Famous in Love


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Camila Cabello one of the worlds biggest stars meets a girl and the girls best friend loves Camila and has fo... More

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The next morning I woke we woke up and there was still no sign of Camila. I don't know what I expected, I knew she wouldn't be there and I know the only time I would see her is on TV or video but I guess that's how it will have to be I cant stay mad at Dinah forever she was only looking out for me.

"Lauren?" I heard someone say from the side of my bed, I rolled over and saw Normani, her eyes were red and she looked miserable. I lifted my covers up and patted the space on my bed and she crawled in.

"What's up?" I said, I knew it was something to do with Camila, it had to be.

Normani held up her phone, it was an article on Camila.

Teen pop sensation Camila Cabello spotted with manager Rodger  in what appeared to look as if they got out of a meeting and along side them was local teen Ariana Grande, is Ariana the girlfriend or the new duet partner. Camila was also spotted along side local football player Chris Jauregui looking cosy, where's Camila going with this, we are itching to know. Previously Camila was always spotted with best friend Normani  but today Normani was no where to be seen and neither was Lauren Jauregui or Dinah Jane, what happened?"

"Oh my god" I breathed putting my hands over my face.

Ringgg Ringgg

I Groaned and picked up my phone, it was Chris.

"Hey laur, Dinah isn't over is she?" Chris asked and I heard giggling in the background.

"No I heard her leave last night, why?" I asked and Normani sat up and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Camila's coming over but didn't wanna see Dinah we will be home in 5 see you soon" Chris said and hung up the phone.

Normani looked at me and I explained to her how Camila is coming over but didn't wanna see Dinah. Normani had a flash of hope in her eyes but we both knew that she was only coming over for Chris. We lay in bed for a few minutes well until we heard the front door open.

"Hey Lauren I'm home" I heard Chris shout. I was about to get up when I heard giggling and playful screaming.

"Chriss put me down, no no stop" I heard Camila giggle, then I heard someone run up the stairs and hence the quiet footsteps I gathered it was Camila. She ran into his room and shut the door and then I heard Chris walk upstairs slowly.

He knocked my door and walked in.

"Hey, how are you?" Chris asked Normani, I am assuming he read the article, Normani just nodded and gave a thumbs up followed with a smile. Chris nodded and flashed me a smile and walked out but he never shut the door, I had a perfect view of the hallway and Chris's room.

Chris went to open the door but it never opened, he giggled and  knocked on it.

"open up Mila" he chuckled, he seemed happy really happy in fact.

"Nope" I heard Camila say with a giggle.

"Fine I will be down stairs, eating pizza" Chris said and pretended to walk away, a few minutes later Camila opened the door and walked out when Chris grabbed her from behind and spun her around.

"Chris put me down, please, I just want pizza" Camila whined and giggled and Chris put her down, they stood inches away from each other.

"Too bad I don't have pizza" Chris teased and Camila pouted and ran down stairs and Chris smiled to himself and followed her.

"Lauren? are you okay?" Normani asked, honestly no that was painful to watch but she didn't need to know that.

"Yeah just hungry" I replied, avoiding eye contact with Normani.

"Let's go get some food?" Normani suggested I knew Camila would be down there so I wasn't keen but I went anyway.

I nodded and we got out of bed, I let Normani walk down first and I followed, I couldn't see the two in the living room which was a little bit of a relief. I walked into the kitchen and they were sitting at the table but Normani walked over to the fridge and I turned on the coffee maker.

"Chris Can I use your bathroom?" I heard Camila say but before she could get up I told Normani I am going to get a sweater and jogged upstairs. I stood in the bathroom and fixed my hair, I heard Camila walk up the stairs. I felt my heart rate speed up.

"Oh sorry I never knew anyone was in here" I heard Camila say and I turned around and I saw Camila's shocked reaction.

"Sorry, I will let you in" I said with a smile and walked out of the bathroom, "Camila?" I asked when she walked in.

"What?" she replied bluntly as she leaned against the door frame.

"I'm sorry about Dinah, she shouldn't have of said those horrible things" I said and Camila raised her eye brows and stood upright.

"It's what everyone was thinking wasn't it?" Camila fired back and shut the door, I sighed and walked back down stairs, when I walked into the kitchen I saw Dinah leaning against the counter with Chris and Normani at the table.

"What did I miss?" I asked turning my attention to Normani who just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.

"Chris I was wondering if- what is she doing here" Camila started off but stopped when she saw Dinah.

" I don't know" Chris answered standing up and walking over to Camila and wrapping his arm around her waist, I saw Dinah raise her eyebrow at the pair.

"I'm here because I came to see my best friend, why are you here" Dinah spat and Camila was a bit taken back but walked closer to Dinah.

"I was here because Chris wanted me over but now I think about it I don't feel good" Camila shot back looking Dinah up and down which made Dinah step forward.

"Watch it slut" Dinah spat and Normani stepped in pushing Dinah back.

"Don't speak to her like that" Normani hissed and Dinah chuckled, and rolled her eyes.

"Dinah I don't see what you find funny" Chris snapped and that just made Dinah giggle even more.

"I find the fact you guys are letting her play you all" Dinah said stepping forward to Camila.

"I am not playing anyone Chris knows it's just fun and so does Ariana" Camila scoffed hugging into Chris's side.

"and your alright with this?" Dinah asked Chris and Chris smiled and nodded.

"I'm having fun she is having fun, I am getting a good reputation at school, we are friends why wouldn't I be happy about this" Chris said with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Whatever, she is still a slut and Lauren agrees she may not say it but she clearly thinks it" Dinah said before walking out and everyone's eyes were on me well everyone's except from Camila's.

"Is that true Lauren!?" Normani snapped walking towards me.

"of course not, I haven't got a single bad thing to say about Camila and you know that Normani" I argued back and Camila's eyes slowly met mine, she let go of Chris and walked over to me and stopped in front of me.

"I am a slut" Camila said not taking her eyes off the wall behind me.

"Camila" I said and she looked at me. "Dinah is wrong you are far from a slut, Dinah is just jealous that everything isn't about her right now, she is acting out, don't listen to her." 

Camila nodded and gave me a weak smile which I returned, she engulfed me in a tight hug and thanked me for saying that, I don't know what is going through Dinah's head but she needs to stop.

"I gotta go I will see you guys later" Camila said giving Normani a quick hug and Chris walked her to the door.

She is falling for him. I cant do anything about it.

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