Words left unsaid

By vanessa505

1.1K 144 28

We all sometimes regret, we all make mistakes. we sometimes keep it bottled up inside of ourselves. we someti... More

Words Left Unsaid
Chapter:9 part:1
Chapter:9 part:2
Epilogue:Here's to never leaving words left unsaid


42 7 1
By vanessa505



                I groan as my alarm clock woke me up. i muttered some words and rolled over to touch henry. i felt the coldness of the sheet. what i thought. i peeled open my eyes slowly and saw an empty side. i rolled off the bed and strtched. i yawned and smelled eggs,and chocolate. i walked to the bathroom to start showering. i sigh as the hot water awoken me. i grabbed my shampoo and started the morning process. after i did hygiene things. i wrappd a blue towel around me and walked out the bathroom.

                        As i walked to the closet the red teddybear caught my eye. i rubbed my face ad pushed the memories and voices back. i put on my undergarments. i grabbed a white button down shirt. i put on a gold pencil skirt. i placed on white heels. i put gold studs into the ear. i should  check the reunion letter again for the date. i grabbed the blow dryer and blow dried my hair. i got a comb and made two lines. i put my hair into pigtails. yeah yeah i havent put my hair in pigtails in ages. i grabbed my phone and keys and placed them in my purse. i walked downstairs. the smell was stronger than ever.

                             Oh i thougt as i looked at the breakfeast table. "morning sweetie" henry said from his newspaper. "morning" i said. "i made breakfeast for you come eat" he said. "thnx" i said."so are you going?" he asked me. "going where?" i asked him. he put his newspaper down and looked at me like i was crazy. "to the reunion" he said. "maybe i don't know" i said. i dranked my coffee. i wasn't in the mood to eat." honey eat something you look pale" henry said. he placed his hand on my forehead. "are you okay?!" he asked me worriedly. "i'm fine" i said. his phone beeped.

                             He looked at it and closed his phone. "got to go meeting in 30" he said quickly. he grabbed his briefcase. "oh ok" i said. he kissed me on the forehead. "love you!" i called out to him. "you too!" he said back and closed the door. i listened as he started the car and drove away. i sighed and looked at the reunion paper that was on the table.the date was friday june,3 10.p.m. i called the hotel to r.s.v.p. i looked at the clock. i drank the rest of my coffee. i went to go brush my teeth to get the coffee stains off my teeth. i put some mint tic-tac into my mouth. i grabbed my things and walked out the house. i locked the door and walked to the car. i pressed the button for the garage door to open.


                     I got into my car and drove out the garage. i watched as the garage door close. i drove toward the hotel. soon my phone started ringing. i smiled as it was my brother bryant. i anwered the call and hooked it into my car.


B:"heeey michellie!!!"

M:"haha are you drunk?!"

B:"no just miss my little sis"

M:"i'm only two years younger than you i'm not little anymore"

B:" you is to me anyway are you going to the reunion?"

M:"yeah are you?"

B:"of course the whole gang going"


B:"michelle nath-"

M:"it's okay so how's my sister in law?"


M:"haha hey crazy"

A:"i miss you when are you coming georgia to visit?"

M":well your in luck i'ma be in georgia for a promtion at crowns hotel."

A:"aaaah! you got a promtion?!!!! did you take it?!!!"

M:"haha yes i took it i'm going to tell frank yes today"

A:" great ill pass you back to-"

B:"so sis how are you and "henry"?"

M:"wer'e good"

B":you don't sound good did he do something?!!! i swear michelle i'll be th-"

M:"No!!! we are fine!! i'm fine!!!,he fine!!! we are all fine!!!"

  I pull over to gather myself. all the clues flew into my head and out. i don't want to believe it. i rubbed my eyes.

B:"michelle if anything is wrong you can always tell me were family we don't keep secrets from each other. tell me what's wrong? ae you okay?"

   I took a deep breath and pull my pigtails in fear. could he-


M:"yeah i'm okay and nothing wrong."

B:"o-o-okay "

M":i gotta go i'll keep in touch love you and amy"

B:"okay same here love you too michellie"

                I  groan and pressed end call to his laughter. i got back on the streets to work. i drove into the underground parking lot and parked my car. i grabbed my things and locked the car. i walked into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. i waited till i got to the lobby. once the elevater arived. i cloced in and gretted my co-workers. i walked to frank's office. i knocked on the door first. i didn't want a repeat of last time. "come in" he said. i opened the door."morning" i said as frank looked up from his paperworks.

                  "Morning michelle" he said. "i accept the promtion" i said. "wonderful i'll fax you over,but their's been a mistake" he said. "what mistake?" i asked him. "well you'll be starting tuesday afternoon" he said. my eyes went wide. "i know that's why tomorrow i'm giving you the day off to pack here's your airline ticket your driver will be at your door at noon" frank said. "i'll see you back in a month michelle" frank said.i shook his hand and walked out his office. wow this quick i thought. i cleared my head and went to the front desk to start working.

                     "I apologize for the inconvience sir but their is no room here under your name would you like to book a room right now?" i asked him. he sighed. "yes thank you ma'm" he said. "your welcome sir i'll just need your credit card" i said. he handed me the credit card. i swiped his card. i typed stuff out the computer. "thank you sir here's your key have a great stay at crowns" i said. i let out a breath of air. as i saw the clock become midnight. i wanted to work overtime. i didn't want to go home yet. maybe if i hide under-"michelle go home" frank said. i peeked up at the desk and saw frank with a stern look.

                       "Go home,get some rest you have a big day ahead of you" he said. "okay good night" i said to frank. i grabbed my bag. i walk to the elevater.i pressed the parking lot button. i waited till I got to the underground parking lot. I beeped my alarm and got in. I looked at the time. time to go home I thought. I turned on the ignition and drove out the parking lot. I drove past buildings and more. bryan words ranged around in my head. I ignored the gut feeling and drove home.

                          I breathe  sigh of relief as I got home. tomorrow I need to start packing. then tell henry. I looked at my wedding ring and twirled it around. I remember the honeymoon, and my past life with henry. I laid on the couch. where could henry be?. I walked into the kitchen thinking what I could do. I'm not even tired. I walked upstairs and looked at the red bear. I walked over to it slowly. I looked at It closely. I pressed the button. "If you love someone so much go back to that person." I pressed the button again. "Never forget your first love". I don't know why I pressed the button. I guess the sound of Nathan voice warms me. "your past is a part of you,you cant run away from it,it will someday come back to haunt you." that long quote made me think.

                        The quote rang in my head. it felt like something was telling me that Nathan still love me. or he's searching for me. I don't know what to do. I wiped my tears and sat on the bed. I wonder if that day I told Nathan my feelings for him. would he accept it?, break my heart?, if I told him how would my future be? would I be where I am now?. I tugged my hair in frustration. I looked at the dresser across the room. I got up and walked slowly. I grabbed the book slowly as if it would burn me or disappear. I flipped to the back cover. I placed my shaking head on the cover of his face. I skimmed my hand on his face.

                        I flipped to the front cover and felt the title. i saw a man reaching his hand out for something. you can see a silhouette of a woman figure. i covered my mouth and flip to the first page. i started reading his works. each words i can picture him writing this. it's like he sitting right next to me.i kept reading and reading. i was so engrossed into the story. the story is about the past. he didn't put my name in, but i can feel he's hurting. I stop reading and placed the book down. "your still up?"  i jumped up and turned around.


                        "Your home" i said. "yeah i finished work early" he said. "ok well i have something to tell you" i said. "okay" he said. i patted the space next to me on the bed. he walked over and sat down. "what's wrong?" he asked me. "i'm going on a promotion, I'll be gone for a month" i said. "and you didn't tell me?" he asked me." i tried, but you was always at wor"-"you never asked me how i feel, my decision!" he said. "why are you acting like this all of a sudden?" i asked him. "all of a sudden" he said. "What do you mean"-"you were fine when i was going on a reunion that's because your brother are goin"-"wait you don't trust me?! i'm your wife when we married each other. that meant we had trust for one another. we loved each other. i wouldn't dare cheat on you!!!!" i yelled.

                              "I don't want you going, stay here" he said. "I'm not going to become no house wife, i'm a person too, i want to travel"-"okay we can do that lat"-"your not getting the point this is a huge deal. their promoting me aren't you happy?!" i yelled. "i would if you stay here" he said. "what is wrong with you?!!" i yelled at him. "what's wrong is that my wife don't want to listen to me and stay here" he said. "your not mad about that?! tell me the truth?!!." "this is the truth!!" he yelled. "you know what i'm going end of discussion!!" i yelled. i got up and grabbed a pillow and comforter.

                               "What are you doing?, where are you going?!!" he yelled." i'm getting a pillow and comforter I'm not  going anywhere you are" i said. "what!!" he yelled. "you can sleep in the guest room. once you learn to stop talking from your dick and use your head you can come back" i said. "you know what forget it I'm going back to the office" he said. "okay bye" i said and waved. he got up and walked out the door. i slammed the door behind him in frustrations. i groaned and laid my back on the door.

                                       We just had our first fight.


so that's all

hope you enjoyed it.

Idk what the hell i was thinking when i wrote the chapter. it' different from when i wrote it the first time.

completed on 5-11-14





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