Uwah...I am a Rarity?! (Reinc...

By Ahuzaki

918K 47.3K 10.6K

*sigh* How exactly did I end up like this again? All I ever wanted was a successful life as a surgeon and ind... More

Chapter 1 (More Like Prologue)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not an Update
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
(For anyone interested...this is kind of what Luois Aguillard looks like)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
(For Anyone Interested...the Veldhuizens)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
For Anyone Interested...Tada! Raphael Relotavel
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Here is the Adorable Being that Needed Love
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Shureii's First Proposer!!! (Name Will Be Disclosed in Next Chapter)
Not An Update (Shureii's Marriage)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Topic for a Special Chapter
Special: Cute Mother Son Moment
1K Votes Special: Memory From Her Past
More Bishies...
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The Newcomers....(identities will be revealed soon...)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
King of Avamaeborg
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Zero Requiem Ch. 1
Zero Reqiuem Ch. 2
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Important Split!!!!!! Must Read!!!
Chapter 50 (H.E.)
New Ikemen
Chapter 51 (H.E.)
Decision Making Time....Ish
Chapter 52 (H.E.)
Chapter 53 (H.E.)
Chapter 54 (H.E.)
And..........Another Ikemen! Commander of the Special Corps: Einhardt Krause
Chapter 55 (H.E.)
Chapter 56 (H.E.)
Chapter 57 (H.E.)
Prince Antoine von Lefevre
Chapter 58 (H.E.)
Chapter 59 (H.E.)
Chapter 60 (H.E.)
Chapter 61 (H.E.)
Lols~I Forgot One Ikemen....the Belated Pic of Eduardo Eaglin😝
Chapter 62 (H.E.)
Chapter 63 (H.E.)
Chapter 64 (H.E.)
Chapter 65 (H.E.)
Tada! Grown up Eugene/Ciel~^^
Chapter 66 (H.E.)
Chapter 67 (H.E.)
Chapter 68 (H.E.)
Chapter 69 (H.E.)
Chapter 70 (H.E.)
Chapter 71 (H.E.)
Chapter 72 (H.E.)
Chapter 73 (H.E.)
Chapter 74 (H.E.)
Chapter 75 (H.E.)
Chapter 76 (H.E.)
Chapter 77 (H.E.)
Chapter 78 (H.E.)
Chapter 79 (H.E.)
Chapter 80 (H.E.)
Chapter 81 (H.E.)
Important Notice!!!
Chapter 82 (H.E.)
Chapter 83 (H.E.)
Chapter 84 (H.E.)
Chapter 85 (H.E.)
Chapter 86 (H.E.)
Chapter 87 (H.E.)
Chapter 88 (H.E.)
Shureii's First Love
Takao's POV (Part 1)
Takao POV (Part 2)
Important Notice!!
Shureii x Vincent (Special Request)
Shureii x Model
Shureii x Rich Entrepreneur (Part 1)
Shureii x Rich Entrepeneur (Part 2)
Shureii x Rich Entrepeneur (Part 3)
Shureii x CEO (Part 1)
Shureii x CEO (Part 2)
Shureii x Monarch (part 1)
Shureii x Monarch (part 2)
Chapter 50 (T.E.)
Chapter 51 (T.E)
The First New Ikemen of the Alternate Ending...
Chapter 52 (T.E)
Chapter 54 (T.E)
Chapter 55 (T.E)
Chapter 56 (T.E)
Chapter 57 (T.E)
Marquis Eren Adeln
Chapter 58 (T.E)
Chapter 59 (T.E)
Chapter 60 (T.E)
Chapter 61 (T.E.)
Chapter 62 (T.E.)
Chapter 63 (T.E.)
Chapter 64 (T.E.)
Chapter 65 (T.E)
Chapter 66 (T.E)
Chapter 67 (T.E)

Chapter 53 (T.E)

1.8K 94 14
By Ahuzaki

The return of Yuki had visibly eased the burden on Shureii's back. Even if he had been gone for only a day, the dream and the encounter had stressed her more than she had been aware of.

Even though the uncertainty of her fate hung over her, Shureii realized how she was being foolish. There was nothing she could do about it. Why bother worrying over something she had no control over? If the time came when her fate entangled her, so be it. Until then she would not let it impede in her life.

Seeing Yuki's ever present bright attitude and eagerness upon coming back had reminded her that the future was just that. The future. It was unpredictable and uncontrollable. Meanwhile she was in the present where Yuki was. If she wasted even her present time worrying about things she still didn't understand, wasn't she simply creating more regrets?

Snapping out of her clouded fears and anxiety, Shureii had decided she would face on future worries when they came and in the meantime enjoy the time she had with Yuki. Thus she kept her concerns tucked in the deeper ends of her consciousness, but otherwise returned to her former self.

In the ensuing days, Shureii was even more affectionate towards the oblivious Yuki who accepted his mother's doting with great relish. Not even having to fend off the constant onslaught from her admirers was enough to annoy him to the point of losing the constantly happy expression he had on.
*Knock knock*

The mother-son duo looked up from their respective positions at the sound.

"I'll go get it." Yuki said, motioning for Shureii to just continue what she was doing, which was cutting up some mushrooms.

She heard him open the door and was about to chop the remaining ingredients when she noticed something odd. Years of raising Yuki had enabled her to notice the slightest changes. In this particular situation, his relaxed stance had become defensive.

Who is at the door?

She couldn't see because of the way Yuki was standing, but it wasn't long before she received her answer.

"Is Healer Shureii here?"

Even though she had never heard his voice before, she knew. He was the injured man she had healed. Seeing Yuki's questioning eyes, she nodded. He moved slightly to the side, letting her see the people at her doorstep.

Sure enough, it was the two men from the other day.

"I am Shureii." She said while assessing them.

The cloaked one was ever inexpressive. However the same could not be said about the other man. He had lost his sickly paleness and looked much healthier than before. In fact, in Shureii's experienced eyes, she realized he had healed exceptionally well...and fast.

As I thought, he is not from any ordinary background. Such speedy recovery can only be possible with a strong body that has been honed for many years under severe training. As far as I know, the only ones that could receive such training apart from warrior clans...

She became cautious as she realized her gut feeling about them were not wrong.

...would be people with access to the imperial training system.

Her quiet analysis of them had occurred as she exchanged common pleasantries with them before inviting them into her house when she realized whatever they had come for would take longer than would be appropriate to keep them standing outside, especially when one was not fully recovered.

"Please come in. Your wounds have not completely healed."

The cloaked man seemed to hesitate briefly, but seeing the straightforward way his companion thanked her before taking up her invitation, he didn't argue and entered as well.

Hmm...seems like this may prove be a more troublesome pair than I had originally thought.
Shureii thought as she noted, not having missed the hesitance—one most likely caused by protectiveness.

Despite her wariness, the conversation was nothing too worrying. The man had wanted to thank her personally and pressed for her to accept more payment, resulting in her staunch refusal.

Realizing her seriousness and the fact that it had something to do with her personal ethics and morals as a healer, he stopped trying to convince her.

It turned out he too knew something about medicine and was actually very curious about her method of healing. Somehow they endend up getting engaged in a medicinal conversation while Yuki and the other man looked at each other in silent observation.
"Thank you, Healer Shureii. Without you I may very well not be alive today."

Shureii merely let out a small smile, knowing that what he said was very true.

"I was merely doing what any other healer would do. Speaking of..."

She went into her small laboratory where she kept her herbs and medicines.

"Since I cannot convince you to stay put for a few more days to heal properly, at least take these."

She placed a small pouch of round herb pellets in his hand.

"These will alleviate the pain and also help keep infection away."

Looking at him sternly in this eye, she added.

"Do not forget to change the bandages."

At her words he smiled.

"I won't. Thank you, I will not forget this favor."

Shureii froze.

Uwah....I felt an uncomfortable foreboding...

Smiling just a tad bit nervously, she sent them off. Re-entering the house, she was met with Yuki's questioning eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I was just being overly cautious."

Not fully convinced, Yuki looked at her a bit longer.

"They were not ordinary people."

Shureii hummed in agreement as she sank into the couch.

"I think so too. However they are gone now."

And will hopefully stay gone. She thought wistfully.

Shifting to a more comfortable position, she froze. Reaching under the cushion she pulled out a small, elegantly embroidered pouch.

When did...?

Opening it, she looked inside and saw a beautiful gem.


Sighing, she passed Yuki the pouch.

"Looks like he outsmarted me."

When he didn't reply to her, she looked at him.


His face had an annoyed expression.

"Mother. You have another admirer."


In his hand was a small piece of parchment she had overlooked. It had been under the gem. Taking the parchment, she read its contents.

Healer Shureii, although I understand your sentiments of not wanting to breach your personal principles as a healer, please accept this small token of mine. As a gentleman and someone who has been saved by you, I cannot leave with peaceful heart without showing at least some sort of personal form of gratitude. Treat this gem as a sign of something to help me not breach my personal principles as a gentleman.

It doesn't seem like he is expressing anything other than gratitude....

When she opened her mouth to share her thoughts to Yuki, she ended up chuckling. His sour expression reminded her so much of when he first forced himself to eat peppers just to please her.

"Yuki, Yuki. You worry too much. He is not an admirer. He is merely expressing his gratitude."

His expression didn't loosen.

"No mother. You have to be careful about those types of men the most."

Hearing such words, Shureii couldn't help but burst out in laughter. He was just too cute! Those type of men?! When did he learn such things?

Seeing Shureii's uncontrollable laughter, Yuki's ears turned red.


His only response was another peal of laughter.

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