my new life, in the werewolfs...

By dead-fantasy

1.2M 18.4K 1.1K

Singing, playing the violin, studying like crazy and lastly enjoying the little free time she has with her fr... More

my new life, in the werewolfs claw 1 to 3
my new life, in the werewolves claw ch 4
my new life, in the werewolves claw ch 5
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 6 part 1
my new life, in the werewolf claw 6 part 2
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 7 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 8 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 9 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 10 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 11 Kala's POV
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 11
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 12 dream
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 13 Friends ~ truth
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 14 Friends ~ Thomas
my new life, in the werewolfs claws 15 Friends ~ drunk chatt
my new life, in the werewolfs claws 16 Friends ~ the chase / hunt
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 17 Vampire BFF okay, so what else?
my new life, in the werewolfs claws 18 the ball/ party
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 19 No one is allowed to touch you, but me...
my new life, in the werewolfs claw Chapter 20 she is MINE!
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 21 dirty
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 22 stand alone -1 Kidnapped
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 22 stand alone -1 Kidnapped part two
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 23 Kidnapped- fearless
Kidnapped, the end of our fighting
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 25 The grim reaper and the crematory
ch 26 girls, bets and fights. And a hot shower with Mr. Nice Guy!
ch 27 good looks, hormones and me- live is way to irrational
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 28 i want to know
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 29
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 30 the slaves revenge
my new life, in the werewolfs claw, chapter 32 the key
my new life, in the werewolfs claw, 33 the last beloved
my new life, in the werewolfs claw, chapter 34 fight one
my new life, in the werewolfs claw- fight two
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 35 a slaves freedom centuries of solitude
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 36 not alone
My new life, in the werewolfs claw- ch 37 The Duel
Chapter 38 the saviour
My new life, in the werewolf's claw chapter 39 my ancestor
chapter 40 time to rest?
ch 41 unspoken feelings
ch 42 the next step
ch 43 lovley hormones
ch 44 the safest way
Chapter 45 Far Far Away
CH 46 July 30- 13:44 Towards my own future

my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 31 the slaves revenge- a bloody day

19.4K 299 18
By dead-fantasy

Comment please!!!^^ 

You'll get a cookie! promise XD

Chapter 32 the slaves revenge- a bloody day

A cruel world- through a child's eyes.
We understand more than adults give us credit for.
We feel far more than an adult.
And we thirst for love in those cruel moments, but what could you do- when you had no one? Understanding takes a long time, powerlessness is in our nature, but dare those who make one mistake, they will pay dearly.

Clovers POV

This was the first night that I noticed. 

I noticed, that all the people I loved, I respected, were either dead or had changed for the worse.

The sound of brick crashing and falling hard on the floor and people laughing evilly woke me. 

I instantly jumped up, I had been sleeping in here, beside the beasts, for a month now, but this noise was a first.

I peaked from behind the hay stacks to see, one of the bigger imprisoned beast man crouched coughing blood, in front of our Masters, the door to the prison was open but on the side of the wall was a hole, stones strayed around the floor.

Had they thrown him through the wall? No, no one would survive that! 

The man coughed, it seemed as if it was hard to breath for him, my head began to spin, and these guys had been my hope for revenge? They were too weak, they would never be able to win against the Vampires.

The man was pushed outside, the leeches laughing as thought they were drunk. 

With what had we all deserved this treatment? 

The thought that there was no hope was beginning to sink in. 

Tears rolled down my cheeks to my doll, her red woolen hair taking in the liquid. I could survive hiding behind hay-stacks like a mouse, but for how long?

"My god, look at this chaos." 

"Great, and we have to clean up this mess!" It was Bark and the widow, who came reluctantly peeking a little bit through the new hole.

I left my little hideout my doll in my arms, I was clenching so hard, it was a wonder my own fingers didn't break. 

The widow huffed at my sight and Barks reaction wasn't any better. 

"Still alive runt?" I came to halt a few feet away from them, unsure of what to do next.  

"Why aren't you talking? God! You are so annoying!" the fat woman came up to me ripping my doll out of my hands, to throw it directly through the new hole in the wall and in the cell. 

I heard a grunt, the doll probably landed on someone.

The fat woman and Bark laughed at my shocked expression and turned to leave, of course they shouted back at me "Clean up!" before slamming the door shut.

They both had been very nice people, I had loved them. 

I had loved this village. It was so beautiful.

I slipped through the new hole in the wall, and was immediately greeted by angry stars and a man grunted behind the bars.. I saw my doll in his giant prank; my feet carried me over to him without thinking, my mind too preoccupied with memories, only a few weeks old but they seemed to be from some fairytale. The iron gratings were no problem for me, under nourishment had slimed me down to the bone. I simply slipped through them. 

I stood before the black haired man, noticing fresh blood that covered him and the rest, as well as a set of empty chains - ready to welcome it's old captive. 

A weak voice from the second cell spoke up for a moment and the people in here grunted slightly.

The woman laughed slightly, she had been moved into the second cell, I just noticed it, that the lone man in there had many gashes and looked even worse than this afternoon.

The doll landed in front of my feet and I picked her up, looking back at the man in front of me. His brown eyes seemed to hold so much pain and most of all hatred, it was hard to keep my eyes fixed at him.

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't anyway so I just turned, slipped through the iron grids and left them alone.

Every week the vampires would come to get one of the prisoners behind the cells. 

They howled terribly, they cried and they killed who ever stood in their way. 

All to amuse the bored masters- the real beasts.

People whispered that the prisoners changed into animals, with claws sharper than deaths scythe, fangs and strength to crush stone to dust.

But I didn't believe any of this- until I saw it myself,- how strong they could be.

Barks eyes almost fell out when he saw me and with my doll in the hands, and people started avoiding me afterwards - thinking I was associated with the still nameless beasts.

My routine was easy, I did what I could without being in anyones way and every second day I would bring food alone to the beast held captive in the stalls. 

I did my best putting a lot of ingredients in the thin soup, but in the end it was still mere water and some vegetable- there wasn't enough food for anyone but the food was warm at least,.

I even managed to bring some warm water and rugs in there, so that they could clean up a little. I even mustered up the courage to slip into the sole mans cell so that I could wipe of some of the dry blood and sweat. Without my cousin backing me up this would have been impossible too.

It had been hard to breathe in there, even thought he mostly ignored my nimble hands, the stares and constant murmur coming from the next cell was rather unsettling.

I had never seen a man so hurt like him, it was a wonder he was still alive, the chains that pierced his flesh were rusty and way too deep in his torso. Even the others were treated better- and they seemed way stronger.

"You will get yourself killed." my eyes shot up to his, as his voice rang through the hollow room, it was deep and soothing, even now that it sounded raspy and forced.

His golden eyes mustered me curiously, but I went back to clean his body- hiding my eyes.

"There is nothing we could do for you either." he continued to speak but I ignored it this time.

I knew I had nothing to gain out of this, I guess me being here was more thanks to my upbringing than my personal choice. My mother would be angry at if I wouldn't do anything and my dad for sure disappointed.

Everything fell in silence again until I was finished, his eyes were still on me, expecting me to say something. Well me getting a second head would be more possible than that. 

I mustered up a sheepish smile before collecting all the dirty rugs and left them again.

It was the only time one of them spoke to me and I hoped it would stay like this. Not that I could answer anyway, but I doubted that it would be any good to my soul. 

Day after day, time passed until the cool spring was replaced by a scorching summer heat. 

Nothing changed, silence and terror engulfed my world, but I didn't cry, since my tears had dried out.

Hate had build up in my small chest, like no other emotion. 

I knew I couldn't do anything alone. 

I was still living thanks to my cousin, and because of me she was pushed more and more in the clutches of these leeches, which got drunk and merry through her warm blood.

Once again it was the beasts behind the cells that gave me a tiny bit of hope. 

I had thought of them weak and in need of protection- well my mistake- I must have been blind.

Or probably it was that with my memories of my family, the scent of my mother's arms, it all vanished like it never existed and with it my consciousness and feeling of guilt. I wanted just one thing, to piss of these high and mighty masters- who believed themselves to be godlike.

My heart was beating rabidly in my ribcage. 

The blond man, beautiful like any of my masters had stepped into the prison while I was distributing the food.

I halted my breath, and immediately pressed my back into a corner far away from him. 

I thanked all the gods for him not noticing or at least ignoring me.

He kicked against the iron grid laughing maliciously, while giving snide remarks to the only woman in there, things I better would not repeat, I didn't even understand half of it, but what I understood made my blood freeze in my veins.

Then it happened so fast, my heart completely halted, my eyes snapped up to see blood flying in the air before smearing on the floor and walls.

The vampires leg was in the claws of a man, his hand unbelievable as it was- was that of an animal. 

He had caught his ankle, and ripped out the limp with one fluid movement, cringing in pain thanks to his chains but compared to the blond vampires pain it was nothing. 

A satisfied grin on his face, the man threw the lifeless limp at the man cringed in agony on the floor. 

Other hands already reaching for him, I watched for two seconds as he was ripped to shreds. 

But I didn't feel disgusted, I didn't feel scared, it was satisfying and in one way saddening- thought I didn't understand the later one myself.

"Run girl!" a man snapped me out of inner turmoil just in time, for me to see the vampires running in there, assessing the situation and instantly turning furious.

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