Our Heavy Burdens (Naruto Fan...

By 0Hidden_Voice0

33.4K 952 92

No one knew this would happen. No one knew Minato and Kushina would have twins. No one knew that the babies... More

Prologue: Birth
Chapter 1: Nariko's Beginning
Chapter 3: Leaving And Finding My True Self
Chapter 4: Run And Go
Chapter 5: Sage of the Six Paths
Chapter Six: My New Family, The Akatsuki
Chapter 7: As Time Goes On
Chapter 8: Steal And Learn The Flying Thunder God Technique
Chapter 9: The Horrors Of Puberty And Being A Female
Chapter 10: The Promise and Konoha
Chapter 11: The Agreement, Moving In, and Finding Naruto and Sasuke
Character Info
Chapter 12: Reckless Brother, and Becoming a Guard and Ambassador
Chapter 13: How My Brother Became a Genin
Chapter 14: Team Seven Will Be Uncooperative, I Can Tell
Chapter 15: Kakashi The Copy Cat Copies Dad's Teaching Style
Chapter 16: Drunkard, Dwarf, Cow, Oh My
Character's song list
Chapter 17: I Try To Make Moo and Haku A Kiri-Nin
Chapter 18: You've Changed......
Chapter 19: Oh Fuck Nah!
Chapter Filler: Akatsuki Halloween Special
Chapter 20: That Damn Pedo And His Hickies
Chapter 21: I Really Fucking Hate Danzō
Chapter 22: Sacrificing Myself To Save The Others
Chapter 23: I'm Getting Sick Of All You Uchihas
Chapter 24: To Forgive And Forget
Chapter 25: Senjutsu
Chapter 26: Shizuka Tamashī
Character Info #2
Chapter 27: Welcome To The Family
Chapter 28: Being A Mom Is Hard
Chapter 29: Fear of Rejection
Chapter 30: Avoiding
Chapter 31: Odd Family Life
Chapter 32: Reunited Part 1
Chapter 33: Reunited Part 2
Chapter 34: Another Bell Test and Unknown Enemies Pt. 1
Chapter 35: Another Bell Test and Unknown Enemies Pt. 2
Chapter 36: Summit
Chapter 37: Training and Trap
Chapter 38: Torture
Chapter 39: Revelations
Chapter 40: Rescue
Chapter 41: Healing
Chapter 42: Little Talks
Chapter 43: Marriage

Chapter 2: Gaara and Shukaku

1.5K 48 4
By 0Hidden_Voice0

I woke up and quickly started getting ready for the day. When I was finished, I went to the kitchen table and saw the usual note that Miruzo leaves when he goes to work. I scanned through it before leaving it behind and quickly going to the park. When I arrived, I saw the boy sitting there with a teddy bear, watching as the other kids played ball like yesterday. I grinned and cheerfully ran to him, causing the kids to look at me. I stopped in front of the boy and smiled as he stared at me shocked and confused."Hi, I'm Nariko! What's your name?" I introduced myself. He looked side to side then behind him before looking back at me."M-me?" He squeaked out from shyness and confusion. I nodded and giggled, thinking again that he's cute."M-my name is Gaara." He stuttered, blushing a little while looking anywhere but my eyes."It's nice to meet you Gaara! Do you wanna be friends?" I asked, and as I gave him a close eyed smile it became silent. I opened my eyes to see him looking completely shocked, his mouth opening and closing and eyes wide."You look like a fish." I giggled. He immediately became flustered from embarrassment."Do you mean it? D-do you really want to be my friend?" He asked, hope evident in his eyes and voice. I nodded again."Of course! Come on, we can go play with the kids over there!" I said before running off to the kids playing ball. He called out to me hesitantly as I went closer, not knowing that they would hurt me."Hi! Can me and Gaara-kun play with you guys?" I asked, and they all stopped. Some of them backed away while others glared. One boy walked up to me and scowled."Go away, freak. We don't want to play with monsters like you and Gaara." He said before shoving me back. I yelped as I lost balance, and fell on my butt as the kids laughed at me. I remembered what Ku-kun told me yesterday, how people either stay away or hurt people they don't understand. In the back of my mind, I heard Ku-kun growling at the mean kids, and I saw Gaara run towards me. He helped me up and ask if I was alright, and I winced a little when he grabbed my hand. He lifted it and we saw that it had a scab. He frowned, and before he could say anything I turned back to the kids and smiled."It's okay. I understand. Sorry for disturbing you guys, I'll leave now. Bye!" I waved at them with my injured hand before taking Gaara's hand and walking away.
"Nariko-chan, are you okay? Does it hurt?" Gaara asked, concerned about my injury as we returned to the swings."I'm fine. It should finish healing soon." I told him as I looked at my hand, and I saw that it had just finished, Ku-kun's chakra quickly fading away."See?" I showed him my healed injury, and he looked shocked."How are you not hurt anymore?" He asked. I looked side to side before leaning towards him, a hand blocking one side of my mouth."Don't tell anyone, but I have a tailed beast inside me." I whispered to him, and he became even more shocked."W-what?" He asked, and my smile faltered slightly."You don't have to be afraid. Ku-kun and I won't hurt you, I promise." I told him."You have a tailed beast? Which one?" He asked, curiosity showing in his eyes."Kurama. I call him Ku-kun though. Him and I are buddies." I told him happily. He was silent for a while, thinking about something before looking back at me in my eyes."I have Shukaku inside me." He told me, and once again everything went silent. So, it's my youngest sibling then? Interesting. Ku-kun mumbled, and Gaara looked down, sad about what I might say. I, on the other hand, squealed happily and hugged him."We're the same, then! Even more reason we should be friends!" I exclaimed, and Gaara stayed stiff."Y....you're not afraid? You're not going to leave me?" He asked weakly."Of course not, silly! People like us should stick together and help each other." I told him. Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around me and place his head on my shoulder."Thank you, Nariko-chan......" He whispered."You're welcome, Gaara-kun." I giggled. I then pulled away, causing him to look confused."Tag, you're it!" I exclaimed as I touched his arm, and I raced away from him."H-hey!" He shouted, startled by my sudden action as he quickly ran after me.
After a couple of hours of playing tag and building sand castles, which Gaara cheated on by using his awesome sand ability, we decided to call it a day and head home. The two of us hugged each other and said goodbye, promising each other that we'd come back to the park to play with each other again.
•third POV•
As the sun began to set, the two kids went their separate ways. Nariko went into her house and up to her room, then took out her journal so she could write down what happened today. As for Gaara, he excitedly entered his uncle's house."Yashamaru, you won't believe what happened today!" He exclaimed."Well, tell me what happened so I can decide if I do or not." Yashamaru chuckled as he finished preparing dinner."I made a new friend today! Her name is Nariko, and she-she's really nice!" Gaara told his uncle, hesitating when he was about to tell him about his friend's tailed beast."That's wonderful, Gaara! I'm glad someone finally decided to be your friend." Yashamaru said, smiling as the two sat down to eat."Yep! We're gonna play together tomorrow at the park. I'm really excited!" Gaara exclaimed before digging into his food. Yashamaru watched his nephew do this and just smiled, glad to see him happy for once in his lonely life.

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