Flowers for a killer.

Por Ghastler

109K 4.7K 1.9K

AU Naruto x Gaara Gaara realizes he's developed feelings for the ramen crazed wannabe hokage of konoha and n... Más

On the mind...
A pleasant surprise...
Softer then silk...
Sweet as sugar...
A new home...
It's a long walk...
An ocean of silk...
A Helping Hand...
Better Days...
I Care Ok?...
His Touch...
Moving Day...
You Can't Deny It...
Honey Tea And Something Sweeter...
No time for regrets...
Healing Touch...
Promise - Ch.29
Figure it out - CH.30
Comfort - CH.31
Trust and Dumplings - CH.32
Rain - CH.33
Comfort zone - Ch.34
Love In Understanding - Ch.35

In the arms of another...

2.1K 107 49
Por Ghastler

"Th-Thank you?"

Gaara replied softly in confusion as the other stared at the ground in embaressment. Naruto was acting strange, however as to what was wrong; he couldn't place it.

"I'm sorry Gaara.. I don't know why I'm acting this way.. I just."

" You really make my heart race when i see you. A-And.. Every time you kiss me, it's like a jolt of energy.. I can't get enough of it."

"Naruto.. You know.. I don't mind kissing you."-" If anything... I really enjoy it."

Gaara felt flustered. Never before had he confessed so much to anyone in his life. Not even his teddybear when he was but a child. The only one whom ever knew his inner most thoughts wether dark or otherwise was Shukaku. However her interests lay far from his relationship with the blonde.

'If you enjoy kissing him so much you may as well mate with him..'

The crude tone of the demon within cackled away, her humour unwelcomed by the vessel whom held her captive. Shaking his head gently, Gaara pinched the bridge of his nose to try and ease the on-comming headache that ensued. However, when the blond before him pushed his hands around his waist and the skin of their cheeks touched, Shukaku's laughter was drowned out and the headache vanished; leaving only a dull numbing sensation in the redhead's temples.

"What... The."

Gaara was shocked and confused to say the least, but in all he was excited by this new discovery. Moving himself from the other jinchuuriki and breaking contact, he could hear her Laughter echo back into focus as the headache returned in full force. The ensuing pain like a beating drum in the back and sides of his skull.



Naruto called out in panic, unsure of just what was going on. reaching out as the redhead before him began stumbling with the possibility of falling, he reached out and grabbed the other's pale and slender hand, pulling him into a hug as the Sand-nin in his arms buckled his knees and fell.

The two, falling to the ground; found them selves in a seated possition as they leaned against the kitchen cabinets. Gaara's breathing heavy as he held his head in agony, But as Naruto touched his face with his bare hand; the pain Gaara felt vanished. Looking up to the man who's arms he had fallen into, he grasped the hand that held his cheek firmly and refused to let go. Realising that as long as they where touching, Shukaku couldn't hurt him.

"Naruto... Please. Don't let me go."

"I won't.. I promise."

"She... She.."

"It's the headaches isint it. Is Shukaku doing it?"

"You.. Know?"

"Ah, Yeah. After the chuunin exams, i asked Sakura to help me learn a little more about other Jinchuuriki. Shukaku... She hurts you if you don't do what she want's you to.. doesn't she."

"She hurts me reguardless. It's just a matter of how bad..."

Gaara sighed softly. Looking up to the other, he removed the leaf-nin's hand from his face and held it tightly between his own.

"I don't know why.. But when you touch me. The pain goes away.. And I can't hear her."

"Really? Maybe because I'm a Jinchuuriki too?"

"I think so."

Laying together in silence, it felt like hours before Gaara deemed it safe to let go of each other. His head was throbbing and the only word he could think of to describe it was 'agony'. Moving himself slowly to the couch, he went to sit down as his lover got some water and ice. However instead of handing it to the agonized vessel, Naruto chose to extend his hand and lead the groaning redhead into the bedroom so he could lay down.

"The couch might be new. But the bed is still gonna feel better."

"Ngh, I guess so."

Sipping some water, Gaara put the glass on the table and moved himself into the covers. Relaxing in the bed he sighed softly and watched as the taller of the two made his way around the room, doing a minor clean up and change into his own pj's. Watching the blonde return to the bed he stared helplessly at the other as his vision blurred from both his head throbbing and years of sleep deprevation. But as the Uzumaki turned off the lamp and tried to make his way out of the room, Gaara reached out and grabbed him by the hand.

"No! ..Wait. Please.. Please stay."

"Oh. ok.. uh."

"I don't want to be alone.. right now."

"Then don't worry. I'm right here."

Moving slowly Naruto got into the bed with the other and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, pulling him close and nuzzling into the other. The short sleeves of his shirt and his shorts made it quite easy for the two's skin to touch as they laid there. The moon's light and the gentle flickering of the sting lights above them lit the room peacefully; and as Naruto's relaxed deep breaths soothed the vessel, he soon found himself dozing off without any way to stop himself.

"I love you Gaara.."

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