Writing Our Story (Complete)

By Monsi_Salcedo

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Demi Lovato & Harry Styles Demi Lovato moves into a new town after the death of her mother. Her dad wanting... More

Writing Our Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Fun Facts on Writing Our Story

Chapter 30

76 5 1
By Monsi_Salcedo

Demi was walking away from Liam as she hit the wall on the other side. She couldn't understand her thoughts as she didn't regret kissing him. Her mind went quickly to Harry as tight knots started to form in her stomach, making her want to throw up. Tears were quickly forming in her brown eyes as she couldn't believe what just happen.

She kiss her friend.
She has cheated on Harry.

She watch as Liam stood up and walk towards her. Demi quickly started to shake her head.

"No, don't get close to me Liam."

Demi said as her voice soon started to break. A sob come through her lips as she started to cry her heart out.
She was so confuse and didn't know what to do.
Liam gave her a sad look knowing that he cause this. He kept on walking towards her as he tried to grab her hand, but she quick move her hand out of reach.

"Demi please. We need to talk about this. I don't want to see you like this. I don't like it when you cry. And knowing that i've cause this..."

Liam said as he ran his hand through his hair. His stomach started to hurt as he look at the ground.

"Just try to hear me out. Every single time we hang out is like magic. I love it when we sneak in glaces to each other in English. "

Demi covered her ears as she began to shake her head. She began to whisper no as tears roll down her face. Liam began to walk to her as he wanted to take away this feeling from her. Reaching out his arm to her in order to comfort her.


Liam said as he place his hand on her shoulder. That when everything change. Demi's behavior quickly change as she went from confusion to completely anger. Her eyes wide open as the brown disappeared. Looking up at Liam as he notice how pitch black her eyes were. She began to hit his chest with her fist as Liam back up a bit. Tears were still falling from her eyes as Liam didn't know what to do.

"Why would you do that ? Why did you kiss me? Why Liam ? "

Demi cried out through her sobs. Knots started to form in Liam's stomach. Demi's knees began to feel weak as they couldn't hold her up. She fell to the floor as she covered her eyes with her hand.
Neither Liam nor Demi knew what to do. Liam went to Demi as he took a seat next to her. He let her cry, curse at him, hit him. Anything she wanted to do to him as long as she didn't push him away.
Several minutes pass by until Demi finally calm down. She had her head rested on Liam's shoulder as neither of them spoke.
Demi felt confused as she didn't know what she wanted anymore. She still really likes Harry but doesn't regret kissing Liam. She felt her heart was torn into two as she couldn't pick a side.
Should she continues her relationship with Harry or break it before she hurts him?
That was the question that kept on running through her mind.

Demi look up from Liam's shoulder to the window as she noticed that the music had stop. Taking a breath as she look up at Liam. His eyes were also on the window.

"I think we should start heading out, Dems."

Liam said as he began to stand up. Demi stood up as they began to make their way out. Demi was rubbing her eyes as she look at the gloves as she saw the makeup coming off. Stopping in her place as she quickly began to look for a mirror. Finding one up head as she look at her reflection. The curls were messy while the mascara look all over the place.
Taking a deep breath as she head to the bathroom. She wouldn't notice that Liam stay by her side the whole time. Closing the door behind her as she grab a baby wipe that Perrie's parents kept in the bathroom. Taking off the makeup from her eyelid as she watch it easily come off.
Within 5 minutes she had the makeup off. Rising her face with clean water before drying off with a towel. Cleaning up the mess she made before throwing away the wipes. Taking a deep breath as she made her way out.
Looking up as her eyes met Liam's red eyes.
Feeling bad as she didn't really know what to tell him. She didn't know what she feels at this moment. Walking up to him as she wrap her arms around him. He quickly wrap his arms around her as he made the hug tighter. He place his face into her neck as he didn't know what would come out of their friendship.
Demi loosen up the hug as she look up at him.

"It's going to be okay, Liam."

Giving him a smile before they made their way out.
After they help clean up a bit, Perrie's dad told Liam to wake up Niall to go drop them off.

Demi and her dad walk back to their house. Demi couldn't help but look back as her eyes and Liam's caught each other. He gave her a soft smile with a wave. Demi return the wave and the smile before making her way inside.
Telling her dad that she was heading to bed as she was tired from the party. Heading to her room as she began to take off the long yellow gloves. Holding it in her hand as she made her way to her dresser as she took off the earrings and the necklace. Placing them on the counter before looking at herself in the mirror. A sob made it's way to her mouth but she quickly covered it with her hand. Shaking her head as she felt disgusted with herself. Finding an extra blanket in her closet as she place it over the mirror making sure she couldn't see her reflection. Taking off the costume before putting it away in her closet with the rest of her clothes. 
Pulling out pajamas bottom with a gray short sleeve shirt. Finding a pair of fuzzy socks as she place it on her cold feet. Walking over to her bed as she place the warm blanket under the cover. Fixing her bed before crawling into her now warm bed. Placing the sheets over her cold body as she close her eyes not before a tear escape her brown eyes. 

Throughout the weekend Demi mainly stayed in her room. She would stay under the covers as she wrote in her journal. Her thoughts and emotions would be splattered from top to bottom as she switch pens to a pencil. She would ignore any texts or calls from everybody.
From her three guy friends 

That special creature that trusted her with his gentle heart. His kinds eyes that you could get lost in a forrest if you look into them. To his beautifully spoken words that came from his heart and soul. His tall figure that would protect her from any kind of danger. Sadly it couldn't protect her from a broken heart, as she couldn't understand her feeling at the moment.
She look down at her hands as she began to feel hatred. Not towards Liam and not towards Harry.
She began to feel hatred towards herself.
How badly she wanted to go back in time and fix her mistake.
But which mistake would she fix.
Would she stop herself from looking into Harry's eyes in the library?
Would she stop herself from becoming friends with Liam?
Her emotions and feeling were everywhere as she began to feel hopeless.
A tear escape her eye as she just wanted to disappear from this earth and be with her mom. Thinking back on past events as things didn't add up for her.
Grabbing her phone as she quickly unlock it as she began to look for a specific contact. Pressing the call button as she place the phone to her ear. Grabbing her shoes as she heard the phone began to ring.

Not letting the other person get a word in as she only said.....

"Meet me in the park. By the water fountain. I'll see you there in 5 minutes. "

Hanging up the phone as she took her keys, her phone, and her earbuds. Connecting them to her phone as she place a Christina Aguilera playlist. Hearing the music begin as she recognize the song off her Back To Basics album. Taking a deep breath as she let the lyrics speak for them self. Taking out her bike so it would meet the street as she began to mouth the lyrics to hurt.
Paddling faster as she just wanted to get this over with it. She didn't know exactly how things would end between the two. She only knew that it would be really awkward since they would see each other nearly every single day. Jumping the curve as she could see the park up ahead. Her paddles went slower as she could already see the tall figure with his back towards her. Dropping her bike on the grass as she walk towards him. A strong wind blow in their direction as she watch his hair move with the wind. Wrapping her hand around her arm before calling his name.


He turn around as he gave her a sad smile. Tilting his head towards a bench as he suggested to sit.

"I don't know how long this is going to take. We should sit down. Might as well get comfortable."

Liam said as he let out a nervous chuckle. They walk to the bench as Liam ran his sweaty hands against his pants.
Taking a deep breath as he turn to look at Demi.

"So why did you call me to meet you here?"

Liam ask as Demi couldn't help but smile at her friend.

"I just wanted to talk. I want to know everything. On this crush that you have on me. I want to know when it started and how it have been developing over time. I want to know your emotions, Liam."

Demi said with a kind smile as she shrug her shoulders.
Liam agreed as he began to tell his little story. Not without a bright red blush on his cheeks. Which stayed there for most of the evening.

"I really do like you Demi. A lot more then I've ever like a girl. It's scares me a bit actually. You don't know how many poems and songs i've written about you. I started to like you maybe a few weeks after me and Niall met you. You have this kind soul and the most beautiful brown eyes that makes me a fool. "

He smiles down at the thought of her eyes on him, but it shorty disappear. Running a hand through his short hair before looking back at her. The warm brown that Demi had gotten so use had vanish from it's place. He walk closer to her as Demi took a step backwards but couldn't or she would fall into the fountain. Taking a glace as she look at the blue water before seeing her reflection. Liam help her up right when he wrap his arm around her developing body. Pressing her against his chest as he move a piece of hair away from her face. They look into each other's eyes as Liam said what was on his mind.

"If only I could have told you this before it would have made things so much easier. Who knows maybe you would have felt the same way. But I was to late."

Liam said as his eyes began to water as guilt started to set in.

"I'm so sorry if I've made things more complicated for you. I don't know what you have with him. But what I have seen from the looks you two give each other it could be something special. I feel so guilty knowing that I have cause trouble. But what gave me hope is that you kiss back. Meaning that you must have felt something for me at some point or another. Maybe that feeling already vanish into thin air. The only good thing about this is, that I at least got to know how your lips tasted."

Liam said as his finger grab Demi's chin.

"Even if it was just that one time."

Smiling at her before letting go of her chin. Demi smile at him as she couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach.

"Who knows Liam. Maybe one day my feelings could be mutual. But right now it's not. If I ever do start to develop feelings for you. You'll be the first one to know. I just really hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship. As I'll like to continue to create more memories with you and the others."

Demi said as she had just given him hope of them possible being together in the future. Nodding his head as the butterflies were still there. Liam smile at her as he took her words to his heart. 

"I think I can live with that."

Demi lean in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Little did they know that there was somebody watching them as he took his afternoon jog in the park. As he couldn't believe what he just saw. 
Feeling heart broken but mostly betrayed.
What happen next was a shocker to Demi. Which change her whole world.

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody.
I feel bad for not updating for a long time. I didn't know what to do.
What do y'all think of this chapter.
Leave comments please and would be really thankful.

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