Unsteady Β» Stiles Stilinski

By OMGitsJustine

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❝ Hold onto me, cause I'm a little Unsteady. . . ❞ Sara Sandoval had been thrown a curve ball the past two y... More

[1] Underneath the Moonlight
[2] Tattoo
[3] Turning Page
[5] Chaos Rising
[6] Vaults and Bank Heists
[7] Fireflies
[8] Theories and Confrontations
[9] Highway to Hell
[10] No Vacancy
[11] Murder Motel
[12] Loss of a Friend
[13] Better in Time
[14] What Lies Beneath
[15] Be the Serpent Underneath
[16] Evacuation Plan
[17] Taken
[18] Dark Hallow
[19] Shallow Waters
[20] Navigating the Maze
[21] Double Infinity
[22] Bleeding Out
[23] Other Options
[24] Don't Let Me Go
[25] Welcome to the Kingdom
[26] Resurrection
[27] Saturn
[28] Shadow of the Sun
[29] Before Sunset
[30] Unsolved
[31] I Went to the Woods
[32] More Harm Than Good
[33] Let You Down
[34] While You Were Sleeping
[35] Shocker
[36] Dancing in the Dark
[37] Doctor's Orders
[38] Head Above Water
[39] Disturbia
[40] Dollhouse
[41] Control

[4] Party Into the Night

783 24 0
By OMGitsJustine

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I questioned, following Stiles and Scott down the sidewalk towards a party that was already looking like it was in motion.

Stiles had apparently been invited to a party, but none other than my mortal enemy. Heather. It's not that we hate each other, it's that if the other was dying of thirst, we'd much sooner drink the water or pour it on the floor than offer it. We've had a bit of a rivalry since we were little and she claims during a soccer game, I purposely pushed her which caused a sprained ankle. It's fine though, right now we're even since the fucking bitch pushed me down and made me sprain my own ankle. I used to have a scar on it too but I guess apparently when I died last year, coming back and healing or whatever caused the scar to heal as well. I don't know if it works like that but apparently that's what happened.

I groaned, trying to protest on going to this party but there was no way that I trusted Heather not to make the moves on Stiles. No doubt in her mind that she heard Stiles and I finally got together, probably pissed beyond relief that he chose me over her. Not that it was a competition anyway. And it's not that I had anything to worry about, Stiles has my heart and I have his. There has never been a doubt in my mind that we're supposed to be together, and there has never been a doubt in my mind that he's the one I want to hangout with for my whole life.

"I still don't think we should go." I complained as Stiles wrapped his arm around my shoulders to keep my close as we continued walking.

"Come on, babe. It's gonna be fun and we need a little fun after the horrible news that there's another thing in this town trying to kill us before we graduate. One night of fun with no worries won't kill us." Stiles defended the decision for us to be going to a party right now like there's nothing wrong in the world.

Scott and I exchanged a look, rolling our eyes while looking at Stiles. "It just might if we pretend like nothing's wrong. It's not going to make the problem go away, we tried that before and look what happened. Not to mention I don't particularly love the host."

"For me, can we please try to be civilized?" Stiles practically begged me while I sighed in defeat, nodding my head while we continued walking hand in hand.

But while we were walking, that's when i noticed something off about Scott. I stared at him, knowing the look on his face because it was expressing what I was feeling. Which was that we sure as hell don't want to go to this party. Well, that makes two of us.

"What's that look for?" Stiles questioned Scott, who just shrugged his shoulders and pretending that he didn't know what look Stiles was referring to. "The kind of look that says you don't want to go to a party right now."

"Well, maybe we shouldn't be partying right now while there's an Alpha pack in Beacon Hills trying to murder us all." Scott and I pointed out.

For the rest of the walk there to Heather's party, Scott and I took turns complaining and pointing out the flaws in us partying right now. After a while, I think Stiles felt tired of being ganged up on because he sort of snapped, it was actually kind of a turn on.

"Babe, you promised you were going to try." Stiles complained.

"I am. Look, I even wore this hot outfit that's not hard for you to take off. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time." I half joked which ended with Stiles face turning more pink than a pink crayon. I gestured to my outfit, smirking to myself because I knew Stiles was checking me out. Not to mention I felt a bit proud since I spotted Scott checking me out, which meant he's a little less heart broken about Allison enough to at least look at another girl.

Granted, I didn't wish it was me but we're best friends. Best friends tend to due weird things.

I fixed my shirt, sighing as we got closer to Heather's house. I still didn't want to be here, but for Stiles, anything. Even if I wanted nothing more than to kick Heather's ass for being such a bitch to me all these years. But then again, I guess the score was currently even. So, I was going to try my best to be civilized at this stupid ass party I never wanted to go to anyways. If anything, my backup plan is to tell Scott I started my period then we would high tail it the hell out of here; while convincing Stiles to come with us because I'm his girlfriend and have cramps.

The backup plan to the backup plan is to tell Stiles I'm feeling very handsy right now and we should go back to his house so we could spend some quality time together. He's such a teenager hormonal boy that I know he'll say yes to that backup plan.

Stiles opened the door to Heather's house, after we all fist pumped to try and pump ourselves up. I followed behind Stiles as we walked into Heather's house, exchanging an annoyed look with Scott as I heard Heather's annoying ass voice echoing all around me. I rolled my eyes, giving Scott an annoyed look as I turned to see Heather kissing Stiles on the lips.

"Oh, hell no--.." I screeched, pushing past Scott to pull Stiles away from Heather's disgusting non me lips. "What the hell do you think you're doing, bitch!?" I yelled at her, making everyone's eyes go wide from the confrontation that was going to happen. I could hear Stiles and Scott behind me trying to tell me to not make a big deal but too late.

I'm officially pissed off and if kicking Heather's ass for kissing my boyfriend and getting thrown out of this party is my way out. Well looks like I'm going to take it.

"Sandoval. I'm surprised you actually showed up. I thought you'd be off doing your homework and being a miss goodie too shoes." Heather smirked at me.

"Oh, Heather. Sorry, I didn't recognize you without somebody else's boyfriend's dick in your mouth. Did you finally grow some morals along with those frown lines after all these years?" I smirked in retaliation, trying to decide if I was going to fight like a regular girl and rip her hair out. Or fight pretty horribly like punching her in the throat then proceeding to kick her ass.

"Oh, that's it. I'm gonna kick your ass--.." Heather tried telling me, attempting to slap me across the face but I quickly ducked, grabbing her arm and pushing her to the wall.

Everyone started 'ooohing' and yelling 'fight' while Heather and I proceeded to try and destroy the other. Seeing her, anyone else really, kiss Stiles really set me off. I pushed Heather against the wall, grabbing her by her hair and putting her in a headlock.

"I swear to god if you try to go near my boyfriend again, you're going to spend your birthday wish praying someone can put all your teeth back in." I cursed at her, while she kept screaming for someone to get me off of her. I kept her in her headlock, hitting her in the face while she scratched up my arms.

It seemed like an hour passed when Stiles and Scott were finally able to drag us off of each other. Scott held me back while Stiles held Heather back, which was only getting me even angrier. I kept trying to hit her while Scott carried me out of the house, yelling at Heather to have a nice birthday which caused him a slap to the face.


"I said I'm fine will you let me down now?!" I yelled at Scott who after much time, finally set me down. "I am going to kill her!" I yelled, trying to get back inside but Scott still had his arms around me. He complained the entire time that he knew I was going to attempt to go back and finish kicking her ass.

I turned, seeing Stiles coming outside to join us in the front and I could hear Heather cursing at Stiles that "Sara's a psycho and he's an idiot for choosing her over me". It was pretty hilarious actually but I was still fuming with rage. As Stiles walked up closer, I could see that his shirt was soaked, Heather probably threw a drink in his face.

"Babe, I'm sorry about what happene--.." Stiles began saying before I slapped him across the face, shocking all of us.

I gasped, immediately going to caress his cheek. "I'm sorry--...I'm still super mad from Heather kissing you and I just have like a lot of adrenaline right now. I shouldn't have slapped you, I'm sorry. You can slap Scott if you want."

"What?" Scott looked at me confused.

"Quiet, McCall. You owe me a favor and I will use this situation as that favor." I pointed at Scott, making him stay quiet before turning my attention back to Stiles. "Babe, I'm sorry I slapped you but you know how I feel about Heather. So, I am asking you to understand how I would feel seeing her kiss you. Think of it like Isaac or Derek kissing me, I know you'll be reaching for the wolfs bane bullets almost immediately."

"Why was I not listed?" Scott asked, obviously offended that I didn't use his name in the hypothetical situation.

"Because Stiles hates Isaac and Derek. You on the other hand, he loves almost much as me. Besides, let's be honest here, Scotty boy. Me and you? That's practically incest." I said while Scott rolled his eyes, telling us how he should be considered a threat too.

Stiles rolled his eyes at Scott before cupping my face in his hands. "I'm sorry she kissed me, I understand why you were upset because if Isaac or Derek kissed you.. Well, I'd be shooting some wolfs bane bullets at their faces."

I smiled at Stiles, kissing his lips before pulling back when he winced. I frowned at him, telling him we should get out of here so we could ice his cheek. He nodded his head, putting his arm around me while the three of us started walking back.


"I don't see anything." Derek said while we all stood in an empty classroom.

After getting kicked out of Heather's, Stiles and I went home to spend the night together. We watched the first three Harry Potter movies and pretty much made out during the credits the DVD plays. But right now, we were standing in an empty classroom staring at bruises Lydia and Allison had on their wrists. Apparently some mystery chick came to school asking for Scott then left bruises on their arms. That's pretty much not the weirdest thing that's happened to any of us since last year.

Allison had told Scott and Scott called Derek and asked him to come check it out. They thought it might be something important but considering that Allison never really apologized to any of us for betraying us and teaming up with Gerard... And on top of the fact that Allison tried killing Derek and his pack, it's safe to say that there are Christmas miracles since Derek is here in the room with us right now.

"I don't see anything." Derek repeated, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Honestly, it looked like Derek was using every bit of strength to not try and murder Allison in retaliation for attempting to kill him and his pack.

I was in Derek's defense of course, because I'm still sour like a gummy patch kid and for the fact that Allison never apologized to any of us. It's not like we can just pretend that she didn't back stab us but whatever.

"Look again.." Scott said awkwardly, looking at Allison and Lydia before turning back to Derek.

"How is a bruise going to help me find Boyd and Erica?" Derek asked, his arms still crossed in front of his chest while glaring at Allison.

"It's the same on both sides. Exactly the same." Scott pointed out while I looked confused. It did kind of look the same but still, we didn't know if that meant anything.

I sighed, trying to break the tension before Derek tries to kill Allison and Scott ends up sitting in the corner crying. "Maybe it's nothing, Scott...It's not like everything weird that happens has to be about something supernatural." I tried my best to not sound like I was completely taking Derek's side. But hearing me take his side made Derek Hale actually smirk a little while Allison glared at me slightly.

I flinched, turning away from both of their looks and focused on Lydia who was now cutting the tension. "Pareidolia." Lydia pointed out, pointing to her and Allison's arms. "Seeing patterns that aren't there. It's a subset of apophenia."

Derek exchanged a look with me while I shrugged my shoulders, leaning into Stiles who was just watching the scene unfold in front of us. "They're trying to help..." Scott whispered, trying to keep the peace but boy, was he going to have a difficult time.

"These two?" Derek asked, having a questionable look on his face but also mixed with some sarcasm. "This one who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle, thank you." Derek said as he pointed towards Lydia.

"To be fair, I helped with that..Once, again..Very sorry. Okay, I'll be quiet now." I tried helping but Stiles just put his arm around my shoulder, shushing me and telling me to stay out of it while bringing me closer to him. I nodded my head, trying to look less embarrassed.

"But I actually like you and you saved me from Gerard so..Bygones be bygones." Derek said before pointing towards Allison. "And this one, who shot about 30 arrows into me and my pack." Derek glared at Allison.

I nodded my head, unwrapping myself from Stiles arms and going to stand by Derek. I know I would probably regret this later but I kind of agreed with Derek here and Allison never apologized to anyone of us so.. She's lucky we haven't exchanged harsh words yet. "I agree with Derek..I'm sorry, Scott and Lydia but-...Allison, you're kind of a bitch and you never apologized for betraying us and attempting to kill Derek. Sooooooo..."

"I didn't turn my back on any of y--...." Allison tried saying but I quickly cut her off.

"..--Allison, you never said sorry to any of us. You tried killing us. We're supposed to be friends but you turned on us so quickly like we were nothing. Like nothing we went through mattered because all you cared about was siding with Gerard. I know you think you didn't but you did because during the final fight last year, guess which side you were standing on. Not to mention you broke Scott's heart and you're lucky that as his best friend, I haven't slit your throat yet." I snapped, feeling myself getting angrier and angrier.

That's when Stiles jumped in, pulling me back and away from Allison while him and Scott tried defusing the situation.

"Woah, woah, woah. Let's just calm down and take a breath. No one died. Look there may have been a little maiming, some mangling. But no death. That's what I like to call an important distinction." Stiles said, trying to calm the situation. But my goofy goober boyfriend didn't know he was getting in way over his head here because even I could see this conversation was not going to end well.

"My mother died.." Allison whispered while she glared at Derek.

Hearing this is what really made Derek snap.

"Your family's little honor code killed your mother, not me." Derek fired at Allison, glaring back at her. It was true though; but maybe I was being biased. Derek saved me and Scott at the rave last year, he did what he had to do to save us so I owe him my life because he saved me. So, maybe it was wrong that Allison's mother died but let's be honest here... She tried killing me and Scott first, which Scott made me promise not to tell her about. And the fact that Allison is acting like her mother wasn't one of the scariest people alive didn't help the situation; not to mention that Allison's family is the reason Derek lost his.

It sucks that Allison lost her mother, I know what it's like but at the same time... She betrayed us, she tried killing Derek and Isaac and Boyd and Erica. She sided with Gerard and she would have killed anyone of us who got in her way. She said it herself. So, forgive me if I'm being a bit of a bitch and not having sympathy for the girl who betrayed us.

And Derek was right.
It wasn't Derek's fault her mother died, it was their family's honor code. Allison's mother could have lived as a werewolf, she could have adjusted to be there for her daughter or you know, chose life. But she chose death because their family's honor code decided that werewolves and other supernatural people were complete trash. I don't know who died and made the Argents decide who's worth living and who's not. They've done awful things and killed who knows how many people and werewolves and other supernatural creatures because they decided they should have the power to decide such things.

Just thinking about it made me angry.

Allison glared at Derek while saying, "Look, that girl was looking for Scott. I'm here to help him, not you."

"You want to help? Do something useful and find something real." Derek snapped before leaving the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

I let out a loud sigh, grabbing my bag and kissing Stiles on the lips. I told him I needed to go get somethings from my locker and I'd see him in class. I turned, telling Lydia I'd see her in math before turning to Allison. "I really hope you take your head out of your ass and apologize for betraying us and attempting to kill Isaac and Derek. Because if you don't, you sure as hell can forget about counting me as a friend." I warned her.

"you don't even like Derek or Isaac, why do you care?" Allison asked, obviously frustrated i was holding her accountable for her actions.

"I actually have known Isaac and been friends with him for as long as I have Stiles and Scott. Sooo...Sorry to disappoint you Argent but I'm not madly in love with you like Scott and I don't see the best in people all the time, you're the best Lydia, so..I'm not going to forgive you without an apology." I said while patting Scott on the shoulder, apologizing for him while opening the door. I stopped, sighing before turning around to tell Allison one last thing.

"And Derek saved me life. Sure he's like a stone cold statue without feelings and he's done bad things but that doesn't mean he's an awful person. Derek saved me life I don't know how many times and he didn't have to. I'm no one to Derek, we're barley even acquaintances and he still chose to risk his own life to save mine. So...Yeah, maybe I do like him and Isaac enough to be pissed that you tried killing them."

And with that, I slammed the door behind me.

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