Famous in Love


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Camila Cabello one of the worlds biggest stars meets a girl and the girls best friend loves Camila and has fo... More

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Lauren's POV

Camila Cabello one of the worlds biggest star is coming back home to Miami and is doing local school concerts and one lucky school will have the privilege of having the pop star at their prom next June and one lucky student will take her to prom, stay tuned and watch the contest and find out when Camila Cabello is coming to your school.

It's a news channel and all they every talk about is what she is doing, they need to realise not everyone is obsessed with her and in fact she has some people who don't listen to her music and devote every free second to obsessing over her. Now she will most likely be coming to my school, 1,000 screaming teens when I try to get to class.


I got up from the couch and trudged to the door and opened it to see an over cheery Dinah.

"What do you want D?" I groaned as she pushed my door open, walked in and sat on my couch.

"Did you hear about Camila?!!" Dinah screeched definitely overly excited

"Yeah she is coming to our school. Unfortunately" I said mumbling the last part and sitting down on the couch also.

"Do you know when?" Dinah asked sitting up excitedly.

"No Dinah but please do enlighten me" I said sarcastically

"She is coming on Wednesday, That's only two days away Lo" Dinah shouted jumping up and down, I flung a pillow at her and she groaned and slumped onto the couch.

I was on my phone and didn't think about changing the channel which I sincerely regret at this moment in time.

Camila Cabello has selected GreenView High as the high school in which she will be attending their prom and she has decided that she is wanting to get to know the students before deciding on which one will be lucky enough to take her to prom and good new Camila is open to going to prom with either a boy or a girl. Sadly Camila has said in a recent interview that she will decide on Wednesday when she visits the school but she will change her mind if the person is not right for her.

"OH MY FREAKING GOD"Dinah yelled freaking out again. Camila Cabello will be the death of me. 


I was driving to school and I am pretty sure that the whole town was getting ready for Camila's vistit. I swear I am the only one who doesn't like her in this town. It's not that I don't like her I just have a different opinion of her than everyone else.

Everyone else thinks she's some role model and that she is perfect but my opinion is completely different. I think she is exactly like every other teen pop star, Self Centred, Blunt, Bitchy, doesn't actually care for her fans and only does it for show. I could be wrong but i guess we will find out.

I pulled into my school and every where I turned someone was cleaning something ot hanging something up or freaking out about the fact she's coming to our school. Half of the school probably only wants to hook up with her on prom night or post pictures with her on instagram to get more followers or some bull shit like that.

I parked my car and walked into the school, I saw Dinah by her locker getting her books with a smile on her face.

"Hey D" I said walking up to her tapping her shoulder causing her to jump and drop her books which scattered about the hallway. "sorry D" I added picking up her books.

"I think this belongs to you" I heard an unfarmiliar voice say behind me, I turned around and saw a beautiful dark skinned girl with long black hair and a toned body.

"Thanks, It's Dinah's, Thats Dinah and I'm Lauren" I began to ramble but luckily stopped myself.

"I'm Normani, I'm Camila's best friend, we landed early and I was looking for someone who could let us spend the night in their house or something" Normani said looking from Dinah to me and then back to Dinah.

"Lauren's parents are out of town, you both can stay there, infact we can ditch and the four of us can spend the day together" Dinah said putting the books back in her locker and locking it.

"Really, thankyou, lets go then Camila is hiding in the car. Today is her off the grid day before three weeks of straight madness." Normani said walking towards the exit and Dinah followed, I smacked Dinah in the back of the head and followed behind them. She led us to the back of the school was where a white car with black tinted windows was parked.

"Lauren you can sit in the back with Camila, and Dinah can sit in the front with me" Normani said winking at Dinah.

I nodded and opened one of the back doors and got in the car, I looked beside me and saw a figure with their hood up and glasses on.

"Mila it's Mani chill, Lauren and Dinah are two students here they say we can chill and crash at their place" Normani said starting the car up.

Camila took off her sunglasses and pulled down her hood and turned to face me. Holy shit she was beautiful, her eyes were like a pool of chocolate and her hair looked flawless the way the brown locks fell over her shoulders perfectly .

"Hey, I'm Camila" she said with a warm smile, as if I never knew who she was.

"I'm Lauren" I said nervously, not breaking eye contact with the beautiful girl sitting beside me.

"Thankyou for letting us hang at your place, my manager messed the hotel and flights up and I don't like using my name for things" She chuckled, and ran her hand through her hair and bit her lip.

"N-no problem" I stuttered nervously, she gave me a warm smile and looked out the window, a few minutes later Normani stopped the car telling us that we were here. I was too distracted to know where my own house was.

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