Famous in Love


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Camila Cabello one of the worlds biggest stars meets a girl and the girls best friend loves Camila and has fo... More

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I woke up and there was hair all over my face but it wasn't mine. I moved the hair away gently to reveal a sleeping Camila, she looked so peaceful. I slowly slipped out of her arms and got out of bed, Camila grumbled and lay on my pillow, I quietly opened the door and walked down the stairs, I was the only one awake. I made Camila and I coffee and grabbed some painkillers from my cabinet and walked back to my room, I gently shook Camila and she groaned and grumbled but eventually woke up.

"Hmmm Morning" Camila said stretching. Camila lifted the covers telling me to get back into bed.

I placed the coffee of the nightstand and got back in bed and Camila curled up into my side once again. I felt slightly guilty. Chris was literally two doors down and I don't know where Ariana is but still. Camila gets ready to leave today but all I am wondering is who will she spend her last few hours with, she is getting her bus to pick her up at 10pm and they are driving to Canada because Camila is in too much pain to hug fans and stuff, I can tell she is hating the crutches and pain because she feels like she is neglecting her fans, in my opinion she is always with her fans I mean Dinah was or still is her fan and so was Chris and Ariana and everyone at Ariana's party the other night.

"Camz, I got you painkillers but its noon you have to get up" I said grabbing the painkillers for Camila.

Camila groaned and slowly sat up groaning even more because it hurt her.

"I shouldn't have drank who came up with the idea" Camila complained taking the painkillers and fixing her hair.

I turned and studied her side profile, she literally just woke up and was hungover and she was still the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I got lost in my thoughts and never even realised Camila had turned around and we were making eye contact until she said my name.

"Lauren" Camila chuckled nervously breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm" I replied still with my eyes getting lost in her chocolate brown pools.

She chuckled and hid her face which gained my full attention.

"Don't hide your face Camz" I stated and Camila made a gap through her fingers to look at me which made me smile.

"Why?" Camila queried still hiding her face but she kept looking through the tiny gap in between her two fingers.

I lifted my hands and gently pulled her hands away from her face and smiled at her. 

"Because you're to beautiful to hide it" I stated and a blush crept onto Camila's cheeks and a smile spread.

"I'm really not Lo" Camila argued and I scoffed and Camila looked at me intently and raised an eyebrow.

"Trust me you are and don't even say you aren't because I see the way everyone looks at you. They all look at you in complete awe because you are insanely gorgeous like I don't think it is possible to describe how beautiful you are Camz there aren't enough words I can piece together to describe it" I said and Camila's smile and blush grew bigger and she looked down trying to hide it.

I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head up and our eyes met but neither of us said anything or pulled away, Camila's eyes flickered down to my lips then quickly back up to my eyes as she wet her own. Camila slowly leaned in and I met her halfway, our lips met and Camila cupped my cheek whilst I grabbed her waist, I felt sparks and I knew this kiss couldn't be one sided. The kiss got more passionate as I carefully pulled Camila onto my lap and she cupped my cheeks with both of her hands and I wrapped my arms round her waist, Camila removed her lips from mine and connected them with my neck and kissed down my neck and I felt Goosebumps appear and the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I leaned down and captured her lips in mine and I felt Camila smile against my lips before her tongue traced my bottom lip many times she was practically begging for access which I eventually allowed, Camila's tongue darted into my mouth and we immediately ended up in a battle for dominance which I won. Camila slowly pulled away and looked at me and smiled at me warmly. I returned the smile and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.


"LAUREN?" I heard Normani shout, my door must of been locked. I expected Camila to move but she never she just smirked and started kissing my neck.

"Y-Yeah" I stuttered as I felt Camila kiss behind my ear, I felt her smirk against my neck but I didn't want her to stop.

"Is Camila in here?" Normani asked and Camila began sucking my neck, I couldn't believe she was giving me a hickey.

"Yeah" I quickly replied trying not to stutter because I knew Normani would get suspicious.

"Oh Okay, Chris is making food, come down when she is awake" Normani said and I heard her walk downstairs and Camila pulled away. Camila sat up and looked at me with a devious look with a hint of pride.

"I hate you"  I joked and Camila laughed scrunching her face up in pain and I gripped her waist tighter by accident but she never flinched, she smiled.

"Protective" Camila stated glancing down at my hands which were still gripping Camila's waist, I rolled my eyes and let go and Camila pouted.

"Come on Pop star lets get you food" I said and Camila nodded and climbed off of my lap slowly and got off the bed, Camila was only wearing my hoodie and her underwear and I completely forgot, I was staring at her as she was fixing her hair.

" Enjoying the view" Camila joked and I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, I unlocked my door and Camila and I walked downstairs to meet the others, I had placed my hair over the medium sized hickey Camila decided to leave.

I don't actually know what any of that meant but maybe Camila has finally chosen who she wants but unfortunately she leaves today. 


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