Adopted By Patrick Stump

By mediocreshiz

31K 916 738

After Quinn's mothers death her father becomes abusive. Then she gets put into an adoption home. The rest you... More

Flash Back (1)


762 25 10
By mediocreshiz

It's been a few weeks since I got the letter from my dad and I have not heard anything since. I've been starting to stress less and less. Tonight's the party for the album/ music videos releases so there is nothing to worry about. I'm safe.

Dad has been at the label all day doing some work stuff while me and Mom had taken a lazy day. We watched the rest of Stranger Things and playing board games. She is the absolute master of manolopy so she crushed me twice. When we finished the second round I threw my hands up in the air.

"I give up! I don't understand how someone can be so good."

She laughed at me and looked down at her watch. "We don't have time for another game anyway. We should probably get ready for the party tonight. Dads gonna meet us there."

We cleaned up the game and headed to our rooms to get ready. I threw on a causal sweater and leggings and some flats. My hair was braided down to one side like katness in the hunger games. It didn't take me or Mom long to get ready so within fifteen minutes we were on our way to Pete's house where the party was being thrown. Mom drove us over and we got there around 7:30. The music was so loud that you could hear it outside. When we pulled in the driveway some old Fall Out Boy song was playing. Inside there was so many people. A lot of people I have ever met before.

"I'm gonna go find your father. Do you wanna come with?" Mom yelled over the loud music and people talking.

I scanned the room and quickly landed on a familiar fro. "Nah I'm fine. I'm gonna go say high to Joe and the rest of the guys." We parted ways in the croud. I tapped the man with the curly hair on the shoulder and quickly he turned around.

"Hey Quinn! You finally got here. Your dad was starting to do that overreacting thing so. Glad your here."

"Yeah I'm excited to see the music vids. Also who are all these people?"

"Oh just a bunch of record label people. Some family and close friends. That's all really."

"Oh okay cool!"

"I have to go say hi to some other people here but I'll talk to you later ok?"

"Alright" he was the next to disappear into the crowd. I decided to head on a little journey to find someone I know. All the guys are here so I'm bound to run into one of them. After about two minutes of going from room to room looking for anyone I run into Andy. He was sat in the couch not really talking to anyone. I decided to say hello.

"Andy!" He turned his head at the sound of my voice once he noticed it was me he gave me a hug.

"Oh hey Quinn."

"What are you doing here sitting all by yourself?"

"Well the guys went to get drinks together so I wasn't really feeling it. I decided to get a place to chill." I rembered Andy telling me the first night I met him that he doesn't really drink or anything.

"Do you mind if I chill with you?"

"Not at all" he replied with a smile.

We chatted about the upcoming tour. He told me funny stories about the rest of the guys while on there last tour. Pretty soon we saw Pete enter the room and announce that they would be showing the videos in 10 minutes. I'm so excited to see what Dad and the guys have been working super hard on for weeks. Once Pete left the room to inform the rest of the guest me and Andy continued our conversation. About a minute later I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head to see Dad all dressed up. This was the first time I've seen him since the time he left this morning. He had the We-Need-To-Talk look on his face.

"Hey Dad. what's up?"

"Can you come with me for a second?"

"Uh yeah sure." I replied. I turned my head back to Andy to tell him I would be back "save my seat for me" he gave me a nod as a a reply and I headed out to follow Dad. He led me into a room upstairs that was empty and closed the door behind me.

"I need to ask you something"

"Ok..." I say with confusion in my voice.

"So we're about to watch the vids and I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I know last time it didn't go so well and I didn't want to put threw that again if it brings your back. If not we can chill I here together until it's over."

I took a second to think about my answer before I replied. "I'll be fine Dad. I know what's ahead."

"Are you sure? I don't want to put you in a situation that's triggering or anything."

"I will be ok"

"Alright. I'll be right next to you the whole time and if at anypoint it gets to much, just leave the room and I'll come with."

I give Him a hug. "Thanks Dad".

We head beck out to the living room where everyone is. I take my seat next to Andy and Dad sits on my other side. The both of them have get up shortly after thought because Pete and Jod summon them to the front of the room.

"Ok guys listen up!" Pete gets everyone's attention. "So we're about to play the videos that we've been working really hard on for the last few weeks. "

"Thank you to the label and the producers who have made everything so great and fun. They really made our crazy vision a reality." Andy followed up with.

"When we were thinking about how we wanted to make our comeback we knew we wanted to do something big so we hope you guys Enjoy!" Joe added.

"Without further ado, here is the Youngblood Chronicles!" Dad ended with and the guys took there seats. The music vids started playing and right of the bat everyone was amazed. When it go to the part that triggered me last time Dad grabbed my hand. It was definitely hard to watch. I felt it get a little harder to breath, but I had to stay for Dad. I didn't want him to miss this. At least I knew what I was in for so I was prepaired a little more. I didn't cry. I didn't feel like I had too. I knew I was alright. I had the worlds best father by my side. When we reached the end of the music videos everyone started to applause. I made it through without any sort of freak out so I was proud with myself. The movie blew me away. It showed how hard they worked on it and I could tell that the fans would love it.

Dad and I stood up and he gave me a hug. "Are you ok?"he whispered in my ear.

"Perfect" he was the best father in the world.


AN: Another chapter down! Now with all the music videos launched a tour is right around the corner! I've got crazy things planned. Hope y'all are ready. Anyway leave comments on what your being for Halloween. I'm being Winnie the Pooh so I'm excited.

K byeee

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