Californian Ghoul (A CrankGam...

By jackir30

6.8K 621 127

A young man, born as a Ghoul, must move to California in order to escape hunters that are after him. However... More



193 15 4
By jackir30

I slowly sat up from the bed I was laying in. Almost instantly, I felt a huge wave of pain hit my entire body. I paused and went still until the pain subsided. As I slowly began sitting up again, the pain came back again, but worsening as I sat up fully. It felt as if I had a semi-truck sitting right on top of my body. I knew though that if I wanted to get out of here, I had to overcome the pain.

I scooted off of the bed so that I could place my feet on the floor to stand. As my feet touched the floor, a jelly-type feeling came to my legs, but I could feel them touching the floor. So that was a good start. But suddenly, as I released myself away from the bed to stand by myself, I could feel myself falling forwards and crashing onto the floor again, knocking down a few things from the shelf I just hit in front of me. I laid there for a good few moments before slowly sitting back up and eventually standing back up. The jelly feeling in my legs subsided but was replaced with more pain.

As I started walking forward, I could feel myself limping forward. My left foot could barely move so I had to rely on my right foot to walk for me. As I left the room and went into the hallway, I saw crutches leaning on the wall just outside of the room. I quickly grabbed them and started using them and went down the hallway.

Everything was empty, the hallway lights flickered like some sort of horror movie. I could immediately tell this place was abandoned. Makes sense. Ghouls usually hide in places that humans would not go to, especially if it's a health risk for them.

As I made my way to the end of the hall, I looked into a room and noticed another person sitting on a platform, looking outside the window. It wasn't Brian, but it had to be some kind of ghoul. I stayed right where I was, unsure of whether or not to approach him or not. But my thoughts were interrupted as soon as he made eye contact with me.

My eyes widened as I immediately recognized him. It was the same ghoul that we fought on the rooftop! He was alive? How? The ghoul immediately walked over to me. Without any hesitation, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pinned me to the wall.

"Well, isn't this a case of irony." The ghoul smiled menacingly. "The ghoul who fought alongside the team of ghoul hunters has now become the hunted."
"Y-You're alive!" I exclaimed. "How?"
"Don't say I wasn't dead, kid." He responded. "I was dead, and I planned on staying dead. But then that douchebag Brian fixed me up and brought me back. Don't know why, but he said it was important."
"I-I'm sorry, I-I really didn't have any intention of killing you!" I stuttered.
The ghoul chuckled, "I know you didn't... when I saw you, you looked like a scared little brat!"
"Then why did you come after me?" I asked.
"I wanted to give you a warning of who you were really up against." He explained. "So that you could leave before your time came, but obviously you didn't listen."
"I knew the warning ever since I heard they were hunters." I claimed. "I wanted to figure out a way where I could work together with them without exposing the truth."
"And look where that got you!" He added.
"I tried explaining myself to them, but they wouldn't give me a chance." I added. "But now that I have a second chance of life, I can find them and explain everything to them. And hopefully, they can give me another chance."
"You mean so you can be a part of their hunting team and kill our kind again?" The ghoul asked.
"No! I never wanted to be a part of their team!" I exclaimed. "Besides, this could benefit you guys if I go back to them and explain everything to them because they might give up hunting!"
"Or it could benefit them because now they have a ghoul they could use to fight other ghouls." The ghoul explained.
"Even if they did, there's no way I would fight." I claimed. "I didn't come all the way here to fight and kill other ghouls or human beings, I came here to start over."
"Hate to break it to ya, but there's no such thing as starting over." The ghoul stated. "You were born a ghoul, born to kill, and that's all you're ever going to do in life."
"Maybe, but I'm doing it mostly to help others, not hurt them." I said.
"Mostly?" He asked.

I sighed, my head staring down at the floor as memories of me killing Jack resurfaced.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain anything to me." The ghoul assured me.
"Well from this point forward I'm doing it to help others." I clarified.
"Good luck with that, then..." The ghoul said. "Just don't be too surprised if you end up a mangled mess again. But next time, you'll be dead for good."

I rolled my eyes as I left the room. But not before turning to the ghoul one last time.

"What's your name?" I asked.
"My name's Matt." He responded.

I nodded before leaving the room and eventually leaving the building.

As I left the building I noticed myself in the middle of nowhere. The only light showing was a couple of streetlights but that was it. No signs of a city anywhere.

A couple minutes later, I noticed a car coming by. He actually pulled over as I waved him over.

"What're you doin' out here so late at night kid?" The man asked.
"I need to get to Los Angeles." I responded.

The man was silent for a moment but then sighed and allowed me to get into the back seat of his car.

"You're lucky I'm passin' through the city." The man said.
"Thank you." I responded.

The man stayed quiet the rest of the time he drove. It took about an hour, but I was finally back in Los Angeles.

But how was I going to get back to the house again? I can't just knock on their front door and just say I'm alive, Mark would kill me on the spot.

But there was one person I knew I could trust. I just had to contact him somehow.

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