Stealing the Heart of a God

By -skies-

438K 19.5K 2.6K

Can the world's biggest player actually fall hopelessly in love?.... Well known in all the honey houses acros... More



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By -skies-

Later in the day

Late Evening

After an extensive training, a tired Zhanshi finally makes his way back home and quickly discards his dirty clothes as he rushes to take a relaxing bath. As the fresh, warm water soothes his bruises, Zhanshi couldn't help but feel as though he wanted to stay in the tub forever. However, he was getting quite hungry, so after sighing to himself, he reluctantly gets out of the shower and heads towards his room. After dressing, Zhanshi then went to search for the elderly maid Ju. The elderly maid Ju would usually either be with his mother or in the average size kitchen. So upon seeing that she is not in the kitchen, Zhanshi makes his way towards his mother's room. As he gets closer to the room, a strange yet familiar smell catches his attention and cause him to momentarily stop and think about the smell. While he stands by the door into his mother's room and ponders about what the smell could be, it finally hit him and caused his eyes to widen because it's the smell of blood.

As soon as his thoughts were able to make out that the smell is blood, thoughts of his mother's lifeless behavior throughout the week popped in his head and a cold chill ran throughout his body. As all the horrible thoughts of what his mother may have done to herself rushes into his head, even though he wants to quickly enter the room and check, his body froze stiff and all he could do was stare at the plain wooden door.

After what feels like a lifetime of dread, Zhanshi was finally able to will his stiff yet shaking hand to push the door open. As soon the door is wide enough to see into the room, Zhanshi's heart sank as he sees red splatters in the room.

At this point his head was completely blank and for the first time in his life, his legs went numb and he fell onto the cold hard floor as he continues to stare blankly at the dark red splatters.


Next Day


As Zhanshi lays in bed with tired, red eyes in disbelief of what he saw last night, the words of the royal soldier that his father sent to inform him of his mother's death rings repeatedly in his ears. He is well aware that his mother is hot temper and not the nicest person in the world, but the thought of her running towards Lady Xing with a sharp knife, does not make sense to him. Furthermore, he has known the elderly maid Ju all his life, and sure she cares a ton about his mother, but she would never assist her in harming someone. So the news that she stabbed a soldier to death, so that his mother could stab Lady Xing, also made zero sense.

Rubbing his tired, red eyes for the hundredth time, Zhanshi got up and started pacing in his room, trying to make sense of everything that had happened. However, no matter how much he process the information that he was given by the royal soldier, what he was told by the soldier just does not make any sense.

Sighing out of frustration for the hundredth time, Zhanshi abruptly jolts up from his bed and storms out of his room towards the main wing.

As he nears the place, he notices that everybody he past would give him weird, snide looks and as soon as they think that he is too far to hear them, they would whisper amongst themselves.

Given everything that he has just went through and the frustration that he is feeling, Zhanshi wanted to chop them all up, but he was to eager to question his father, therefore, he just did his best to ignore them. When he finally reach his father's study, instead of knocking, Zhanshi just barged his way into the room.


Lord Yiban (Since he passed his Royal General Title to Deng) is sitting at his desk when Zhanshi barged into his room. Knowing Zhanshi's personality, he of course was not surprised by Zhanshi's intrusion, but he is annoyed at the disrespectful nature of it and quickly show his irritation on his face. "What do you want?" Lord Yiban coldly asks Zhanshi as he narrows his eyes at him.

In an equally cold tone, Zhanshi replied back, "You have known Elderly maid Ju all your life, she couldn't nor would she hurt anybody. Don't you think you should investigate this case. After all your first wife could have been murdered and framed."

However, per his usual behavior, Lord Yiban quickly dismiss Zhanshi's claim and states in a matter of fact way, "Lady Xing has never lied to me before and she even has the cuts on her body to prove that she was attack. So I believe her. Besides, I know how crazy your mother can get."

Annoyed at how quick his father is to back Lady Xing up, a cold glint flashes in Zhanshi's eyes and he quickly folds his fist into tight balls to prevent himself from attacking his father, and Zhanshi wanted to tell his father, "My mother may be hot temper, but at least she's not a wolf in sheep's clothing." but was to furious to word anything out and just storms out of his father's office as he curses himself for thinking that his father will investigate the matter.


As Zhanshi angrily makes his way back to his room, a suspicious shadow caught the corner of his eyes. Quickly ducking himself against the brick wall, Zhanshi turns his attention towards the suspicious figure.

Based on the shape of the shadow, Zhanshi can tell that it was a man and wonders who the figure is because based on the figure's all black attire, constant cautiousness, and discrete movements, it is easily to conclude that whoever and whatever the person was up to, they obviously do not want the master of the house to know about it. Thus, as the figure moves, Zhanshi discretely follows him.

Zhanshi tracked the person all the way towards Lady Xing's room and after a quick glance around the area, the dark figure then discretely makes his way into Lady Xing's room.


After the door is shut, Zhanshi swiftly and silently makes his way towards Lady's Xing's room and slightly jarred a small window, that's used to circulate air at night, to hear their conversations.


"You made sure no one saw you right?!" A low, cold, but familiarly voice appears to be asking the dark figure.

"Yes sir" The dark figure answers back

"Good. Well?.. did you complete the task?" The familiar male voice asked

"He was not there." The dark Figure replied

"Hmp! I guess the rat can smell danger. " the familiar voice says with a sarcastic laugh

"So you think he knows what we're up to?!" Lady Xing's voices in a cautious, quiet, but panicking voice that was barely audible to Zhanshi.

"Of course not! I was just joking. He is still young and foolish, it's impossible for him to find out." The familiar voice assures Lady Xing


After a few more minutes of listening to their conversation, Zhanshi decided to leave because it was not making much sense to him. Zhanshi can tell that they were up to no good, but he couldn't figure out who they were talking about and decides to disregard it. Besides he has more important things to think about.


Later that night

As Zhanshi lays in bed and again process the information that he has and ponders what to do next, an almost un-audible clunk from outside his room catches his attention.

Given that it was nighttime and the fact that no one will ever come visit him, he quickly becomes alert. But contrary to what a normal person would do when they are suspicious of something, Zhanshi calmly pulls his blanket up to his chest and closes his eyes.

After a few more minutes of nothingness, a dark figure cautiously keys into his room. After the figure slowly creaks open the door and silently walks towards him, a shiny glimmer sparks across Zhanshi's face and in one swift motion slices down towards Zhanshi's expose neck. 

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