar ~ Wrath
Wrath (2)
Wrath (3)
Wrath (4)
Wrath (5)
Wrath (6)
Wrath (7)
Sin II ~ Lost from Home
Gluttony (2)
Gluttony (3)
Glutony (4)
Next on V Morningstar
Gluttony (5)
Next on V Morningstar
Gluttony (6)
Gluttony (7)
Sin III ~ Wounded Indolence
Next on "V Morningstar"
Sloth (2)
Sloth (3)
Sloth (4)
Sloth (5)
Sloth (6)
Sloth (7)
TGU's Studio ~ Angels Vs Demons
Next On V
Sin IV ~ The Fleshly Desires
Namjoon and Jin ~ Previously on V
Lust (2)
V-rry Christmas Special
Lust (3)
Lust (4)
Lust (5)
Lust (6)
Lust (7)
Feb 'V' ary Special
Sin V ~ The Troubled Heart
Next on 'V'
Envy (1)
Envy (2)
Envy (3)
Envy (4)
Envy (5)
Envy (6)
Envy (7)
Sin VI - Trapped Within Discontentment
Next on V
Greed (2)
Greed (3)
Greed (4)
Greed (5)
Greed (6)
Greed (7)
Sin VII ~ The Supercilious Son
Pride (2)
L-V New Year Special
V Morningstar
Pride (3)
Pride (4)
Pride (5)
Pride (6)


120 5 12
By TheGoldenUnnie

V entered in a room filled with young men and women entertaining themselves by talking to each other, texting and some just didn't care by wearing their earphones on. A smirk was drawn to his face when he caught Angel Grace at the corner of his eyes. He remembered how she left him at the school's lobby when he was asking her on more about Luke and her relationship to him.

Though he knew he wasn't welcomed to sit beside her, he insisted. Only the young Heavens knew him and those stares given to him by the students inside the classroom made him felt irritated. If only he could snatch their eyes from its' socket and feed it to the cerberus. It would be more fun to witness.

He moved a little closer to Angel's Grace and whispered.

  "Their eyes are glued to me. It's so irritating I want them to go blind."

He saw Angel Grace pretending not to hear nor notice him. Then he could hear a group of girls glaring at Angel Grace calling her, lucky bītch, hoe^vens and other nasty names.

V presses his lips as he moved away from her. He recognized the reason why she had to keep quiet and pretend to not know him. Those so called quenkas would only pick on her.

Then before the bell rang, one girl in a skimpy black skirt and a blue crop top dress moved to his direction. It wasn't long enough until he recognized her in the absence of the cat woman costume she worn during the party.

"We meet again. It must be our faith."

He watch her smile at him seductively as she touch his jaw with her finger running to his chin.

  "Hands off me."

V slapped her hands away making the students inside the room surprised from such harrasment to the school's goddess, the Persephone of Hades' world and the Eve to a man's garden of temptation.

~Eva Adams~

But he didn't see her as a figure for sex nor a subject for fantasy.
She was another filthy human he thought whose carnal desires were overwhelmed by a man's weakness.

Disgusting for trying to occupy his thoughts to desire for her body and touch.

Though she flinched from the sting she felt on her hand, she managed to just continue her business. V felt such disturbance and annoyance when she leaned towards him, her palm on his desk to support her weight. And her face was then inches away from him, closer than a usual conversation.

  "Bite me!"

In a split of a second, he grabbed her arm from his desk and stood in front of her. In the corner of his eyes, he could see Angel Grace getting worried of what he would do next. Perhaps she might be thinking whether he would literally bite him just like what he did to her back at the kitchen during their first encounter.
But he didn't. Instead, he pulled her back to where she was seated when he arrives inside the classroom. She didn't have the chance to complain with the tight grip on her arm making her nervous and harmed.

  "Be careful with who you are touching."

Clearly, the impression he gave to the class wasn't desirable. But he thought pleasing them was never his concern. Being concerned with humans and attending to their concerns were never his concerns.

Not so long about the commotion that happened when the teacher entered the classroom. V could notice those needy eyes of sleeping with an angel. He smirked thinking how the teacher was being fantasized. He presume how most accurately, girls touch themselves to compensate their urge in having sëx with their Literature Teacher Jung Hoseok.
And V would be a figure of their desires too ~ accurately.

Their eyes met and he smiled at the new student in his class.

Literature Teacher Hoseok:
  "Another handsome face in this class. Good day to you, V Morningstar."

V was just straightly staring at the angel disguised as a teacher. He knew how the students find it rude for him to be disrespectful to the authority for not responding but he care nothing. All he wanted was for the day in hell to end


It was when the teacher started to read poems about love and the marvelous feeling it brings to a person who'd embrace it when the soundness to sleep tempted V. But then again he was disturbed into the sight of a girl arching down her back to pick up her pen on the floor. Wearing a short floral skirt, her underwear  was shown making V's senses  awaken. He saw Angel Grace smirking as she too noticed his reaction. She was raising an eyebrow to him. Clearly, she was judging his being.


Angel Grace was clicking her pen up and down out of boredom. She liked her literature class but never the topic about love and the madness it brings to every human. Her chin resting on her desk but still staring at the good looking teacher in front. 

Teacher Hoseok:
   "Can someone give me their own definition of love?

Then, her teacher moved across the room walking towards her. Angel Grace sat properly and smiled at him. She knew that when the teacher approaches her, he would be asking questions that are beyond her interest. That includes love.

Teacher Hoseok:
   "Miss Heavens ~ "

Heaving a sigh of disbelief, Angel Grace stood and stared at the ceiling.

  "There she go again, staring at the ceiling as if she'd find there an answer to Mr. Jung's questions."

Leading the girls, making fun of Angel Grace seemed to be her habitual act and that made her famous for being a mean girl. Angel Grace just didn't get why men adore her like a goddess.

Maybe because of her skills in bed.

She glared at her then looked at Mr. Jung, ready to give her own definition of what love is. Seeing Eva's well painted face made her want to throw up by the dirt covering her body from different men who stained her womanhood.

Angel Grace:
  "Love is a like the air we breathe."

The teacher smiled at her. Almost convinced of her answer but still want to know more of her thoughts.

Mr. Jung:
   "So you are  telling us that love is a necessity. Like we cannot live without it?"

She bit her lower lip before coming up with an answer to his follow up question. It felt like a torture, standing up in a class of students who would only wait for her to mess up. She just could say yes but she chose to expound her views on such thing in a way that they would see her again as the Angel Grace who's presence was respected before she was dumped by some a*shole.

Angel Grace:
  "I'm saying, it is like the air we breathe ~ it's contaminated."

If only she could tell the whole class how suffocated she was with the presence of pollutants inside the university. Of how students litter their affections to the opposite sex carelessly and publicly.

She saw Eva stood after raising her hand. She was  facing at  her with a grin and arms crossed below her revealing breasts from the tiny piece of dress she was wearing.

  "Are you referring to the air coming from your mouth? Cause that's when I'd say that the air you breathe is polluted."

There were laughter inside the four walls of the classroom. Everyone was laughing from Eva's provoking words.
Angel Grace wanted to grab her hair to make her shut up. She just wanted to attack her, undress her like a chicken and mop her face on the floor. If only she could do that without getting in trouble.

  "Heavens ~ "

Angel Grace heard him whispering her name. And for some reason, she turned to him. Seeing him raising his eyebrow, pulling the most annoying look he could portray. A good looking face of the guest whom she preferred as orphan back to the first day when they used to exchange sharp words against each other.
She was reminded of how she see him as an outlet to her wrath and a manifestation of a gluttoned sloth.

Watching V smirking while crossing his legs made her feel furious as she was provoked by those stance. She simply found him irritating even by the way he moved his finger tapping  his desk. She was questioning the kind of moral support he was giving her. That disposition was never the love one should possess.

She mouthed at him, making sure he'd get what she'd say.

Angel Grace:
  "Shut up~ "

But that was when she was reminded how she could get even, without raising violence from her hands.

She would make Eva shut up.

Angel Grace swept her hair and smirked while facing Eva. Then she covered her nose with her index finger while throwing a disgusted stare towards the girl who stood like an entertainer from a cabaret.

Angel Grace:
  "To begin with, you are honestly the fortunate inspiration of my answer, Eva."

She saw her eyes widened with anger but still trying to maintain her composure. She used to clog Eva in her nonsense and irrelevant comments during those days when she still had the confidence to act as a savage.

Angel Grace could see in Eva's eyes how surprised she was. It had been a while since she talked back to her.

Angel Grace:
  "Your presence or just by a thought of you, constantly reminds me of how polluted the air is."

That time, Eva was furious.


Hearing what Angel Grace said made her blood boiling for comparing her into pollution.

Angel Grace saw her glaring at their teacher. Seeing Eva and how she wanted him to correct her answer and to get back what she said made her felt how her own kind of violence should not  end yet. Especially that the students inside the classroom were then holding their laughter while looking at the ashamed girl in front of them.

Angel Grace:
  "Because you are the biggest TRASH alive."

The clasroom turned into an arena of performing artists where in Eva Adams became the leading star, getting the role as a clown.

Eva Adams nervously stared at the students who were laughing at her. Then out from shame and anger, she rushed towards Angel Grace to hit her with her hand.

  "How dare y-"

She looked behind her and saw the new student with his hand gripped around her arm. Her eyes was locked to his as he was glaring fiercely at her.

  "You just got grilled by the burning fire you own."

She watched him lick his lower lip with a very seductive facial expression, tempting her by his perfect physique ~ worthy to be fantasized at night.

  "So . . . Hot."

He was taunting her. Teasing her with a pure evil temptation.

Eva watched him smirked as he let go of her arm and moved back to his seat. His face was implying how she could never get him as hers. Never. Not even in her wildest and wettest dreams.


The commotion was halted by the ringing of the bell. The teacher told the class how he didn't want to have another kind of interaction like what Miss Heavens and Miss Adams did for the next day.

The students started to move out from the classroom with an excitement to go out from the fence of the University.

Mr. Jung:
  "Miss Heavens, you still have to explain to the  class  why you view love as a polluted air."

Angel Grace whined by rolling her eyes after getting her book from her desk.

Angel Grace:
  "I already did, Mr. Jung."

The Literature Teacher flashed an angelic smile at her while fixing the collar of his long sleeves.

Mr. Jung:
  "An explanation that does not involve bullying and inappropriate words may do, Miss Heavens."

Angel Grace nodded. Complaining wouldn't make a difference for her to still comply what the authority wanted.

She suddenly felt an elbow softly hitting her left arm. She turned to her side and saw V Morningstar with his satisfied face about how she managed to make Eva Adams shut up.

  "Don't listen to him. What you said was purely reciprocating the presence of boredom in this  class."

He was staring at the Literature Teacher who also was looking at him.

Mr. Jung:
   "Glad to see you again, V. Come with me in my office. We need to talk about an important task assigned  to you."

V watched Angel Grace walking towards the door and shut it behind her. Then, he followed the literature teacher outside the classroom while doubting him about the important assignment he was about to unveil.


The lobby was filled with murmurings of how Angel Grace shut Eva Adams out.

One student from the literature class who witnessed how Angel Grace talked like the way she used before ~ shouted,

"The Queen Savage is back!"

Eva Adams pushed the students blocking her way as she tried to get herself out from the crowd.

Out of her anger from the fuss the student made, she yelled from the top of her lungs making the students turn to her with glaring eyes.

   "Shut up!!!"

Silence covered the school lobby with the students trying their best to stay still and to not make a single noise. Eva smiled as she was satisfied from the response she received from the students. But, only to find out, it was because of the sound of the foot steps drawing nearer to her direction. All students were all eyes on the one coming.

Angel Grace:
  "No, Eva. You ~ shut up."

Eva faced her with anger and pride. She stared at the girl who put her to shame in her literature class.

  "So, the Queen Savage is back."

She pushed Angel Grace with both of her hands, trying to keep distance from her and her petty way of starting a cat fight.

It made Angel Grace took a step backward but still standing with a stiff expression on her face.
She moved her feet closer to Eva and pushed her even harder to return the favor of her invitation.

It made the helpless Eva's back flat on the floor as she lost her balance after receiving Angel Grace's force. She wanted to fight back and drag her all the way to end of the lobby. But before she could even stand and continue the fight she wanted, Angel Grace spat a saliva on her face and said,

Angel Grace:
  "I am back, You Queen Slut."


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