The Yin-Yang Complex

By ThatPotatoWhoWrites

100K 2.7K 469

Barry and Sebastian are twins? Disclaimer: The Flash and it's characters belong to the CW. Glee and it's char... More

There Are Two Of Them?
Fortunate, Unfortunate Meetings
Payback Time
Cases, Files and Dead Bodies
Race To Search
Evidence Galore
How'd That Happen Then?
I Didn't Mean It
Blood Bath
Half Empty
Attack On Francisco Ramone
Talk The Talk
Entering The Danger Zone
The Enemy Behind Borders
I Promised
If We Don't Learn, We Are Doomed To Repeat
Bang Bang Bang
Take A Deep Breath
It Is Me
Meowlo From The The Other Side
Can You Hear Me?
Fly On The Wall
Tweet Tweet
Kit Kat
The Bracelet To Cure All
All Done
If Only He Could Have Seen It
It Begins
Guilty Party
Top Of The World
Good Bye (God Be With You)
Closer Than Before
Help From Another
Another One
Please Stop
Chains and Chairs
Again and Again
Tools And Stiches

Recover And Help

603 22 3
By ThatPotatoWhoWrites

Felicity felt shock encase her. There was someone in their hide out using Olivers arrows, something very bad must have happened to him. She felt fear and panic grip her chest as she tried to take in deep breaths to calm herself. It wasn't working. Sebastian looked over at her, he could see that she was very stressed and panicking. He felt concern for both her and Barry begin siphon away his breath. Right now though keeping Felicity safe was his top priority. He signalled to her to stay put and not move a muscle, to which she shakily nodded her head, but Sebastian didn't know if she actually understood what he was asking her to do because her eyes were glazed over and her mind was clearly elsewhere. He knew roughly were their attacker was, so he slowly crept around the computers, constantly checking on Felicity. He felt the weird and familiar sensation of complete and utter focus grip him. His vision was fortified and his fear nullified. He could feel impassiveness and confidence filter through him. It was as though he had done this one million times before. Maybe he had. He poked his head around the side of the computers. He could see him. It was the Arrow.

Oliver stood, his whole body rigid, surveying the room. The lights flickered dangerously above them, shrouding the room in darkness. Sebastian felt his muscles relax as he slowly edged closer. He could tell that the vigilante was either under someone else's control or pulling some kind of sick joke. There was no way he would try to kill Felicity, Sebastian could tell from the way he looked at her that she simply meant too much to him. The Arrow flipped his bow in his fingers as he loaded another arrow and began to creep towards where the computer genius was hiding. This was his chance. Before Sebastian knew what he was doing he had launched himself over the computer he was hiding behind and he landed at the back of the vigilante. The Arrow turned in obvious shock, but Sebastian grabbed the bow straight out of Oliver's hands and threw it across the room. The man's face was blank and it held no recollection behind them and they were glowing vivid orange. Sebastian was right, he was not in control of his actions. He could see Felicity staring at from over the computer, her eyes were clouded over with horror and shock.

Oliver was the first to make a move, he swung his fist through the air, desperately trying to hit Sebastian, but the twin saw it coming, he wasn't thinking about his movements. Neither of them were. Sebastian simply blocked the incoming blow, knocking the man's fist to the side. He felt all his body leap into motion as he twisted his hip and thrust his tensed fist straight into The Arrows abdomen. He stepped backwards whilst doubling over in pain, but the Flashes brother felt a thrilling rush fill his body. He immediately stoped, he got up from his stance and looked in horror at what he had done. Oliver fell to one knee, Sebastian had no idea how hard he had hit the man, but it was too hard. He calmed himself and considered the least violent way to immobilise the Arrow, who clearly wasn't in control of his own actions, otherwise the twin might have met his end. Sebastian placed his fingers on the man's neck, where his arteries were, and watched as the hero slowly collapsed to the floor. He once more felt exited travel across him, but he buried it down deep.

He found some rope from the collapsed lockers and cabinets and wrapped the Vigilante in it. He needed to make sure he couldn't escape and hurt Felicity whilst he was away. He was going to find Barry. The tech geek simply stared at the pair, her eyes were slightly glazed over and she was in shock. Sebastian sighed and gently shook her shoulder, kneeling down to her level, "I am going to find Barry, stay here with Oliver," he spelled it out to her so he knew she understood, and with that he set off to rescue his brother.

The twin walked into the broken down and rotten building. The smell of must clogged up his nose as he made his way through its many halls and doors. All he really needed to do was follow the trail of knocked out body guards. The cold nibbled away at Sebastian's comfort. He had decided that the way he had punched Oliver, he had definitely learned from Charles, which was what had scared him a lot. He shouldn't he using evil to stop evil. He also figured that if he was going to end up fighting Charles, then he needed to change up his style a little bit, he didn't want to be a complete punching bag. The sound of the occasional car passing by helped to bring Sebastian back to reality. He found the open trap door, lying with its hinges slightly broken. They must have made it here successfully, so what went wrong. He felt himself enter his focused mode. He gracefully descended into the cellar. It was pitch black, but Sebastian could sense another presence besides himself. He just prayed it was Barry. He crept further into the room, he was low on his haunches and his ears were focused, however, he was still shocked when a pair of bright orange eyes glared down at him like two burning embers being smothered by coal.

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