Stealing the Heart of a God

By -skies-

438K 19.5K 2.6K

Can the world's biggest player actually fall hopelessly in love?.... Well known in all the honey houses acros... More



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By -skies-

After a long silence, Tian Na reluctantly and softly asks, "....what should we do now?" At this point Lui did not care much about anything anymore, he just wants to stay by Zhanshi's side forever, so he ignored Tian Na's question. As for Shen, after a long silence, he calmly asks Tian Na in an emotionless voice, "Are you sure there is no one else who can help him?"

As Shen watch Tian Na think for a few seconds and then softly shakes her head no, a small dark frown forms on his face. Shen finds it hard to believe that no one in heaven (AKA the celestial world) has the power to help bring Zhanshi back. Although this is Shen's first time in the celestial world, he figured out immediately that they have a very large impact on humans and maintain the reincarnation process of humans. Furthermore, based on that and the split second hesitation in Tian Na's voice, Shen knows Tian Na is holding something back. So as his glaze darken, Shen command Tian Na to tell him what she is hiding.


With Tian Na being a healer for injured gods and goddesses, she gets to meet many gods and goddesses and hears many things from them. One story that she could never forget is about the goddess of life and death. According to the story that she was told, the goddess of life and death was once in love with a god many thousands of years ago, but the god commit a horrendous crime and was executed by the Great Emperor of the time. His soul was burn by the Great Emperor's celestial spirit and thought to be permanently erase from all worlds. However, after many hundreds of years later, some gods and goddess realize that the goddess of life and death somehow saved the god's soul and made him human. Since no one can confirm the issue nor want to anger the goddess of life and death, they all ignored the rumor and it was never passed onto Tian Na and Lui's generation.

When Shen had asked her if there is anyone in the celestial world who could save Zhanshi, the goddess of life and death came to her mind. Since the goddess of life and death was able to somehow save the person she loved from complete obliteration, Tian Na thought that maybe she might be able to help Zhanshi. However, after some more thinking, she shook off the idea. Everyone in the celestial world knows how temperamental, malicious, and cruel the goddess of life and death is. Therefore, there is no way she will help them. That's why Tian Na told Shen no.

But when Shen commanded her to tell him her thoughts, she had no choice, but to reveal that information to him.

Once she's done telling Shen the story and where the goddess of life and death's live, Shen immediately rush out of the room, and to Tian Na's surprise Lui also followed Shen out.


As both Shen and Lui barge into the goddess of life and death's home without permission, they find her causally laying on the ground in a dark, windowless room with her eyes closed. As Shen stares at her, he finds the name the goddess of death appears to fit her appearance more than the goddess of life because she looks quite wicked.

Nonetheless, Shen saw no point in wasting more time and announce in a loud, powerful voice "can you bring back the dead?"

With her eyes still close, the goddess of life and death coldly replies in a sinister voice, "Maybe?.. what can you do for me in return?"

Annoyed at her obvious disrespect and condescending tone, Shen growl out with a dark glare,

"If you bring him back then I will let you live. " But the goddess of life and death just let out a humorless laugh and coldly voice out, "There are worst things than death. I am not afraid of it and I will even thank you if you do kill me."

Just as Shen was about to show her that he is joking around, Lui silently steps forwards and softly pleads in sad, desperate, heartfelt way, "Please..... please save him. I am willing to do anything and give you anything I can.... Please save him."

After a moment of stillness, the goddess of life and death finally opens her eyes and focus them on Lui's blood stained royal robe and then his pleading, desperate eyes.


Although the goddess of life and death does not associate herself with the public, the news of the intruders and the crown prince's bride's betrayal has reached her ears. So she knows the story and when she heard Lui's desperate plead and the look in his eyes, she couldn't help but be reminded of herself. That thought made her wonder if she should laugh or cry at the memory. Since she has done both throughout the years until she became insane, she darkly narrows her eyes at Lui and asks him in callous voice, "What is the person to you?"

Without any hesitation Lui replies "he's everything to me... Please save him... I am will to giving you anything you want in return."

After a few more minutes of just staring at Lui, the goddess of life and death slowly stretch her lips into a cruel smile and tells Lui, "Since that person is human, his soul has probably begun the reincarnation process. His soul will need to be retrieved from the underworld first. I trust that your friend (looks at Shen) can handle that, right?"

Before Lui can even turn to asks Shen, Shen gives her a nod. As Shen heads out of her house to go retrieve Zhanshi's soul, with the same cruel smile still on her face, she tells Shen in a cold, chilling voice, "oh... I forgot to mention, the god of the underworld is very power and will required a replacement or exchange if you somehow manage to convince him to give you your friend's soul... Since threatening him will not work, what or who will you exchange for your friend's soul. "

With a serious expression plaster on his face, Shen tells her, "There are worst things than death. I'm sure I can 'convince' him to hand over the soul without a replacement." And left.


As the goddess of life and death watch Shen confidently and arrogantly walk away from the room, she couldn't help but be reminded of Yujin when he came to asks her about that boy. Like Shen, when she told Yujin that the god of the underworld will require an exchange, he too, assured her that he will be able to 'convince' the god of the underworld without offering an exchange. A few weeks later, she learned that the god of the underworld was nearly beaten to death by someone and Yujin had abandon his throne.

Now that she has met Shen in person, she now understands why the current Great Emperor chose to pardon the man's friends and allow him access into the celestial world as he please, even though they all commit such a big crimes. Shen is the son of Yujin and has inherited the man's willfulness and stubbornness.  Thus, unless Shen himself wants to do something, no one can force him and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, just like Yujin. Therefore, there is no point in continuing a pointless battle and attempting to stop him from entering a world that will always welcome and obey him. 

A/N: Goddess of life and Death

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