Little Secret (Destiel AU)...

By Spock_Skywalker

52.5K 1.7K 698

Dean is the king of high school, the jock, star football player, the guy who picks fights with whoever looks... More

First Day
Party Time
Why Me?
Perfect News
What Just Happened?
Sad First Date
Family Time
Picking Fights
New Teacher
First Everything
Please Listen
Game Over
Big News
Our Day

Please Stay

2.3K 86 11
By Spock_Skywalker

I woke up with my head on something, more like someone. I say up and saw Dean smiling. "Good to see your awake" he smiled as I move over, wincing in pain. "Be careful."

"What time is it?" I ask as he checks the time. "Uh, 4:45." He responds looking at me. I avoid his staring, he looks sad. Maybe he's worried about me. I did spill my heart out on him.

"Crap." I say getting up but quickly sitting down from a sharp pain that went throughout my body from moving to fast. Dean rushes towards me.

"You alright? Here." He said as he helped me up.

"I have to go. I have to be home before my mom gets home." I say frantically looking for my stuff. I still don't have a shirt on and mom would go crazy if she saw the bruises.

Dean gets his keys and helps me down his stairs and into his car. He starts driving and I thank him.

"Anytime. If Luke gives you any problems, come to me and I'll take care of him, alright?" He asked looking over to me. I nodes and he smiled.

About 5 minutes layer we arrive at my house and I notice mom's car is not there but mine is. Good that Gabe got home.

"Uh, thanks Dean. Thanks for everything today." I smile at him as he smiles back and nods. I get up to the door and once I'm in, Dean's gone. It's funny how we only live two streets down from one another.

"Where the hell have you been? I was worried sick, I couldn't find you at school, or call you." Before Gabe could finish yelling at him I sat down on the couch.

"I was with Dean." Gabe looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. My eyes go wide.

"Not like that. After Second period, some kids beat me up and I went unconscious. Then next thing I knew I was in Deans house." He looked at me shockingly.

"Are you okay?" He asked worrying and frantically trying to check on me

"I'm fine. I have some bruised ribs and my back is sorta bad as well. But you can't tell mom. You know how she gets." I say as I remember when I came home with a paper cut. Mom nearly tried suing the school.

We laugh at the memory and he promises not to tell mom as long as he got to check it out first. He helped me with my shirt as a winced and his mouth dropped and eyes went wide.

After inspecting, we mom came home and we went to bed. I was in so much pain and when I was with Dean, I felt safe. I fell asleep.

I walk into school looking like a zombie. I got no sleep due to the pain being unbearable so I have dark circles under my eyes. I'm wearing a baggy black band sweatshirt and dark grey sweatpants. My hair not brushed.

"You look like shit." Charlie greets as Gabe and I meet here by the library. "Thanks." I respond with was followed by a yawn.

"What happened to you yesterday?" She asked as I close my eyes. Gabe answers for me, which I'm greatful for. Charlie is shocked but doesn't ask any questions and hands me some Midol that she carries around.

The bell rings and we split up. First period, which is English was long and boring. I couldn't concentrate. The bell rings an hour layer and I go to my Chemistry class. Yay, Luke! Ugh.

I walk in and Luke looks at me with a grin, which I ignore and sit in my usual seat. I get my notebook out when someone sits next to me "What are you doing?" I ask as he smiles at me. "What? I can't sit with my friend?" Dean asks looking at me. "By the way, you look like shit. Did you get any sleep last night?" He asked with a concerned tone. I look at him and he looks concerned. I laugh. "No sleep. Painkillers did nothing so I woke up every ten to fifteen minutes in pain. Great night. And thanks for the compliment." I smile as he smiles back.

Class goes on without any incident with Luke. The bell rings and we leave. I leave and am in the clear, that is until I'm pushed against the wall.

"See you fag and Winchester have been getting comfortable lately. To bad he came to your rescue yesterday." He said smiling.

He punched me in the face and I fall, hard. Luke was about to kick but someone pushed him against the wall. I sat up and leaned against the lockers as I saw Dean with Luke. Luke was up against the wall and Dean had a murderous look on his face.

"Stay away from him. He doesn't deserve to get beat up." Dean yells as Luke laughs.

"You're protecting this fag? Damn. Don't you remember Meg?" Luke asked laughing as Dean punched him. Luke's 'minions' were about to step up to Dean but Luke held his hand up.
"Don't ever talk about Meg. That was your fault and you put it all on me." Dean said angrily as Luke laughed. Dean threw another punch.

I sit there quietly, shaking from how scared I was. Just yesterday Dean was talking softly to me and was careful, but now he's angree and violent, which scares me.

"Just stay away from him." Dean said as he let go of Luke.

"I can't say I will. We'll just have to wait and see." He laughed as Dean turned around and punched him again, this time leaving him hitting the floor.

Dean walks over to me, seeing I'm shaking and moving away from him.
"Hey," he says softly. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here for you remember?" I look at him as he has a worried smile.

He sits on the floor and I give in. I mean into him. I cry. He holds me. He comforts me. "Please stay." I whisper into his neck. "I promise."

I was going to write this earlier, but I was reading another story and now I'm going to see Disney on Ice tomorrow. So I probably won't update tomorrow.

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