My Brothers Keeper

By Roycestopher

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©CopyRight 2014 by Roycestopher All Rights Reserved Complete book sequel coming soon More

My Brothers Keeper (Royce)


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By Roycestopher

I woke up early morning 6:35 am to be exact I had much to do before getting ready first on my to do list was wake my brother. I stepped out of my bed and walked over to his bed stretching my arms out as I came to his bed side. I leaned down and pushed his shoulder as he was asleep on his side.

"Santo's get up it's time to get up." He made a noise before sitting up he looked at me and rolled his eyes before getting up. I chuckled and tossed him his dry erase board along with his black market he narrowed his eyes and shooed me away.

"What ever." I said making my way to the bathroom but Chresanto decided to step in front of me smirking. He held his white board up to my face.

'My day to get the bathroom first :p.' I shook my head as he laughed and walked into the bathroom shutting the door in my face. Some brother I have gotta love him though. I'll just get my outfit out while he takes his sweet time.

"Don't take long Santos you know I have a track team meeting in the gym at 7 on the dot and I'm not trying to be late!" I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my already folded outfit and placed it on the edge of my bed along with my socks boxers not intended since I was already wearing a clean pair from the shower I took last night.

"Santo's!" I shouted.

"Shhhh." I turned around to see him walking out with his finger pressed against his lips.

"Don't 'shhhh' me." I grabbed my clothes off my bed and walked into the bathroom. I sat my folded clothes onto the hamper and turned on the skin I reached over to my side and snatched my wash cloth that was hanging on the door I ran it under the warm water along with my coco butter soap bar. After taking care of my face I brought my tooth brush up to my teeth when I heard a familiar sound I placed my tooth brush down and walked out the bathroom to see my our cousin that was staying with us arguing with my brother I instantly stepped in.

"Woah what the hell is going on?" I asked them both, Chresanto's moved his mouth but no words came out as he held his hand out towards her struggling to get his point across I sighed and placed my hand on his shoulder stopping him.

"He took my black nikes with out even asking Jay!" I growled and pushed her out our room.

"Don't come starting early in the morning with my brother over your sneakers that so happen to be down stairs in the laundry room Maria!" I closed my door and went back to what I was doing. After brushing my teeth I walked out to see Chresanto texting away on his phone I rolled my eyes zippering my sweater that went along with my green adidas track suit I wore.

"Lets go." I grabbed my phone, keys, and glasses. He got up and slid his phone into his pocket while he grabbed his set of house keys and his white board and marker. He walked up to me and put his thumb up I smiled and playfully pushed him in front of me he looked back at me and flicked me off before walking out.

I got into the passenger seat of his car as he got in as well yes he got a car before me only because well of course the loving brother I am I bought it for him but we were always together so you could actually say our car. I reached over and turned the radio on I leaned over to the glove department and pulled out my lady gaga album when I went to put it in Chresanto slapped my hand away.

"Really?" I pulled my hand back dropping the CD into my lap so I could rub my hand he laughed and tuned into his favorite radio station which was playing his current favorite song Lil Boosie 'Show Da World' it was one of his new songs he made after he got outta jail this is the first song I heard from this Lil Boosie character and it was pretty good.He pulled out of our drive way and headed into the direction of our High School. I leaned my head against the window closing my eyes but my eyes didn't stay shut for long because I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked over at Chresanto who was pointing to his lap my eyebrows knitted together as I reached and grab the white board but my mood became brighter as the board said.

'I'm sorry Jake, Don't be mad.' I smiled and shook my head.

"You are forgiven and I was never mad." He smiled and nodded.

Once we pulled into school grounds we both got out.

"Are you coming with me to my track meet or?" He shook his head and pointed to his left I looked and seen his best friend approaching us.

"You're going with Rayan?" He nodded I said ok walking away patting Rayan on the shoulder.

"I know bro." He laughed walking over to Chresamto. I smiled and walked into the school heading straight to the gym.

"You're 5 minutes late." My coach spoke as I walked over to the rest of the team.

"Ok so as I was saying we have a competition coming up soon , Our school verses another High School from out of town and it's been said that this schools track team is one of the fastest team in the state and I'm not telling you all this to scare you or bring you down I'm telling you this because we are going to beat them and become known as one of the fastest team so all next month Monday,Tuesday,And Friday we will be at the YMCA practicing and getting ready." She looked through her clip board to see if she missed anything but she nodded her head signaling she covered everything.

"Alright you guys can go, signed passes are already on the desk at the table next to the door every one take one because I do not want to hear you weren't let into your class because you are late." I got up and waited at the end of the bleachers as I waited for my girl friend that so happen to be on the team as well. She smiled and jumped from the bottom bleacher into my arms. I laughed and placed her down.

"Brianna , Jacob out." I smiled and intertwined our hands together before walking over to the door I grabbed us both a pass and walked out.

"Soo where's you brother?" She asked as we walked down to hall to the stair way.

"He's with his friends why?" She shrugged and muttered something.

"Huh?" I question she looked at me and smiled.

"Nothing I just said because you're usually always with him." She answered I pulled away and looked at her funny.

"What's that suppose to mean?" She shook her head and tried to reach for my hand but I pulled my arm back.

"What the hell Jacob why you getting mad?" I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from saying anything else I simply turned onto my heels and walked away leaving her there alone. If she has a problem with me always being with my brother then she needs to find a new boyfriend because I'm not going to stop doing what I am doing because she feels a type of way because I'm always with him.

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