V Morningstar [BTS]

By TheGoldenUnnie

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The devil "Lucifer Morningstar" decided to take a vacation away from the fires of hell... hooked up with an a... More

Sin I ~ The Son of the Fallen One
Previously on V Morningstar ~ Wrath
Wrath (2)
Wrath (3)
Wrath (4)
Wrath (5)
Wrath (6)
Wrath (7)
Sin II ~ Lost from Home
Gluttony (2)
Gluttony (3)
Glutony (4)
Next on V Morningstar
Gluttony (5)
Next on V Morningstar
Gluttony (6)
Gluttony (7)
Sin III ~ Wounded Indolence
Next on "V Morningstar"
Sloth (2)
Sloth (3)
Sloth (4)
Sloth (5)
Sloth (6)
Sloth (7)
TGU's Studio ~ Angels Vs Demons
Next On V
Namjoon and Jin ~ Previously on V
Lust (2)
V-rry Christmas Special
Lust (3)
Lust (4)
Lust (5)
Lust (6)
Lust (7)
Feb 'V' ary Special
Sin V ~ The Troubled Heart
Next on 'V'
Envy (1)
Envy (2)
Envy (3)
Envy (4)
Envy (5)
Envy (6)
Envy (7)
Sin VI - Trapped Within Discontentment
Next on V
Greed (2)
Greed (3)
Greed (4)
Greed (5)
Greed (6)
Greed (7)
Sin VII ~ The Supercilious Son
Pride (2)
L-V New Year Special
V Morningstar
Pride (3)
Pride (4)
Pride (5)
Pride (6)

Sin IV ~ The Fleshly Desires

101 6 27
By TheGoldenUnnie

Goldenz below 13 shouldn't be reading this. This is a not an advice nor a warning.

This is a  threat.


The hot water steamed on V's body as he turned the faucet of the shower on. But it wasn't that hot as the lake of fire he used to take a walk at.


V closed his eyes. He remembered the day the priest told him that the world is the temptation itself.

He opened his eyes and felt Angel Grace's presence.
The son of the devil smirked. The young woman barging in inside his room made him feel an inconvenience to his manly side.


He was washing his hair when Angel Grace started to nit pick of how he was taking too much time when she didn't want to be late in school.

Angel Grace:

"Don't make my morning be ruined, Morningstar. Get your lazy feet hasting so I won't be getting late. Gosh, you are such a headache. When will you learn to stop being lethargic? You're either a sloth or you're ~~"


V went out from the shower and stared at her.

Angel Grace:

" ~~~~ you're naked."


Angel Grace immediately looked away from him and rushed towards the stairs. She bit his lips from being so shocked and nervous and shut the door of V's room.


V just smirked. He didn't care about attending class nor seeing new faces of sinners enjoying all the earthly desires they could still indulge.

To him, being with humans and their nature to sin is a punishment he'd been dealing with.

He grabbed his phone at the table and received some photos of sexy women showing their affection to the demon, Jeon Jungkook.

V just smirked. He was impressed on how the demon knew how to keep himself entertained.

He continued to dress up and hand comb his hair. Then he went upstairs to have breakfast with Officer Heavens.


Angel Grace was there too waiting for him at the dining area. She was glaring at him and seemed like displeased with the young man's act of indecency.

Officer Heavens smiled while looking at V's good looking posture. He was like a proud father staring at his son.

Officer Heavens:

"The two of you should eat. I used to hear students from the University complaining about the cafeteria's food."


V nodded.

Angel Grace just rolled her eyes she knew that the officer was referring to her.

Officer Heavens stopped from eating.

Officer Heavens:

"And go home directly after your class."


Angel Grace sighed from disbelief. How come a teenage girl of her age was given a curfew when most of the girls she knew in Last Town don't have any.

Officer Heavens:

"The number of inhumane incidents have been getting higher in number. It's better to be safe than sorry."


Angel Grace rolled her eyes and smirked.

Angel Grace:

"I can take care of myself."


V wanted to laugh but he didn't. Remembering how she almost died from being hit by a car made him think how helpless she was.

Officer Heavens:

"Just do what I say, Angel Grace."


Angel Grace no longer made a protest. Yet she stood and grabbed her bag instead.

Angel Grace:

"I'm late for school. I'm going now."


Officer nodded and shook his head  while staring at V.

He felt ashamed knowing his daughter didn't even give him the respect ought to be given by a daughter to her father.

V was silent. He was still figuring things out the reason why Angel Grace could barely give due respect to his father. The love and care of a daughter to her father.

Officer Heavens:

  "Go now, V and have fun in school. It means don't put yourself into trouble."



  "See you later, Officer Heavens."


He rose from his seat and smiled at the officer.

Officer Heavens:

  "One more thing, V."


V stopped and looked at the officer.

Officer Heavens:

  "Please look after my daughter."


V wanted to protest. Why would an ordinary man order him to watch over a rebellious young woman? Who dared to give him such duty he wouldn't want to comply?

A father. A father caring for his daughter's welfare. A father being rejected by his own daughter.

But the son of the devil just nodded before leaving the officer in the dining area.

He was displeased by such act of agreement and found himself confused. Why did he get to accept the obligation and what made him accept it?

The son of the devil had to strongly convince himself that he was not contaminated with the humans and their desires to seek for more spiritual and moral stains.

He was different. He's no human.


V went outside the house only to witness Angel Grace leaving with her old truck.

He smirked from disbelief. The young woman and her impatient nature. But he did not bother to plea for her to wait for him. Nor tried to call her.

He could reach at the University even without her company.

V walked at towards the sidewalk and waited for a bus to pass by.

He was standing at the corner of the road when he saw a bus approaching. He waved his hand and the bus came to a stop in front of him. It was the same bus who delivered him as a special cargo to the residence of Officer Heavens.

The new home where he was sent after being abandoned ~ Again.

As he entered inside, he stared at the bus driver who didn't recognize him. Then he looked for a vacant seat where mostly occupied by teenagers eyeing on him as if he was a figure of satisfaction for their hormonal cravings.

V sat on the empty seat beside a young boy who was watching a video with pornographic content. He faced him with an eyebrow raised and an amused face for seeing how the young boy was immersed with the sensual scenes he was viewing. But at the same displeased while trying to question the parental capabilities of the kid's owners.

The boy noticed him. But instead of hiding the phone away so as to avoid being told to stop what he was doing, he confidently shared it to V's advantage.

V smirked. How plausible could it be that even an eleven year old kid would even thought of sharing an ingredient to the mind's menu for impurities?

The son of the devil and his playfulness side hugged the kid tightly. He intentionally squeezed him to get hurt and whispered on his ear.


  "Go tell your mommy and daddy to have you circumcised before you masturbate  at night."


V was laughing while watching the kid struggle from the strangled arm around him.

He then let go of the kid and stood as the bus slowed down for a stop outside the university.

The kid was glaring at him. V didn't like how those  not so innocent eyes were threatening him.

He poked the kid's head with his middle finger and uttered the best words a perverted mind of the young rather want to hear.


  "Fkkk yow!"


Then V stepped outside the bus leaving the kid glued on his seat after he artistically tied his belt on the metal of the chair.

The son of the devil laughed as he heard the kid crying for help. He didn't turn his back and pretended to hear nothing as he entered the portals of the new hell he would be spending most of his time with.


"Welcome to hell."


A warmth welcome said to him by a young man in an unimpressive clothing. He was wearing a thick pair of eye glasses and he smelled like rotten books of old ages.

V just ignored him. But what caught his attention  was the two students making out at the bench down the hallway.




He walked straight and passed by them as he was totally convinced of the legality of their actions in exercising their human rights. More on giving in to their bodily desires of being touched and satisfied by the opposite gender.


"I'm pretty sure that you are a new student here in St. Magdalene University. How's the impression given to you by the 'dirty' students here?"


V sighed as he looked away from the student who was unbelievably keeping up with his steps.

"Don't worry, newbie. You'll get used to it. This place  isn't as bad as you may be thinking.  There are good stuffs too."


He handed a small pack of a refined addictive white fragments to V. But the new student just continued walking and not giving him the attention he wanted.  He forced him to accept it by grabbing the newbie's hand.  V was purely displeased  from the touch of another filthy human trying to stain his evil skin with a dirty touch of sin. 

The son of the devil slapped the hand of the student as he was trying to hold and control his temper of the possibility on giving him the payment for his daring act towards him. A punishment he deserved from trying to test him.

The small pack of Marijuana rested on the floor as the student's hand was shaking from V's retort.

He was laughing nervously while avoiding the stares of the new student. And before he could take his steps to pick up the pack of drug on the floor, a group of masculine students walked towards it.

One student picked it up and inserted it to his varsity jacket's pocket.

V had no choice but to check on them with a glance. They looked like the school's jockeys. But more like the type of students who would seduce and take advantage of the younger girls' innocence.

The student whom V unwantedly was acquainted with took a step backward while presenting himself in his best respectful behavior.


"Abraham, Abe, my good yet bad boy! Shouldn't you be welcoming our new student with your excellent behaviors?"



  "Right. You are perfectly right, Luke."


The student named Abraham moved away from Luke's group and from V's death welcoming glares.

Luke and his friends were laughing as they watched Abraham running away with fear.

V and his uninterested nerves started walking again. Yet Luke and his friends stopped him by pulling his arms, ordering him to stop and show respect to their mighty presence.

V and his thoughts of how disrespectful those students were made his inner demons switch his temper into  welcoming their favor on death.

He was capable of sending them off to the biggest hall where their dominance was never welcomed.
He effortlessly removed the dirty hand strangled around his arms. The hand owned by one of Luke's minions.

He smirked as he was about to wrench his arm. But he then was halted by an interrupting act of pulling his shirt with desperation.

Angel Grace:

  "Let's go, Morningstar."


V turned to see Angel Grace's face and made sure to let her see how he was so annoyed by cutting the thrill he felt from dislocating someone's arm.

He let go of the arm and faced Angel Grace before he was dragged away from Luke and his friends.

They could hear Luke's annoying laugh.


  "Perfect timing, Angel Grace. Just like how perfect we were together long before I dumped you!!"


Angel Grace sighed in disbelief whIle V found it amusingly entertaining and intriguing.

As she felt being far from Luke and his friends, Angel Grace let go of V's arm right away and crossed her arms while glaring at him.

Angel Grace:

    "What were you thinking when you tried to fight back against Luke and his friends?"


V smirked while giving her a teasing look about what that Luke said before they were out of sight.

Angel Grace clenched her fist and heaved a deep sigh before giving him the reason why Luke broke up with her.

She knew it would make him be enlightened and would make his judging thoughts stop from any forms of conclusions.

Angel Grace:

  "He dumped me for not having sex with him."


She immediately turned her back on him and started walking away.

V smirked.


    "Interesting ~ "


A rose bud can
be picked even before it blooms.  Fornication in the context of sexual acts.


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